Optional monthly fee?
This gets suggested periodically. It’s never popular.
Firstly, what makes you think a lack of money is what’s stopping them making new Halloween content every year? Maybe they want the festival to be standardised?
Secondly if you want to give them money every month the option is already there. Buy gems each month and then use them to buy whatever you think should be included in your ‘membership’.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Buy gems. There’s your optional monthly “membership.” You want to give them money, then do so. The rest of us already do semi-regularly. We don’t need a freaking gold star or special treatment showing that we do.
Rather have the ability to buy gems at retail price when I want, than pay for a optional fee for a reduction on gem fees. Anytime monthly fee’s come to play, I feel the need to force play to get my money’s worth, and I usually get burnt within a month or two.
At least in the current form, I feel when I make a purchase, I feel good about supporting the company and helping speed up (whatever progression/unlocks). Generally I feel good with that deal, while the other I would feel like a gym membership, that never really gets used enough. Then I just use my gym in my complex, because I can do it when I want, without that feeling of being forced to get my money’s worth.
This gets suggested periodically. It’s never popular.
Firstly, what makes you think a lack of money is what’s stopping them making new Halloween content every year? Maybe they want the festival to be standardised?
Secondly if you want to give them money every month the option is already there. Buy gems each month and then use them to buy whatever you think should be included in your ‘membership’.
That’s exactly what I do. I go to my local Target and buy a $25 gem card every month. No “membership” needed.
| Claara
Your skin will wrinkle and your youth will fade, but your soul is endless.
The second a subscription of any kind, optional or otherwise, gets implemented in game people will leave in droves. Any money ANet makes from those subscriptions won’t even begin to cover what’s left, and the game will be completely dead within a couple months. So no, absolutely no.
Yak’s Bend Server
Crimethink [ct]
So basically you are asking for gem discounts …
Do you realize how much it would cost ANet to setup a whole new billing department with all the various billing services and employees needed? Given how few would pay a monthly fee; it would cost them more than money they would take in.
Buy Gems. Convert them to gold or buy something shinny from the Gem Shop.
RIP City of Heroes
Do you realize how much it would cost ANet to setup a whole new billing department with all the various billing services and employees needed? Given how few would pay a monthly fee; it would cost them more than money they would take in.
Probably not much since the billing stuff is already outsourced to another company.