Options for victims of cyberstalking in GW2?

Options for victims of cyberstalking in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wren.1694


Wasn’t sure which forum to put this in, sorry if this is the wrong one. o.o

I have a (now) ex-guildie who began cyberstalking me about 6 months ago (wasn’t aware at the time) after I declined their repeated requests to be “romantically” involved with them. I’ve exhausted every in-game avenue (report, block, server transfer, getting 2nd account — the one I’m currently posting this on etc.) with no success. The account this individual owns was never temporarily or permanently suspended on any of the occasions I used the report option available in-game.

TLDR; I’m wondering if there’s an abuse email address Anet maintains for situations like mine. If not, what options are available beyond what I’ve already done?

Since no threat to my life has been made there aren’t any measures I can take outside of guild wars 2 to stop the behavior (the behavior is more along the lines of the “obsession” nature of cyberstalking rather than “physical harm threats”).

Options for victims of cyberstalking in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Lazaar.9123



Try filing a support ticket, you may have more luck. It’s harassment, so hopefully they will be able to do something about it. I’m sorry to hear about your situation.

Options for victims of cyberstalking in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: JSemar.5821


I don’t understand. How can someone cyberstalk you if you block them?

Options for victims of cyberstalking in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


I don’t understand. How can someone cyberstalk you if you block them?

The stalker may have alternate accounts of which they can add OP with knowing when they’re online etc.

Hope you get things cleared up, OP and that ANet can help in some way.

Options for victims of cyberstalking in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Wow. Are guys that hard up for some love? Yeesh. Block all the messages from these creepers. Hopefully, a moderator will come along to offer more assistance.

Gone to Reddit.

Options for victims of cyberstalking in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jockum.1385


I think you should collect proof. Take Screenshots etc. to document what has happend, how often, since when etc. Send a collection of it to Anet’s support and ask for help, descriping exactly what has happend since when etc.

If nothing happens or you want to take further actions:
in Germany are some organizations helping victims of stalking, maybe you got something like that in your country too.
Are you sure you need a threat to your life to report him to the police?
Even if they can’t do much, they might cause him so much trouble that he starts thinking…

Options for victims of cyberstalking in GW2?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dante.1763


There ought to be, im surprised this kind of thing wasnt investigated more seriously though…

As the Jockum said, take screenshots, Copy what they type, Document literally everything that they do and then open a thread.

Although id love to know how they figured out it was you on the new account…sounds like someone is telling them things..

The pvp community reminds me of what Obi-kittenenobi describes Mos Eisley as from star wars.