Orrian Jewelry Box
I spent a total of 60000 karma on those boxes (not counting the karma I got out of the boxes itself – I spent that as well). I got 1 destroyer sliver, and one corrupted loadstone, and the unidentifiable objects sold for 30 silver when I was done.
All in all, for karma that I had no other use for, I’m pretty statisfied with those boxes.
And seriously, what else do you want to spend karma on?
I decided I’d get 2 sets of 25 boxes…
Set 1:
Karma stuffs
Unidentified objects
2 Minis
So, yeah, I didn’t push my luck with a second set of 25. I mean, the only other “exclusive” items would have been the potions. Which I don’t really care to have.
I like them. Something to spend my Karma on now.
Ended up with a bunch of Obsidian Shards, Karma drinks, and a ton of Unidentifiable Objects which sold for a hefty sum. Plus got all that Karma from the drinks, so was able to buy more.
All in all, made out pretty well with a few gold and a bunch of Obsidian Shards. Haven’t got the mini yet or any Loadstones, but it wasn’t all that bad. Especially since I wasn’t using that Karma anyways.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Seeing as I don’t really need the Karma on my main for anything else, I’m glad they were added.
I spent 1m karma on them. I dunno if it was worth it or not but hey, there’s nothing else to buy with karma.
Got 5 mini priests that can go jump down Zhaitan’s puke pool for all I care, some lodestones, almost 100 obsidian shards, and extra 5g from selling uniden objects.
I’m just praying that it won’t be decided it’s too cheap later and got the word “exploit” thrown in my face.
ArenaNet developed new horrible way how to deplete players from karma points
Simply go to 80ties zone to and karma vendor and buy recently introduced Orrian Jewelry BoxYou spent more then 42000 karma points for each box
In return you will get
- Unidentifiable Object and
- Drop of Liquid Karma (3x) worth 1200 karma poinsI tested it several times
And bravo Arena
I spent 420 000 karma points
Earned few silver and 12000 karmaBravo , excellent job
42000 Karma for each box? I believe you wrongly added an extra 0 to that price!
~4200 is the price to go and it’s fine!
I spent 750k karma for them.
I got:
- Warm Potion – Permanent fire ele form
- 2 Risen Priest of Balthazar
- Many various Lodestone/Cores
- The oft mentioned unidentified and karma potions.
I like the boxes. Gives me something to do with Karma other than mystic clovers.
I spent a total of 60000 karma on those boxes (not counting the karma I got out of the boxes itself – I spent that as well). I got 1 destroyer sliver, and one corrupted loadstone, and the unidentifiable objects sold for 30 silver when I was done.
All in all, for karma that I had no other use for, I’m pretty statisfied with those boxes.
And seriously, what else do you want to spend karma on?
I want to spend karma on good rewards. Part of the big deal of rewards in this game was karma that could be saved and spent wisely instead of loot rewards from quest givers. Now Anet have messed the game up with , dungeon tokens, WvW tokens, Fractal Relics and now laurels as well as gold and loot drops. The reward system is a mess, convoluted.
The big idea of karma is now a big joke as it buys trash mostly, mediocre at best. What depresses me are the amount of hardcore players including those who say they are not. Many of those in my guild say they are casual and yet have well over a 1000 hours in this game in the short time its been going. I calculated in 5 months thats between 25% and 30% of their life in a game. The point is the casual players are at a complete loss as karma is the best reward for them and it gets them rubbish because they don’t have the time to build up huge massive amounts of karma like the guys above have mentioned to waste on a lottery.
them due to those less than polite individuals out there and their offensive attitude.
(edited by joneb.5679)
I like them – bought about 40k worth of the boxes.
got many obsidian shards, some lodestones that I sold and some unid trophies that I sold.
The karma drinks I stashed in my bank to use on the character I actually need the karma on- so all in all it was great.
Allowed me to convert useless karma in to useful karma, cash and crafting materials.
Great idea if you ask me
I find the boxes very useful. I spent about 250K karma on them and got a load of lodestones, 2 minis, about 20 obsidian shards, about 1 gold worth of vendor trash and consumables for HEAPS of karma. The latter of which are account bound and can be used to indirectly transfer a substantial percentage of your karma of 1 character to another! My ranger had no use for her karma but some other characters could still use some more.
I love the boxes and hope they wont get removed or nerfed.
I spent a total of 60000 karma on those boxes (not counting the karma I got out of the boxes itself – I spent that as well). I got 1 destroyer sliver, and one corrupted loadstone, and the unidentifiable objects sold for 30 silver when I was done.
All in all, for karma that I had no other use for, I’m pretty statisfied with those boxes.
And seriously, what else do you want to spend karma on?
I want to spend karma on good rewards. Part of the big deal of rewards in this game was karma that could be saved and spent wisely instead of loot rewards from quest givers. Now Anet have messed the game up with , dungeon tokens, WvW tokens, Fractal Relics and now laurels as well as gold and loot drops. The reward system is a mess, convoluted.
The big idea of karma is now a big joke as it buys trash mostly, mediocre at best.
You can spend it on cooking materials or exotic armor. Those are good rewards if you don’t have them already.
I like the different reward systems. It gives me different options to achieve goals but also makes me think about where and when to spend my time to get the stuff I want, instead of only “grind this DE to get max karma to buy everything ingame”, which would be stale.
If you don’t like it, don’t buy it.
Gate of Madness
You can still get exotic armor and jewels for karma, also obsidian shards, cooking ingredients, recipes…nobody is forcing you to buy orrian boxes, but for those that got no better use for karma this is a great way to try their luck and mby get some worthy stuff.
On top of that you get some karma back!
But hey, freedom of voicing opinions on forums is a great thing. Every kid Joe can come and complain because its new trend!
yes, its not 42000. Please correct your post. Its 4550.
So do i suppose to get my shards for my legendary from these boxes or do i get them the old fashioned way?
So do i suppose to get my shards for my legendary from these boxes or do i get them the old fashioned way?
If you need them, get em directly from karma vendor.
So do i suppose to get my shards for my legendary from these boxes or do i get them the old fashioned way?
If your objective is to get Obsidian Shards from karma, go trough the old style. These boxes cost ~4500 Karma and don’t guarantee a 100% Shard. The Temple NPC sells each Shard for ~2000 Karma.
So do i suppose to get my shards for my legendary from these boxes or do i get them the old fashioned way?
If you need them, get em directly from karma vendor.
Or with fractal relics, if you do a lot of fractals and dunno what to spend the relics on.
Off 23 boxes this morning I got
7 Obsidian Shards
2 corrupted loadstone
72 of the junk items
not bad drops, I like the boxes there a good idea, I only bought them cause i want a Dead Risen Chicken mini
Asura – Desolation
Orrian Jewelry Box cost 4550 karma, not 42k
Each temple in Orr also now offers Jewels/Back Exotic items for 42k karma. Lodestone prices are dropping so I’m happy with this change. Karma for Lodestones was an excellent idea
Off 23 boxes this morning I got
7 Obsidian Shards
2 corrupted loadstone
72 of the junk itemsnot bad drops, I like the boxes there a good idea, I only bought them cause i want a Dead Risen Chicken mini
I thought only the Risen Priest of Balthazar dropped from those boxes…
Off 23 boxes this morning I got
7 Obsidian Shards
2 corrupted loadstone
72 of the junk itemsnot bad drops, I like the boxes there a good idea, I only bought them cause i want a Dead Risen Chicken mini
I thought only the Risen Priest of Balthazar dropped from those boxes…
Really?? Aww crap I thought it was all undead minis, were can I drop a chicken mini from then if anyone knows?
Asura – Desolation
Really?? Aww crap I thought it was all undead minis, were can I drop a chicken mini from then if anyone knows?
Buy Guild Wars 1 and do HoM stuff?
After flushing down somewhat over 2M karma in total, I got:
Around 110 obsidian shards I don’t need.
Around 8-10 dosh worth of vendor trash.
3 charged lodes I need and other lodes I don’t care about.
7 Risen priests of Badazar.
Overall, I’d give it a 6/10 karma sink.
For those with excess karma, these are really nice. Finally, us WvW players can actually get some extra income from all that karma we get.
Sigurd Greymane, guardian
~ Piken
Spent 1.2 mil karma, with the aim of getting the mini. Finally got it, and a bunch of other crap. Normally I’d feel cheated, but seeing as I have nothing else to do with the karma, I really don’t feel anything about it lol. Back to watching it pile up again…
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
Why is the Risen Priest of Balthazar & Obsidian Shards account bound?
I would like those objects to be sellable on the TP. Or alternatively, allow 4 of the same to be put into the mystic forge for a chance of something else.
Currently I have more than 1 Risen Priest of Balthazar mini and Obsidan Shards which are utterly useless to me.
I looked up the reciepes Obsidian Shards are part of and I am not at all interested in them.
When life gives you obsidian shards make a lemonade.
Really?? Aww crap I thought it was all undead minis, were can I drop a chicken mini from then if anyone knows?
The Chicken Mini can be found on the TP or from the Black Lion Store (with luck) from a 3-mini pack.
The Baby Chicken can only be had via GW1 and the HoM.
Really?? Aww crap I thought it was all undead minis, were can I drop a chicken mini from then if anyone knows?
The Chicken Mini can be found on the TP or from the Black Lion Store (with luck) from a 3-mini pack.
The Baby Chicken can only be had via GW1 and the HoM.
Thank you very much for reply, I love mini’s im collecting them all
Asura – Desolation
There was nothing to spend Karma points on before the patch! People were begging for new ways and things to spend it on, and now we have them. You just can’t please some people.
I spent about 500k Karma on boxes and walked away with a Cold Potion, Some mini pet, and tons of lodestones and vendor stuff, I’m happy about this change, I made a decent amount of coin for something I had no other use for.
Perky – 80 Norn Guardian
Soapie – 80 Human Ranger
Why is this the worst business ever?
Many players who didn’t care about getting a legendaries had tons of karma stocked up. To them, karma is a pretty worthless stat. I’d say it’s great that they’re giving these players an outlet to spend their karma on.
They’re a great way to get rid of karma, and with only 6 I got a charged lodestone (worth what, 4g?). Plus even in the worse case scenario, you get some coin for your useless karma, and some karma in a format that lets you send it to a character that actually needs it.
I got 7 boxes, got **** from them, will never get a single other box. Waste of karma even when karma is useless, boxes are THAT trashy.
I got 7 boxes, got **** from them, will never get a single other box. Waste of karma even when karma is useless, boxes are THAT trashy.
You’re getting something by spending something that, to you, has zero value. You can’t “waste” that.
I got 7 boxes, got **** from them, will never get a single other box. Waste of karma even when karma is useless, boxes are THAT trashy.
You’re getting something by spending something that, to you, has zero value. You can’t “waste” that.
I keep telling myself one day karma will have a use, one day
I reckon karma should be used to buy precursor materials or weapons themself, rather than relying purely on the RNG from the loot.
Do not click this link!
1 million karma:
7 minis
52 shards
2 warm potions
I’m saving my karma incase something crazy happens, I do like the boxes though, they’re a good price for what you can get
Why is this the worst business ever?
Many players who didn’t care about getting a legendaries had tons of karma stocked up. To them, karma is a pretty worthless stat. I’d say it’s great that they’re giving these players an outlet to spend their karma on.
You are right, except the most common reward from the boxes, minus grey vendor trash, is an account bound item (obsidian shard) who’s only use (other than a MF created shield that maybe a handful of people care about) is for the legendary’s… lol.
They provide Lodestones.
More Lodestones equates to lower Lodestone prices.
This is a very good thing.
Lv80s: Guard, Thief, Necro. Renewed my Altaholic’s card on the HoT Hype-Train. Choo choo~
Considering there’s nothing else good to spend karma on at this point, I’m going to be buying a bunch of these.
in case you dont know, the new exotic jewelry at the orr merchants is account bound + soulbound on use instead of just soulbound. gear up your alts.
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions
Then…. don’t buy them?
Also, the Unidentified Objects sell for a nice amount coin in bunches.
They cost 4200, not 42000.And they can also drop lodestones or minis.I spend about 100 – 200k and made around 8g from it,its a gamble..like they already said.No one is forcing you to buy them.
Did they tell you to buy it? Did you HAVE to buy it? Did you have any clue about what it was going to be?
Nope on all of those, and your argument is invalid. YOU spent YOUR karma, plain and simple. Stop the QQ already, this forum is full of it enough already ^__^
These boxes (and new trinkets) are one of the best things added to the game since launch.
If you really want to complain about something, start working on a legendary.