Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zephyra.4709


Whether it be in PvP, WvW or EOTM, solo roaming or even with a buddy – what profession(s) do you despise the worst upon encountering?

For me personally it’s Mesmers and Thieves.

Mesmers: I naturally suck at determining a mesmer’s clones to the ‘real’ player and thus it’s extremely confusing and I waste my burst skills on their silly clones. As of late I try to see which one is strafing or moving around differently as opposed to clones but it’s still a bit of a pickle when they’re all attacking you with skills etc.

Thieves: There are good thieves and not so great ones out there, either way with all their stealths and what not it also leaves me in a very vulnerable position. Doesn’t matter where you are.. doesn’t matter what you’re doing.. they will find you… and they will kill you.

Feel free to discuss this topic~

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Malkavian.4516


For me, it’s definitely the thieves in WvW in that they can take out two enemies at once if they are really good. I will say this much about them, they helped me be more aware of my surroundings and I made sure that they get entangled before they strike.


Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


1 on 1 i dont have problems with any class unless the other guy is a better player, in which case he could beat me with just his mini.

For unfair fights, i hate fighting 2 mesmers and, the icing on the cake: two rangers. What with being thrown around and burst to death in no time.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Killface.1896


Thieves are the worst with there perma stealth you ether die or win when they run away :/

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Reverence.6915


In sPvP, the self healing elementalist. kitten hard to take down without a LOT of burst damage.

In WvW, either LB ranger or tool kit engi. The commander sniping is real yo

In PvE, it’s LB rangers spamming their point black shot. So annoying

Expac sucks for WvW players. Asura master race
Beastgate | Faerie Law
Currently residing on SBI

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

Thieves, they either catch me alt-tabbed to change songs, or constantly “reset” with stealth which is just pure annoyance. Warrior not being able to follow thieves other than rifle burst and 3 (channels).

Also meditation guards are super annoying and unkillable in a 1v1 on a warrior unless they’re just terrible.

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


Definitely thieves in sPvP. A well-played thief is a major pain in the kitten. When I was still green I absolutely hated Mesmers, and would just leave the point if one showed up. Figured out how to counter them now, for the most part.

Those seemingly invincible Eles and Guards are a close second.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rapthorne.7345


mesmer in pvp. Such a kittening nightmare to try to take on a half decent mesmer, you might as well not even bother unless you have a lot of back up

Resident smug Englishman on the NA servers, just because.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Photonman.6241


Not actually a criticism of mesmer, but god kitten do I hate fighting them. Most of the time they’re sporting a build with lots of dupes and teleport around. It’s so incredibly frustrating. That’s what the class was made for but I still find it super annoying. I’ll have to roll one sometime. Learn their secrets.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


As a ranger,
I can’t stand Engineers…. PvP/ WvW doesn’t matter…. fee fi foo fum boy do I hate engineers….. Especially the bunker/debunk variations….

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pdavis.8031


Mesmers: WvW or PvP, it doesn’t matter. So many clones…

Thieves aren’t too bad. I’ve been able to deal with some, but a good thief? Yeah not so much, but that goes for any profession really. If you are good you are going to beat me regardless…(I’m not very good)

“You know what the chain of command is?
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Monoman.2068


Thieves have been less of a problem for me recently since a lot of people still play the d/p and it gives me a nice opportunity to catch my bearings. S/D thieves are still a large problem for me because of their evasion spam and disengage. They don’t rely so much on stealth but when things get rough you can bet your top dollar they will enter it. I’m still tweaking my builds to give them less windows to abuse me.

My regen ranger can take them because you just have to evade after they evade though regen ranger is overpowered and I play it when I don’t want to die.

Laviere – Hybrid Wellomancer
Makonne – Hybrid Regen Ranger

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ardenwolfe.8590


Early forms of perma-stealthed thieves. Those were the worst. And then, Mesmers that turned invisible, decoyed, cloned, etc. when they were losing the fight.

Still hate them with a passion.

Gone to Reddit.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Fought a warrior in WvW the other day. Had him dead to rights and he just vanished. I thought at first he had used Ash Legion Spy Kit, but I see that’s not usable in WvW. Not sure if he used Alt-F4 or hacks.

The OP asked for worst encounter. It’s sometimes annoying when thieves and mesmers use profession mechanics to get-out-of-jail free, but that’s how those professions are intended to be played. Someone who does that kind of thing is just a bad sport, and that’s the worst.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Travis the Terrible.4739

Travis the Terrible.4739

Fought a warrior in WvW the other day. Had him dead to rights and he just vanished. I thought at first he had used Ash Legion Spy Kit, but I see that’s not usable in WvW. Not sure if he used Alt-F4 or hacks.

The OP asked for worst encounter. It’s sometimes annoying when thieves and mesmers use profession mechanics to get-out-of-jail free, but that’s how those professions are intended to be played. Someone who does that kind of thing is just a bad sport, and that’s the worst.

He may have left the mists, dc’d, or a rune that stealths you when you get low (forget what its called).

Follow the darkness into the depths, it’s more fun than the light can provide.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rhapsody.3615


Not actually a criticism of mesmer, but god kitten do I hate fighting them. Most of the time they’re sporting a build with lots of dupes and teleport around. It’s so incredibly frustrating. That’s what the class was made for but I still find it super annoying. I’ll have to roll one sometime. Learn their secrets.

You definitely should try it. Once you learn to play mesmer, it’s not too hard to find the real one and anticipate their moves.

When I’m playing mesmer in pvp/wvw I’d say I hate fighting rangers most. It’s like that rapid fire never ends.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Fought a warrior in WvW the other day. Had him dead to rights and he just vanished. I thought at first he had used Ash Legion Spy Kit, but I see that’s not usable in WvW. Not sure if he used Alt-F4 or hacks.

The OP asked for worst encounter. It’s sometimes annoying when thieves and mesmers use profession mechanics to get-out-of-jail free, but that’s how those professions are intended to be played. Someone who does that kind of thing is just a bad sport, and that’s the worst.

He may have left the mists, dc’d, or a rune that stealths you when you get low (forget what its called).

Rune of Infiltration. I hit him while he was below 20% health (closer to 10%) and he did not disappear. The fight had been going on long enough that the CD should have reset. Maybe I’m wrong, but that’s what I remember.

If he left the Mists, that would be also be bad sportsmanship. If an inadvertent DC, it was awfully convenient.

Not a big deal, but when the OP asked for a “worst” encounter, that one came to mind. (shrugs)

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kraljevo.2801


Shadow Arts XI scrubs. It’s not a “worst encounter”, but its sure as hell annoying to fight. Thank god there aren’t many around anymore.

Other Professions - YOUR worst encounter(s)?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azure Prower.8701

Azure Prower.8701

As a thief.

Warriors are my bane. High damage. High defence. High mobility. Draw back? They can’t stealth. So at least you see them coming. And going. And going. And gone. Fastest class in the game.