Outfits and the future of Armor.
It’s because it takes them less time to release one. They don’t have to make one different for each armor class and they don’t have to worry about clipping when mixing with other armor pieces.
(Even if clipping is so common in this game, even some full sets clip)
It’d be great if we could mix them with other pieces, but seeing how some town clothes got turned into tonics, I’m not even hoping anything.
I personally don’t care a whole lot for either of the 2 Outfits that they’ve released since they did away with Town Clothes, although I won the Ancestral Outfit in a contest. It clips with ITSELF. The skirt shows right through the sash on my derrière. I posted the issue in the Graphics Bugs forum and one or two other forums, but nothing was ever done about it.
I’m sorry, but that kind of quality disgusts me. They took away something I loved, and replaced it with something that doesn’t work.
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
At the risk of going on a slight tangent to this topic, but has the popularity of the Ancestral Outfit dropped off? I still see people in the witch’s outfit every now and then, but it seems like for the most part only the newest outfit gets worn and people tend to revert back to their mix-n-match looks once the glam wears off.
getting rid of town clothes was a foolish mistake, it is a change that is pointless and serves no purpose whatsoever. if a player is willing to put up with the clipping and enjoy the armor they chose then the devs shouldnt step in and say “no you cant do that cuz we dont like how it looks”
You never could mix town clothes and armor though. Before the wardrobe update you could mix and match town clothes, but only with other town clothes.
The lack of customization is a step backwards IMO, but in this specific case it hasn’t changed anything.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
i totally agree with this,
there are parts of the ancestral set that would be worth buying it for,
there are parts of the assasin set that would be worth buying it for,
there are parts of every set that would be worth buying it for,
but i have only bought 3 sets because i don’t like them being a “onesie”
c’mon anet, split them up, it can’t be that hard and you’d make so much more money from people like us who just want one part!
At the risk of going on a slight tangent to this topic, but has the popularity of the Ancestral Outfit dropped off? I still see people in the witch’s outfit every now and then, but it seems like for the most part only the newest outfit gets worn and people tend to revert back to their mix-n-match looks once the glam wears off.
It happens with every new things. People buy it, wear it for a while then revert back to what they really like once the novelty has worn off.
You never could mix town clothes and armor though. Before the wardrobe update you could mix and match town clothes, but only with other town clothes.
The lack of customization is a step backwards IMO, but in this specific case it hasn’t changed anything.
I think the argument is that resources are going into producing Outfits that are essentially worthless for customizing our characters’ appearances, but if Outfits turn out to be financially successful it might encourage more Outfits to be produced instead of new armor skins.
That aside, I still think ANet should have upgraded the Town Clothes system to allow clothes to be displayed in combat (with a toggle), then introduced the Heritage and ninja outfits as new mix-n-matchable town clothes; that would have given players the option to keep their town clothes look, made the new outfit assets more versatile (ability to dye individual pieces, ability to hide/not use oversized pauldrons, etc.), and (this part is a pipe dream) maybe, just maybe, make it easier to remove weight restrictions on armor skins (by transitioning skins to the Town Clothes system rather than remodeling each armor set two more times for each weight class). I understand it wouldn’t have been easy, but the Outfits system as-is makes none of that possible.
It happens with every new things. People buy it, wear it for a while then revert back to what they really like once the novelty has worn off.
Kinda suspected that, I can’t really see Outfits doing much better than Town Clothes if it’s driven largely by novelty; people are eventually going to look back at their wardrobe full of unused outfits, start regretting spending that much, and stop buying new outfits.
(edited by Pandaman.4758)
Don’t like outfits and can’t see any point I will ever use them.
I do NOT think the introduction of Outfits means the demise of actual armor skins, however. I see no evidence that indicates Anet will quit developing new armors (any more or less than in the past).
Fate is just the weight of circumstances
That’s the way that lady luck dances
i totally agree with this,
there are parts of the ancestral set that would be worth buying it for,
there are parts of the assasin set that would be worth buying it for,
there are parts of every set that would be worth buying it for,
but i have only bought 3 sets because i don’t like them being a “onesie”c’mon anet, split them up, it can’t be that hard and you’d make so much more money from people like us who just want one part!
+1 – exactly what you said!
Let us toggle the shoulders and gauntlet visibility on outfits like we can with armor. The outfits already let us hide headgear if we so desire. I love the witch’s outfit, but the shoulders are dumb (imo) and have to go. If I could toggle shoulders off, I’d have my main in that outfit all the time.
+1 to everything about the desire to mix and match.
Armor sets/pieces/customization = <3 and $.
Outfits = … :’(
I have posted this before but it is indeed a huge stepback and I can’t believe they are enforcing this system with new releases. I can only especulate if such releases are taking the place of regular armor, in that case I would be double kittened ;_;
Never buying a single piece outfit, no matter how cheap they make it.
The Town Clothes system was changed because of the occasional thread in the forums asking to let us wear them into combat. But almost NONE of the old Town Clothes pieces can now be worn in combat. Mostly just hats (because they don’t do much clipping). The vast majority of pieces became Outfits (a pale shadow of Town Clothing), or even worse: Tonics. Where are the people who wanted to wear Town Clothes into combat? Why aren’t they complaining? Are they seriously happy with ANet’s answer to their wishes?
Set a man on fire, and he’ll be warm the rest of his life.
– Unknown Fire Elementalist
Where are the people who wanted to wear Town Clothes into combat? Why aren’t they complaining? Are they seriously happy with ANet’s answer to their wishes?
There has been thread complaining about this issue ever since this change was announced. After 3 months, people just moved on because we know that they aren’t going to change it anytime soon.
I am all for ways of customizing characters more. Sadly it isn’t like Anet could undo the changes that were made with the Wardrobe system. I miss the days before the change. But I can stay that about Mega Servers too..
I am all for ways of customizing characters more. Sadly it isn’t like Anet could undo the changes that were made with the Wardrobe system. I miss the days before the change. But I can stay that about Mega Servers too..
Why can’t they undo it ? “Town clothes” no longer exist. They could just put every town clothes as a skin just like the zenith weapons or the heritage armor and that’s it.
Like it has already been said, some outfits clip with themselves.
It is unfortunate that Anet decided to make Town Clothes into single outfits rather than keep them separate skins. They tried to take an easier way out but I don’t know if its working for them. I know I wanted to buy Town Clothes that I could wear into combat but I wanted them the way they were. I don’t want to be forced to wear a complete outfit.