delicate, brick-like subtlety.
Outfits instead of armor skins
delicate, brick-like subtlety.
fans: we want more armor sets (preferably in game not in gem store)
devs: ok, we won’t make any more armor sets….
putting aside the obvious point-effort is what they are paid for. if they have consciously made a decision not to produce armor sets (and this is by all appearances what they have done) then the game is a different one than what it was.
and of course some people will be happy about this but many won’t be. which is fine but the decision making on this has been vague (being charitable). so we can only operate on what information is available…they used to make armor sets and now they don’t.
Expect to see armor skins return via the BL merchant. Which means you will be able to get the skins either through BL tickets or the TP same as weapon skins.
I’m looking forward to some new skins. These have been around a while, and it’ll be a nice change. I bet if they start selling Grenth’s Hood or …Bunny Ears… the tone will change and people will ask why they didn’t do it sooner.
Zombie | God | For the Pass!
Well, before my mind decided this was some sort of a scheme on Anet’s part… I remember one of things they stated in the past.
Example: They stated that they were removing certain BL skins from the Blacklion Weapons Specialist in order to make room for future skins.
This having been said, I just assumed they were removing the armor kinds to make room for what, I hope, they would be releasing with HoT.
Why does the company limit choices. I don’t see any logical reason for it besides the gimmick.
Actually, a less cluttered gemstore (or other such interface) is more appealing to people that are new to it. We’ve had a nice influx of new F2P players (in theory). Keeping the gemstore undaunting makes it more likely that they’ll make the jump and buy something. The “missing” stuff can be sold to them when it cycles back in, but they’ll never buy it if the clutter of the gemstore just pushes them away.
It’s hardly daunting, is it?
If you look at online clothes stores, they almost invariably have far more stock than the Style section of the gemstore.
In fact, just the Footwear section of most stores would normally have far more options.
…and yet, people somehow seem to cope.
I would like to see more options available at one time, personally.
I suppose I can see why they’re doing what they’re doing, from a business perspective, but I can’t say I like it very much.
They are not “removing” so much as “cycling”.
The news post explicitly stated that the items being removed now will return next summer, and that for the “winter” half of the year (Autumn + Winter) we will have a different set.
This different set no doubt includes those that were removed at the beginning of this year, such as Primeval, Krytan, and Profane armor sets.
Stop treating GW2 as a single story. Each Season and expansion should be their own story.
If they introduced more armor I would spend.
So you aren’t interested in any of the armor they are removing then, right? Or you have it already, right? You aren’t just fence sitting and waiting for a sale or when you have some surplus cash you wouldn’t miss, right? Then this doesn’t impact you.
RIP City of Heroes
Expect to see armor skins return via the BL merchant. Which means you will be able to get the skins either through BL tickets or the TP same as weapon skins.
Terrible idea (not that I think you are advocating it). I’d rather just have them on the gem store.
Why did you have to go and make another “i hate outfits” thread? Wasn’t there one where you could have posted?
This is not an I hate outfits thread. This thread is about Anet’s poor move of removing armor from the gem store. Unless they are going to move these within the game where a merchant will sell them to you I don’t understand the reasoning. We have an influx of new players and I don’t see the logic in removing skin choices for them. I mean it’s not like we will be getting any new gem armors to replace them. Why limit player’s chance to be creative with armor mixing and matching?
This is not an I hate outfits thread. This thread is about Anet’s poor move of removing armor from the gem store. Unless they are going to move these within the game where a merchant will sell them to you I don’t understand the reasoning. We have an influx of new players and I don’t see the logic in removing skin choices for them. I mean it’s not like we will be getting any new gem armors to replace them. Why limit player’s chance to be creative with armor mixing and matching?
WTF you already told me you understand the reasoning! You said earlier that you understand they’re making the skins more rare to help boost the sales when they do become available again.
YET, here you are saying you dont understand the reasoning! Mind blowing.
I’ll tell you again.
Here we go. The sales of these items has dropped. Anet believe that by removing them and creating a false scarcity that it will help boost the sales of these items when they do come back up for purchase at a later date.
/facepalm so much /facepalm
Do you watch a lot of Fox news?
Once again, I understand the concept of predatory business practices. We already had that discussion earlier. I will spell it out for you again. I don’t understand the move to eliminate the armors from the gem store to limit choice for new players aside from the sole reason being marketing gimmicks. I was trying to give Anet the benefit of the doubt, but I see I have to drag the whole ugly marketing thing back out for you Godofmoney.
Godmoney….. didn’t mean to mistype your name
They’ll come back I suppose.
I just don’t understand (aside from the marketing gimmicks) why they just don’t leave them available to be bought all the time. Why remove them. We need more armor choices as players not less.
Heck, put a merchant in Lion’s Arch and sell those armors with prices akin to T3 cultural armor.
If they want gem store to be outfit only then they can move the skins to armor obtained in game. ;/
Expect to see armor skins return via the BL merchant. Which means you will be able to get the skins either through BL tickets or the TP same as weapon skins.
Terrible idea (not that I think you are advocating it). I’d rather just have them on the gem store.
It would be, but recent actions lean towards that. From a finical standpoint it makes sense or at least the concept does. Keeping them in the gem store would require a constant flow of new ones to continue to draw sales, simply alternating them is good for burst sales but the end remains the same.
However adding them for tickets allows 2 avenues for income, playing on people’s will to gamble or buying it with converted gems or earned gold., It also gives better price control since they can modify key or ticket/scrap drop rate while still keeping scarcity in check due to RNG and influence key sales, if that fails increase ticket cost or simply rotate.
The downside however is that it will probably mean inflated gold prices on high value items and gems.
Just a guess though. Guess we will see,
Expect to see armor skins return via the BL merchant. Which means you will be able to get the skins either through BL tickets or the TP same as weapon skins.
Terrible idea (not that I think you are advocating it). I’d rather just have them on the gem store.
It would be, but recent actions lean towards that. From a finical standpoint it makes sense or at least the concept does. Keeping them in the gem store would require a constant flow of new ones to continue to draw sales, simply alternating them is good for burst sales but the end remains the same.
However adding them for tickets allows 2 avenues for income, playing on people’s will to gamble or buying it with converted gems or earned gold., It also gives better price control since they can modify key or ticket/scrap drop rate while still keeping scarcity in check due to RNG and influence key sales, if that fails increase ticket cost or simply rotate.
The downside however is that it will probably mean inflated gold prices on high value items and gems.
Just a guess though. Guess we will see,
That sounds horrible. Not quite CO horrible yet, but still pretty horrible.
There’s no discounts to go along with the phasing out of items, which would have gone a long way in promoting sales. I’d love the Llama Finisher for my Mesmer, for an example – but I’m not going to enjoy it often enough to spend 800 gems on it. Same goes with the Trickster’s armor.
Let’s hope that this’ll make room for new and interesting items in the gem store.
- Sun Tzu, Art of War