Overflow Wars 2

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: havoc.8569


This new reduced player limit allowed in zones (or just event zones?) is not the solution to chest event lag. My server had overflows during all dragon/behemoth events for the entire day. Unless you were camping an event 30-60 minutes in advance, you were not getting in, even at 4 am server time. And it’s a gosh darn weekday still. Having to deal with lag was 10x better than this non-stop overflow nonsense.

Yesterday I did not see a single overflow during my event runs. Today it was 90% overflows. I’ve done one dragon in an overflow (out of like 10 overflows), and zero on my home server. Bring back the lag if this is the alternative.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Pro-tip: If you have a guildmate or a friend in the zone, party them, zone in the server and right click on their portrait and you can join them on the original server.


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Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: havoc.8569


Soon: “WTS spot in my server’s behemoth event, 5g”

(edited by havoc.8569)

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Oso.4231



However you address the issue, please, address it. Most of the people I know on my own server cannot do events right now. We get sent to overflow.

Every time. No matter what time of day.

This is getting out of hand. You’re going to start losing players, fans, and future customers over this. Further, if you don’t do something about it, you effectively have broken your own game.

I don’t know a solution. Undo the one chest a day thing? Create separate instance servers that allow overflowed individuals to complete the event? Turn off guesting? I do not know.

What I do know, is that people will start to leave GW2 if they cannot complete the dragon events, since they are a large part of gameplay.

I suppose THAT would solve the problem…but it seems a horrible solution to solve lag by accidentally depopulating your servers due to player disenchantment.

Please, do something.


Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Pro-tip: If you have a guildmate or a friend in the zone, party them, zone in the server and right click on their portrait and you can join them on the original server.


This doesn’t always work, areas can fill to the point that it won’t allow anybody else in, even through party invites.

Alternatively, and my guild just did this last night, you can have someone camp an overflow. A guildmate missed The Claw by being pushed to overflow, and volunteered to stay in that overflow for three hours until he spawned. Then he systematically invited everyone in the guild to the overflow just before the event.

Apparently as overflows age they tend to clear out, presumably as more overflows are created. Our little guild had a dragon fight practically all to itself, no guests, no lag, it was glorious.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: rozcinana.7249


Did they really reduce the number of players per zone or is this speculation? I’m trying to look for some sort of dev note on this and I can’t find it. Either way, Yak’s Bend is getting pretty bad during NA prime time (not sure about other times since I work during the day). I don’t want to wait 30 minutes before a window starts to avoid overflow so I’m going to take a break from these events. I’d rather do a dungeon or two during that time instead.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vol.5241


Pro-tip: If you have a guildmate or a friend in the zone, party them, zone in the server and right click on their portrait and you can join them on the original server.


This doesn’t always work, areas can fill to the point that it won’t allow anybody else in, even through party invites.

Alternatively, and my guild just did this last night, you can have someone camp an overflow. A guildmate missed The Claw by being pushed to overflow, and volunteered to stay in that overflow for three hours until he respawned. He systematically invited everyone in the guild to the overflow just before The Claw spawned. Apparently as overflows age they tend to clear out, and our little guild had a dragon fight all to itself, no guests, no lag, it was glorious.

People really need to think this through. Is it worth waiting 3 hours for a dragon in order to get, on average, 2-3 rares?

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Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Conncept.7638


Pro-tip: If you have a guildmate or a friend in the zone, party them, zone in the server and right click on their portrait and you can join them on the original server.


This doesn’t always work, areas can fill to the point that it won’t allow anybody else in, even through party invites.

Alternatively, and my guild just did this last night, you can have someone camp an overflow. A guildmate missed The Claw by being pushed to overflow, and volunteered to stay in that overflow for three hours until he respawned. He systematically invited everyone in the guild to the overflow just before The Claw spawned. Apparently as overflows age they tend to clear out, and our little guild had a dragon fight all to itself, no guests, no lag, it was glorious.

People really need to think this through. Is it worth waiting 3 hours for a dragon in order to get, on average, 2-3 rares?

No, it’s not. But is it worth it to wait around three hours so you can say, me and my guild took down a dragon? And most importantly, that we enjoyed the fight at more than 2 frames per second? Yes to both.

We’re a mid-size guild, I think we have one player with a legendary, and he doesn’t even use it most of the time. If any of us cared about economics we probably wouldn’t be playing video games, or at least not playing GW2, as this game has the least realistic economics system of any MMO to date.

EDIT: And now that I think about it, there could be a better way to do this. Just have a cycle of players swapping out every half an hour. One person has the first shift, after a half hour he or she can party-invite a guildmate in then leave, then that guildmate will do the same in another half hour, all the way up until the dragon spawns.

(edited by Conncept.7638)

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


Pro-tip: If you have a guildmate or a friend in the zone, party them, zone in the server and right click on their portrait and you can join them on the original server.


This doesn’t always work, areas can fill to the point that it won’t allow anybody else in, even through party invites.

Alternatively, and my guild just did this last night, you can have someone camp an overflow. A guildmate missed The Claw by being pushed to overflow, and volunteered to stay in that overflow for three hours until he respawned. He systematically invited everyone in the guild to the overflow just before The Claw spawned. Apparently as overflows age they tend to clear out, and our little guild had a dragon fight all to itself, no guests, no lag, it was glorious.

People really need to think this through. Is it worth waiting 3 hours for a dragon in order to get, on average, 2-3 rares?

Maybe farming up some mats while they wait.

Sounds fun to have an overflow event just for your guild, will have to give that a shot!

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tiger Ashante.1792

Tiger Ashante.1792


However you address the issue, please, address it. Most of the people I know on my own server cannot do events right now. We get sent to overflow.

Every time. No matter what time of day.

This is getting out of hand. You’re going to start losing players, fans, and future customers over this. Further, if you don’t do something about it, you effectively have broken your own game.

I don’t know a solution. Undo the one chest a day thing? Create separate instance servers that allow overflowed individuals to complete the event? Turn off guesting? I do not know.

What I do know, is that people will start to leave GW2 if they cannot complete the dragon events, since they are a large part of gameplay.

I suppose THAT would solve the problem…but it seems a horrible solution to solve lag by accidentally depopulating your servers due to player disenchantment.

Please, do something.


Yep agreed. Something must be done. It’s happened to me several days in a row now where i get kicked during the event. Before that, at least since the Feb patch, the event was almost unplayable due to lag, but i was able to finish it. In the last few days, I’ve been kicked out every time i attempted the event (Jade Quarry).

As an eg: Just now, i was in F.S. for at least an hour or more doing my dailies when the event popped up. Half way through it, just when jormag appeared, i was suddenly rubber banded all over the place, then kicked to the char select screen. When i logged back in, i was placed in an overflow and ofc missed out on the event once again.

Yesterday, on a different character doing my dailies, same thing happens, jormag popped up, i joined and just b4 getting the chest i was kicked out of the game, I left my favorite map in disgust. I don’t think I’ll bother with it any more, it’s not worth the trouble.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: void.6705


Pro-tip: If you have a guildmate or a friend in the zone, party them, zone in the server and right click on their portrait and you can join them on the original server.


This doesn’t always work, areas can fill to the point that it won’t allow anybody else in, even through party invites.

Alternatively, and my guild just did this last night, you can have someone camp an overflow. A guildmate missed The Claw by being pushed to overflow, and volunteered to stay in that overflow for three hours until he respawned. He systematically invited everyone in the guild to the overflow just before The Claw spawned. Apparently as overflows age they tend to clear out, and our little guild had a dragon fight all to itself, no guests, no lag, it was glorious.

People really need to think this through. Is it worth waiting 3 hours for a dragon in order to get, on average, 2-3 rares?

No waiting that long isn’t worth it the fact that you need to sit idle 30min or more before an event is insane. Now I would want to know is it a guesting issue that is causing this or is it just the fact that all these people now are willing to do these daily World type events.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

So they really reduced the player limit in these zones to help with the lag?

Wow.. they created a worse overflow problem and the lagfest is still there.

Wow.. they created a worse overflow problem and the lagfest is still there.They make the content worth doing now, but then they make it impossible to do. Ridiculous.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yalora Istairiea.6287

Yalora Istairiea.6287

There seems to be a misconception that I have seen in map chat of [Group] Event ‘Overflow’ maps. Some people are under the impression that if they are in overflow they won’t have the event spawn. I can personally validate that this is NOT true.
I did both Behemoth and Maw event yesterday on overflow and got my chest just fine. Just wanted to make sure people were not under the impression Overflow means no event/chest. That is just not true, at least in my case.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I think it’s due to people watching timers and guesting… NSP get’s frequent overflows during all the big events now.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mad Rasputin.7809

Mad Rasputin.7809

Events will happen in overflow, but the timers out there for events won’t work for overflows. You just have to be there when the event starts up.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


There seems to be a misconception that I have seen in map chat of [Group] Event ‘Overflow’ maps. Some people are under the impression that if they are in overflow they won’t have the event spawn. I can personally validate that this is NOT true.
I did both Behemoth and Maw event yesterday on overflow and got my chest just fine. Just wanted to make sure people were not under the impression Overflow means no event/chest. That is just not true, at least in my case.

Yeah my thinking as well, judging by how people are going on it seems like the overflows don’t have word events or rewards or something.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: havoc.8569


I think it’s due to people watching timers and guesting… NSP get’s frequent overflows during all the big events now.

That was a problem, but this is a new problem. Like I said there’s now overflows at 4 am. A day before I had zero overflows during my events run. If you actually get into an event, you will notice a lot less lag… because there’s a lot less players.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delvoire.8930


I noticed this yesterday as well. There were a few zones, not even just the dragon ones that went to overflow. Metrica Province and Wayferer being two other examples. I know they have the Maw and Fire Ele events, but still. I haven’t hit overflow on these maps since launch. I’m on FA BTW.

Now I also noticed that Lions Arch doesn’t seem to go to Overflow since the patch update. I assumed it was mainly because my server has jumped up to tier 2 in WvW and more people are playing that. That assumption hit a wall yesterday though when LA didn’t go to Overflow and when I queued for EB I got right in. So LA isn’t overpacked and WvW didn’t have a queue.

Did they increase the amount of people who can get into LA and thus reduced some of the other maps? That’s what I’m thinking.

Complaining about the overflows though is a little much IMO. I mean you can still do the event and most times it spawns within 20 minutes or so of the event on the real server. I did see in map chat though that some speculated if the dragon timers will be thrown off now if people don’t realize they are in an overflow. Food for thought.

80 ~Thief~ Isabella Angel | 80 ~Eng~ Ratchet McClank
80 ~Warrior~ Delvoire | 80 ~Ele~ Azalea Avenir
80 ~ Guardian~ Rag Nor | Server ~ FA

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


I noticed this yesterday as well. There were a few zones, not even just the dragon ones that went to overflow. Metrica Province and Wayferer being two other examples. I know they have the Maw and Fire Ele events, but still. I haven’t hit overflow on these maps since launch. I’m on FA BTW.

Now I also noticed that Lions Arch doesn’t seem to go to Overflow since the patch update. I assumed it was mainly because my server has jumped up to tier 2 in WvW and more people are playing that. That assumption hit a wall yesterday though when LA didn’t go to Overflow and when I queued for EB I got right in. So LA isn’t overpacked and WvW didn’t have a queue.

Did they increase the amount of people who can get into LA and thus reduced some of the other maps? That’s what I’m thinking.

Complaining about the overflows though is a little much IMO. I mean you can still do the event and most times it spawns within 20 minutes or so of the event on the real server. I did see in map chat though that some speculated if the dragon timers will be thrown off now if people don’t realize they are in an overflow. Food for thought.

It’s about people doing events based on the timers http://www.guildwarstemple.com/dragontimer/us-northern-shiverpeaks , and not having to wait around in an overflow for the event to kick off. In some cases the wait could be 3 hours long.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Domino.3562


Easiest way to fix this?

1. Prevent guesting players from getting Chests
2.a. Add a real random spawn timer for dragons so zones cannot be camped out beforehand
2.b. Increase timer for dragons that way everyone gets a chance at doing the dragons regardless of time.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BuD.7851


It would be nice for them to put in a warning that you are about to be xfered to an overflow server. If they do give a heads up that the area you are trying to log into is an overflow, a choice would be nice to have so we dont waste silver xfering to an overflow server.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Heylo.4938


Ehmry Bay events are almost undoable right now with the overflow situation. You can’t even just level in Wayfarer anymore without getting put in an overflow. I had a guildie attempting to do events yesterday from about 11am server time to 11pm server time and she missed almost every single one due to overflow. I tried to do the Shatterer yesterday and was put in an overflow. I thought I’d just wait it out for him to spawn there, but as soon as Ehmry killed him, the status in the top corner changed from preparing to fight Kralks minions to, The Shatterer has been killed!
I’d really appreciate it if they’d just make chests once a day per char, regardless of server. Some people keep calling for guesting to be removed entirely, but that seems rash and ridiculous.

Sickest Guild [NA] Blackgate

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


I’d really appreciate it if they’d just make chests once a day per char, regardless of server. Some people keep calling for guesting to be removed entirely, but that seems rash and ridiculous.

They are once a day per character. They are just extremely popular right now.

Overflow Wars 2

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: munkiman.3068


Some people have 5 toons, so they do them on all of them. I personally can’t see me going from dragon timer to dragon timer, but that’s just me.

[TAO] Founder/Owner and Administrator for the NSP Server Website