(edited by Buttercup.5871)
PAX: Not one, but ALL precursors unlockable
That took a few reads to parse correctly. :/
You can earn earn each precursor weapon once, which is basically all you need.
If you want more than one of any single precursor, I imagine it’ll have to be by luck or gold, as it is now.
Good news.
I LOVE this addition to the game! I’m still working on the T6 mats for my first legendary, but I’m getting desperate as I’ve played for 1500 hours without a precursor in sight (and I hear some people played 4 times longer, also with no precursors!).
Thanks Anet, love this.
Hah, i was wondering about that. Good to have some confirmation here.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
If the Precursor Collection is as broken as the current Treasure Hunter Collection, we are not getting a precursor that way anytime soon. Buying a Precursor from TP would be way cheaper.
If the Precursor Collection is as broken as the current Treasure Hunter Collection, we are not getting a precursor that way anytime soon. Buying a Precursor from TP would be way cheaper.
I highly doubt that it will be like that. But it’s a fair point, the event that drops “Sam” has not been fixed yet. If there’s a dev reading this thread: please fix the Ogre wars meta event?
I kind of figured when they introduced collections that they might be a dry run for something like this, and I’m good with that. I am completely happy with having 1 collection per precursor (and I imagine its going to be a kitten to complete). That guarantees the acquisition of at least 1 precursor for every legendary, for every account. With relatively limited RNG nightmare.
Hunting the colorful Bifrost
Gift of Happiness (500laurels)
Gift of Pewpew (combine 150 prism crystals – each one= 5laurels)
Time-gating yay.
If you’re going for the Twice Told Legend title…. You’re still screwed.
If you’re going for the Twice Told Legend title…. You’re still screwed.
It’s an achievement. You’re screwing yourself if you want it that badly.
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!
If you’re going for the Twice Told Legend title…. You’re still screwed.
Honestly, if you can’t afford a precursor from the Trading Post or Mystic Forge then you probably shouldn’t be flushing the resources for a second Gift of Fortune solely for an achievement and/or title.
If you’re going for the Twice Told Legend title…. You’re still screwed.
Not really… Do the achievement for a pre you already have and sell. Or a weapon you don’t want.
Edair. But allies-allies will fight by your side”~Cobiah Mariner