(edited by Smelly Bookah.6957)
POLL: Would you like level cap to be raised?
NO. I honestly see no reason to raise the level cap, there is zero benefit other than to say your over 80.
Nah. More level purely 80 zones would be neat though. If we ever go into another continent (Cantha, Elona), they may raise the cap, but I don’t think that would be necessary. You could have the low lvl zones for any new races specific to that continent, then have the later zones lvl 80 (the region of unwaking waters in Cantha for example could be a good lvl 80 zone or the southern parts of Jade Sea/Echovald Forest).
Raising level cap would probably create alot of mess. I’d much rather see progression expressed in items, skills and achievements (however not necessarily in stats). Also I hate content gating. I am Guild Wars 1 player and I got used to the idea that once you hit certain level, the whole world is open for you, however certain areas are harder than others. I think ANet should stick to it as it would certainly make Guild Wars 2 stand out even more. Adding few more levels isn’t very satisfying for hardcore players, since they usually get them in no time. On the other hand we have people who don’t fancy leveling (like myself) and for them it’s just a dull chore they have to do in order to enjoy what they like. Moreover it makes lower level zones empty since people get the feeling that they have beaten that part of the content and now the only viable maps are the newly added ones. That could not be the case with Guild Wars 2, however downscaling doesn’t work very well. Also, what’s the point of leveling up if you are downscaled anyways? It misses the point if you ask me. I know those 60 more levels (compared to GW1) has been added to satisfy most of mmo players, who are used to leveling up, however now it’s the time to reconsider that policy in my humble opinion.
(edited by Smelly Bookah.6957)
I am a casual player and as much as I LOVE this game it took me from early release till last week to finish getting to 80. I didn’t rush the leveling process and enjoyed leveling my character through a wide variety of dungeons, wvw, and open zones. I am halfway geared with exotics and have blown all the gold i have made since the first weekend trying to finish buying armor. I wouldn’t mind ANET adding in harder (optional) content whenever they feel like it, but i would prefer the level cap stays the same (i also would like to be able to level alts without having to relevel my main).
Dragonbrand |Twitch: twitch.tv/pantsforbirds
80 is already 60 more than we need.
no to vertical progression
I always enjoying leveling
No increase in my opinion. I really dont want them to have more trouble balancing the game and the auto-scaling.
No, for all the reasons stated above.
No. Guild Wars 2 is not about the level. Do not raise the level cap.
If they use the GW1 model, which I believe they will, the expansions will be based on content.
I would always want more content then pointless levels. Constantly increasing the level cap will eventually make other things pointless.
No. I don’t feel like more levels = more gameplay. I’d rather see new zones, stories, legendaries, new things to fight, etc. Especially considering the fact that exp from events and whatnot scales, if they added more levels it would be inconsequential to actual gameplay and would just result in a higher max-level of gear which would essentially make worthless all of our current gear and progress.
So, essentially, no, NOT EVER.
80 is already 60 more than we need.
Echoing this statement.
Levels as a whole just feel really awkward in GW2. In the grand scheme of things, they serve no purpose other than to say “Look at me, I’m level G!” There isn’t really any tangible improvement in the open world experience from leveling, and content isn’t so much loaded into the level cap as it is staggered based on time played. Well, except Fractals. And don’t even get me started on my infraction-inducing argument that the level range of any given zone is way too large for an average player to reliably keep pace with.
I would have liked it if the level cap was 100 to begin with, but if they raised it now we’d all have to get new gear again, which would kind of suck.
GW1 player here.
Founding member of [NERF] Fort Engineer and driver for [TLC] The Legion of Charrs
RIP [SIC] Strident Iconoclast
YES. Its easy enough to level lets make it infinite. Oh wait…
No. I just don’t see any need for it.
No, I like being 80. Although, if they decided to award us more goodies for “leveling” beyond 80, it would be fun to get some coin, karma, the occasional treasure chest with salvage kits, consummables, etc, or new skills.
The possibilities are endless.
Emphatically… NO. Five months is no time at all. Even wow doesn’t raise the level cap more often than every couple of years.
Waiting For Death [WFD]
@ Borlis Pass Server
A treadmill is a device for walking while staying in the same place.
I would like to just play the game, going where I LIKE to go (not where I HAVE to go to do nothing else than farming exp) and, if possible, do it with different characters.
- Mike Obrien
(edited by Erick Alastor.3917)
I’d like new weapons, skills, armors, content, classes, races, but levels? Nah.
Thief 80 | Elementalist 80 | Mesmer 80 | Necromancer 80 | Revenant TBA
Level 80 is just fine
With level scaling, the level on its own is pretty worthless. Leveling is really just for pacing (so people don’t just rush to the endgame maps immediately). Unless ANET plans on dumping 6 zones on us all at once, pacing is not an issue. They’re not going to level-lock all the level 80 characters out of new content.
YES, but only once, and only to get ascended items in line with exotics stat-wise in order to reduce the grind.
Doing what I can for DB during EU primetime
No it’s already annoying to get to 80
YES change it so I can grind out new gear (and skip working on ascended from fractals until a later date!).
Although honestly the ascended gear is underwhelming with the horrible stat combinations. If you want something other than zerks or soldiers, too bad.
no, 80 is good. don’t wanna grind for more level or higher gears
No. No point in a higher level cap with level scaling.
I don’t want to get the best lvl 80 items only to realize they’re not the best anymore and get the best lvl 90 items, only to realize they’re not the best anymore and get the best lvl 100 items, etc.
Besides, bigger numbers don’t make a game more fun.
This is supposed to be the game that exemplifies the following statement: “if you love MMOS, great. If you hate MMOs, you’ll love this game”. Not only is it annoying for us, it’s also extremely annoying for ANET. You’re basically destroying all content you’ve made in the past by raising the level cap…do you REALLY want to throw down 5+years of work down the drain because you want to raise the level cap?
You did it so great in gw1 and it worked amazing without a raise in level cap. There does NOT need to be a level raise in this game either. Invalidating content, kitten off customers by invalidating gear, and making us run on a forever lasting treadmill is not the key to success.
I just want an indication of how many times I’ve leveled over 80, like a personal 80(+27) etc
not even displayed to others, just for my own pleasure.
Not really, no. It’s just arbitrary numbers that goes up to reach a new power peak. Besides, the game has scaling, so this can easily be used in expansion content.
It would make sense for the expansion zones to have a few low level ones for new races, and then the rest can be 60+, with a few 80s. Having a straight 80 zone already has an epic feel to it, so just throwing a 90 out there seems a bit redundant.
I’m curious though, how will a raise in level cap change trait designs.
I’d straight up murder a fool for 5 more trait points. So sure, raise the cap!
No, I rather they just introduce new classes or races like the Tengu and then I will be happy to level up some more.
I have alts to scratch my leveling itch.
Not yet.
Wait until we get an expansion that gives us more from the personal story.
PvE Main – Zar Poisonclaw – Daredevil
WvW Main – Ghost Mistcaller – Herald
No, for me. Dungeons, fractals, and wvw playing skills are effective enough in separating noob from expert. Besides, people will just hit the new cap almost right away. Rather, I expect new areas like Lost Shores to be more challenging all the time instead of just for the week it takes to reach the new cap.
NO, 80 levels is plenty.
- Blackgate
It was written somewhere that expansions will incerase the level cap. Personally im fine with lv80.
There’s no reason for this to occur.
No, expansion should add more option or limit your option.
But we wont see an expansion for at least 3 years.
No, the level cap as it’s implemented is perfectly fine (IMHO).
Guild Wars 1 & 2 have easy & quick leveling, you can achieve the cap in no-time. When I hitted 80, I felt like I had nothing to do anymore and I was so wrong. Actually, the game only begins when you’re Level 80 and I learnt that leveling in GW2 was really not important.
Smough The Cruel [WvW] – Warrior
Yes and I can’t wait for it to happen! Already hear enough about not enough items and progression at 80.
No. I like Guild Wars because the focus is not placed on leveling, but on playing the game. Adding new content and zones? Yea! No need to add levels alongside that.
Message Body length must at least be 15.
No.. The game can be expanded without increasing level cap. The only thing that accomplishes is making our current gear obsolete.
Until or unless there is higher content, its pointless
No, I don’t play this game to level. I play it to do WVW. Pointless for a pvp player to level more.