Knights of ARES, Dragonbrand
Good times, good memories
I’m sure I will get flamed for this but it needs to be said.
You’re not actually helping in any way. The slower things die in the defense events the harder it is for everyone involved, and the bulls already have permanent swiftness so you aren’t helping there either. If you are playing a support build that’s perfectly fine, but at least use a mace. The bosses are timed and the damage on staff is abysmal, its like you aren’t even there but you’re scaling up the event. There is no loot for you to tag, so put the loot stick away.
group wide might stacking and throwing rainbows is fun though
I’ll give you the throwing rainbows. I almost wet myself the day I saw someone running around LA shooting The Dreamer at people yelling, “Taste the Rainbow!!!”
I’m sure I will get flamed for this but it needs to be said.
You’re not actually helping in any way. The slower things die in the defense events the harder it is for everyone involved, and the bulls already have permanent swiftness so you aren’t helping there either. If you are playing a support build that’s perfectly fine, but at least use a mace. The bosses are timed and the damage on staff is abysmal, its like you aren’t even there but you’re scaling up the event. There is no loot for you to tag, so put the loot stick away.
It’s true that a staff does less per hit than most other choices, but it also has good odds of hitting more targets per swing than other weapons. A mace will only hit what’s right in front of you, a staff hits what’s right in front of you, and those two over there as well. The one in front may die slower, but those other two are going to die faster than if you had a mace.
With that said, there’s a time to use it, and a time to put it away. Know when to say “Eat steel, you effing weed!”
With all the menders that come along the small amount of damage the staff does to further targets is removed by the somewhat impressive healing the menders apply to the other mordrem. The worst scenarios I have seen is a guardian run up to the crawler spawns in bull escort events and just spam away with wave of wrath while the bull dies and they have no chance of killing all the vines alone before the timer expires for the downed bull. It has a place as a swap but no one should be camping staff in this zone.
And you can’t dictate what people play with. It’s open world.
You don’t know why each and every staff guardian is using a staff.
While some fall into your little category, you can’t force them to play anything else or change their build. And trying to force them will likely only make them cling to their build harder.
But the person with the staff may have the build that they find fun. It may not be even a specific build for doing anything. Not everyone runs to meta guides for builds or even understands how to make a good build. They may have just gone for the traits that looked good and chose a weapon that was fun for them.
Honestly, I think it’s an open world habit for people. In most cases staff was the best mob tagging weapon and thus the best loot generating weapon.
A lot of folks couldn’t care less how they scale the content as long as they get more loot, and honestly, I don’t mind when it comes to open world content. It’s ridiculously easy.
Aware that SW awards no loot however a lot of the casual open world players are the same ones who own 1 armor set, 1 or two weapons, and are generally unaware of how to play the game. What I mean by this is that they got a staff to maximize loot in open world events, and they won’t be bothered to change their weapons.
And you can’t dictate what people play with. It’s open world.
You don’t know why each and every staff guardian is using a staff.
While some fall into your little category, you can’t force them to play anything else or change their build. And trying to force them will likely only make them cling to their build harder.
But the person with the staff may have the build that they find fun. It may not be even a specific build for doing anything. Not everyone runs to meta guides for builds or even understands how to make a good build. They may have just gone for the traits that looked good and chose a weapon that was fun for them.
No one thinks they can force people to do anything in open world, glad we got that out of the way.
There are two main reasons why guardians use staff in open world: To tag loot or because they are playing a support build, or think they are playing a support build. The other handful of reasons are outliers which would account for a very small percentage of the staff guardian population.
The ones that are doing it to tag loot are potentially still camping it in Silverwastes out of habit, and as a PSA this could snap them out of that and make them realize they should probably use a better option. Some of them could also probably care less how much they are actually helping and will use it regardless.
The ones using it as a support weapon might read this and remember that they do have another option as a weapon when playing a support build, and maybe they rethink their approach.
You also have some who use a staff because they see so many other guardians using a staff they think it must be good because so many other people are using it. For these souls all they maybe need is someone saying hey, you have better options.
The people who could care less about their impact on success or failure will never change, but I would like to believe that they are a small percentage of the playerbase in question. Rather than call out half the guardians I see in map chat maybe this will nudge some people in a better direction.
And they may not care as long as they get credit for the event. They may not want to carry around multiple sets of gear with them. They may not currently be able to afford a second set. They may not want to purchase a second set of gear because they’re wanting to make something else that’s got a high price tag on it.
And you do realize that only a minority of people go to the forums of a particular game? That you’d actually reach more guardians by doing it in game?
And then there is human nature.
If you tell someone to do something and that something isn’t explicitly required, then there is a portion that will simply refuse to do. Even if they know you’re right. They’re staying on staff to spite you.
When I was younger my younger brother had a habit of trying really hard to get me to try something. The more he asked me to do so, the chances of me doing it drastically reduced each time.
Honestly, I think it’s an open world habit for people. In most cases staff was the best mob tagging weapon and thus the best loot generating weapon.
A lot of folks couldn’t care less how they scale the content as long as they get more loot, and honestly, I don’t mind when it comes to open world content. It’s ridiculously easy.
Aware that SW awards no loot however a lot of the casual open world players are the same ones who own 1 armor set, 1 or two weapons, and are generally unaware of how to play the game. What I mean by this is that they got a staff to maximize loot in open world events, and they won’t be bothered to change their weapons.
Its been an ever-increasing plague since the Ember Farm. I still cringe when I see guardians spamming away with wave of wrath on an open world boss but since failure almost can’t happen on almost all of those its not really important. For every zone but Silverwastes and Dry Top I honestly don’t care, but the new zones have added importance in doing events quickly. When you get a bunch of staff spammers in a breach they can actually cause the events to fail.
It is my hope that the people who were just doing boss trains that are coming to Silverwastes are going to get pushed out of that comfort zone and embrace this new challenge for them. For the guardians this will be a big part of it. Maybe what we need to do is start a guardian support group guild, Guardians Against Staff Spammers, GASS.
I’ve always thought the Gdn staff should have a GM trait that made it have a ‘shotgun’ affect, hitting with more of the five projectiles the closer you are, since as a might stacking weapon it really should have some kind of DPS spec option for solo play.
Plus, having a mystical rainbow shotgun just sounds awesome
(edited by Conncept.7638)
Dont even bother I saw people with legendaries autoattacking single targets with their staff. It’s pointless.
Wait…is mace on guardian any good? If so, I totally need to buy Braham’s Mace if it comes back to the store and make a Braham guardian.
Other than that, I use greatsword on guardian because greatsword is greatsword.
With all the menders that come along the small amount of damage the staff does to further targets is removed by the somewhat impressive healing the menders apply to the other mordrem.
I’ll admit I’m only skimming through the highlights of this thread, so I apologize if someone has already noted this, however there is an extremely important point to be made here, and I would be remiss if I didn’t draw attention to it:
Menders get interrupted when they are attacked. It’s a fairly new mechanic, but just like the little Malformed Terragriffs in the (Chapter Six?) Terragriff boss fight, hitting a Mender will cause it to stagger and not cast its heal.
In that light, there are situations where because of its significant reach and spread the staff auto-attack might be the optimal choice for fort defense.
For example, in the later waves of Amber Assaults, there is always a wave that consists of two trolls, two to three terragriffs, and about five or six menders(they always spawn at east gate, btw). _So_many times I’ve seen groups of two or three people successfully holding Amber east on their own, only to get torn to pieces by this wave: the trolls and terragriff do waaay to much damage (and knockback) to be able to focus on the menders, but the menders (due to their sheer numbers) will out heal any attempts to burn down the deadly trolls/terragriffs.
But if one were to throw in a staff wielding guard into the mix, suddenly things look much better: the Guardian can stagger-lock the swarm (and it really is a swarm, I cannot stress this enough) of menders, freeing other players to burn down the trolls/terragriffs befire they tear up the defenses (both actual players and the environmental objects).
Does this mean that all Guardians should be camping staff all day? No, of course not. But just as it is important to know when Staff is a sub-optimal choice, it is equally important to be aware of when it is the optimal choice.
Considering the large AoE radius of the staff, it’s actually potentially one of the highest DPS weapons for a guardian, even though it has a very low single target DPS. And in group events where there’s tons of mobs…it can be a good weapon to use.
Considering the large AoE radius of the staff, it’s actually potentially one of the highest DPS weapons for a guardian, even though it has a very low single target DPS. And in group events where there’s tons of mobs…it can be a good weapon to use.
I can guarantee that using something else will be better in almost every situation where time is important. The ONLY time a Staff would be better is against large groups of Menders.
I agree, staff guardians in SW are worthless and annoying
They’re likely using staff as they had it equipped for swiftness and didn’t want to go through the hassle of swapping scepter/focus in and out. If they’re camping on staff the entire time, that’s another matter.
Wait…is mace on guardian any good? If so, I totally need to buy Braham’s Mace if it comes back to the store and make a Braham guardian.
Other than that, I use greatsword on guardian because greatsword is greatsword.
The damage on mace actually isn’t bad, the last hit is just slow. I only say that because some people think that if they play support on a guardian then they need to use a staff, which isn’t true at all. Mace is actually a much better support weapon, staff is just easy to use.
The damage on guardian staff is potentially among the lowest of all weapons in the game. I am sure someone has run the numbers in the speedclear community. Hitting 5 targets is a moot point since that is not a unique function of the staff, you have other weapon options that do the same with much better results. Part of it is due to the fact that there is no attack chain with wave of wrath, what you get with the first hit is what you get, where as other weapons get bigger hits as the chain progresses.
The reality of camping staff on a guardian is that whether you realize it or not you are depending on everyone else to actually do the damage needed to kill things, you’re just tagging them for loot.
I agree, staff guardians in SW are worthless and annoying
Yeah they don’t accomplish anything, and what makes it bad is at least half the guardians I see there are just spamming away with it, with the occasional empower allies thrown in.
You might want to use a scepter or a lot of blocks and blind, since most types of mordrem are not very melee friendly.
Thank you kind sir. You have informed me that I should stop running around with my speed and loot weapon in open world, on a slow (mostly) melee class, to farm a small, chaotic map where events come and go in the blink of an eye.
Just for reference, many Guardians use burning for damage, not direct damage, so the Staff will have the highest chances of proccing upgraded Virtue of Justice. There is absolutely no requirement in open world to rely on direct damage, to run around in Berserker, Assassin or Rampager builds, and to use optimal weapons.
People play in the way that is easiest for them. It is not hurting you. Any pain that you feel as a result of their playing style is a placebo effect.
Between this and bell choir elitism, I have now seen it all …
(edited by Hannelore.8153)
Thank you kind sir. You have informed me that I should stop running around with my speed and loot weapon in open world, on a slow (mostly) melee class, to farm a small, chaotic map where events come and go in the blink of an eye.
Just for reference, many Guardians use burning for damage, not direct damage, so the Staff will have the highest chances of proccing upgraded Virtue of Justice. There is absolutely no requirement in open world to rely on direct damage, to run around in Berserker, Assassin or Rampager builds, and to use optimal weapons.
People play in the way that is easiest for them. It is not hurting you. Any pain that you feel as a result of their playing style is a placebo effect.
Between this and bell choir elitism, I have now seen it all …
Any guarain that relies on burning damage against mobs I’d actually lowering group damage for everyone. Also we ate discussing the staff in silverwaste not every map. The enemies don’t drop loot there except the animals and scorps. Therefore tagging is not important on that map, it’s about helping out the warring areas. Upscaling the enemy while doing no damage and destroying more powerful burns is down right disrespectful
staff is ok and who care SW is easy anyway
If u get so agro about how other do open world u may should make a break look outside the window smell a flower or so.
edit i personal dont use staff but is not becaus I feel dps is so bad in open world is just spamming 1 hurt my finger a lot
Thank you kind sir. You have informed me that I should stop running around with my speed and loot weapon in open world, on a slow (mostly) melee class, to farm a small, chaotic map where events come and go in the blink of an eye.
Just for reference, many Guardians use burning for damage, not direct damage, so the Staff will have the highest chances of proccing upgraded Virtue of Justice. There is absolutely no requirement in open world to rely on direct damage, to run around in Berserker, Assassin or Rampager builds, and to use optimal weapons.
People play in the way that is easiest for them. It is not hurting you. Any pain that you feel as a result of their playing style is a placebo effect.
Between this and bell choir elitism, I have now seen it all …
It’s not really elitism. Fact is, you’re being ineffective and when there are only two people defending a falling fort, the Staff Guardian is literally doing nothing; not doing significant damage and not even getting any loot from the mobs.
I swear, this is the only game I’ve played where people WANT to be ineffective and just HATE to deal damage and kill things.
Thank you kind sir. You have informed me that I should stop running around with my speed and loot weapon in open world, on a slow (mostly) melee class, to farm a small, chaotic map where events come and go in the blink of an eye.
Just for reference, many Guardians use burning for damage, not direct damage, so the Staff will have the highest chances of proccing upgraded Virtue of Justice. There is absolutely no requirement in open world to rely on direct damage, to run around in Berserker, Assassin or Rampager builds, and to use optimal weapons.
People play in the way that is easiest for them. It is not hurting you. Any pain that you feel as a result of their playing style is a placebo effect.
Between this and bell choir elitism, I have now seen it all …
The thing is, the events have timers. If the DPS isn’t above the minimum required amount to defeat everything at the level it’s scaled at before the timer runs out, then the event fails. If you’re using a low DPS set up for your particular class, you have contributed to the failure.
So if you notice a lot of Staff Guardians and you have a higher DPS build on your guardian, it would be helpful if you switched to it.
That being said, it is open world so there is no requirement nor should there be an expectation that people will be wearing whatever gear set is meta at the time. Or even something relatively close to meta.
Thank you kind sir. You have informed me that I should stop running around with my speed and loot weapon in open world, on a slow (mostly) melee class, to farm a small, chaotic map where events come and go in the blink of an eye.
Just for reference, many Guardians use burning for damage, not direct damage, so the Staff will have the highest chances of proccing upgraded Virtue of Justice. There is absolutely no requirement in open world to rely on direct damage, to run around in Berserker, Assassin or Rampager builds, and to use optimal weapons.
People play in the way that is easiest for them. It is not hurting you. Any pain that you feel as a result of their playing style is a placebo effect.
Between this and bell choir elitism, I have now seen it all …
It’s not really elitism. Fact is, you’re being ineffective and when there are only two people defending a falling fort, the Staff Guardian is literally doing nothing; not doing significant damage and not even getting any loot from the mobs.
I swear, this is the only game I’ve played where people WANT to be ineffective and just HATE to deal damage and kill things.
Neet to be quoted. And thats what others call the noob effect. Worth watching. ;D
This thread is biased.
I sometimes am one of those staffspamming guardians.
I run full zerker and crit 2k per target on AA, 5 targets means 10k dps.
Second thing is groups with multiple menders.
Warriors playing GS, mesmers playing GS, rangers that don’t line up their shots, all single target attacks are even worse than spamming wave of wrath ’cause the menders will heal everything up…
Every AA on the staff will interrupt all the menders 99% of the times.
There are way worse things than #1 staff…
Guardian staff actually does decent damage, especially if you account for its massive aoe and ability to consistently hit multiple targets.
Unless enemy mobs are standing right on top of each other, against large mobs you’ll probably find you’d have more DPS with a staff than any other guard weapon.
Obviously when mobs are stacked or you’re fighting single targets, you’d be inclined to switch to something more suitable. Still, considering how mobile mordrem are and how they tend to spread out in all directions with their charge attacks, I highly doubt you’ll see many situations where mordrem are all stacking in one place for your convenience.
As always, it’s a case of using what’s suitable for the situation, and swapping regularly. O_o
I think the main problem is the breach, when you have to kill 5 bosses in a certain amount of time.
I don’t really care what you use to defend forts, but for the legendaries, staff has no place.
I think the main problem is the breach, when you have to kill 5 bosses in a certain amount of time.
I don’t really care what you use to defend forts, but for the legendaries, staff has no place.
I’m sure most guardians would or should be smart enough to switch weapons for the breach.
Wait…is mace on guardian any good? If so, I totally need to buy Braham’s Mace if it comes back to the store and make a Braham guardian.
Other than that, I use greatsword on guardian because greatsword is greatsword.
The damage on mace actually isn’t bad, the last hit is just slow. I only say that because some people think that if they play support on a guardian then they need to use a staff, which isn’t true at all. Mace is actually a much better support weapon, staff is just easy to use.
The damage on guardian staff is potentially among the lowest of all weapons in the game. I am sure someone has run the numbers in the speedclear community. Hitting 5 targets is a moot point since that is not a unique function of the staff, you have other weapon options that do the same with much better results. Part of it is due to the fact that there is no attack chain with wave of wrath, what you get with the first hit is what you get, where as other weapons get bigger hits as the chain progresses.
The reality of camping staff on a guardian is that whether you realize it or not you are depending on everyone else to actually do the damage needed to kill things, you’re just tagging them for loot.
Nice! I always wanted a Braham guardian. Now I just hope it comes back to the store next Tuesday or something in a holiday sales event or something stupid.
I think the main problem is the breach, when you have to kill 5 bosses in a certain amount of time.
I don’t really care what you use to defend forts, but for the legendaries, staff has no place.I’m sure most guardians would or should be smart enough to switch weapons for the breach.
I’m pretty sure not
Wait…is mace on guardian any good? If so, I totally need to buy Braham’s Mace if it comes back to the store and make a Braham guardian.
Other than that, I use greatsword on guardian because greatsword is greatsword.
It’s stronger than staff against 1-3 targets. It’s a symbol weapon, like the hammer, so Writ of Persistence is a must, so you need to use it on cooldown. The third hit of the chain ONLY hits one target, unlike sword mainhand which is only very likely to hit just one target on its third chain hit. The mace has more aoe than the sword though with the symbol and aoe counter hit. Since it’s one-handed, you can use the 15% main-hand crit trait on it.
It’ll be a problem if everyone is a guardian with staff.
Hardly a problem if there’s only a few. You probably have more problem with people dead and not respawn.
And I find it only a problem at boss. Most of the time staff is ok, just because it hit many target at once.
Staff guardians = stacking group might.
Argument over.
Staff guardians = overwriting longer duration mights
Argument is over.
It boggles my mind how much people hate being good team players.
I just find staff in the open world really dull to use! It can definitely be useful to have a couple of them in the boss fights for the might stacks though (yes, yes, they can overwrite longer duration ones, but as a whole, the group benefits HUGELY from empowers), but for random fighting it’s not great.
I personally use greatsword/sword/focus and go for all out blinding and vulnerability stacking via the VoJ recharge-on-death trait. Much better support overall due to sheer amount of burning, vuln, and blind applied. Plus you hit like a truck.
Staff guardians = overwriting longer duration mights
Argument is over.
maybe the OP is complaining about the people who spend 100% of their time autoattack with 1.
You can quick swap after you empowered.
Or, you know, you could use a staff as a 2nd weapon while using a greatsword as your main offensive weapon, you know, like most sensible guardians do.
There is nothing wrong with staff and it can greatly increase the DPS of the group but the main DPS will have to come from another weapon set (greatsword or sword/focus).
Thank you kind sir. You have informed me that I should stop running around with my speed and loot weapon in open world, on a slow (mostly) melee class, to farm a small, chaotic map where events come and go in the blink of an eye.
-Edit: and about the greater chance of proc’ing burning, that isn’t true either. It requires more effort than just using one skill but other weapons attack faster than the staff, and if you have positioned everything into cleaving range you will proc burning faster on a sword or greatsword. Honestly if you’re looking to do your damage from Virtue of Justice procs the sword is your best choice due to its attack speed and the fact that it does three hits every third hit.
Just for reference, many Guardians use burning for damage, not direct damage, so the Staff will have the highest chances of proccing upgraded Virtue of Justice. There is absolutely no requirement in open world to rely on direct damage, to run around in Berserker, Assassin or Rampager builds, and to use optimal weapons.
People play in the way that is easiest for them. It is not hurting you. Any pain that you feel as a result of their playing style is a placebo effect.
As someone already said, I can only assume you didn’t read the OP since it clearly states that the mordrem drop no loot, so no loot tagging. The map is too small to need the swiftness symbol either. As far as your statement that you rely on burning for damage, the staff is actually the worst weapon for that since the burning only applies to one target unless you are traited for the aoe burn, and either way you will have no control over which target the burning is applied to. The events do not come and go in the blink of an eye, I run melee without swiftness and I get credit for 2 defense events and a bull escort every cycle.
Edit: As for the greater chance of a burning proc, that simply isn’t true. Other weapons can do much better, it just requires more than spamming the auto attack. The sword is actually the best weapon for relying on Virtue of Justice procs since every third hit it hits 3 times.
(edited by Dramen Maidria.1034)
Wait…is mace on guardian any good? If so, I totally need to buy Braham’s Mace if it comes back to the store and make a Braham guardian.
Other than that, I use greatsword on guardian because greatsword is greatsword.
It’s stronger than staff against 1-3 targets. It’s a symbol weapon, like the hammer, so Writ of Persistence is a must, so you need to use it on cooldown. The third hit of the chain ONLY hits one target, unlike sword mainhand which is only very likely to hit just one target on its third chain hit. The mace has more aoe than the sword though with the symbol and aoe counter hit. Since it’s one-handed, you can use the 15% main-hand crit trait on it.
Genuine thanks. I’ve always enjoyed my greatsword on guardian but I’d love to make a Braham with mace and shield. Shield might not be the best offhand choice, but who cares. Braham is Braham, unless they release a focus or torch that looks like Braham’s Shield you couldn’t pry the Shield from me.
Just need to hope that they re-release the set.
This thread is biased.
I sometimes am one of those staffspamming guardians.
I run full zerker and crit 2k per target on AA, 5 targets means 10k dps.Second thing is groups with multiple menders.
Warriors playing GS, mesmers playing GS, rangers that don’t line up their shots, all single target attacks are even worse than spamming wave of wrath ’cause the menders will heal everything up…
Every AA on the staff will interrupt all the menders 99% of the times.There are way worse things than #1 staff…
The same circumstances that allow you to do 2k per hit with a staff will allow every other weapon to hit for 3-4k, and that is just with the first hit of their attack chains. Within 5 seconds someone with a greatsword, sword, or hammer will have done 3 times your damage. That is just the first skill chain. The real reason why guardian staff does almost the lowest level of damage in the game is that the staff has no other real damage skills, its a pure support weapon. Other weapons have a burst skill that can do over 10k per target under those same conditions. Staff has zero burst potential. Yes, you get to interrupt menders, but what is better is bursting down the trolls or terragriffs before the menders can even start to heal them. The fort could have 20 menders inside but if nothing else survives from the waves then it doesn’t matter. Menders basically do nothing but heal other mordrem.
As far as stacking group might, it doesn’t balance out the significantly lower damage the staff does to other weapons. It especially doesn’t in groups of two or three. If there are only three people defending a fort being overrun and two of them are staff camping guardians, even that 24 stacks of might will not be enough to overcome the low damage output and lack of burst capability for the trolls and terragriffs. The fort commander will go down and the timer will run out before those people can clear the mordrem out and revive the commander.
Open world is really easy, and before Silverwastes none of this made any difference. Silverwastes however is on a higher difficultly level with timed events and a timed meta event that can cause all the work the entire map has done to fail. I honestly think that most of the staff guardians I see there really don’t know how bad of a choice the staff is for the unique open world situation this map brings. The responses I see show a lack of understanding of some of the game’s combat mechanics, and that isn’t anyone’s fault, open world doesn’t push you to understand the combat system past the basics. Everything before this the time it took to kill things really didn’t matter, or events were so crowded that everything melts in two seconds anyway. Now we have a situation where time does matter, and burst potential may make the difference between holding a fort or losing it, or completing a breach event or failing it.
I worded the OP very carefully, I was blunt but not condescending. I didn’t call anyone a failure, or a noob, or tell them to uninstall. IF any of the speedclear community starts responding in this thread they’ll have the numbers to show you exactly how little damage staff does compared to just about every other guardian weapon, because they have actually run the numbers.
Okay, I will no longer briefly swap to staff to use line of warding to save a blob of zerkers from teragriffs – everybody can die. Also, menders are interrupted on hit, so symbol of swiftness followed by some auto-attacking can make a group of them useless.
MM, staff camping is pretty bad, and the aoe can be bad in some cases. But it’s not like people don’t have weapon swaps. You should never be a “staff” guardian. I suppose you can use mace for the symbol. But use it with a focus, not that useless shield.
Anet, please buff staff. Pressing other buttons is too hard for me.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Okay, I will no longer briefly swap to staff to use line of warding to save a blob of zerkers from teragriffs – everybody can die. Also, menders are interrupted on hit, so symbol of swiftness followed by some auto-attacking can make a group of them useless.
If you want a line of warding just take hammer. More support and way more damage than the staff. :P
Staff guardians = overwriting longer duration mights
Argument is over.
‘cept most people don’t throw a ton of boons out in silverwastes (in my experience), a guardian with staff just about always will. You don’t overwrite might till it gets to 25 stacks, and that’s rarely a problem in SW, even with +12
The whole thing is bizarre to me though, not sure how they’re hurting the OP much. If soembody is just running around spamming 1 for kill credit, yeah that’s conceptually annoying, but it’s not make-or-break either. If you lost on one of the legendaries, it’s more likely because of the lack of knowledge on/misinformation about the encounter making them too slow.
I don’t undersatnd why someone would use staff consistently on the legendaries, but then agian ~ is a button (or whatever your bind is), so maybe they swap in and out appropriately (this seems likely to me).
I used to be a raging elitist and was part of two hardcore PvE dungeon running guilds but this thread goes to far, even for my tastes :P
It is open world play guys, relax a little. If someone wants to run around with a staff because it’s his/her favorite weapon for whatever reason, that’s okay. There’s a thread in this forum with a discussion about “the meta” that’s just going round and round in circles but one major conclusion is always: If you don’t like the “zerk meta”, don’t join their groups. If you want everyone to play like in a World Record, don’t join “All Welcome”.
In open world PvE people don’t have that option, so berating them for playing how they want in an environment where they can’t easily choose their map/instance/surroundings is not only pointless but, I dare say, rude! It’s a game, let people have fun.
Play at Blue Oasis. Staff guardians don’t want to get that far from the waypoints.
Knockback rangers, unfortunately…
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