PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: AlietteFaye.7316


I remember people thinking that ascended would change the balance of WvW forever…
…then 2 weeks later complain that WvW was static.

I remember people complaining that crafting was useless…
…and now complaining that it’s the only method of obtaining these items.

Oh, forgot…these are MMO forums. You certainly have the right to complain. Carry on.

You know that people were talking about the future of WvW being changed by Ascended gear, right? Which they were right about. The new stats are going to the difference between winning and losing what would have been an even fight.

And crafting is still going to be useless. Do you understand why it’s useless as it is now? Because after you get the highest gear you can from it, there’s nothing else to do with crafting. That exact same thing will happen when people have Ascended Weapons. They will return to not using crafting because there is no use for them.


No people like to overreact but that is not true. maybe in 1v1 fights but the game wasn’t balance in the first place around 1v1 that is moot.

When you are sieging the biggest threat is siege weapons and zergs, in a zerg ascended weapons are not the things that will decide who wins or loses.

Fair enough, but there are several small scale fights that happen where that does turn the tides. Not every server has full queues where massive zergs are on every borderland and EB, and that effects them pretty drastically.

Small scale fights well nice are the the essense of WvW in theory. Either ways you don’t get points for individual fights but for taking stuff.

Either ways it is too early to make a judgment call because the same thing was said about Accessories and that didn’t change the playing field.

There are several small scale fights for things that give points. Not every supply camp is taken by zergs, not even every tower is taken by zergs. Like I said, there are small scale battles that will be affected by this. The new stats aren’t a big deal, but they are also increasing the actual weapon damage for them. That is going to be a factor at all times, and while it may not be the most apparent, there still isn’t a reason that they should have added higher stats into the game.

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Brienson.7319


ONLY two weeks for a weapon. Then another two for your offhand. And another two for your offset. Unfortunate you if you use two dual wield sets. That’s 4 months for your weapons, 1/3rd of a year. You people are living in denial if you are still pretending that’s not a massive amount of time for just some weapons.

For people that play more than one class, and don’t have a ‘main’, this is a brick wall. These weapons will have 5% more base damage and 10% higher stat allocation.

The fact that they’ve increased the base damage spread on the weapons is most worrying because it means they may have also increased the base defense on armor. If that is the case, I don’t think I’ll be playing anymore. The penalties on people who play alts are already pretty taxing. The more of this stuff that gets introduced, the more the gear grind starts to look like other MMOs, and the mroe I realize I’m mostly only playing because up until now GW2 has been the most alt-friendly game I’ve ever played. I’m running out of reasons to stick around here.


PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jeahanne.5209


AFAIK, when you reach a craft level, you can craft any weapon/armor under that crafting profession provided you have the materials.
Example: You can craft weaponsmith orichalcum weapons as soon as you reach 400 weaponsmith.

I am interpreting this as:
it will take 2 weeks to max a crafting profession(say weaponsmith) to 500 and say you are using greatsword & sword/axe, you’re done right there as long as you have the mats, you may craft all 3(they are all under weaponsmith). Now you need another 2 weeks to max your huntsman and another 2 to max artificier, so depending on what weapons you use, it may take 2-6 weeks to finish your ascended weapons.

Of course that means you will also need huntsman500 for your speargun or artificier500 for your trident.

If they make it time-gated and it takes 2 weeks for 1 weapon, then arenanet has lost a customer, a fan and a possible investor.

If it wasn’t time gated, you’d complete it in a day, get your weapon, and then complain about a lack of content.

As someone else stated before and I agree with them:
“Additional weapons, armor, trinkets, ect., should never be considered ‘additional content’.”

Additional content for me is something PLAYABLE, not force-farming (or forcing daily log-ins to save up account bound items to eventually make something). For me, legitimate content constitutes: dungeons, storyline, living story, events, holidays, new maps, and new cities, among many, many, many others.

Having new gear of any kind, including weapons, be used as new “content” is inexcusable to me. You should not have to spend months of your life getting a full set of gear in any game. This is especially true in this one, where upon launch it was supposed to go AGAINST the idea of having to constantly grind to have “best in game” gear.

Crafting in the game has NEVER been time gated until the recent addition of Celestial gear, which I only put up with due to it’s fairly ridiculous stats (+’s to everything almost made up for the time-gating, but not quite. I still don’t own any and don’t see the investment in time worth it.) In fact, I’ve always applauded this game for not having as much of the REQUIRED grind as most games. The multiple avenues and non-time gated ability to earn the things you wanted in the way you wanted has always felt freeing to me in an industry of games where the norm is to be thankful for the RNG giving you ANY chance at ANYTHING even half decent, and most of the time the good stuff would still end up being from cash shop lottery boxes of some description, and having best in game gear is a requirement since ALL worthwhile content is end-game. That isn’t what this game was intended to be as described when it was released, and forcing a time sink into the game like time-gating really does go against what the description of this game is when Arenanet released it.

This is the game that was suppose to “end the traditional view of MMO’s”. It was the “WoW killer”. I have no problems with updating gear so we can have better stats, and I LOVE that legendaries will finally have the ability to get the stats people need instead of literally all of them sporting identical ones. However, time-gating it is just a poor excuse to force people into throwing more hours into a game that we all are willing put time into anyway. If we weren’t we wouldn’t be here already playing this game and putting our voices out there on forums.

So please Anet, don’t shackle us to a game we already tied ourselves to voluntarily, or you’re just shooting yourselves in the foot. Don’t start making this game into what it was supposed to be ending. If you want to know what GW2 should be, watch your own manifesto.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that, no one finds that fun.”
Colin Johanson

(edited by Jeahanne.5209)

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Coldtart.4785


Can someone please explain to me what actual gameplay is added to the game by ascended gear? How much effort is Anet going to for the sake of nothing? How much effort does it take to not add anything to a game? Why are we being made to sit through a minimum of 2 weeks of time gating so that once we’re done we’re playing the exact same thing we were before?

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: IndigoSundown.5419


Can someone please explain to me what actual gameplay is added to the game by ascended gear? How much effort is Anet going to for the sake of nothing? How much effort does it take to not add anything to a game? Why are we being made to sit through a minimum of 2 weeks of time gating so that once we’re done we’re playing the exact same thing we were before?

Because some players won’t play the game unless the game makes them work at something. ANet has decided that catering to those players is vital to the continued success of the game.

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shifu.4321


I always thought that ascended weapons and armor would have made much more sense with bigger additions to the game, like an expac or content with substance. Introduce them when everything is fresh and people are willing to do actual content so it feels less like a grind and more like something you’ll get because just playing.

Because right now, I’m sure most people are already sick and tired of grinding dungeons, grinding world bosses, farming champs and whatever ascended weapons and armor will entail. Players have already done it for months and months, and they’re being told that they’d have to do it again just to retain being BiS.

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


AFAIK, when you reach a craft level, you can craft any weapon/armor under that crafting profession provided you have the materials.
Example: You can craft weaponsmith orichalcum weapons as soon as you reach 400 weaponsmith.

I am interpreting this as:
it will take 2 weeks to max a crafting profession(say weaponsmith) to 500 and say you are using greatsword & sword/axe, you’re done right there as long as you have the mats, you may craft all 3(they are all under weaponsmith). Now you need another 2 weeks to max your huntsman and another 2 to max artificier, so depending on what weapons you use, it may take 2-6 weeks to finish your ascended weapons.

Of course that means you will also need huntsman500 for your speargun or artificier500 for your trident.

If they make it time-gated and it takes 2 weeks for 1 weapon, then arenanet has lost a customer, a fan and a possible investor.

If it wasn’t time gated, you’d complete it in a day, get your weapon, and then complain about a lack of content.

As someone else stated before and I agree with them:
“Additional weapons, armor, trinkets, ect., should never be considered ‘additional content’.”

Additional content for me is something PLAYABLE, not force-farming (or forcing daily log-ins to save up account bound items to eventually make something). For me, legitimate content constitutes: dungeons, storyline, living story, events, holidays, new maps, and new cities, among many, many, many others.

Having new gear of any kind, including weapons, be used as new “content” is inexcusable to me. You should not have to spend months of your life getting a full set of gear in any game. This is especially true in this one, where upon launch it was supposed to go AGAINST the idea of having to constantly grind to have “best in game” gear.

Crafting in the game has NEVER been time gated until the recent addition of Celestial gear, which I only put up with due to it’s fairly ridiculous stats (+’s to everything almost made up for the time-gating, but not quite. I still don’t own any and don’t see the investment in time worth it.) In fact, I’ve always applauded this game for not having as much of the REQUIRED grind as most games. The multiple avenues and non-time gated ability to earn the things you wanted in the way you wanted has always felt freeing to me in an industry of games where the norm is to be thankful for the RNG giving you ANY chance at ANYTHING even half decent, and most of the time the good stuff would still end up being from cash shop lottery boxes of some description, and having best in game gear is a requirement since ALL worthwhile content is end-game. That isn’t what this game was intended to be as described when it was released, and forcing a time sink into the game like time-gating really does go against what the description of this game is when Arenanet released it.

This is the game that was suppose to “end the traditional view of MMO’s”. It was the “WoW killer”. I have no problems with updating gear so we can have better stats, and I LOVE that legendaries will finally have the ability to get the stats people need instead of literally all of them sporting identical ones. However, time-gating it is just a poor excuse to force people into throwing more hours into a game that we all are willing put time into anyway. If we weren’t we wouldn’t be here already playing this game and putting our voices out there on forums.

So please Anet, don’t shackle us to a game we already tied ourselves to voluntarily, or you’re just shooting yourselves in the foot. Don’t start making this game into what it was supposed to be ending. If you want to know what GW2 should be, watch your own manifesto.

“We just don’t want players to grind in Guild Wars 2. No one enjoys that, no one finds that fun.”
Colin Johanson

To reference another now-famous quote…does grinding and timegating for gear equal “preparing to have fun”?

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doomdesire.9365


Unless you loot one of course.

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: darkdomino.9578


GW1 and GW2 both have grind.


Because a lot of people enjoy it. They are merely catering to the needs of EVERYONE and not just the needs of someone who plays 3 hours once a week.

You don’t have to grind anything in this game. You can skip hearts, do your living story, do whatever you want. You are not forced to get ascended weapons, you don’t need ascended weapons to enjoy the game.

This game is no different than any other game… If you invest more time into the game, you’re going to be rewarded for that time. There has to be an incentive to play more. There have to be high level rewards for the hardcore players… It can’t all be happy-go-lucky casual fun time.

And people kittening about the grind in GW2 need to play some other MMOs out there. GW2’s grind is NOTHING compared to some games. It’s a freakin cakewalk by comparison. You guys don’t know how good you’ve got it… But if you’ve never played any other MMORPGs in your life, you’d never know it.

Fury of the Departed [Fury] –

PSA: only 2 weeks for asc weapon

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Helicity.3416


This is a deceptive post.

It’s “only two weeks, if you already have the crafting proficiency, the materials”

Now imagine the WvW player who has no interest in crafting, he cannot get the lower end materials to level up the craft in WvW in sufficient quantities to begin with.

It’s a terrible bit of flawed game design.

Nemain/Kali Darru [FUN]