This is just something I need to get off my chest. I’d also like to hear some other opinions.
I’m sick and tired of things being changed (or “balanced”) for PVP that has impacts on stuff for PVE.
Is there a way to keep these separate at all?
I know it would probably be a significant investment of time and energy to keep these things totally separate. But I can always hope, right?
Just getting frustrated that changes get made to the game based on PVP and it doesn’t seem to matter one bit how those changes impact the people who wish to play the game without the personal conflict of PVP.
I wish there wasn’t any PVP. I don’t believe you can EVER balance any type of class-based (read: profession-based) game. And the changes sometimes really mess up PVE.
If you want to play class-based PVP, go play League of Legends. That IS a PVP game. There is NO PVE in that game what-so-ever. (Now, if you want something far more exotic than class-based PVP, go play EVE Online. Or World of Tanks. These “RPGs” don’t have, and can never have, balanced PVP. Fin.)
Sorry for the rant. I’m just upset that so much focus is put into the aspect of the game for PVP and it ends up screwing over PVE most times.
PVP will never be balanced. Period. Some scriptkiddie will always find that one thing to do or that one class/skill that is OP.