PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


I am a bit tired of games that do not have different PVP skill sets, to always pander to the PVP community in detriment of us PVE folks…

Why the game has to nerf nerf nerf and make ridiculous changes to our skills, in order to “balance” PVP ?

PVP will never ever ever be balanced! Unless this was Quake 3 Instagib where everyone has the same gun and it all boils down to who has more skills and less ping.

This is really upsetting as a lot of people had tons of fun builds, which over time were completely ruined due to your incessant pursue of that holy grail that is PVP balance…

You wont achieve it ArenaNet, so stop messing around with it and make specific skills or changes to PVP to affect only players.

For example you can say that skill X or Z has less effectiveness when dealt to players, etc…

Anyone else feeling that PVP always ruins the fun for PVE and it seems to be the thing that always takes precedence in choice over “balance” ?

Not a happy player at the moment.

PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aenesthesia.1697


uh, i don’t know. What pve builds were destroyed by this last patch? for all i know, you maybe lost a trait or two, but gained access to 3 more and the ones you keep actually do more things than before.

and you get to mess with traits because you want the traits, not like before, where you would go for a trait line just for the stats and some mediocre traits you had to take anyway.

PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


See what is been happening as of lately, in the forums?

The game is being messed up beyond repair, and all because of the PVP people who insist in getting things balanced…

I hate the way this is going, everything that was fun in PVE is now being nerfed and changed to the ground, in order for the PVP people to have a feel of the game being balanced.


Go play a game where everyone is the same class, with the same skills and spells.
That is the only way that SKILL will be a deciding factor on who wins or not.


PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jumanji.8724


PvE will never be balanced also.

1. Zerker meta
2. Some classses just have more dps than others.
3. Some classes support better than others.

PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ades.1386


Heres the way I see it..

1. Anet wants to get into Esports (its growing fast and could be awesome for the game if it gets sorted out and built correctly, look at LoL never played it just using it as an example)

2. PvP and WvW are the most competitive gamemodes we have in Gw2 where you are litteraly fighting other players (hense this may be why they are the most vocal) you would absolutly be right in trying to balance out the game to be fair to each class, nobody wants to be the underdog.

The other side of this is people need to calm down and wait its been less than 3 days, we dont have enough data to know what needs to be done to balance.

3. PvE is npc only.. ZERO player combat you have no one to balance against which is one of the core ideas of GW2 work as a team (this also makes it very difficult to balance as what are you comparing anything to? how fast you can kill something vs your friend?), you can either buff the npcs to make it more challenging(looking at your world bosses..), everyone was crying foul that condi didnt work in pve and the only good thing was zerk. or you create a system where pvp, pve, wvw all have different stats, baselines and skills are used differently (This would create 3x more work for each game mode) you would then have to figure out how do we teach players moving from pvp/wvw that every thing they do is now totally different?

GW2 will and cannot be perfect for everyone. You either roll with the punches as we are happily doing now, or you quit and go find something else to your liking.

Crystal Desert

PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Uhkapian.7068


As per my first post, I am not saying they should remove PVP.
PVP is part of the game, we know that.

But what if certain spells and traits, would only affect players.

For example, a skill from Ranger:

Long Range Shot.: Shoot your foe from long range. The farther the arrow flies, the more damage it does.

What if this skill had reduced effectiveness for human players?

For example the range could be 1500 (pve) and for PVP would be 1200. Etc.

This is just a silly example that things could be changed, very easily as it happened in World of Warcraft, where certain skill have reduced efficiency whilst in PVP battlegrounds, 75% damage, less healing, etc…

This would make things easier to balance as they would not need to syphon away all the fun for PVE and World Bosses, and focus only on PVP.

But I guess GW2 wants a slice of the eSports market and pretend its a PVP game worth being competitive about.

Silly Anet

PVP slowly takes the fun away from PVE...

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Atlas.9704


Considering how PvP gets the shaft in many other updates, I don’t mind this one tweaking PvE here and there.

Face it, we PvE players have it good at times.
Now GW2 is ramping up to ready HoT and there’s been things that the devs wanted to do getting worked now which do not require some Living Story update timing.

Anyone else feeling that PVP always ruins the fun for PVE and it seems to be the thing that always takes precedence in choice over “balance” ?

No, but then again I don’t tend to care about the PvP side of things and I don’t feel like they’ve impacted my PvE experience that much anyways.

Elona, Land of the Golden Sun….and undead…and poison. The travel brochure lied okay?!