Pace of new content - TOO FAST
This is very true. Quality not quantity.
Some of us working people barely have time to play.
World Events/Living Story stuff is definitely coming out way too fast for the average player to really get into. It has to be said, however, that they cannot be classified as content.
I want you to think about what you would miss if you skipped one of these events. What would your account end up lacking? A handful of cosmetic items and some achievement points that could easily be gained from participating in other activities.
The only real content that has come out in the last year is fractals of the mists and more recently the ascended weapon update. If those were missable then we’d have a problem because you’d be in a serious disadvantage in the game. You have to come to terms with the fact that at the end of the day all these world events are in fact meaningless to the overall game and nobody should give a kitten if you miss them because the only thing lost was some of your “fun.”
This game has perhaps been the lightest on actual content for any big MMO ever released and it has ended up boring me to tears because of it.
I can pretty much relate to this thread. At this point all I got time for is the daily and an achivement or two per day. Usually by the time im near finished the next update is already here which shortens my time for what I really wanna do such as lvling alts and wvwing. If anyne has noticed, the amount of achievents on successive living story updates has been increasing in by an absurd amount since it began with the karka invasion. Slow down on these achivements give us time for other stuff too :/
Keep doing as u do A-net!
Their pase of in wich they release things is just fine! I don’t think the two week rate is a problem…
For example. I find the SAB content plain boring and will therefor not play it but do other things instead… Not all contetnt suits everuone and therefor this release pase makes sense. Some is fun, some is less fun.
I wonder sometimes if people who say that the current pace is fine are students/unemployed/retirees (a.k.a people who have a lot of free time), as opposed to people who have full-time jobs, families and other responsibilities. I know that, for me at least, a big part of the allure of GW2 was because it was marketed as a game where someone with responsibilities or not a lot of gaming time could still come and play at their own pace, similar to what we had with GW1.
And for a while, it was exactly like that. I remember wandering aimlessly through the open world, doing events, talking to every single NPC or just standing at a vista to take in the breathtaking beauty of the game world for a few minutes. Sure, I knew that at that very moment, there were people grinding dungeons, forging Legendaries, but none of that mattered because I knew they would still be there when I caught up months or even years later.
Now though, when I log in, I actually have a checklist of things to do. Harvest my Quartz, do my Dailies, do the daily Activity, do a bit of TP trading if I have stuff to sell, and then spend the rest of the hour or so I have for gaming each night getting through as much of the LS content as I can so I don’t get left behind. Individually, each of those activities is fun. Put them altogether underneath the shroud of “temporary content” (whether it disappears daily, monthly or at the end of the current LS chapter) and it all becomes draining.
I think that what ANet is trying to do is commendable, and I love new content as much as the next gamer. I just don’t think it would hurt to slow things down so it becomes a journey rather than a race.
Keep doing as u do A-net!
Their pase of in wich they release things is just fine! I don’t think the two week rate is a problem…
For example. I find the SAB content plain boring and will therefor not play it but do other things instead… Not all contetnt suits everuone and therefor this release pase makes sense. Some is fun, some is less fun.
100% agree. I also don’t like the SAB so I won’t touch it – there is plenty of other stuff to do. It’s not like I will be left behind or ridiculed or something if I don’t do the SAB achievements. Instead I am happy that in 2 weeks we will have a new update that I will probably like.
Oh, so because you are getting a break, there’s no problem with the process you are relived to be getting a break from?
I wonder what your basis for comparison is…”
- Jareth, King of Goblins.
Keep doing as u do A-net!
Their pase of in wich they release things is just fine! I don’t think the two week rate is a problem…
For example. I find the SAB content plain boring and will therefor not play it but do other things instead… Not all contetnt suits everuone and therefor this release pase makes sense. Some is fun, some is less fun.100% agree. I also don’t like the SAB so I won’t touch it – there is plenty of other stuff to do. It’s not like I will be left behind or ridiculed or something if I don’t do the SAB achievements. Instead I am happy that in 2 weeks we will have a new update that I will probably like.
So you don’t like SAB and now you are taking a break, doing other stuff. That’s fine, but it misses the point of this thread. What if you’ve done the last few LS and were ready for a break but this part was also something you liked or you wanted the reward? No break for you then. And that is the point. That there are no regular and expected breaks. Instead you have to wait till the patch is something you don’t like. Eventually it will get to the point where you hope the next patch is something you don’t want, just so you can take a break.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
I am a no-life and it’s too fast even for me lol.
I have to agree the living story releases are a bit too fast paced. I have nothing against them being temporary, but slow down the pace. It’s exhausting to try to keep up with them all and if I don’t, then I feel like I’m missing out on something.
Keep doing as u do A-net!
Their pase of in wich they release things is just fine! I don’t think the two week rate is a problem…
For example. I find the SAB content plain boring and will therefor not play it but do other things instead… Not all contetnt suits everuone and therefor this release pase makes sense. Some is fun, some is less fun.
How can you tell a story from start to finish in two weeks? How can you create meaningful characters in two weeks?
Two weeks is doing no one any good, except for ArenaNet. The content patches are nothing more than cash shop sales vehicles – that is the true reason for the pace of the shallow content. “Because they can.” “Because they have to.” Not “Because it’s awesome content.”
It’s probably fine if you’re a fulltime pve’er, but when you want to get in some wvw or tpvp there’s simply no way to keep up. Took a week off? No way you can catch up unless you dive in maniacally. And it’s all pve content, so wvw and spvp participation numbers are suffering.
I managed doing half the queen achievements, but no way i could stand that ultraboring arena-farm for longer than 20 minutes. I did the Scarlet-introthingieinstance, and that’s it. Orr champ farming is a mindnumbing grind as well, so I’m behind on the gold hoarding while prices on ah skyrocketted. And I haven’t even been in every dungeon yet, and am at fractals level 2 or so.
Well, no more. No ratrace for me. The hell with those achievements and skins i don’t like anyway and minis that sit in my wh doing nothing. I do have to get ascended stuff though, to keep up.
But what i’m REALLY curious about, is what’s happening between Sparkfly Fen and Timberline Falls, and between Kessex Hills and Lion’s Arch, or between Rata Sum and The Grove. What’s that circle at Magus Falls, where Henge of Denravi used to be? Do they still have dinosaurs at Ring of Fire? Is the Dragon’s Lair still intact at Crystal Desert? If Living Story would extend into new areas, i’d be a lot more interested.
(edited by Sai Ree.5960)
I do agree though, the time frame of these updates is just getting a bit out of hand at this rate. Everything is here and gone before you know it and there’s not enough time to get anything done at a reasonable pace.
The pace of new content isn’t the problem, of course. The problem is entirely that most of it is temporary. (not to mention that it almost invariably throws up big, mostly opaque panels in the quest tracker on your screen that you can’t dismiss, which is really, really irritating)
Well I have decided to skip SAB because with school starting up again and work and life, I can’t possibly get the achievements in 2 weeks. Sooooooo…. back to traveling the lands for world completion…. trying not to think of all those achievement points I am losing out on.
I agree with others that the LS is not “content”. Content doesn’t disappear after 2 weeks.
For those who have said ANet is just using it as a way to garner more real money purchases from the BLTC, I’m not sure I agree. And, even if I did, I can’t fault them for it, because it’s where their only long-term revenue stream will come from.
(Unless Coke or Pepsi billboards start appearing in Lion’s Arch.)
However, even goodies in the BLTC don’t require new content. How about a mining pick that miners found deep in a Molten Alliance cave that’s now abandoned? Heck, there were those periscope things shooting at you weeks after the event was over (which was a nice touch, IMO).
I have to believe that there is a HUGE pool of Tyrian History from which they could make new goodies we would pay real money for. How about a “Troll Ungent” that’s been recently discovered after 200 years of sitting in a cave. Smear a little of that on your backpack and the stacking limit goes from 250 to 350.
Maybe a really old flute (could it be Gwen’s?) that you could play just right while you are in a bank panel, causing the stacking limits in that panel to go up?
We don’t need new content to justify new goodies. I’m not complaining, but it’s not needed.
Well I have decided to skip SAB because with school starting up again and work and life, I can’t possibly get the achievements in 2 weeks. Sooooooo…. back to traveling the lands for world completion…. trying not to think of all those achievement points I am losing out on.
I agree with others that the LS is not “content”. Content doesn’t disappear after 2 weeks.
Every show you watch on TV is television content, even if they never reply it. If I go see a show, that’s content, even if the show packs up and leaves.
You have a very strange definition of content.
Flame and Frost had all the makings of a decent story, but was too spaced out. Now we have too short, too rushed stories without meaning or explanation. A story takes as long as it needs to be told.
If they took all short stories they release on the front page and implemented them in the actual updates in form of some kind of cinematics or similar, it would be much easier to understand and follow the general storyline.
Take Scarlet’s story for example. I think it’s great. But you don’t see any of that in game.
Imagine if they took their time and told the story in form of artistic cinematic. How much better these little stories would be…
The problem is. It should be one big story like we saw with the first one (That still wasn’t like I would like it to be (see me fist comment) but at least it was an unfolding story) but this are like you say yourself little stories. cinematics or not. And the achievements / rewards en temporay nature make them feel like a job.
The only stories I understood where the first two. Flame and Frost and “The Secret of Southsun” Well sort of that last one. I know how we found that island from some time before that and I know that in the meanwhile we build settlements and now we dropped the refugees there. What was going on there with attacking mobs is not really clear.
The other stories..? Some people attacked us, then some other people attacked us, then somebody died, then somebody needed to replace the dead person and then some witch came along and attacked us with the people who attacked us before. Oow yeah and meanwhile some people that life in flying ships came by to trade goods. Thats about right but I can’t say it’s really an nice unfolding story where i was part of.
I wouldn’t say that the content is coming too fast, but I would say that it is going away too fast.
Flame and Frost had all the makings of a decent story, but was too spaced out. Now we have too short, too rushed stories without meaning or explanation. A story takes as long as it needs to be told.
If they took all short stories they release on the front page and implemented them in the actual updates in form of some kind of cinematics or similar, it would be much easier to understand and follow the general storyline.
Take Scarlet’s story for example. I think it’s great. But you don’t see any of that in game.
Imagine if they took their time and told the story in form of artistic cinematic. How much better these little stories would be…
The problem is. It should be one big story like we saw with the first one (That still wasn’t like I would like it to be (see me fist comment) but at least it was an unfolding story) but this are like you say yourself little stories. cinematics or not. And the achievements / rewards en temporay nature make them feel like a job.
The only stories I understood where the first two. Flame and Frost and “The Secret of Southsun” Well sort of that last one. I know how we found that island from some time before that and I know that in the meanwhile we build settlements and now we dropped the refugees there. What was going on there with attacking mobs is not really clear.
The other stories..? Some people attacked us, then some other people attacked us, then somebody died, then somebody needed to replace the dead person and then some witch came along and attacked us with the people who attacked us before. Oow yeah and meanwhile some people that life in flying ships came by to trade goods. Thats about right but I can’t say it’s really an nice unfolding story where i was part of.
Em…….that’s why I said, if they were told better, they would be more interesting. Where is the most interesting parts of stories posted? That’s right, on the website, and majority of my guild doesn’t even know about it. Even if it is generic, it would be more fleshed out as a whole if those stories were fully unfolded in the actual game.
Speaking of achievements, i don’t really care about them, at least the LS ones. I know they’re optional and I certainly don’t feel the pressure to do em once I log in. You can still explore and take your time with events/vistas/jp’s, whatever. I know some people who work 9+ hours daily and they still manage to finish those just fine. I don’t understand what the issue is here.
Or maybe they should just remove those achievements all together and introduce something different.
Every show you watch on TV is television content, even if they never reply it. If I go see a show, that’s content, even if the show packs up and leaves.
Its a matter of tense. Something that has been removed from the game is not content, but it once was.
If the game no longer contains something then that something is no longer content of the game.
For those who have said ANet is just using it as a way to garner more real money purchases from the BLTC, I’m not sure I agree. And, even if I did, I can’t fault them for it, because it’s where their only long-term revenue stream will come from.
(Unless Coke or Pepsi billboards start appearing in Lion’s Arch.
However, even goodies in the BLTC don’t require new content. How about a mining pick that miners found deep in a Molten Alliance cave that’s now abandoned? Heck, there were those periscope things shooting at you weeks after the event was over (which was a nice touch, IMO).
“I can’t fault them for it, because it’s where their only long-term revenue stream will come from.” Thats funny because my complains eventually leading up to these complains started with complaining about them needing this sort of revenue. When they said they had no focus on expansions I got worried and we already saw more and more of this sort tactics being used in the game.
GW2 should be B2P so based on expansions. Not F2P running on these sort of marketing tricks. There only (or main) long-term revenue should come from expansions. But is it now already coming from a F2P business model.
I don’t DESPISE it, but it’s really getting on my nerves as well. I have pretty much gotten to the point of wanting to avoid everything new because I know I cannot finish it anyway.
We get it – you’re trying to get us content – and I DO appreciate it! But (and I can’t believe I’m saying this to an MMO creator) it doesn’t have to be this frequently!
I wish it the content would slow down a bit. Getting tired of the bi-weekly achievement grind. So tired that I have decided to totally ignore the SAB stuff amd going to chill in WvW for a couple weeks.
“…let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we shall die;.”
This topic has already said everything that I wish to say concerning the matter. Too much fluff content with absurd time constraints forces players to make decisions as to whether they want to play how they want, or participate in limited time content. Its stressful and unfriendly to those who other obligations. 2 week time constraint “content” is not as bad as One Day Only content, but not by much.
I know I personally completely missed the Aetherblade part of the Dragon Festival because I was burnt on the updates and just wanted to relax with an alt… Likely the same with SAB..
Agreed, slow down a bit, please. Real life keeps getting in the way ;P
Familia Almadetrueno (ALMA)
Bahía de Baruch (ES)
… Where is the most interesting parts of stories posted? That’s right, on the website, and majority of my guild doesn’t even know about it. Even if it is generic, it would be more fleshed out as a whole if those stories were fully unfolded in the actual game.
This is a great idea, IMO. When “something” new happens to the game, today they announce it on the web. Sometimes, they also give you a snippet of information via the heralds and emails. But, you can’t really figure out all of what is happening from NPCs; you really have to either play a lot or read the wiki.
What if you could? How about an NPC that’s reporting news from a far-away land (that just happens to be Colin’s outbox)?
Rather than just announcing new BLTC stuff from the logon screen, how about if they created cave paintings with strange glyphs, just to make an out-of-game type announcement? A painting that if you scrape it off (like Grawl paintings), you get a coupon you can use at the BLTC?
I too would like for them to slow down. Especially when bugs pose a problem. This last content I neglected Scarlet’s playhouse and had two achievements left in it. I would have had time most likely to get those if the invasion 13/13 hadn’t bugged. The combination of bugs and short time for completion isn’t a good one.
It is illogical to expect to not have bugs when things go live. They should release content and have a time period for bug finding and fixing then a time period to play the content. Then a break. Also, most of it should be permanent in some way. Disposable stuff is bad for the GW2 environment. :P
You people need to stop being so obsessed with not getting everything done…. really who cares at the end of the day. Five years from now how many event achievements you obtained isn’t going to mean anything more then it does today.
That being said, I think the real problem with the current content is it’s ‘event’ quality. People want REAL static content added to the game. Instead we are getting content with a mob mentality. Run around the map in a horde trying to tag as much as possible, rinse and repeat. It’s just not fun anymore.
Then you have the issue with the developers being overly obsessed with adding platformer content like jumping puzzles and adventure box. This game is in dire need of some new ‘vanilla’ MMO content. We have huge areas of map they could be expanding upon, they need to get moving and interest is starting to drop.
This would all be fixed if it was just permanent content, I know I know they really want to create a “living breathing world” by making it temporary but in the long run just scrapping that idea and continuing to do what they’re doing but make it permanent content would be tons better, and give people much needed space/breathing room.
Back to the “living breathing world” thing how does making SAB temporary contribute to a living breathing wold? It offers nothing to the story (same as much of the LS content imho) its purely there for a fun nostalgic time, whats the logic in it not being permanent?
Guys, despite my having been the one to start this thread, I’m afraid I won’t be coming back anytime soon. I just discovered that the MF removal destroyed another of my ascended items. So, it is with great sadness that I’m leaving the game after 7+ years. I just can’t take getting jerked around like this any more.
Good luck on getting ANet to reconsider. Keep this thread alive until someone official responds. The thread has some pretty good statements made, and you all really deserve to have the content slow down. I’m just sorry I won’t be there to experience it when you finally get it.
I would also like to add my support. The content disappears too fast. I was having a blast with the crown pavilion events; then Scarlett took over. I do not have world completion with any character; I wanted to explore & escort the emissaries in all areas.
To my utter dismay, I discovered the balloons & platforms are gone. I also noticed that Scarlett’s Playhouse is gone. I did not move fast enough, I guess, to experience that one.
I am disappointed that ArenaNet removed these events so quickly.
As an aside, I tried the Super Fun Box last night. I never have enjoyed Nintendo gaming & I will not participate in these events.
Why is this game on a time clock? I game to relax & relieve stress; not to be under pressure because I may not be able to finish something I started before it is taken away.
I also think it’s way too fast. I wish they’d at least leave the content up for longer, so I could eventually, after a few months, get enough of the whateverthisweek’sthingis token to buy something good. But what irritates me most is the forced pace through the game’s story. I really liked the stories introducing Rox and Braham, but I wish I could’ve taken more time to enjoy that. I just rushed through it to try to get the title. I see dialogue with characters in new Living Story content saying “Oh, hey, it’s you again. That was awesome what we did last time, wasn’t it?” And I’m thinking, “Um, yeah, because I totally did all of that and feel like I really contributed a lot to those events…not…” It’s really jarring and is keeping me from enjoying the story. These are essentially new parts of the game’s story; there are new major characters and character development from them. I’m really liking the story that these writers are coming out with. It’s fun to see, and it’s SO much better than Trahearne’s Gary-Stue takeover of the Pact. Unfortunately, I have to read most of this new story on Wiki in order to keep up. I had to read up to know the name of Braham’s father (went through it too fast in-game) and to see Logan explicitly address how Anise was trying to keep him away from Jennah (they made it way too hard to get to the dungeon this time). That’s not the way a game’s story is supposed to go. I’m supposed to be able to keep up with story and character development at MY own pace, not the developers’. I have school, and work, and other more important real life things to play 2-3 hrs a day in order to get all of the story, achievements, items, etc before they just disappear.
I agree with the thread starter.
With real time work + overtime. Even other members of my family can’t keep up with a 2 week Living Story turnover time.
I say at least make Living Story = 1 month.
I agree 100%. This is no longer a game for casual players. Look at the gauntlet. That was really really fun. So, what does ANET do? They release an update 2 weeks later that forces you to go on some major grind fest plus complete a dungeon in order to access it again. Really? Bad idea.
Ah, the good old days of GW1 when an event WAS an event. Couple of times a year you got a special event, Halloween, Christmas etc and it was great. Then they started throwing events out every weekend but not big stuff. More things like Double xxxx this weekend and such.
Whilst the GW2 fortnightly events are great, they are coming too fast and ending too quickly. I have given up on completing any of these and gaining the achievement reward and dip in and out of the content as it pleases me.
But all complaining aside, Scarlet and her minions were brilliant. The zergs, the loot, the endless killing….bliss
I agree with most of what’s been said this thread. I feel pressured to complete as much of the content as quickly as possible because (1) it will disappear shortly and (2) most of the gain is in the first few days when the bugs are apparent and there to be exploited; what I assume to be a side-effect of rushed updates.
Just slow things down a bit, add wholesome content. Like a few others have said, filling in those gaps in the map and adding whole new zones to explore in, permanently, would be fantastic. This is why I liked expansions as they added a whole new world to explore. Instead we have these living story updates which throw scraps of stuff that’s bolted on to current content, often poorly, which then evaporate a couple of weeks later. It’s just not that fun.
I think I’ll be taking the advice of minbariguy and refusing to log on at all until I see some sort of sea-change. That way I can remain relaxed and not feel the need to play without really enjoying it. If this style of effectively hollow living story updates continues, as ArenaNet have indicated they will, then so be it.
I wholeheartedly disagree. I’m what you people call a “Locust”, this term seems to be specific to the GW2 hater community though.
I log in every few weeks for a break from other games, and I’m welcomed and greeted by some new content to explore, have fun with and then move on.
The only reason this thread isn’t longer is because you either love or hate SAB. People who see SAB as a break, probably aren’t as annoyed by the pace right now.
I wholeheartedly disagree. I’m what you people call a “Locust”, this term seems to be specific to the GW2 hater community though.
I log in every few weeks for a break from other games, and I’m welcomed and greeted by some new content to explore, have fun with and then move on.
Do you realize how little sense your post makes? If you only log in every few weeks, that means there is going to be new content most likely, every time you log in, even if they update once a month.
The trouble is I don’t feel compelled to even participate in the much of the events since I never get to see it through. I work and sometimes have to take a week off GW2 for life things and part-time study etc so by the time I come back in I know for sure that I won’t get to finish it or have missed out on finishing something I already started.
I agree with the fact we need real content, not just living world stuff. Living world is great for those with either no-lives, ADHD or who race through content, but for many of us what we really want is something more permanent… a new zone, a new dungeon a new recurring event.
I’m fine with Living World as it is right now for those who can do it, but there needs to be some more casual friendly content as well I feel just to balance it up. have a living world event that actually lasts for 3-4 months so we we have time to explore it and hope to get it done. It isn’t going to effect those who can spend the time as they will have done it and can move onto the parallel event that will be over in a month. A new zone would be great…again those who chew through content will have it done and dusted in a matter of days but then they have their grindy stuff that changes faster…
I just think there needs to be a little bit of a happy medium between too slow and too fast for covering all the player base.
I don’t like temporary content every two weeks, usually I miss most of it, even a month is often not enough to get all the achievements for a casual player, I would rather like to see them adding improvements to existing content or add new permanent content.
I can’t agree more on a bunch of different posts. It is becoming ridiculous to get all the achievements for most people who have full time jobs. Almost every time they release a new “content” they then need to put out at least 1 patch to fix critical bugs that if they took a day and played it themselves they would see. Lastly, it does nothing but have everyone going at a break neck pace to keep up; every few months new stuff that is well thought out would be better in my opinion then every 2 weeks.
Leader of ninja ops
It’s even more ridiculous now, when you have to spend a good deal of time to scrounge up T7 mats, or the lower tier mats which are ridonculously expensive on TP now. Rich platinum ore node in Bloodtide says Hi!
I’ve now successfully weened myself off of GW2, and my life is better for it.
I’m playing other games, going out more, watching more movies and reading more books.
The longer I don’t play GW2, the more I realise I’m falling behind and the harder I’ll have to work to catch up if I decide to play again. This feeling amplifies the longer I don’t play.
Congratulations ANet.
You’ve made a game that gets less desirable to play the longer I haven’t played it.
That’s so stupid it’s punched through the other end and come out genius.
Therefore I may take some time replying to you.
I log in every few weeks for a break from other games, and I’m welcomed and greeted by some new content to explore, have fun with and then move on.
If a living story would take longer but have no achivements / rewards and then would end with leaving a big chunk of new temporary content including rewards and achivements and so on then you would also have stuff to do after your return. First few times you ‘return’ you will need to do the new content because you can not finish that is a short time and then later there will be complete new content.
So I am not sure why you disagree because the thinks you say in favorite would still be there with a better system.
But if people really want Anet to stop with this it might be getter to complain about the F2P model they are now following because thats the reason for this sort of bad decisions. Even if they would stop with the living story (like it is now) they will add something else in stead just as bad because they need to pressure people to log in and buy gems and it is that pressure that people do not like.
Oh god… I’m not the only one! Thank god.
Yes, I totally agree. Having a job means at least 8 hours a day less playtime. So, decisions have to be made. Besides having fun, playing with different characters, gathering, dynamic events, dailies, monthlies etc .. There are still many other things left for me to explore, eg Mystic Forge, lvling crafts to max, 50% of the rest of the worldmap, I haven’t been to any dungeons yet and a lot lot more to learn that is totally new to me. These are the things I’ve chosen not to do yet, simply because of time.
And then there are these temporary content/events that I don’t understand. They come and I hadn’t had any time to get into it. And by the time I get into it, it’ll be finished by then…
There was 1 event I got into to but a little too late, the one where one could get the nice looking wings for 100k candy things. I was enjoying it, only to find out that I only had a few weeks left to get another 90k candy pieces, which was impossible for me. Because it does take some effort to get into something new (perhaps it’s to do with my age) and it’s just no fun for me knowing that I set myself up for failure like with the 100k candy things, I decided to just ignore all the temporary content/events based on this experience.
I understand it’s not easy to get a good balance ingame between full-time gamers and full-time workers, especially in Summer holiday. Having experienced what it is like to be a full-time gamer with another game, this is my take on it: It is easier for a full-time gamer to sit out an event it doesn’t like and do something else ingame till the next event whereas it’s not easy for a full-time worker to do and event properly.
Perhaps Anet will take it slower now that school has started..
The only reason this thread isn’t longer is because you either love or hate SAB. People who see SAB as a break, probably aren’t as annoyed by the pace right now.
I do like SAB still I see it as a break because it’s not a living story patch. So basically we do not have a Living story patch this week. Needles to say that in that way it’s the best patch in a long way. But that does not mean you are suddenly not annoyed by the pace because they have one patch in-between that isn’t a living sotory patch. If Anet has not changed is mind next week the next living story patch is released.
first game ever to get complaints about to much content too fast :P
first game ever to get complaints about to much content too fast :P
No, WoW is the owner of that title. This past year of updates has been blistering, p;layers can’t even keep up.