(edited by Moderator)
Panic--Please bring it back
Doubtful. Combat is too spammy for something like Panic to work, I think. GW1 felt a lot more methodical, so hexes and awesome AoE interrupts like Cry of Pain and Panic were wonderful.
Get rid of moa morph and I’ll glady take panic as it’s replacement
It’d still work in GW2. The beauty of panic was that each time an enemy used a skill, all of them were interuppted; imagine throwing it down on a WvW group and even if it only affects 5 people, the next time each of those 5 people use a skill, all their allies get interrupted. This actually results in a large area shutdown for several seconds.
However, panic is an old skool hex, not a condition and GW2 is trying stay away from having dozens of unique hexes that everyone has to learn to not-die.
Garnished Toast
Bring back Signet of Deadly Corruption for my Thiefie too.
I would love for them to make some more interesting skills like the gw1 hexes for here. Hopefully in a way that’s very clear visually and toned down so they aren’t too strong considering they’d be uncleansable.
Or they could just implement new condition types but that could get messy.
Yes, Panic was fun, but oh, how I miss Migraine.
Bring back Signet of Deadly Corruption for my Thiefie too.
That would be nice. Psn/Wkns/Crip/Bleed/Vuln etc. = burst by signet of deadly corruption. Virtually all builds could use it, idk what it would scale off of though, power I guess, and do you think it would have a chance to crit, it didn’t in GW1.
Won’t happen though… fun combat not allowed in GW2, would be nice to be able to set up combo’s instead of most fields just being condition damage and all damage being mostly instant.
(edited by Rukia.4802)
Fun combat not allowed? Not sure if we’re playing the same game. I loved GW1 but there’s give and take with everything and I much prefer this new system to the old.
Fun combat not allowed? Not sure if we’re playing the same game. I loved GW1 but there’s give and take with everything and I much prefer this new system to the old.
IDK, I played thief and using the same 1 or 2 skills constantly got pretty old quick, no matter what weapon set it was. Tons of hours in, I don’t even see what ANet was thinking about longevity. No fun combo system like in GW1 assassin, all my damage is just instant faceroll..
Haven’t played the original Guild Wars. Looks like I was really missing out.
I would love to see abilities like this in GW2… but yes it would be difficult to implement with the whole standardized conditions thing GW2 has going for it.
I suppose GW2 does have exceptions, like Basilisk Venom (which is also an elite)… so it does have a precedent for elites that have condition-like effects that are unique.
I miss Power Block a lot :/