(edited by Ajaxx.3157)
Patch 17/9/13 - You've broken Contacts box
What is a contacts box?
Yea, mine is huge now too…
Not broke at all, that is where the new LFG tool is located. needed to be larger.
Allow us to rescale ALL UI Elements, including the hero panel…
far too big and clunky to work with.
To busy with living story, next year.
I too want the contacts list window to be able to be downsized again. It’s bloody hideous. I don’t want it to take up a 5th of my screen at 1920×1080, I can’t imagine how horrible it must be for people playing 1366×768 or even 1280×720, OR LOWER resolutions. This is ridiculous.
(edited by Avelos.6798)
I definitely agree — while I understand the possible need for the LFG tool to be larger, having a contacts page that takes up 50% of my screen when opened is seriously frustrating.