Patch Feedback [merged]

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: toomuchtatose.6874


But all MMO need progression. New tier will give that progression.

Yer there has never been a successful MMO released without progression content, we need new tiers but patience, we need for the majority of people to have at least experienced ascended first.


i mean you’re just so wrong i don’t even..

good god, but you’re just so wrong, haha.

keep talking kiddo, i’m sure your exhaustive knowledge of the last 3 years of the gaming market won’t let you down

Really? Please list one.

I am more than willing to be corrected, just provide some substance please.


Realm ranks were linear progression.

What happened to DAoC when they put in the gear treadmill called artifacts? Thats right! The game died.

The game is still alive and well I don’t know what you are talking about.

But stay on topic please everyone

We want to brainstorm ideas on how to even further improve the excellent direction this game is taking.

Yes because of the 5000 people that play it today really compares to the 300,000 that played it in its prime, also known as the time before ToA. This so called idea might be excellent to you, but to me its pure crap. This idea needs to be flushed down the toilet along with the moron who came up with it.

I remember ToA, exploring the ocean depths and raiding those mighty ML encounters was fun and extremely epic.

I remember when I got my axe of malice to level 10 I felt like a walking god. That’s what this game needs, ascendant and legendary weapons and armor to level off killing a specific kind of monster or player.

Also master levels would be great, imagine having even more awesome and unique abilities to gain after you hit level 80.

Why don’t you play a single player RPG instead? Skyrim is a good fit.

I’m not aiming at you, it is just that by catering to power-seeking people – few other people has to suffer. Because there is always not enough power.

Why can’t we all roleplay as farmers/villagers/townguards trying to protect our villages/cities, but must roleplay as singular HERO standing over dragons or being a GODLIKE kitten winning 1v3 in WvW?

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Archmagel.1350


So we are going to need some form of gear score, publicly viewable agony resistance or inspect. What is your plan to address this ANet?

Also, what kind of player number cap are you putting on these dungeons? I mean 5 players is all well and good but it doesn’t feel anything like as epic as killing a mighty dragon with say, 25 or 40 people.

Why not just call it WOW as well. Put in your changes and people like you can stand yelling “LFG. Come to Lion Arch for inspection” and “LFG, Gear Score 2000 required”

When will you people realise that the vast majority don’t want that type of crap anymore and we found it here. Until now!

Thanks for reading, and thankyou arenanet for finally listening to the community ^^

They did the opposite.

Majority of people don’t want this kind of content?

How many people play WoW?

How many people play guild wars?

People standing in the middle of LA asking for inspection is just a natural part of any progression based game, no sense in fighting it.

How many people play WoW? The ones that like the grind and gates.

How many people play Guild Wars? The ones that don’t like the grind and gates.

I have never seen people in the middle of LA asking for inspection. It is not progress. How is it progress? Advancing in skill should be progress!

Fort Aspenwood~ Archmage Logan(80 Necro)
(“Big Hat”)Praise the Sun!

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lleras.4170


my charr is cute and fuzzy and noms salad people XD. but yeah the Kodan ( i believe you were referring to) would be an awesome addition as a playable race, as well as the largos, er whatever those underwater people are called.

I was thinking Kodans at first, but I worry about the possibility for customization. I mean, they’re polar bears so no changing their fur. And they don’t have hair on their heads, so no hairstyles. I would think that would be off-putting for most players…having a Kodan that looked like every other Kodan in the game. And considering the same armor skins based on levels, they’ll be alot of identical players out there.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ilJumperMT.4871


Patch Feedback?

Lets but the most OP Class in game, Warrior, while nerfing everything else.

Look at Ranger ‘buffs’ They are a joke. Just delete ranger class.

You screwed ele in tpvp

You screwed Mesmer in PVE and WvW yet in sPVP they run shatter builds

You forced all thieves forget any builds and just go D/D spamming HS or DB

Arenanet seem to promote more Heartseeker and Death Blossom Spam. Instead of buffing other weak weapon setup to give thieves different options, they nerf everything else and force thieves to go D/D

Cloak and Dagger nerf effected S/D and P/D. The main damage source of S/D was CnD. P/D is a condition build and CnD was the only high damage skill.

Venomous Aura may have buffed P/D a little but Venoms are is still weak.

Dancing Dagger used to be a skill that punishes bad positioning. While you may argue that damage was too high, now the skill is useless. Spamming Heartseeker to catch up to enemies then using Dancing Dagger for crippling. Heartseeker closes the gap faster and cost less initiative.

Tactical Strike Daze duration ruins S/D, which was a niche build to being useless.

Clusterbomb nerf means thieves wont even bother switching to shortbow mid combat to spam aoe.

This change just promotes everyone going D/D and just spam Heartseeker or Deathblossom with Backstab.

Why is P/P still not buffed? (I acknowledge that it was slightly buff but its not enough)
Why does auto attack still do more damage then Pistolwhip?

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: siepher.9408


my charr is cute and fuzzy and noms salad people XD. but yeah the Kodan ( i believe you were referring to) would be an awesome addition as a playable race, as well as the largos, er whatever those underwater people are called.

I was thinking Kodans at first, but I worry about the possibility for customization. I mean, they’re polar bears so no changing their fur. And they don’t have hair on their heads, so no hairstyles. I would think that would be off-putting for most players…having a Kodan that looked like every other Kodan in the game. And considering the same armor skins based on levels, they’ll be alot of identical players out there.

tattoos could be added on to account for fur colours and head customization can be done to look different, but yes i see your point, it would be hard to make it much more interesting than that. though i think the cultural armor for them alone would be worth it.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warmonkey.8013


So we are going to need some form of gear score, publicly viewable agony resistance or inspect. What is your plan to address this ANet?

Also, what kind of player number cap are you putting on these dungeons? I mean 5 players is all well and good but it doesn’t feel anything like as epic as killing a mighty dragon with say, 25 or 40 people.

Why not just call it WOW as well. Put in your changes and people like you can stand yelling “LFG. Come to Lion Arch for inspection” and “LFG, Gear Score 2000 required”

When will you people realise that the vast majority don’t want that type of crap anymore and we found it here. Until now!

Thanks for reading, and thankyou arenanet for finally listening to the community ^^

They did the opposite.

Majority of people don’t want this kind of content?

How many people play WoW?

How many people play guild wars?

People standing in the middle of LA asking for inspection is just a natural part of any progression based game, no sense in fighting it.

The majority of people eat meat. Some people don’t.

You just walked into a vegetarian restaurant, told everyone they were idiots, and convinced the owner to add meat to every dish.

Grats. You’re ruining things that other people enjoy so that they match up with things that already exist that you enjoy.

This is why we can’t have nice things. No, really. This. Literally, this.

Frigi Dair — SoR Necro

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: siepher.9408


So we are going to need some form of gear score, publicly viewable agony resistance or inspect. What is your plan to address this ANet?

Also, what kind of player number cap are you putting on these dungeons? I mean 5 players is all well and good but it doesn’t feel anything like as epic as killing a mighty dragon with say, 25 or 40 people.

Why not just call it WOW as well. Put in your changes and people like you can stand yelling “LFG. Come to Lion Arch for inspection” and “LFG, Gear Score 2000 required”

When will you people realise that the vast majority don’t want that type of crap anymore and we found it here. Until now!

Thanks for reading, and thankyou arenanet for finally listening to the community ^^

They did the opposite.

Majority of people don’t want this kind of content?

How many people play WoW?

How many people play guild wars?

People standing in the middle of LA asking for inspection is just a natural part of any progression based game, no sense in fighting it.

The majority of people eat meat. Some people don’t.

You just walked into a vegetarian restaurant, told everyone they were idiots, and convinced the owner to add meat to every dish.

Grats. You’re ruining things that other people enjoy so that they match up with things that already exist that you enjoy.

This is why we can’t have nice things. No, really. This. Literally, this.

thats probably one of the best analogies i have seen for this arguement.

+1 for you sir

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: leprekan.7248


Want feedback? stop nerfing hte mesmer. There you have feedback.

Post edited to remove a violation of the code of conduct.

A Yak since headstart. [herm]

(edited by Moderator)

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rangle.2539


Well, isn’t infusion is part of the story too in GW2? So, what’s the different?

you don’t see a difference between added “INFUSED!” under an item’s name, and adding gear with stats inflated over what you had previously stated would be the top tier of gear and promising to continue to add better gear in the future?

GW1 never increased levels or stats on gear.

You don’t see the difference?

Good. So let’s take the increased stats off this new garbage. You won’t see the difference, so it won’t matter, right?

Ok, So, they are trying to keep the spirit of GW1 while simultaneously evolve their game with progression. I can’t see anything bad coming out of it.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Want feedback? STOP NERFING THE MESMER. There you have feedback.

Iknorite?! Just think of how much harder it will be to portal bomb and cast illusion on keep/tower walls after this patch!

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: warmonkey.8013


Well, isn’t infusion is part of the story too in GW2? So, what’s the different?

you don’t see a difference between added “INFUSED!” under an item’s name, and adding gear with stats inflated over what you had previously stated would be the top tier of gear and promising to continue to add better gear in the future?

GW1 never increased levels or stats on gear.

You don’t see the difference?

Good. So let’s take the increased stats off this new garbage. You won’t see the difference, so it won’t matter, right?

Ok, So, they are trying to keep the spirit of GW1 while simultaneously evolve their game with progression. I can’t see anything bad coming out of it.

See my above post, if the spirit of GW1 was vegetarianism, they’re choosing to evolve the game by adding meat to everything.

Sure, some people will love it, but their existing customer base, the ones who were excited to finally have an option that catered to them instead of to the rest of the market — they’re not just going to not like it, they’re going to abstain. They’re going to be gone.

Anet had a captive kittening audience of people who were playing this game and HAD NO OTHER OPTIONS. They’re instead choosing to cater to the people who can find what they’re looking for in EVERY OTHER MMO.

I dunno, seems a bit foolish to me. Seems like if you’re the only one in town offering a service, and if there’s enough people to keep you in business you try and keep their business rather than abandoning them to try and directly compete for the larger pool of potential customers with every other business in town.

Frigi Dair — SoR Necro

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ferguson.2157


My patch feedback is in that big long thread.

The only silver lining I can find at all in this cloud is that at least Anet showed their true colors relatively quickly with regard to this game. I’m glad I discovered that before I’d invested a year or more into this formerly promising now rubish game of theirs.

“What, me worry?” – A. E. Neuman

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ChrisLew.5492


ANet, you guys have in one more killed easily over 50% of your entire customer base’s good will that was built up over a number of years with this Ascended nonsense. I spent months farming, grinding out exotic gear for my two main toons. I won’t be hopping on another treadmill. The whole purpose of gear normalization was that you could return at any time and pick up where you left off. I’m in my 30s and I’m not some basement dwelling teen that can devote 12 hours a day to farming gear. Sorry, have a job and responsibilities and that’s why your game – and bs Manifesto – appealed to me.

Good luck competing with the big-boys with a LFG tool free game and broken dungeons. Should have fixed that before hopping on the themepark bandwagon. Now there’s nothing to differentiate your game from the rest. WoW has a skinner-box, perfected treadmill, and RIFT has more interesting dynamic events. You’ll soon discover how lonely it is when competing against every other game on the market who does what you’re trying to do, only better.


And I will never buy an ANet game again.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: leprekan.7248


Want feedback? STOP NERFING THE MESMER. There you have feedback.

Iknorite?! Just think of how much harder it will be to portal bomb and cast illusion on keep/tower walls after this patch!

So are you saying you were one of the mouth breathing people that couldn’t figure out they could 1 (tops) 2 shot the illusion that was on the wall attacking them? I have no issue with the portal being adjusted if it was needed but killing the damage on the entire class was uncalled for. My ele is better at clearing walls than my mesmer would ever be. This is an across the board hit to the mesmer not just in WvW.

A Yak since headstart. [herm]

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ThiBash.5634


Why were the blast finishers on Evasive Arcana removed instead of changed so they’d be balanced?

It’s not a weird question, given the fact that the ‘bug’ created a playstyle in itself (which many people seemed to enjoy I might add).

Wouldn’t it be a better fix to remove the abilities and keep the blast finishers, instead of vice versa? It seems like a lot of people would enjoy that.

If you can read this then it is proof that ArenaNet’s moderators just, kind and fair.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MLieBennett.9031


Kitten hate it, to be honest.

No bug fixes (that weren’t just simply Nerfs).
Mesmer’s buggy LoS now affects the Phantasms completely (Gee, no only do I need to worry about where the Phantasm will spawn due to Terrain and AoEs, but I need to try to predict how the LoS works on this invisible missile of unknown speed).
Can’t hit a bloody thing on walls in WvWvW, or anything above me reliably.
Making Mesmer Illusions even MORE limited then how Necromancer/Ranger/Thief “Pets” work. (Oh, why can an Illusion do THAT when Necromancer/Ranger/Thief pets can’t do the same. Nevermind that they die when their target dies, have insanely low HP, can be readied before a fight, can’t exist outside a fight, Clones doing no damage, etc.)

Why not just go all the way?
Make Mesmer Illusions have 1 HP at max.
Nerf Confusion to not be affected by Condition Duration, and lower its damage to just 8 + 1% Condition Damage at 80?
Permanently Cripple the Mesmer Illusions and Clones.
Reduce Portal’s maximum link length to just 10 units.
Reduce Mesmer’s Max HP pool to 2150 HP (Previous Phantasm HP Pool)
Lower Phantasm Damage and make them only use their attacks once.
Require all Mesmer Attacks to need perfectly flat and open ground to have Line of Sight. No up or down movement, and definitely no walls nearby.
Rename the class to “Work-in-progress”

Because each time I see “Patch”
I know its “I hope you weren’t trying to use a Mesmer in PvE, as we are nerfing it even more just because. And no, no Dev will still speak about the class.”


- (Death, Terry Pratchett, Hogfather)

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: sirca.6473


30 bullet points announced for the inge…was expecting a boost for that class. At the very least more resilient turrets (as requested by many players). Nothing.

Overall very disappointed. Think I will skip that event (and focus on City Of Steam beta starting this weekend).

Anet I do not congratulate you.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: leprekan.7248


Kitten hate it, to be honest.

No bug fixes (that weren’t just simply Nerfs).
Mesmer’s buggy LoS now affects the Phantasms completely (Gee, no only do I need to worry about where the Phantasm will spawn due to Terrain and AoEs, but I need to try to predict how the LoS works on this invisible missile of unknown speed).
Can’t hit a bloody thing on walls in WvWvW, or anything above me reliably.
Making Mesmer Illusions even MORE limited then how Necromancer/Ranger/Thief “Pets” work. (Oh, why can an Illusion do THAT when Necromancer/Ranger/Thief pets can’t do the same. Nevermind that they die when their target dies, have insanely low HP, can be readied before a fight, can’t exist outside a fight, Clones doing no damage, etc.)

Why not just go all the way?
Make Mesmer Illusions have 1 HP at max.
Nerf Confusion to not be affected by Condition Duration, and lower its damage to just 8 + 1% Condition Damage at 80?
Permanently Cripple the Mesmer Illusions and Clones.
Reduce Portal’s maximum link length to just 10 units.
Reduce Mesmer’s Max HP pool to 2150 HP (Previous Phantasm HP Pool)
Lower Phantasm Damage and make them only use their attacks once.
Require all Mesmer Attacks to need perfectly flat and open ground to have Line of Sight. No up or down movement, and definitely no walls nearby.
Rename the class to “Work-in-progress”

Because each time I see “Patch”
I know its “I hope you weren’t trying to use a Mesmer in PvE, as we are nerfing it even more just because. And no, no Dev will still speak about the class.”


You summed up how most Mesmers feel. To make matters worse my original main was an Ele … talk about one bad experience after another. GG Anet.

A Yak since headstart. [herm]

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aethersong.5189


I understand that there are time restraints, but in the last major patch Rangers received no changes at all. After that, we were promised SIGNIFICANT changes in the next patch. And what do we get, water skill improvements? None of the core issues were even touched in this patch.

I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. The short bow debacle still hasn’t been resolved. Do you know that quickening zephyr still doesn’t work properly with with it? I am sure you do because there have been countless threads on it. Why has there been no comment in regards to this. Or is this another intended part of the “animation fix” you graciously gave Rangers.

It is also quite frustrating that Rangers are told that their Longbow and Sword are in a good position. Such a joke. You see countless threads about the problems with Ranger weapons, and you still don’t think there is a problem? Do you think the sword rooting the player in place in fine? Do you find the longbow subpar damage acceptable. Does the fact that Rapid Fire does no more damage than auto-attacking make it a good skill?

This patch was such a let down for rangers. At least rangers have been officially declared the profession needing most changes. That is not to say rangers will receive them, however…

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clipnotdone.9634


Stuff that didn’t need nerfing got nerfed, stuff that needed buffing got ignored, bugs that have been around since beta didn’t get touched.

Did I mention the bugs?
Because hot diggity do, several classes have well over half of their trait pools bugged.

How can you make balance changes when half of the stuff that directly effects the classes balance doesn’t even work?
You know, because that is kind of a big deal.

Rangers are still pretty much awful at everything, Mesmers are gradually getting shoehorned into shatterbuildorgtfo and Engineers are being shown the pvp door and being told not to cop the door in the kittenhole on the way out.

All the event stuff aside, this patch was pretty dreadful given all the talk of actual balance changes.

25/90 never forget.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Latinkuro.9420


Mesmer portals transport cap not addressed !
Mesmer portal LOS issues not addressed ! the portals are being used in WvW to bypass keep defenses entirely, kill the lord and claim the keep !

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Substance E.4852

Substance E.4852

Want feedback? STOP NERFING THE MESMER. There you have feedback.

Iknorite?! Just think of how much harder it will be to portal bomb and cast illusion on keep/tower walls after this patch!

So are you saying you were one of the mouth breathing people that couldn’t figure out they could 1 (tops) 2 shot the illusion that was on the wall attacking them? I have no issue with the portal being adjusted if it was needed but killing the damage on the entire class was uncalled for. My ele is better at clearing walls than my mesmer would ever be. This is an across the board hit to the mesmer not just in WvW.

It’s an issue when I have to jump of a ballista to keep the constant parade of illusions from causing irreparable damage to it. Sorry you have to think when casting illusions from now on, it must be very stressful.

Connection error(s) detected. Retrying…

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Gaudium.9807


Dear Arena Net,

i usualy never post in forums but this time i really have to. Most things were already addressed by others so I won’t repeat it.

The only thing I want to say is that im just very very sad and disappointed of this patch I put so much hope into. All those wished and promised class changes are nowhere to be found (im not talking about those combo finisher, icon change and minor bug fix stuff!) I don’t know if I can find a reason that motivates me now to start the game…

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Henryik.8260


do you guys ever test the changes before putting them to live? As a mesmer I really can’t take it anymore. Every time u patches professions, u bring us new bugs. You know what, i can test it for you next time. Give me like 5 minute of testing and i can sort out the bugs you created in every single patch BEFORE you put them up for the love of god.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: morrolan.9608


Anet please communicate with the class forums better you have to let them know where you’re going with the class.

Jade Quarry [SoX]
Miranda Zero – Ele / Twitch Zero – Mes / Chargrin Soulboom – Engi
Aliera Zero – Guardian / Reaver Zero – Necro

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: leprekan.7248


Want feedback? STOP NERFING THE MESMER. There you have feedback.

Iknorite?! Just think of how much harder it will be to portal bomb and cast illusion on keep/tower walls after this patch!

So are you saying you were one of the mouth breathing people that couldn’t figure out they could 1 (tops) 2 shot the illusion that was on the wall attacking them? I have no issue with the portal being adjusted if it was needed but killing the damage on the entire class was uncalled for. My ele is better at clearing walls than my mesmer would ever be. This is an across the board hit to the mesmer not just in WvW.

It’s an issue when I have to jump of a ballista to keep the constant parade of illusions from causing irreparable damage to it. Sorry you have to think when casting illusions from now on, it must be very stressful.

You really think an Ele wouldn’t do MORE damage to you or that siege equipment? Again this is an across the board Mesmer nerf that was not needed. My Ele can farm people on walls all day long better than my Mesmer ever could. This was a knee jerk reaction from Anet to a non-issue.

If it was a huge issue in WvW then separate the skills already. Killing the class in all aspects of play because people aren’t bright enough to take 2 seconds to one shot the illusion in WvW is ridiculous.

A Yak since headstart. [herm]

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: phooka.4295


Merged post?

To me, that’s another was of saying “we’re not interested in feedback, we put threads dealing with different aspects of the issue into one huge pile that’s so big, single topics won’t be discussed reasonable anymore.”

Quit doing that.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frogshake.2419


You really think an Ele wouldn’t do MORE damage to you or that siege equipment? Again this is an across the board Mesmer nerf that was not needed. My Ele can farm people on walls all day long better than my Mesmer ever could. This was a knee jerk reaction from Anet to a non-issue.

If it was a huge issue in WvW then separate the skills already. Killing the class in all aspects of play because people aren’t bright enough to take 2 seconds to one shot the illusion in WvW is ridiculous.

I absolutely agree. Anet should split the skills. Hell, they’ve already started, so why not do at least this properly instead of turning this game into even more of a huge clusterkitten?

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Mardermann.7468


I think it would be easier if we all just roll warriors and thiefs…

nah just joking… keep the warrior buffs coming…. I have a level 80 warrior so I am happy
(okay okay my main is a ranger – so I got shafted (again) ) But I take it with good humor… reading the forums (ranger) is a blast right now!

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: clipnotdone.9634


On the upside, all this progression is great.

I cant wait to progress towards legendary weapons.


25/90 never forget.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: iniside.4736


So we are going to need some form of gear score, publicly viewable agony resistance or inspect. What is your plan to address this ANet?

Also, what kind of player number cap are you putting on these dungeons? I mean 5 players is all well and good but it doesn’t feel anything like as epic as killing a mighty dragon with say, 25 or 40 people.

Why not just call it WOW as well. Put in your changes and people like you can stand yelling “LFG. Come to Lion Arch for inspection” and “LFG, Gear Score 2000 required”

When will you people realise that the vast majority don’t want that type of crap anymore and we found it here. Until now!

Thanks for reading, and thankyou arenanet for finally listening to the community ^^

They did the opposite.

Majority of people don’t want this kind of content?

How many people play WoW?

How many people play guild wars?

People standing in the middle of LA asking for inspection is just a natural part of any progression based game, no sense in fighting it.

Let them play WoW or RIFT then ?
Really. GW2 will NEVER have good enough progression based content. The game was not designed this way. And was marketed as not having it in the first place.

What we are getting now is patching around to “match” some “progression” of WoW/RIFT style. Which is in the essence not progression. Your power stay in place. BEcause when you get bigger numbers, enemies also have bigger numbers. Ergo, you did not progress. In most cases you regress untill you farm new items, from new enemies to match their power.

It’s beyond me how people can believe that WoW have anything to do with power progression.

To others who complain about nerfs and bugs.

IF you see bug. Describe it. Tell where it is and how it works.
If see nerf prove it. Post numbers and make it rational.
Things like “there are bug omgomg since beta omg” or “you nerfed xxx and xx and #$#$” doesn’t help.
If I would see “feedback” like that i would be ROFLing over entire office after 5 mins. And then never read it again. Waste of my time. I better coding/playing that reading kitten ton of crap like this.

(edited by iniside.4736)

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chamone.6890


My Patch Feedback.

The new stuff added for free is great.

However, you could have delivered 60 new dungeons, 100 new level 80 zones, perfectly balanced every class with buffs, fixed all bugs, given everyone a free in-game pony called claribel and a guild stable to brush her in.

You could have given us all of that, and it still would not make up for the one thing you did to our game. The one, horrific, inexcusable thing that you did, which was to add “item progression”.

Nobody wanted stat creep.
Nobody wanted higher numbers.
Nobody wanted to have to grind for hours to be back to max power level, where we were before.

If you can promise me. PROMISE me, that this is the last tier of gear to be added to GW2, that Ascended items are max, and there will never be a combat-effectiveness incentive to go out and grind myself a new set of gear, or combat penalty for not doing so, then I will carry on playing the beautiful, engaging game you have created.

If you can’t make that promise, then I’m out.

(edited by Chamone.6890)

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nabbis.5784


Arena has the statistics. If the games population is being lowered by the absence of a more traditional endgame, then would those quitting because of the introduction of “statistical progression” have this game scrapped because of stubborness to take a middle ground? The “Ascended model” is not even close to the same scope of gear progression as in other games.

Yes, horizontal progression was promised. But, if the game cannot be sustained by horizontal progression then there will be no game for anyone at all. I prefer to have some compromise if it gives this game more longevity. If someone does not agree to compromise with such a premis, then they are petty and i dont wish to have those players in this community since they will whine about anything that does not suit their agenda. Good riddance if they quit. (Regardles on what progression they wish to have)

The PR is horrible though.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rhongomyniad.5081


Ranger here,

This was what was teased at (note the date) by Jon Peters 23 days ago:

Poof! Someone called and I am here. We made some ranger changes this patch, but had to go back on them because of risk factor. There are some bugs being fixed and quality of life improvements coming in the next patch, as well as some other significant ranger improvements. I would Literally tell you but I think it would be considered a bit of a spoiler so you will have to be patient.

While we work hard to keep updates going on all professions, not very build us going to contain fixes for everyone due to the nature of software development. One problem with rangers is the lack of build diversity created by a number of sub par utility skills. Many signets, a shout or two, and spirits are all a bit lackluster. That is the first place to expect improvements. Second is trying to improve the feel/ pacing on some weapons.

Ok I can’t type more with tiny phone finger keypad. See you in game!


These are the changes with the latest patch:

Hi Anders, I’m totally not here so skip this post and read on…

We made the improvements we had time to test. There are still more ranger improvements but when our time is limited we have to focus on things we know we can fix. Signets and shouts are still on the docket, and I suspect some of each of these will get some love in the next time around. As you can see a lot changed in this build for every profession and we have to test these changes as well.

I do still believe ranger is the profession in most need of improvement after this patch and we will continue to make those improvements. If we could fix everything at one time we would, but the reality is there are a limited # of hours to make changes.

I see a lot of talk about ranger weapons, but I don’t think that is the real problem. I think sword and longbow are both good weapons, which is why the changes take longer. The problems are deeper, in pets ability to hit moving targets, trait lines with not enough viable choices and skills that are often too specialized to really compliment the weapon builds. These aren’t things we can change overnight. The change to Greatsword block was in fact a very difficult change, but we made it because we knew it was the right thing to do.

There are >500 skills in this game, 480 traits, and 2 designers working on this. Even then often we are bottle necked by other issues. I’m not going to say we are not working on these things, nor can I say there are things we could have changed but just ran out of time on, but this was a patch that contained ranger improvements and it will not be the last one that does so. Maybe you want more than honesty but that is what I currently have to offer.


Feedback? Disappointed. Besides the very welcome changes Jon was talking about (vast majority of the Rangers posting in the first thread were excited as heck) .. the actual changes are extremely lacklustre. And also it appears that ANET only has 2 designers working on these issues. I am sure Jon and the design team are working hard .. but it seems like there just isn’t enough resources available to churn out quality fixes (not to mention the collection of Ranger Bugs compiled in the GW2 Ranger section)

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LordByron.8369


Arena has the statistics. If the games population is being lowered by the absence of a more traditional endgame, then would those quitting because of the introduction of “statistical progression” have this game scrapped because of stubborness to take a middle ground? The “Ascended model” is not even close to the same scope of gear progression as in other games.

Yes, horizontal progression was promised. But, if the game cannot be sustained by horizontal progression then there will be no game for anyone at all. I prefer to have some compromise if it gives this game more longevity. If someone does not agree to compromise with such a premis, then they are petty and i dont wish to have those players in this community since they will whine about anything that does not suit their agenda. Good riddance if they quit. (Regardles on what progression they wish to have)

The PR is horrible though.

Frankly they do not have….Becausethat is simply impossible….

If i have to buy a game i choose it on what it offers….
If i buy a game that clearly states that is not based on gear progression then i am making a huge mistake.
If i complain with dev becuause i made a mistake i m not that smart…

But most of all i don t even remotely believe that more than 0,1% population made that mistake…….

People are not stupid as you may believe they are…..

There is obviously a reason tied probably tothings completely different from the game itself…..
Like reducing costs cutting population or who knows what….after all no monthly fee means that having players quit after they bought the game is only good for them…they already got the money and its clear that gems are not a good system to pay for servers costs.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: lleras.4170


I wish people would stop talking about how good Warriors have it….Anet’s ‘solution’ to helping the other classes will end up being to make the Warrior class suck as bad they do. >_<

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: KapitanNapleta.2834


i may understand the lack of effort to fix the rangers, because it well costs some effort, but why were they putting so much effort into missinforming the rangers untill the very day of the update? couldnt all that effort be put somewhere else, like in fact fixing rangers? Such behaviour is disrespectful towards customers, we arent your friends, we are the customers please try to maintain at least minimum professionalism.

And whats up with removing and infractioning the posts? its called “feedback thread” only positive feedback is welcome?

ok so to make the point more clearly related to the topic as apparently some moderators cant graps any point:

the update didnt fix anything from the known bug list but introduced new positions, please try harder.

(edited by KapitanNapleta.2834)

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roedor.3148


•Many skills, items, and traits were applying healing to an infinite amount of targets and have now been limited to 5 targets.

•Selfless Daring: This trait had an efficiency with healing power that was reserved for healing skills only and has now been reduced to its intended level. Heal scaling has been reduced by 50% in PvP only.

•Healing Ripple: This skill’s scaling with healing power has been reduced by 50% in PvP only, as it had scaling that’s normally reserved for main healing skills. The maximum number of targets has also been reduced from infinite to 5.

•Shield of Judgment: This skill’s protection duration has been set to 3 seconds from 5 seconds in PvP only.

It’s like healing nerf. This will promote dps-oriented unorganized zerg.
Organized groups are nerfed…

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


The organization level require to make those infinite target heals work to make a zerg invulnerable because all damaging AoEs are capped to 5 peoples at once is somewhat above the cell structure of an amoeba.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ninth Requiem.3250

Ninth Requiem.3250

How does this nerf organized groups in favor of zergs? It does the exact opposite!
Organized groups : Heals go where they are needed
Zergs : Cluster up in a ball and all grab all the healing.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amulrei.4973


i may understand the lack of effort to fix the rangers, because it well costs some effort, but why were they putting so much effort into missinforming the rangers untill the very day of the update? couldnt all that effort be put somewhere else, like in fact fixing rangers? Such behaviour is disrespectful towards customers, we arent your friends, we are the customers please try to maintain at least minimum professionalism.

And whats up with removing and infractioning the posts? its called “feedback thread” only positive feedback is welcome?

ok so to make the point more clearly related to the topic as apparently some moderators cant graps any point:

the update didnt fix anything from the known bug list but introduced new positions, please try harder.

Agreed. They did much the same thing to Engineers, promising over 30 changes. Those changes? 90% tooltip fixes, 10% nerfs that make no sense (Grenade Kits? Really, AN…?).

I just cannot fathom why they would even spin BS like that. They must of known it was going to explode in their face when the patch was launched.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yunni.8296


The majority of people eat meat. Some people don’t.

You just walked into a vegetarian restaurant, told everyone they were idiots, and convinced the owner to add meat to every dish.

Grats. You’re ruining things that other people enjoy so that they match up with things that already exist that you enjoy.

This is why we can’t have nice things. No, really. This. Literally, this.

This is great. I approve this message.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Roedor.3148


How does this nerf organized groups in favor of zergs? It does the exact opposite!
Organized groups : Heals go where they are needed
Zergs : Cluster up in a ball and all grab all the healing.

So why they cannot make heal 2x stronger and only to party members? This will kill zerg and promote organized groups!

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ryuujin.8236


I’m starting to wonder if the devs even examine or play mesmers, because every patch brings tonnes of bugs and ridiculous PvE nerfs to the class and the only way they could possibly think it is a good idea is if they don’t personally ever play the class and instead take all their feedback on Mesmers from the elementalist or warrior forum

The Ashwalker – Ranger
Garnished Toast

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vinny.6924


The way I feel about this patch?

Upset. Its very upsetting to know what the requirements are for legendaries, then to follow up with a nerf on one of the most fun and rewarding event chains you have to offer. Plinx. Might have had it with nerfing the fun outta guild wars 2.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: frogshake.2419


I’m starting to wonder if the devs even examine or play mesmers, because every patch brings tonnes of bugs and ridiculous PvE nerfs to the class and the only way they could possibly think it is a good idea is if they don’t personally ever play the class and instead take all their feedback on Mesmers from the elementalist or warrior forum

Which is why they need to split PvE and PvP skills once and for all. Not that the nerfs aren’t bad for WvW, but I don’t see the logic at all behind screwing the class in PvE.

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Crushgear.8175


I have some concerns. Todays patch i saw something different with Plinx event respawn timer. are you making longer than usual? i didnt saw it in the patch note. if yes. Have you guys thought how long are we gona need to farm the karma needed to make the karma weapon ?
2. i noticed with this patch more and more gear is going to release in the game. and that is going to make our bag more variety of items aka full.. is there going to be npc. that can be save an set of armor like FFXI. so if i have a set of armor i can save it to npc. and i can take whenever i want ? please reconsider npc like this. thanks

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: fixit.7189


My heals go to pets and turrets first, then players who don’t even need the heals. There is no such thing as ‘smart healing’ in GW2. With EA, at least I had some sort of control over it…now I don’t.

You took quite possibly the funnest most enjoyable game play mechanic (evasive arcana) I have ever seen in an MMO and you ruined it entirely. You could have simply adjusted EA in many other ways but instead you went the easier, cheaper route and gutted it.


Very very…very disappointing.

Perhaps the two people doing balancing could play an ele once or twice one day?

Might give you a perspective on why most of us Eles are so upset.

I aplogize for being blunt and being mad but I really can’t help it. I was not expecting you to nerf it so bad.

edit. I find it depressin that when I dodge in fire attune now it does 16 dmg. Let that sink in….a 30 pt trait that does 16 dmg. Yea…awsome….

p.s. I really don’t expect anyone important to be even reading these feedback threads: it’s just a place to throw all the complaints into one spot so it’s more easily ignored.

(edited by fixit.7189)

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tom.7468


The game has only been out 2 months why is a new weapon quality so bad? i don’t get it

Patch Feedback [merged]

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Azzrael Deathbane.4965

Azzrael Deathbane.4965

At least they havn’t started level increase yet lol. We just need to rememebr that it is an armour level:

White, Blue, Green, Yellow (Rare), Exotic, Infused and legendary.

Look on the bright side it appears that it will not change after this. How can it?

“Once more into the fray. Into the last good fight I’ll ever know.
Live and die on this day. Live and die on this day.”