Patch Time. What time exactly tomorrow?
Free charges? What do you speak of?! Talk sense man!
The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred.
If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all.
Free charges? What do you speak of?! Talk sense man!
read the main website news page..
Eternity, The Juggernaut, Kudzu…
I’m seeing several people mentioning 5 free T charges…but nobody has provided a citation as yet. Where is this mentioned?
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Free charges? What do you speak of?! Talk sense man!
It’s on the login bulletin. 5 free transmutation charges if you log in between the implementation of the patch and 1159 pacific time tomorrow.
On the news page I see:
Foostival 2014, a Celebration
Tournament of Legends Sign Ups Now Open
March: Daily Sales in the Gem Store!
Nothing about 5 free T Charges.
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Thank you kind sirs. Now to figure out your weird time zones…
The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred.
If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all.
On the news page I see:
Foostival 2014, a Celebration
Tournament of Legends Sign Ups Now Open
March: Daily Sales in the Gem Store!
etcNothing about 5 free T Charges.
Eternity, The Juggernaut, Kudzu…
Free charges? What do you speak of?! Talk sense man!
It’s on the login bulletin. 5 free transmutation charges if you log in between the implementation of the patch and 1159 pacific time tomorrow.
Ah, that news page, not the other news page. Really silly site design to have several news areas.
Thank you for providing the link.
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For the most part patches are always released around 9-10am pst.
Heavens Rage
For the OP…yeah, I see your problem. We get the patch at some point on Tuesday and you have until midnight PDT to log in. I am reading your post to say that you work from 4:30 am until noon…which should give you plenty of time to log in before midnight. As Harbinger noted, most times we see the patch late morning so you should be all good, unless I am misreading your work times.
Ya know what chaps? The world should decide to use one time/length and whatever else system. How to decide? EASY! Roll a D20
The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred.
If I’m to choose between one evil and another, I’d rather not choose at all.
For the OP…yeah, I see your problem. We get the patch at some point on Tuesday and you have until midnight PDT to log in. I am reading your post to say that you work from 4:30 am until noon…which should give you plenty of time to log in before midnight. As Harbinger noted, most times we see the patch late morning so you should be all good, unless I am misreading your work times.
Yeah I write my times in military times.. But I failed to notice that the end date is April 16th, not 15th. So we have until noon of day after tomorrow. So… It’s all good~!
For the OP…yeah, I see your problem. We get the patch at some point on Tuesday and you have until midnight PDT to log in. I am reading your post to say that you work from 4:30 am until noon…which should give you plenty of time to log in before midnight. As Harbinger noted, most times we see the patch late morning so you should be all good, unless I am misreading your work times.
Where do you get midnight from “11:59 am”?
All I can say is don’t count on any specific time. There could be some last minute things that could delay the update like we have seen a few times in the past. I’m just saying I don’t think people should get all worked up if the patch doesn’t come out around the same time we are used to.
The post says “tomorrow, April 16” so that is a bit confusing since today is the 14th, at least in ANet’s time zone.
As to when the patch hits, yes, usually it’s late morning server time. Except a couple of the really big patches have delayed many hours past that. Guess I’ll have to sneak upstairs to the computer to do some logging in before movie night with my husband (why oh why is Tuesday every game’s patch day?).
Don’t worry, on FB they said the free charges are there the entire day!
So there’s no chance for it happening at midnight?
This isn’t a new game launch. I’m sure the employees at ANet would like to be asleep at midnight.
Yeah, the post is worded improperly.
The word “tomorrow” is misplaced. It should be after “Feature Pack” and not between “11:59 a.m.” and “April 16th”.
How it is:
- “To get you started with this new system, we’re giving away five free Transmutation Charges per account to everyone who logs in between the launch of the Feature Pack and 11:59 a.m. PT tomorrow, April 16!”
It should be:
- “To get you started with this new system, we’re giving away five free Transmutation Charges per account to everyone who logs in between the launch of the Feature Pack tomorrow and 11:59 a.m. PT April 16!”
PT/PDT = Server Time
Change your in-game clock to display server time and you’ll know what time it is PDT.
Easiest way without checking websites and other methods for figuring out your time differences relative to PDT.
Patch will likely be some time between 9AM PDT and 3PM PDT tomorrow (April 15th PDT).
Log in between when the patch hits and noon (11:59AM) the next day (April 16th PDT) to get them.
So they are basically giving everyone about 24 hours from when the patch hits if it hits just shy of noon (11:59AM) tomorrow, April 15th.
So, in PDT/server time:
- Tomorrow, April 15th
- If patch hits at 11:59AM then you have 24 hours from then to log in.
- If patch hits at 10:59AM then you have 25 hours from then to log in.
- If patch hits at 12:59PM then you have 23 hours from then to log in.
- The earlier they get it out before noon PDT/Server Time, the more hours you have available on the front side of the time frame to log in and get the 5 free charges.
But the deadline is still going to be 11:59 AM, April 16th PDT/Server Time.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)