Patch in fotm patch already

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blissified.8369


Since i wasnt lvl 80 yet when fotm came out ( i leveled 4 chars to 60 to see what i like best) I was behind the curve, even for unskilled players and ive been stuck at fotm 4 for months and months, not because i can’t do it but because NO ONE will group with me, and i use also, still doesn’t help plus im on T.C the unofficial most active server.

Can you guys patch it in already! Im sick of doing all the monthlys except the fotm part and not being able to complete it due to lack of group..

And yes i’m in a guild but their all in the 30-40’s of fotm, they wont help me why would they want to grind the same dungeons that theyve did over and over again….Without a reward.

And i heard that ascended was going to be available everywhere. This was a long time ago, whats taking so long.

I have found two lvl 4 fotm groups in the passed few months, both were full of some of the worst players ive experinced in any game, and i still carried the team to the jade fractal, but guess what happend after we beat the jade fractal (the last part of fotm lvl 4 to progress to 5) a player decided to click exit which put up the vote to return thing, We all thought it was the complete fractal return to base option but it wasn`t he clicked it a little before THAT message would have popped up so we didn`t PROGRESS!

Apparently he thought you always clicked that after everytime you beat a fractal dungeon!

If anyone has a solution to me finding a fotm lvl 4 group please let me know.

Btw if the patch is coming at the end of the month how can i finish my monthly ive literally done everything els for the monthly.

This isnt fair i literally CANNOT complete the monthly!

(edited by Blissified.8369)

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blissified.8369


You dont believe me why would i lie. I wish i could find a group look at i post a post every day their, i don`t sit around more then 45 minutes in l.a lfg because i`d rather play a game where im actulaly doing stuff.

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yargesh.4965


Don’t think the patch will help you. In the new system you can go to the highest lvl fractal that any member of the group can join. If you cannot do lvl 40 (at chr lvl 60 you cannot) then you still will not find groups with your guild. I do not do fractals but when a toon is in LA there are usually several different looking for fract 1 announced.

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nokivaris.3097


I’m on level 4 and have the same problem I,be given up on fotm hate spending ages lfg

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blissified.8369


Don’t think the patch will help you. In the new system you can go to the highest lvl fractal that any member of the group can join. If you cannot do lvl 40 (at chr lvl 60 you cannot) then you still will not find groups with your guild. I do not do fractals but when a toon is in LA there are usually several different looking for fract 1 announced.

Why cant most of the people on here comprehend a post larger then half a paragraph?

Why would i try to bring a lvl 60 char in fotm, and not my lvl 80 whos been lvl 80 since a month after fotm came out?

Seriously, every thread i make most of the people can’t comprehend the post, its getting redic.

Also i know what the patch will do and how will it not help me? I cant find anyone to find a group for fotm lvl 1-4 because i was far behind since all my characters will at lvl 60ish when fotm came out.

Fotm came out a while ago just so you know.

Why would i bring a lvl 60 char into fotm and not my lvl 80 chars?

(edited by Blissified.8369)

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


Seriously, every thread i make most of the people can’t comprehend the post, its getting redic.

And the common denominator for all of those situations is…?


Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Randulf.7614


May I suggest a post in the player helping player forum. Put in your server, time available etc. Then give the option of lvl 1-4 of fractals and see if you can arrange something with those having similar issues. It’s a time honoured successful way of doing things in mmo’s when people get stuck and a good way to find like minded others to team with outside of the guild.

A shame your guild resolutely wont help once within a month. I’d have left if I was in a guild that refused to help. Also, yes they said Ascended would be everywhere, but that was 2 months ago – barely a blip in mmo time. It’ll happen, but things really do take a long time to implement I’m afraid.

Hope you finish your monthly

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

I’ve done level 4 at least 3 times this week. Mostly just cause I was farming relics and looked for any group 2-8 for the daily bonus relics.

Seriously. I don’t think you are trying hard enough to get a group. Are you at all trying to START one?

I find that posting that you are lfg really isn’t NEARLY as effective as “Looking for 3 more for…”

So look for someone who is lfg for lvl 4 on then post your own lfg as “Looking for 3 more for…”

See how that works for ya.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doomsayer.8250


I really fail to see how you can’t manage to find a group, even with gw2lfg. I live in Australia, and despite playing in off-peak hours for US and EU, I’ve still managed to find a group for, and completed, levels 2 to 7 in the last week.

Although the Fractals patch will be nice, it’s really not that difficult to find a group using just the slightest amount of effort.

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chase.8415


Don’t have the philosophy that you’re carrying all of the team; it is impossible. A lot of the fractal mechanics rely on 3-5 people and it would be unlikely for you to carry anyone.

With that being said, if you don’t put the effort into making groups and leading people you will not get far. I got my group to Level 23 strictly on pugs and we have a small 10 man guild.

The best way to get groups is to lead people. No one likes the burden of having to explain strategies and recruit people. There’s dozens of people looking for a group compared to someone starting a group.

Patch in fotm patch already

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: oloap.9765


i agree with you, mostly iplay with my gf and a friend, i’m lvl4 too so just ad me friend!
btw i solved this month achivement just by oing any lvl 1-4 i can find, first to get to know the various dungeons, second cause i really care only about the achivent till this patch comes out and i’ll be able to do any 1-10- first then 10-15 or 15-20 without limitations from 1 party members.
imho the patch will solve if they implement as they said.
hope for better system also for other dungeon specially for less fashon ones!