People won't join my group

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bytor.3826


When the ascended gear came out I quit playing for a month because I felt discouraged from playing.

I logged on for the first time in a month today, and I have to say I’m really not surprised what I see.

I’ve been running around for over 2 hours looking for any explorable group. I cannot find ONE person that will join me. Not one single person.

Then I typed ‘LFG fractals level 1’ in LA/map and I had 5 whipsers back within 10 seconds.

You have successfully created an agonizing gear treadmill, and killed every single one of your old dungeons. Congrats on going against your own manifesto, and killing your own game in less than half a year.

Now that’s what I call success.

This is my signature. Marvel at its brilliance!

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MorceluLebeau.5109


Honestly..won’t find any disagreement from me.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


In this topic, we use personal anecdotes to try to support our statements.

I did a CoF and an SE run yesterday. Found a group in like ~10 mins. Did you try the website

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TsukasaHiiragi.9730


Even gw2lfg doesn’t always help ~ not to mention, for fractals its also extremely hard is no one is on an overflow server..

protest this travesty of a patch -
Get it taken down -
Do whatever it takes if you care about this game -

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: tigirius.9014


In this topic, we use personal anecdotes to try to support our statements.

I did a CoF and an SE run yesterday. Found a group in like ~10 mins. Did you try the website

so you are saying that it’s a perfectly fine game design to have to use a third party website to form a group, for a dungeon in a game where dungeons were never supposed to be the main focus of end game progression with loot?

And you find no irony in this?

Balance Team: Please Fix Mine Toolbelt Positioning!

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kymaera Stormweaver.1069

Kymaera Stormweaver.1069

Did you try the website

Shouldn’t be forced to go to an outside source for gaming fun.

However, I see people in Lions Arch asking for dungeon runs anytime I’m there. I’ve yet to really dabble in dungeons too much to say whether it’s hard to find a group or not.

However, I do not like ascended gear. Seemed like they are tip toeing around the “we didn’t say there’d be no treadmill” arguement when a lot of players pretty much felt they had.

Variety, multiplicity are the two most powerful vehicles of lust.
– Marquis de Sade

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Yumiko Ishida.3769

Yumiko Ishida.3769

what serve are you on? I’ll do any dungeon with you on my ele yet I have to still get story done on everything between CM and Arah. so if you need that too, just whisper me…

Yumiko Emi Ishida 80 Ele, Hikari Kyoko Ishida 80 Guard TC-NA. Active RPer of NA megaserver.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Ursan.7846


so you are saying that it’s a perfectly fine game design to have to use a third party website to form a group, for a dungeon in a game where dungeons were never supposed to be the main focus of end game progression with loot?

And you find no irony in this?

Sigh. Lets not put arguments in my mouth. Please?

OP complains about not being able to find a group to run exp mode dungeons. Uses it as evidence that Anet is “killing their game.” I point out website that OP can use to find said players to run dungeons with. I then use my personal experience to point out that, yes, you can still find groups to run dungeons with.

Is the lack of a LFG silly? Yes, yes it is. Pointless to discuss about it though. They have already said they are working on it.

Shouldn’t be forced to go to an outside source for gaming fun.

Should, shouldn’t….No you shouldn’t have to go to a 3rd party website to look for a group. But it is a work-around to the problem currently. So I use it. Again, no point in discussing the lack of a LFG system in GW2. They know about it, they’re working on it.

(edited by Ursan.7846)

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LOCO.1785


Yep, ascended gear & fractals was a step in the wrong direction for many of us.

Unfortunately, ANet have already stated it’s here to stay.

I decided after that patch that ANet/NSoft don’t deserve my financial support anymore. It’s really the only way to show you’re not happy. Vote with your wallet.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: UnderdogSMO.9428


and manny more will be on this weekend at the start of wintersday, I havn been on much this week because i am getting things done and out of the way for the big event

i dont think i am the only one doing this. I also have a few friends who are planing to get on that havnt been on in weeks

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Death Reincarnated.3570

Death Reincarnated.3570

There are many players who are confound to one dungeon (FotM) because of the new content – this was pointed out by ANet to be a “bad decision”.

However, it seems to me that many people are complaining about Ascended gear, YET, most do FotM to get it.

Why do something you hate? No one is forcing you to do it…

This is such an oxymoron.

Proud member of Legion of Honour XIII

Do not click this link!

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: infrequentia.3465


yet i was able to do all dungeons today except for fractals,
you should try not to look for it in LA ( where fotm is )
but out side the reg dungeons , theres alot of people there looking for that dungeon

“If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried.”

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nofo.8469


There are many players who are confound to one dungeon (FotM) because of the new content – this was pointed out by ANet to be a “bad decision”.

However, it seems to me that many people are complaining about Ascended gear, YET, most do FotM to get it.

Why do something you hate? No one is forcing you to do it…

This is such an oxymoron.

Because nobody wants to be inferior.

Saying that though, everybody I knew of that played this game that disliked the new direction voted with our wallets. So we aren’t grinding away at fractals like good little hamsters.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sirge.8934


To be fair, dungeons are aggravating. They take hours, somebody usually drops out, and I just get ticked at stupid enemies whose only tricks are an overly bloated hp pool and high attack damage. And any time you just group up with random folks, they just want to speed run past everything for the tokens. It’s one of the worst parts of the game IMO.

Ascended armor sucks, but Fractals are a ton of fun. Even repeating the same shard is still entertaining (within reason). Definitely prefer it over dungeon delving.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Charming Rogue.8071

Charming Rogue.8071

lol? I’ve done well over 20 CoF runs in the past day. Get a group within 0.02313 seconds. The problem is, that CoF really is the only dungeon being run. CoF and AC. Other dungeons are pretty much dead (except for the few rare groups that want to go for 100% dungeon title).

But yeah, everyone is in fractals. It’s kinda annoying. The rest of the game is definitely less populated.

Desolation – EU – [KING] – Immortal Kingdom

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bluestone.7106


Games not dead. Bit of an exaggeration there. People are leaving sure but there will be plenty of people around for a long time so the death of GW2 is many many years away.

My homeworld is Blackgate.
I am a GW2 player in New Zealand.
Check me out on the GW2 wiki.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vena.8436


To be fair, dungeons are aggravating. They take hours, somebody usually drops out, and I just get ticked at stupid enemies whose only tricks are an overly bloated hp pool and high attack damage.

What dungeons are you running? No dungeon takes “hours”, heck most dungeons don’t even take half an hour.

Vena/Var – Guardian/Thief
[Eon] – Blackgate

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Felblade.8701


Why would you do any other dungeon when the new one is a cake walk, has better gear, more money and faster? Only reason people will still run CoF or AC is because they are easy and fast, rest require more attention and a generally harder. I have zero interest in fractals after a couple of runs, its just says grind all over it, i had my fun doing it just to experience first time and after that its just repetitive grind, are we all zombies now?

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: nofo.8469


To be fair, dungeons are aggravating. They take hours, somebody usually drops out, and I just get ticked at stupid enemies whose only tricks are an overly bloated hp pool and high attack damage.

What dungeons are you running? No dungeon takes “hours”, heck most dungeons don’t even take half an hour.

CoE in a pug lol.

The laser part alone can take 10 mins+ ahhahaha

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Avatara.1042


Well they are certainly doing their best to kill WvWvW.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LOCO.1785


To be fair, dungeons are aggravating. They take hours, somebody usually drops out, and I just get ticked at stupid enemies whose only tricks are an overly bloated hp pool and high attack damage.

What dungeons are you running? No dungeon takes “hours”, heck most dungeons don’t even take half an hour.

CoE in a pug lol.

The laser part alone can take 10 mins+ ahhahaha

I agree with this.

There’s no way your doing CoE in under a hour with a PUG unless you strike gold with an awesome random group.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Delofasht.4231


Why would you do any other dungeon when the new one is a cake walk, has better gear, more money and faster? Only reason people will still run CoF or AC is because they are easy and fast, rest require more attention and a generally harder. I have zero interest in fractals after a couple of runs, its just says grind all over it, i had my fun doing it just to experience first time and after that its just repetitive grind, are we all zombies now?

Why do I do dungeons other than Fractals?. . . because I like a challenge, I’m probably the minority, but because learning something new is interesting. I’ve played enough fractals to have figured out a good portion of them, and the idea that they will get harder as I continue doing them is pretty good too, unfortunately they will be the same maps, over and over with new stuff in each (meh). I liked doing AC, I like TA, I like all those dungeons, and doing them with several new people gave me new friends and challenges, showed people that Mesmers are strong in PvE dungeons and many other perks.

Fractals feel overloaded with whining little brats who only grind for gear, once they have a new dungeon to grind I’ll go back to playing in Fractals, till then I couldn’t care less. Also, I don’t care about loot or best in slot gear stats anymore, I’ve kicked the habit. . . it was tough, but I’m happier for it. Game is so much better in Rares and Exotics anyhow, bigger numbers = easier game = less challenge = boring = sleep mode = playing some other game with more challenge. That’s why I PvP, players offer better challenge than non players, sometimes. . . but that’s what matchmaking will fix too, better challenges each and every time I play, now THAT sounds encouraging!

“I’m sorry, my responses are limited. You must ask the right questions.”
- Dr. Alfred Lanning, fictional character of great intellect.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Genesis.5169

You should try to atleast do research b4 you start the kittening.

I can find arah, coe, cof, hotw anything i want all you need to do is look.

These forums are a joke its not for opinions or debate its just a safe place for people to cry at.

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vinny.6924

You should try to atleast do research b4 you start the kittening.

I can find arah, coe, cof, hotw anything i want all you need to do is look.

You should read the entire thread before you reply.

Bad design is bad design. Mark my words, this is just tue beginning of the treadmill. By the time you are full ascended, descended gear will be out forcing you to grind again.

Commander Ahria – Warrior – Stormbluff Isle

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Tolmos.8395


The zones are dead because everyone is running fractals over and over, as any good player in a WoW clone would do. It is where the current BiS gear drops, so it is where everyone is. When the rest of he BiS gear is released, folks will migrate there. When the next tier of gear releases, folks will move there. Etc etc.

I feel bad mostly for new players. They will never get to experience pre-NGE… Er, I mean pre-ascended gear GW2. Those of us who played at release were lucky

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: alcedonia.7831


I easily find groups for most dungeons. Ac, cof, ta, arah whatever. I do use gw2lfg though.

Using the inability to find groups for dungeons in la (which is fractal town) doesnt reflect a lack of players wanting to do dungeons. It just points to a lousy lfg system.

No disagreement from me in that though. The lfg system in this game really needs work.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dondarrion.2748


Alternatively – Anet, just up the rewards from your dungeons to be on par with Fractals… I think the Fractals are damn boring once you’ve done all the different types, and am more for doing dungeons if the rewards/drops were increased to be equal.

Lord Sazed / Hasla the Huntress / Seaguard Hala
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Jski.6180


Well if you wish to quit a game on a lie that your telling your self then do so but know it to be a LIE and nothing more so kindly stop trying to lie to ppl.

Main : Jski Imaginary ELE (Necromancer)
Guild : OBEY (The Legacy) I call it Obay , TLC (WvW) , UNIV (other)
Server : FA

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in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: MrNobody.4357


Ideally if any activity would have comparable rewards it would just avoid to creating fractures among the community and the players.

I’d prefer if they separated the worlds (servers) where only horizontal progression exists from those where vertical progression reign, maybe this would make both kind of costumer happy in their own town. But this would have also implications with WvWvW, because both kind of servers could not compete each other in the same league then.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Wasabi Kitty.8247

Wasabi Kitty.8247

There are many players who are confound to one dungeon (FotM) because of the new content – this was pointed out by ANet to be a “bad decision”.

However, it seems to me that many people are complaining about Ascended gear, YET, most do FotM to get it.

Why do something you hate? No one is forcing you to do it…

This is such an oxymoron.

To stay competitive…. people don’t like it because you’re forced into it.

Anet make Rev great again.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Plunder.8195


People play fractals over dungeons because fractals are faster and more fun.
As OP’s anecdote shows, it is not for the gear treadmill since at level 1 you cannot get ascended items, people that play for the gear are at least at level 10 and do those over and over again.
I think the majority of the players doesn’t even care about the 2 ascended rings.

Some thought provoking quote

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amos.8760


Yep, ascended gear & fractals was a step in the wrong direction for many of us.

Unfortunately, ANet have already stated it’s here to stay.

I decided after that patch that ANet/NSoft don’t deserve my financial support anymore. It’s really the only way to show you’re not happy. Vote with your wallet.

It’s a step in between two existing tiers of gear. Why is this such a big deal?

My turret is so much better at this game than I am.

People won't join my group

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chuo.4238


It’s a step in between two existing tiers of gear. Why is this such a big deal?

Because there WAS NO GAP until they created it by upping the stats of Legendaries so they could introduce Ascended.

Are memories that short?

Until November 15th, Legendaries and Exotics HAD THE EXACT SAME STATS.