Permanent runspeed boost

Permanent runspeed boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126



I would pay gems for something like this.

Permanent passive runspeed of 25% in pve, that is only active out of combat. It would need to be inactive in both spvp and wvw to maintain profession balance.

If a passive is a hassle to code then possibly an item with a clickable buff with a decent duration length.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

Permanent runspeed boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: shakome.7458


are you talking about runes for armors? if that is the case, there is the rune of traveler that will give you 25% speedboost at all time. that used to be more popular among mesmer before HoT

Permanent runspeed boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Dvious.8126


Rune of the Traveler means you have to give something up for that runspeed. You’re taking a hit on your stats. Now if there were multiple rune types (different stat spreads) with that 25% runspeed then sure. When is the last time you saw someone running as dps need boon duration? And before someone chimes in with (in my most snotty voice) “make a second set of armor and put the runes in there”, you can not change armor out once you are in combat. BUT a passive runspeed could be removed once you enter combat without the hassle of “changing armor” around. Those of you who suggest that second set of armor, try it. Run around with a second set of armor just for those traveller runes, switching back and forth repeatedly, see how much fun that is.

Please keep in mind, I play a chronomancer, which is a profession that HAS a passive runspeed boost. Just for filling out the chronomancer traitline I get 25% runspeed boost. So really I could care less in the long run. It would just be nice if all you slow pokes could keep up though, that’s all.

I’d rather be playing the game than writing this post.

Permanent runspeed boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Raine.1394


Right now run speed is in the mix for trade-offs. You generally have to give something up for 25% run speed, but it is available through runes, utilities, traits, or for those willing to spam abilities. Any kind of perma-boost would take it out of the mix which I don’t think is happening any time soon.

(edited by Raine.1394)

Permanent runspeed boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Sylent.3165


I think somebody plays guardian =D

Permanent runspeed boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Right now run speed is in the mix for trade-offs. You generally have to give something up for 25% run speed, but it is available through runes, utilities, traits, or for those willing to spam abilities. Any kind of perma-boost would take it out of the mix which I don’t think is happening any time soon.

Also consumable but ANet needs to be stop being in love with Matroska doll based design for that to be worth using. 13g for 30m of 25% speed boost is just a bit too out there.

(edited by Khisanth.2948)

Permanent runspeed boost

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeolus.3615


I think somebody plays guardian =D

i cant stack almost 4min of speed on my guard -.-"

Guardian is a bit dead but the other classes also have to much to…. to much to run away and passive speed….

1st April joke, when gw2 receives a “balance” update.