Personal Merchant Express change back plz

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoopySnoopy.7923


For the past 3 months I have been using Personal Merchant Express to help my allies sell their stuff, as of now they can’t use it.
Why has this changed I know it says personal but my allies have been using this; I make the suggestion to revert this back to how it was just like the other Merchant Express (temporary one).

Before I get flamed I am 100% sure I wasn’t using the regular Merchant Express as I don’t have any of them; I am however 100% sure that I was using Personal Merchant Express.
I would like to see this reverted back so my allies can use it again other wise what is the point of having a permanent items that only benefits me a merchant should be usable by all .

In closing I open this not just to the forum posters but the devs too, would you like to see this back to how it was a couple of days ago.

By definition of what a merchant is: (Professions) a person engaged in the purchase and sale of commodities for profit, esp on international markets; trader,1. One whose occupation is the wholesale purchase and retail sale of goods for profit.
2. One who runs a retail business; a shopkeeper.

This tells me a merchant should be able to be used by all, as I’ve said at the beginning what harm was this doing it helped my allies merch up and I took the term personal to mean my merchant that I own that I am able to share with others via using him/her.

Lets keep the discussion of this friendly so it can stay open, I don’t want it closed I would love a developer to explain why this was changed……. It might of been a bug to start with but it was a bug that helped not just me but my allies and my wvw zerg.

Too much agreement kills a chat.

(edited by LoopySnoopy.7923)

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Snow.9862


per·son·al [pur-suh-nl]
of, pertaining to, or coming as from a particular person; individual; private: a personal opinion.
relating to, directed to, or intended for a particular person: a personal favor; one’s personal life; a letter marked “Personal.”
intended for use by one person: a personal car.

Since you seem to be using dictionary entries to enforce your argument, here’s the one you occidentally skipped. You’re welcome

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoopySnoopy.7923


per·son·al [pur-suh-nl]
of, pertaining to, or coming as from a particular person; individual; private: a personal opinion.
relating to, directed to, or intended for a particular person: a personal favor; one’s personal life; a letter marked “Personal.”
intended for use by one person: a personal car.

Since you seem to be using dictionary entries to enforce your argument, here’s the one you occidentally skipped. You’re welcome

Not skipped as I checked that in the dictionary already as I’ve said Personal to me means that in this case I own the merchant IE I own Tescos sort of thing I’m opening him/her up for business I don’t get no profit the merchant does (silent partner). But yes I understand what you are saying there; that its personal for my own use etc.

Too much agreement kills a chat.

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

According to the wiki, only the owner could use the Personal Merchant since, at least, December of 2012. Maybe your particular one was bugged, but on the whole they are and have been personal-only.

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antihoc.2503


According to the wiki “The Personal Merchant” is for use by the owner only, but the “Merchant Express” is for use by the owner and allies.

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoopySnoopy.7923


According to the wiki, only the owner could use the Personal Merchant since, at least, December of 2012. Maybe your particular one was bugged, but on the whole they are and have been personal-only.

According to the wiki “The Personal Merchant” is for use by the owner only, but the “Merchant Express” is for use by the owner and allies.

That wherein lies the problem, my allies have been able to use this for 3 months my servers zerg has been able to use it, I know I am not getting the merchants muddled up either as I don’t have any merchant expresses. If it was an automated fix for a bugged item well I would love to know why I wasn’t informed when it was changed.

Too much agreement kills a chat.

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Antihoc.2503


I dont know then, as far as I can recall I have never been able to use another players personal merchant so I would just be happy that you have had the use of an unintended bug for a while, but all good things can come to an end.
Why would they inform you that they have fixed a bug so that an item functions as it should?

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I have the personal merchant express. I was never able to let my allies use my merchant.

But I havn’t played for 3 month so…

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: LoopySnoopy.7923


Just herd back from support seems to be a bug after all which is a shame as this small QOL item would help make friends and build bridges.. What harm would this do to turn it in to a regular merchant so my friends can use…?

Too much agreement kills a chat.

Personal Merchant Express change back plz

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: killcannon.2576


Just herd back from support seems to be a bug after all which is a shame as this small QOL item would help make friends and build bridges.. What harm would this do to turn it in to a regular merchant so my friends can use…?

They wouldn’t be able to sell more of them then.

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