Personal goal: lvl80 of every profession
I am doing the same, i have every profession too, 8/8 only my Ele is 51 and Mesmer 70 the rest are done and completed..
Sadly we get no Achievement for this it seems..
I’m doing the same. The only two professions I’m missing is mesmer and thief. Honestly though, mesmer makes me want to quit because it is incredibly ridiculous how fast I go down. And as for thieves, oh god…it’s even worse
This is sort of an informal goal of mine as well, mostly because I just like getting to know a profession on the way to 80. Right now I’m at 80 ranger, Ele, engineer, 75 necro, 65 thief…I always thought I’d like guardian since it was announced, but its solo sloww
I’m already there. Got my last toon to complete all the pve maps last week, but leveled them to 80 some time ago. So I’m really looking forward to some new content.
i hav 4 lvl 80’s, 2 more on the way. I don’t craft so i might a bit slow compared to u guys
Getting all 8 classes to level 80 is actually why I’ve shortened my time to about 8 hours a week.
“A release is 7 days or less away or has just happened within the last 7 days…
These are the only two states you’ll find the world of Tyria.”
I only have 4 level 80’s atm.
Nice to see so many other people doing this!
Yea I feel your allz pain on the thief, it’s going to be the last one I do and will probably just lvl in wvw.
I like Dante said it would be nice for a achiv for this. I just hope the new content isnt something that once your 80 you miss or they add/change something but dont compensate a lvl 80s is my biggest fear lol.
you obviously don’t have perm-dr on your drops, or you exploited godskull, because your toon is wearing several hundred gold in armor.
just a lot dat farming lol. spent 5-8 hours a day for two weeks. That don’t include the weapons/sigils/runes/trinkets or the other 100+ gold across the other 5 80s lmao… yep LOTS of free time
(edited by knives.6814)
Slowly working my way towards this goal. I’m currently done with a Guardian/Ranger/Necromancer and working on a Warrior and Mesmer now. Not entirely sure if i’ll have the breath to also get the other 3 classes to 80 after that, but that’s stuff for later.
Working on this myself. Engi and War are 80, Thief and Ele are both at 54 and one will hopefully be 80 by the weekend (probably Thief). Mes and Necro will be the hardest to level, I’m bored to tears with both professions. I also tend to get distracted by sPvP. :P
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC
I’m already there. Got my last toon to complete all the pve maps last week, but leveled them to 80 some time ago. So I’m really looking forward to some new content.
can you show me your thief’s armor?
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
I don’t think I’ll be able to get all professions to 80. I’ll be working on five at most. Engineer, Warrior, and Thief are just so boring to me.
Right now I’ve only got two 80’s, my ranger and elementalist. My next goal is Necromancer, but I’m having so much fun with ranger it’s slowing me down.
I have a ton of free time with online classes though so maybe one day I’ll get around to those I dislike, but I really don’t see myself being able to do it.
Lvl 80 Sylvari Elementalist
I love your Charr’s name! Made me giggle.
Too Drunk To PvP[LUSH]
Standing United[STUN]-TC
Had all 8 professions at 80 for a while now. (Link in signature, didn’t update the wiki page until recently though).
All have 1-3 exotic (lvl 80) armor sets + weapons.
Next I plan to roll Charr, Asura and Sylvari chars just for the story achievements.
Dis iz vat zey coll, le poor pipel achiv’ment?
Try every class for every race once you’re done!
I’ll /bow to anyone who makes this.
The Asura:Everything Else ratio being displayed here is disheartening .__.
I know I won’t get a lvl80 for each profession, as I just cannot stand the engineer.
I just got my main character at 100% map completion, now I need to decide which character I will level and complete next… I’ve 14 to chose from!
I have 4 lv80s and planning to make all professions.
Currently levelling: Warrior (lv 36)
Ci Assediamo Da Soli [SIGH] ~ Officier
5 lvl80s atm … and ran out of char slots … wish I’ve bought gems when they were still cheap(er)
The Asura:Everything Else ratio being displayed here is disheartening .__.
Don’t worry 2 out of my 3 level 80’s are Asura.
there was a guy who posted screenshots of his 22 lvl 80 characters a month or so ago… don’t remember it they were all professions, but guess so.
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
Yea, for playing through all of a story 3 chars are enough once you get past your race-specific part, what’s that… around level 33 or so?
Seamarshal Belit / Initiate Xun Tsu / Mistwarden Roshone
Seafarer’s Rest | Northerner @ Dragon Season
(cries inside due to the ease of GW2)
Dont get me wrong, im not blaming anyone here but this is probably the main reason behind me having second thoughts on buying an expansion. I hope that in the future they release more content based around actual skill and items that show this otherwise GW2 will, for me (opinion here!), be a very watered down MMO experience.
Retired and living in a shack. Relaxing!
4 80’s, a 46, 31, 18 and a 2.
I don’t have much free time anymore and when I do I can’t muster the energy to play. Actually thinking about killing another dragon 1000 times, doing DE’s all the way to Orr again just depresses me.
I have over 1000 hours played on my main….with 8 characters but the rest are lvl 10-20 lol
Im in love with my main too much but I will get more lvl 80’s soon. Is easy to get them leveled.
(cries inside due to the ease of GW2)
Dont get me wrong, im not blaming anyone here but this is probably the main reason behind me having second thoughts on buying an expansion. I hope that in the future they release more content based around actual skill and items that show this otherwise GW2 will, for me (opinion here!), be a very watered down MMO experience.
yeah I hope so too, they made this game far too easy at launch, hope they don’t do that with expansions.
Yeah, I don’t think I’d have the patience for this – doing the same events and same maps over and over would probably get boring, especially since there’s quite a few people that don’t do a lot of the low lvl zone events or they’re not working. I just got my 2nd 80 yesterday.
An 80 of every profession? That’s a whoooooole lot of ascended grinding ahead of you =D
And I can’t even imagine the joy that will come when the expansion/level cap increase appears =D
My goal is to do this, but I have 12 characters right now.
Only two are 80 – my asura guardian and my asura necro. I have at least one of each race though. I’m an alt-o-holic and I’ve remade some of them a few times because I have wanted to see what the beginning story was like for each of the races too. I will probably end up getting a 13th slot so I can make more Charr and Sylvari just to see the personal stories up to 20.
My list:
I have two thieves, Human that is 33, and Asura that is 42.
Two necromancers, Asura is 80, Human is 25.
Two elementalists, Sylvari that is 59 and Asura that is 9.
Two warriors, Asura that is 36, Human that is 18.
44 Asura Mesmer
43 Norn Ranger
24 Charr Engineer
80 Asura Guardian
Yeah… I like Asura a lot. =)
I don’t pvp or even do wvw (I’m a wuss and just plain afraid to go to wvw lol), I only pve, and I have at least one of each crafting profession, but only 2 are maxed out to 400 (Chef and Jeweler).
I’m just taking it my own pace and enjoying everything I can. When I start a new one, I am taking the new toon to all the major cities first for map completion, then start in one starter zone at level 6 from that, and do all the first starter zones.
Currently, working on my 42 Thief – Almost halfway through Queensdale (last starter zone), only worked on personal story to level 22 so far, and have just one profession – Chef, that is at 400.
3/8 professions up to 80 so far
I plan on unlocking all the skills including racial as well before moving on to the next.
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
A guild mate and I are doing the same thing. So far I have 3 level 80s and she has 4. Working on the 4th and 5th ones now. I know other guild members are leveling more than one profession also, but I don’t know if they are planning to do more than the 5 allowed with original purchase.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
I’m doing the same. The only two professions I’m missing is mesmer and thief. Honestly though, mesmer makes me want to quit because it is incredibly ridiculous how fast I go down. And as for thieves, oh god…it’s even worse
Yes both are very difficult at the beginning. But they also get very strong later on. I’m also leveling one of each class. The only 80 I have is my Mesmer all my alts are between 30, and 50.
5/8 for me; im having trouble motivating myself to level guard/thief/engi though due to it just being a case of repeating content i dont like and how much i hated levelling my mesmer (which i forced myself to do as i impulse-bought the t3 asura LA chest for it), all three are 20-30 atm "/
80 warr [Blaze Steelsoul], 80 ele [Blaze Nightstrike], 80 mesmer [Grim Shatterwhirl]
80 guard [Dusk Grimlight], 80 engi [Flintgear]
I’ve got 8 characters but only one 80 – a Thief. Next highest is a Mesmer at 53, and the lowest is a Guardian at 23. Which is funny, I guess, since the last character I rolled was an Engineer and that one is now 34.
Thats my goal. My current 80’s are (in order of completion) Ranger, Engineer & Necro. The rest range in level from 15 to 55. Though, I’m just as likely to delete any toon on a whim for the most minor of reasons.
Altaholism is a disease.
Raf Longshanks-80 Norn Guardian / 9 more alts of various lvls / Charter Member Altaholics Anon
Altaholism is a disease.
As a superset of 8×80s, I’m planning to do 15 toons, to cover every personal story.
Yes, I probably need professional help.
Not only do i have 8 characters level 80 but all 8 have 100% map completion
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
Not only do i have 8 characters level 80 but all 8 have 100% map completion
8 100% world completion.
Even if you hacked, that sounds boring as kitten.
No, you can’t lie to me and say that getting rid of the ghosts in plains of ashford for the 8th time is fun.
I’m not as far along as most of you, but I’m getting there. I have two characters at lvl80, my Ranger and my Guardian. I have one character of each race, but don’t have all the professions yet. My plan is to get the five of them up to 80 eventually, but it will take a while.
Not only do i have 8 characters level 80 but all 8 have 100% map completion
8 100% world completion.
Even if you hacked, that sounds boring as kitten.No, you can’t lie to me and say that getting rid of the ghosts in plains of ashford for the 8th time is fun.
It was not that boring, it was pretty fun just playing each class, the only issue i had was necro, its just a terrible terrible class to me, i was so happy when i finished it
It was my goal which I am now done with. It’s great to see other like minded people. I would love to see some form of recognition for this from ArenaNet.
Having said that it was something I did for myself and have no regrets.
For anyone interested I HIGHLY recommend you get involved in WvW Eternal Battleground. Provided you’re on a decent server with decent commanders you level much quicker than most other forms of leveling up.
8 lvl 80’s gogogogogoggogogogogogogogogo!
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”
Not only do i have 8 characters level 80 but all 8 have 100% map completion
8 100% world completion.
Even if you hacked, that sounds boring as kitten.No, you can’t lie to me and say that getting rid of the ghosts in plains of ashford for the 8th time is fun.
It was not that boring, it was pretty fun just playing each class, the only issue i had was necro, its just a terrible terrible class to me, i was so happy when i finished it
I had all classes at 80 since the 2nd month past release already, so I know how you feel.
But 8 100% world completion… ugh…
Btw, I got 17 alts, 11 of em are 80, I could make all of em 80 in 6~5h each (cheap too)
But feels like it serves no real purpose.
I’ve read once about a guy with 24 maxed alts, god knows what for.
Yes, but I’m not as far as most of you, something like this
80 – 67 – 66 – 66 – 50 – 35 – 32 – 21
One male one female each race – no sylvari. Debating with myself if I should still do that.
“Whose Charr is this?”- “Ted’s.”
“Who’s Ted?”- “Ted’s dead, baby. Ted’s dead.”
I got 5 80’s so far, 2 level 80 guardians (one Human, one Sylvari), 80 Ranger, Elementalist and Mesmer. Highest warrior is just 40 and have not started a thief or engineer or Necro yet.
I’m doing the same. The only two professions I’m missing is mesmer and thief. Honestly though, mesmer makes me want to quit because it is incredibly ridiculous how fast I go down. And as for thieves, oh god…it’s even worse
Ele and Necro to go all the rest at 80. Mesmer was the first I did and I find them extremely durable – it takes a mob of 6-8 undead including a Vet before things start getting tricky.
Level 80 to every profession is an easy goal.
Try level 80 to every profession AND race.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
6/8. Everything except necro and ranger. Made liberal use of crafting to get most of them into the 60 range, then leveled them the rest of the way manually. Only reason that ranger isn’t done is because the class is sooooo booorrriiinnng. I actually like necro, but I ended up doing all 3 scholar classes last, and necro somehow ended up being my last scholar class.
Only my thief, enge, and guard are well geared, only enge has 100% map while everyone else is in the low30%. I still consider my enge my “main”, and I haven’t regretted it for a second. A-net nailed “fun” with that class.