Perspectives should play again?
Well, the forums seem split right down the middle. I don’t grind this stuff. I’m not interested in grinding. I can do all the content in the game, except higher level fractals, without grinding this gear.
But what constitutes a grind and what constitutes whether you need this stuff or not largely depends on who you talk to.
There are tremendous grinds in this game, just like in Guild Wars 1. The difference between this and other MMOs, to me, is that this grind is optional.
As for rangers, yes, I know what the forums say, but if you’re not pugging and you’re in a guild, you can do just fine. We have rangers in our guild who I’d take over just about anyone else into a dungeon or fractal.
I pretty much agree with Vayne. The grinding is completely optional if you ask me, and rangers aren’t /that/ bad off as the forums say. In our guild we have some great rangers, one of them even helped me with my personal story. You just need to find good people to play with.
There is no “forced grind.”
Fractals are completely optional.
And you can run fractals up to level 15 quite easily without any ascended gear. After level 15 you’d probably need some, but since you get the gear by doing the fractals, it’s a self-contained system.
I agree with what is posted here.
Ascended gear are really optional. They don’t boost your performance in dungeons and, dare I say it, WvWvW, unless your the type who min-maxes your toon (in which case this shouldn’t be an issue).
You can run Fractals 1-10 w/o ascended gear and enjoy the content. Fractals 11+ are really just for people who want to challenge themselves, otherwise, your not missing out on content by not running fractals 11+
Concerning hunters, I don’t play a hunter but the things they say about hunters are almost the same with what they say about thieves in PvE, and I play a thief.
If you’re in a good guild and you are not interested in those 4 zerk war 1 zerk mes CoF P1 speed runs, then you can basically enjoy all the dungeons in the game with just exotics.
woow that was very fast, thank you for your answers.
Okay, I think I’ll give the game one more chance .. I did a back up of the game but I can not get the installer to recognize it, I think I will have to fully download again: (
thanks again
Given time you can get all the ascend jewelry by doing dailies. This is perhaps also grinding. Perhaps its more grinding than doing a dungeon and dropping ascend. Now you can enter the fractals at the highest level in the party. After completion you ll all go up 1 level (except if you play below your level)
Imo GW2 is the easiest MMO in the market with the least amount of grind and I believe an MMO can never be without grind. It is always about monster killing and random probabilities for drops, so people will always repeat until they get what they want. GW2 has a number of features making it boring to me, but perhaps it is fun to you now. So yes you could try again.
We always knew that eventually GW2 would raise the level cap. Thus meaning, more gear tiers. And the rest of the Ascended gear isn’t here yet. So that means you can expect Ascended armor and weapons still to come.
While currently the gap in stats between Exotic and Ascended isn’t too large, it still makes a slight difference. But once the armor and weapons are released, the gap will be much larger and a bigger stat increase (something many people seem to forget once the rest of the Ascended gear and weapons are introduced).
And if you hate to grind, there really isn’t much else to do in this game. The game is a cosmetic optional everything game. Only downside to that is, all this optional cosmetic stuff is a grind. Which is the whole game really. So when people say you don’t have to do it cause it is optional, they are basically saying you don’t have to play the game. Cause everything in this game is optional.
As for Rangers, I’ve had mine on the shelf for awhile now. The only good update we got was some underwater buffs, and even that wasn’t that great since we don’t spend 98% of our time in water. They know they need work, it’s just a matter of getting around to it. So Rangers are kind of low in the totem at the moment.
Lady Bethany Of Noh – Chronomancer – Lords of Noh [LoN]
Rangers may still have a ton of issues but nonetheless they are awesome; I’ve found myself saved multiple times in the last week by one running that resurrection spirit.
I have no problem with the lvl cap, provided that it is accompanied by new worthwhile content.
and with respect to gear, I think most MMOs is failing in its focus. At least, in my opinion, what we have today and what should be a thing of the past is :
Do something, many or few times to —-— (target) —-> get new gear.
I think the “do something” must be intended to end the “something” that we want or we like or, it’s fun, and the new gear is involved in the whole process, but never as a final goal.
And lately that’s what I get away from the mmo
Hello, I started playing the game since launch, and just stop playing when fractals were implemented because I disagree with the forced grind.
Also my main character is a ranger, and seeing the subforum, this class is still pretty useless and problems that have not known if they will ever solve.I wanted to know if the game is following a line of grind and if you will continue adding more and more gear tiers.
I read the forums but would like an opinion from the players.
Should re-dedicate my time to this game? considering that I do not want grind, I do not want to be forced to do something in particuar and I do not want a festival of new gear.Thanks and sorry for my English!
Not with DR and the extremely poor reward system in terms of loot. I would avoid playing it until Anet starts making better dev decisions about class balance and the game economy and over hauls the builds (makes them more interesting). Right now everything in this game is about the economy and not about making the game more fun.
Just my opinion.
Not to mention, even if you dislike the grind, there really is no reason to do fractals above level 10. And level 10 is reasonably doable even for not-so-expert players (as long as you know how to do dungeons, you’ll be fine. I’d reckon some dungeons are harder than some fractals, and vice versa). Loot isn’t so bad for the time/effort used (all assuming level 10+) and you get a chance for a ring as well as a token you get use to get ascended gear.
It’s really easy to get your gear “up to date” and unless you’re a perfectionist (in which case grinding shouldn’t matter at all), the difference is negligible. I was killing people and tanking mobs just as well in exotic trinkets as well as in my 3 pieces of ascended trinkets.