Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


I believe that thus far with the game we all have seen good looking aesthetic items; Legendaries, armors, etc. However, this game lacks a set of aesthetically ‘cutesy’ armor.

Please continue reading this is valuable and I hope it is supported. I am petitioning for the inclusion of a Quaggan Armor skin. Earned through Dynamic Events already in game that directly aid the Quaggan or by any other means of aiding the Quaggan.

I believe there should be a place for aesthetically, lore based, cute armor for those that want to acquire it. I by the way, am not interested in acquiring said armor. I am posting this because I believe many people would be. I know many of my guild members have openly expressed their want for more aesthetically ‘cute’ armor than all the hardcore flames and horns armor they are offered currently. Guild Wars 2 has the lore and characters to provide this. Imagine, you complete a DE to aid a Quaggan, and a mail is sent to you from the Quaggan collective with tokens to help you acquire the armor, saying thank you in their Quagganish ways.

This petition could also lead to the possibilities of other aesthetic skins being implemented as well through lore/race based activities in game through DE. This would not only increase the attractiveness of the game in how much style is offered but also give MORE reasons to go back and do older content, or to struggle to reach the end of Meta Event Chains. Not a gear grind, mind you, just skins that could be widely appealing to a broader audience.

Please consider this petition and if you agree to it, spawn from it more petitions for content like this. I ask you to maintain courtesy on this forum, post valid ideas, and expand the ideas for content like what the petition is for. Thank you.

If you agree to this petition please respond with; “Signed” and any other comments you would like to make in favor of.

(edited by Athaume.1952)

Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Karizee.8076


If I could wear my Aviator Shades in combat I would be tickled pink!

Make it so!

Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CureForLiving.5360


I fully agree with OP, cutesy armour would add some nice variety to the overall aesthetic and could easily be implemented within lore. However there is something I disagree with and that is the usage of the word petition.
Firstly I don’t think you actually know what a petition is, and secondly you’re doing more harm to your case by throwing the word petition around. It like if I tell command you to do something, firstly I have no authority to command anything of you and secondly you’d probably just get angry since I’d come off as very arrogant and bossy. Now thing about the developers, do you thing they’d respond nicely to someone who tried to command them to do something by using the word petition? No, no they won’t, they probably won’t even click past the link.

Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: stof.9341


There’s already Quaggan weapon skins and they are completely ugly. I fear to see what will the armor set be

Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Athaume.1952


Firstly I don’t think you actually know what a petition is, and secondly you’re doing more harm to your case by throwing the word petition around. It like if I tell command you to do something, firstly I have no authority to command anything of you and secondly you’d probably just get angry since I’d come off as very arrogant and bossy. Now thing about the developers, do you thing they’d respond nicely to someone who tried to command them to do something by using the word petition? No, no they won’t, they probably won’t even click past the link.

In response….. “A petition is a request to do something,”

or even better.

pe·ti·tion (p-tshn)
1. A solemn supplication or request to a superior authority; an entreaty.
2. A formal written document requesting a right or benefit from a person or group in authority.
3. Law
a. A formal written application requesting a court for a specific judicial action: a petition for appeal.
b. The judicial action asked for in any such request.
4. Something requested or entreated.
v. pe·ti·tioned, pe·ti·tion·ing, pe·ti·tions
1. To address a petition to.
2. To ask for by petition; request formally.

(edited by Athaume.1952)

Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Durian.5419


Fooo, Quaggans make armor from teeth and skins of enemies. Haven’t you heard quaggan say “Nice teeth” or “What an interesting shell”?

Takkek Twicechosen, bone-collecting ranger of Plague[SICK]

Petition for Aesthetic Content (Quaggan)

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Naon.9632


I disagree with and that is the usage of the word petition.

Quoting directly from Wiki the word of “Petition” – “A petition is a request to do something”

So yes, this is a very befitting word to be used in the topic of the title, being this is a REQUEST to add something to the game. It’s not forced, it’s just a REQUEST.

I do think this game needs Quaggan armor, I would happily spend time finding the materials to make it or grinding the Karma / Currency needed for it. Even if it’s just a drop only I would destroy mobs all day long to get this armor.