Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Hi All,

I’ve just rolled a bearbow ranger got him to 80 – now started to go back to some of the zones lower level.

My damage before the patch was pretty good – I was learning how to get my longbow mastery (currently at about 4K) was about 3K last week.

I’m running around in my exotic armor (zerk) – and it seems the amount of damage I do this week has gone down significantly. My health pool has also gone down to the point I’m afraid to run up to mobs in queensdale (¬1 K HP now) as they now easily kill me. I use food and it doesnt seem to increase the amount of damage I do either any more – its like there is an invisible cap which is lower than last week.
I have 2531 base power, but in bloodtide coast for example its 1.2K with food – last week this would have been around 1.6K with food or something like that. Thats to me seems like quite a big difference.

I thought the idea of getting exotic armor and going back to zones on a lvl 80 – should be easier. Otherwise what is the point of spending all this really difficult to earn gold and going back to do stuff in these lower levels?

Has something happened or am I just playing really badly?
Well hopefully one day – I’ll learn to play bearbow a bit better maybe – prehaps its just me ?


[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Decrypter.1785


When Someone Asks this , usual answer is you checked on Friday with wvw buffs at max , then you check after reset and notice its all gone down . Anet would have said if they had nerfed it so my answer is the former .

[WM]give us in game ladder

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Many.8419


they nerfed scaling yesterday, no info if its a bug or intended change

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: gricks.1897


The concept of lowering levels to match area would be that your power is lowered to try and match as close as possible to average for that level. There is very little reason to be a god amongst mere mortals in the low level zones. You are still doing at least twice the damage of any of the people actually of that level. The gold you spent on your gear was for your ability to work within your OWN tier. I have never been happy with the sheer power curve of exotic clad down leveled as it makes it a bit less fun running with my low level friends when I one and two shot everything.

Trust me, your still doing pounds more damage than anyone else at that level.

The Wrecking Krewe[NYE] – [Maguuma] Arum Bloodclaw

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: TPMN.1483


I’m doing about 100-150 less damage than last week in Queensdale / hit.
It seems about a 10-15% dmg loss.

Is this normal?

I though the buff was only at max 10% from WvW Buffs.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Many.8419


they nerfed scaling yesterday, no info if its a bug or intended change

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Oh – so I am really doing less damage and have less health.

This is making life so much harder – I’m dying a lot more now than before when mapping.
I prefered it the way it was before – I didnt die as much (still died at places when mapping though).

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: LetMeHaveFun.5278


If they did nerf the scaling then im all good for it, one of the reasons it bothered me going to low lvl areas , was the Chest trains would come and one shot all in less then 1 second , to the point my low lvl character coudnt even tag one single mob for the event. Its fair that they nerfed it. And 2nd , Maybe use GS instead of bow. Has bow is pretty much a 100% useless wepon aside from Spvp and World bosses.

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Neural.1824


Oh – so I am really doing less damage and have less health.

This is making life so much harder – I’m dying a lot more now than before when mapping.
I prefered it the way it was before – I didnt die as much (still died at places when mapping though).

Arenanet is obsessed with catering to a small but vocal group of “hardcore” players who think that every single XP point should be a 3 hour grueling battle in which you risk permanently losing everything you’ve earned so far in game.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: TPMN.1483


I dont see any chest trains – what are these?

I dont like dying either – now I’m scared to use something like a GS (Greatsword)? as I have so little health compared to before.

I like more shoot – send pet in run around if possible avoid baddies (dont die)- shoot a bit more. Every time I go up close now I die too quickly.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Many.8419


If they did nerf the scaling then im all good for it, one of the reasons it bothered me going to low lvl areas , was the Chest trains would come and one shot all in less then 1 second , to the point my low lvl character coudnt even tag one single mob for the event. Its fair that they nerfed it. And 2nd , Maybe use GS instead of bow. Has bow is pretty much a 100% useless wepon aside from Spvp and World bosses.

With the zerg of 50-80 ppl you will see no difference. But they broke the game for solo players doing maps or events.

Oh and saying that LB is useless totaly destroys your creditibility. If you had any.

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: MikeE.8267


Arenanet is obsessed with catering to a small but vocal group of “hardcore” players who think that every single XP point should be a 3 hour grueling battle in which you risk permanently losing everything you’ve earned so far in game.


I hate killing trash mobs but having to use the whole skillbar to do so.

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Tyr.6097


The concept of lowering levels to match area would be that your power is lowered to try and match as close as possible to average for that level. There is very little reason to be a god amongst mere mortals in the low level zones. You are still doing at least twice the damage of any of the people actually of that level. The gold you spent on your gear was for your ability to work within your OWN tier. I have never been happy with the sheer power curve of exotic clad down leveled as it makes it a bit less fun running with my low level friends when I one and two shot everything.

Trust me, your still doing pounds more damage than anyone else at that level.

I think, there should be a noticable advantage if you have very high gear in a low level zone. I liked how it was. If it has to be “close as much” to an equal low level player then the existence of stat based gear is a reasonable question.

Tyrs Klinge ~Thief~

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: TPMN.1483


The concept of lowering levels to match area would be that your power is lowered to try and match as close as possible to average for that level. There is very little reason to be a god amongst mere mortals in the low level zones. You are still doing at least twice the damage of any of the people actually of that level. The gold you spent on your gear was for your ability to work within your OWN tier. I have never been happy with the sheer power curve of exotic clad down leveled as it makes it a bit less fun running with my low level friends when I one and two shot everything.

Trust me, your still doing pounds more damage than anyone else at that level.

I think, there should be a noticable advantage if you have very high gear in a low level zone. I liked how it was. If it has to be “close as much” to an equal low level player then the existence of stat based gear is a reasonable question.

I agree with you on this one – it seems there is not any difference now running around in rare armor (lvl 80 which I had) vs my exotics when mapping these lower level areas. I should have saved my gold.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


I read before: “the cap for statpoint has been lowered for AC”. this probaly also affect scaling and mos likely includes food. The reduction of caps is a hardcounter vs full DPS asscended fully traited zerker groups in low level dungeons meant for lvl 35/45/55 rare armor wearing people without traits.

The result will likely be you’re capped at lvl 35/45/55 based stats (rares) and you feel like your ‘wet-noodling’ AC/CM/TA…. But as most groups could run AC killing everything but spider and Kohler in seconds….(we had a >5 sec kill on the ghosteater 3 days ago with a 3 ele, 1 banner/phalanx warrior and a guard…)stacked, banners up, we pulled it 3 MS’es went up, 3 firestorms 3 lavafonts, it was set on fire an all opened up on Icebows, but they didn’t hit cause it was dead way before the channel ended…

5 ppl dungeon sets,2 sharps, 3 ghost slaying, food, fury,25 stacks, full zerk. Insta B( )( )M

Guess to prevent this they nerfed dmg output by 10-15% so it will now be a >6 sec kill….

To stay consistent it has been introduced to the world as well…. (My best guess)

/a little more then 2 cents.

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: hardloop von edgehoven.8512

hardloop von edgehoven.8512

affects world too.
my crit percentage for excample went down from 75 to 44 percent (with buffood and 25stack!) in lowlevel areas.

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: TPMN.1483


Well I used to have a habit of runninga round for a bit.. or sending my bear into big mobs of foes then barrage from a safe distance and they would be dead pretty quickly.

Now the foes come chasing after me and I have to run around quite a bit as they kill my bear and swap to my other pet and get to a safe distance again and wait for my barrage to recharge.

I have no change of being able to run in any more and go swinging my sword without dying in mobs of about 10 foes without dying.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


Please don’t take offense to what I am about to say, I’m not trying to be mean or in any way trying to troll.

There is literally nothing in queensdale that should be able to kill you. You need to take the time to learn each of your skills, when to use them, when to dodge and/or evade.

The majority of pve players in this game simply spam their skills as soon as they go off cool down instead of using them when they are needed. This is why so many people complain about point blank shot.

Your sword, dagger, shortbow, and great sword all have evades built into them. You also have traits and utilities that grant vigor for extra dodges. Pay attention to the skills your enemy is using and learn what skills you need to dodge or evade.

Standing behind a bear and pew pewing only works in open world pve and against terrible players in WvW/pvp. If you ever plan to run dungeons, fractals, or be of any use in a WvW/pvp, you need to learn how to play the class effectively.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: PaxTheGreatOne.9472


Please don’t take offense to what I am about to say, I’m not trying to be mean or in any way trying to troll.

There is literally nothing in queensdale that should be able to kill you. You need to take the time to learn each of your skills, when to use them, when to dodge and/or evade.

The majority of pve players in this game simply spam their skills as soon as they go off cool down instead of using them when they are needed. This is why so many people complain about point blank shot.

Your sword, dagger, shortbow, and great sword all have evades built into them. You also have traits and utilities that grant vigor for extra dodges. Pay attention to the skills your enemy is using and learn what skills you need to dodge or evade.

Standing behind a bear and pew pewing only works in open world pve and against terrible players in WvW/pvp. If you ever plan to run dungeons, fractals, or be of any use in a WvW/pvp, you need to learn how to play the class effectively.

In WvW it works wonders pew pew-in when you have a zerg in front of you instead of the bear, keep it on a leash so you can remove your own conditions.

Oh and in queensdale you find CM ungeon, it tends to kill people very effectively…. just for pun

23 lvl 80’s, 9 times map, 4ele, 4ncr, 3war, 3grd, 3rgr, 2thf, 2msm, 1eng, 1 rev.
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.

(edited by PaxTheGreatOne.9472)

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


Please don’t take offense to what I am about to say, I’m not trying to be mean or in any way trying to troll.

There is literally nothing in queensdale that should be able to kill you. You need to take the time to learn each of your skills, when to use them, when to dodge and/or evade.

The majority of pve players in this game simply spam their skills as soon as they go off cool down instead of using them when they are needed. This is why so many people complain about point blank shot.

Your sword, dagger, shortbow, and great sword all have evades built into them. You also have traits and utilities that grant vigor for extra dodges. Pay attention to the skills your enemy is using and learn what skills you need to dodge or evade.

Standing behind a bear and pew pewing only works in open world pve and against terrible players in WvW/pvp. If you ever plan to run dungeons, fractals, or be of any use in a WvW/pvp, you need to learn how to play the class effectively.

In WvW it works wonders pew pew-in when you have a zerg in front of you instead of the bear, keep it on a leash so you can remove your own conditions.

Oh and in queensdale you find CM ungeon, it tends to kill people very effectively…. just for pun

And the rangers that haven’t learned how to effectively use their skills, manage their cooldowns , and fight in melee end up being rally bait in that zerg. Half of them end up killing themselves do to retal.

A good ranger should be able to beat his opponent with his melee weapon, the longbow is jut there for when they try to run.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Aomine.5012


I can’t speak for dgn since I haven’t try yet post patch, but regular down level area is still easy as hell (1 RF = dead enemy)

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Justine.6351


Well I used to have a habit of runninga round for a bit.. or sending my bear into big mobs of foes then barrage from a safe distance and they would be dead pretty quickly.

Now the foes come chasing after me and I have to run around quite a bit as they kill my bear and swap to my other pet and get to a safe distance again and wait for my barrage to recharge.

I have no change of being able to run in any more and go swinging my sword without dying in mobs of about 10 foes without dying.

Figured it was troll thread from start but this pretty much gives it up.

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Puck.9612


Well I used to have a habit of runninga round for a bit.. or sending my bear into big mobs of foes then barrage from a safe distance and they would be dead pretty quickly.

Now the foes come chasing after me and I have to run around quite a bit as they kill my bear and swap to my other pet and get to a safe distance again and wait for my barrage to recharge.

I have no change of being able to run in any more and go swinging my sword without dying in mobs of about 10 foes without dying.

Figured it was troll thread from start but this pretty much gives it up.

With the amount of players that complain about rangers being OP, I honestly can’t tell who is trolling anymore. I mean the thief forum has a guy complaining that rifle warriors are OP… rifle warriors. This games PvE doesn’t exactly breed the best players.

Jim Hunter when my other account isn’t suspended

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: Crapgame.6519


Oh – so I am really doing less damage and have less health.

This is making life so much harder – I’m dying a lot more now than before when mapping.
I prefered it the way it was before – I didnt die as much (still died at places when mapping though).

Arenanet is obsessed with catering to a small but vocal group of “hardcore” players who think that every single XP point should be a 3 hour grueling battle in which you risk permanently losing everything you’ve earned so far in game.

Lol. This made me giggle Thanks.

Actually, funny you should post this since you noted the 3 hour grind You know the other day when those black wings went on the TP, yeah? You still see a few people wearing them and what not. Well anyway, I actually exited the GW2 game client thinking I accidently started my Aion client instead I swear I was logged in on my Asmodian character after seeing those wings. Huge double take but then after logging back into GW2 I see what they did.

Then I connected the dots – NCSoft…and sighed. Talking about a grind

Main – Laaz Rocket – Guardian (Ehmry Bay)
Johnny Johnny – Ranger (Ehmry Bay)
Hárvey Wallbanger – Alt Warrior (Ehmry Bay)

Pew Pew Damage Nerfed?

in Ranger

Posted by: TPMN.1483


I had hoped there was certainly enough hints in here

I wholeheartedly recommend no ranger play bear bows and learn to become one with your pet. Practice method acting and Act out each special skill they have and the idle animations they have. It’s a great way of becoming one with your menagerie.

[MYTH] The Mythical Dragons -PvX