Phoenix Weapons Look Great!
Ok now go buy keys.. I’ll buy later from TP.
yes for the first time I was inspired to pull out the card and buy 30 keys
picked staff
lucked out and also pulled a complete ticket after getting enough scraps yay
Skins are great..
RNG is not.
Once again, they don’t get it. If they just put the skins in the Gem Store people would spend Gems to get them. What I won’t do is buy black lion keys for a chance to get one.
If I could change any one aspect of GW2, this RNG thing would probably #1 on my list. The skins are really nice, too bad I’ll never get one.
While I like a couple of the new BL skins, I’m still largely disappointed. Just how many skin lines are they going to go with the “just throw fire on it” idea?
While I like a couple of the new BL skins, I’m still largely disappointed. Just how many skin lines are they going to go with the “just throw fire on it” idea?
Probably until people stop spending money to acquire them.
fire is all that matters! throw fire on something and it’s guarenteed to match ’somebody’s’ 30+ worth of fire themed wardrobe items. good call anet. let’s not even mention that a few of those skins were just re-used Molten skins….
Yah, I gotta say, I am very pleasantly surprised at these weapon skins.
When I first saw the name “Phoenix weapons” in the patch notes I was like “Oh god, ANOTHER fire weapon set? Gee, its not like the game has any of those, what a unique concept”.
But they actually are pretty unique. I mean, yah, they’re still fire weapons to an extent, but the blue steel gives them a very different look from any of the other fire weapons, they have a specific theme beyond “FIYAH!” with the phoenix imagery (and said imagery is fantastic I might add, especially a fan of the slight red glow on the eyes), and the fire effects aren’t overbearingly flashy on most of the weapons.
I actually really like this set, and I usually don’t care for fire weapons at all (not even because they’re overdone, but just because I’m not that blown away by fire effects usually). Certainly the first set since the Dreamthistle weapons that’s impressed me at all, and probably my 2nd favorite gem-store set period after the aforementioned Dreamthistle set.
Now the only problem is how many I can afford. I certainly won’t touch the RNG with a ten foot pole no matter how nice the skins are, so TP it is. But the skins seem to be pretty well-liked in general and I’m not exactly rolling in gold at the moment (not that I ever am >.>) so I think at most I can probably afford 2 skins once the price drops after the initial rush, even if I spend pretty much all of my current gold. And considering how well I like the set I’d certainly like to grab more than that.
A time like this really makes me sad that the Lovestruck Sword I bought hoping for any sort of decent return ended up being a complete dud. If I’d invested in a Dreamthistle weapon instead I’d be able to sell it and have enough for a good handful of Phoenix skins, but instead I’ve got this lousy sword that I’d barely make a profit on at all and would only get me 1 Phoenix skin worth of gold. Of course, I was too busy buying as many Dreamthistle weapons as I could for my own personal use at the time, but…
This is a really well done set, in my opinion. Lots of detail on the weapons, and the particle effects are eye-catching without being excessive about it. A bit tempted to grab the Phoenix Rifle for my Warrior…
Not hugely tempted myself. :/
Red does not go with silver, under any circumstance. It is sinful. and the weapons don’t suit any of my characters.
The staff is likely the only decent one in this batch. I might have considered buying it if they could have been bought directly, but as it is, i guess i will pass on those.
Remember, remember, 15th of November