Pick up change
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why are these all on the same key anyway?
why can I not bind revive player, talk to npc, and pick up item to different buttons?
why are these all on the same key anyway?
why can I not bind revive player, talk to npc, and pick up item to different buttons?
I like this idea a lot.
Also AoE-looting with F still just loots one item per keypress if the items are next to you so you still have to either press F 10 times or just assign AoE-loot to a different key and use that always.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
Personally I have always liked that F was the ‘do something’ button. I would be frustrated at having multiple keys to do things that one key easily covers – but that’s just my shoddy memory.
The AoE loot idea I can get behind though.
Also AoE-looting with F still just loots one item per keypress if the items are next to you so you still have to either press F 10 times or just assign AoE-loot to a different key and use that always.
wait what? I thought AoE looting grabbed EVERTHING in range of the AoE? Unless you have the option to loot all items turned off…I’m confused.
It’s the chain I beat you with until you
recognize my command!”
Also AoE-looting with F still just loots one item per keypress if the items are next to you so you still have to either press F 10 times or just assign AoE-loot to a different key and use that always.
wait what? I thought AoE looting grabbed EVERTHING in range of the AoE? Unless you have the option to loot all items turned off…I’m confused.
Having AoE Looting enabled, but still bound to your Interact Key (default: F), does grab everything as long as there is no active interact box on your screen. Pressing it with an interact box on your screen will only interact with what is on your screen that is presenting the box and not AoE loot. Once the interact dialogue box is off your screen, pressing your Interact key would AoE loot.
It is recommended to actually bind a key for the AoE Loot function so even if there is an interact dialogue box on the screen, pressing the AoE Loot key will only AoE Loot regardless of the interact dialogue box and it will not interact with whatever is presenting the dialogue box unless it is nearby loot that is causing the interact dialogue box to display (aoe looting would cause the interact box to disappear then as there is no loot to interact with due to having been aoe looted).
- Enable AoE Loot
- Leave ‘interact’ to your specified key
- Bind another key (likely right next to your interact key) to be your AoE Loot key.
- Always loot with the AoE Loot key unless you intentionally just want to loot one specific bag/drop chest/corpse
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
Yeah, i have bound AoE loot to Y and simply use that all the time.
However sind the interact key has at some point changed to explicit show something like “loot in area” its really confusing since nothing has changed with the function only the description is simply wrong.
Best MMOs are the ones that never make it. Therefore Stargate Online wins.
I also noticed that something was terribly wrong with “Pick Up [F]” but couldn’t remember what it was.
why are these all on the same key anyway?
why can I not bind revive player, talk to npc, and pick up item to different buttons?
The interact [F] problem has been discussed a lot because re-binding auto-loot key works but is not the ultimate solution to all annoyances of that [F]unction (including it not working on chests). I have several suggestion just on it gathered in this list:
48. Option to AoE auto-loot everything automatically (AoE-loot-on-kill) instead of AoE-loot-on-constantly-spamming-interact-key-and-ressing-or-talking-to-NPCs-instead. I know it is possible to bind interact and loot onto different keys, but having 1 key for both seems more user-friendly. Still, hilarious things happen when you pick up a banner instead, press 4 and rush into certain death because you didn’t notice it wasn’t a loot [F] but a banner [F].
49. Dedicated colour for looting [F] only (blue?).
50. Option to disable talking to NPCs in combat (there’s nothing worse than having an NPC dialogue pop up over mobs and target info while trying to spot a Subjugator in the middle of a zerg).
51. Ability to display a list of [F] actions and/or cycle through them instead of clicking to select a target which fails 95% of time (just try to click and pick up a Fiery Greatsword next to a Frostbow next to warrior Banner next to a dead player next to a dead NPC next to a NPC with a popping dialogue box); and/or a “Select next object” key. Also makes it easier to choose between crafting station/trader/merchant/NPCs and similar interact-heavy environments.
52. Do not display “Use [F]” for siege when it is already used by another player.
53. Option to relocate the interact [F] pop-up.
isn’t there a tickbox to disable “autoloot on interact”?
An Officer and a Gentlewoman
isn’t there a tickbox to disable “autoloot on interact”?
That disables picking up everything. No autoloot means you’re opening an interface with every corpse to pick up loot one at a time. Autoloot allows you to grab loot and keep running.
I have my AoE loot bound to “L”. It made more sense to me to bind it to a different key than the Interact “F”, because it was a different action. I wasn’t sure why they didn’t have it bound to a new key in the first place. F to talk to someone or interact with an item, L to grab loot. shrug
I have my AoE loot bound to “L”. It made more sense to me to bind it to a different key than the Interact “F”, because it was a different action. I wasn’t sure why they didn’t have it bound to a new key in the first place. F to talk to someone or interact with an item, L to grab loot. shrug
“L” .. hmm, could you had picked a key more far away from wasd?
Sorry, just seemed odd to me 8D
I have my AoE loot bound to “L”. shrug
“L” .. hmm, could you had picked a key more far away from wasd
Sorry, just seemed odd to me 8D
L is for Loot like C is for Cookie. I don’t use wasd for movement, anyhow.
I use Q for loot, so I can QQ over all the bad ones.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
During a boss fight:
Oh sweet, an Ice bow.
Gonna pick it up.
Oops, picked up a banner.
Try again.
Picks up a rock.
Dang it.
I dunno what I’m picking up anymore.
I have my AoE loot bound to “L”. shrug
“L” .. hmm, could you had picked a key more far away from wasd
Sorry, just seemed odd to me 8DL is for Loot like C is for Cookie. I don’t use wasd for movement, anyhow.
What do you use for movement then O.o?
I have my AoE loot bound to “L”. shrug
“L” .. hmm, could you had picked a key more far away from wasd
Sorry, just seemed odd to me 8DL is for Loot like C is for Cookie. I don’t use wasd for movement, anyhow.
What do you use for movement then O.o?
Arrow keys perhaps? I do. There are plenty of other keys on the keyboard to use for movement beside the w, s, a and d keys. Actually, you would probably be surprised by how many gamers use keys other than w, s, a and d for movement in all types of games. Those keys just became the default a long time ago back when games didn’t really even have customizable key bindings or mouse functions, which meant the left hand was really for movement from the left side of the keyboard and the right hand was for other actions on the right side of the keyboard. It is not the dark ages of gaming any longer and we have the ability to use keys other than the ones we were forced to use in the past. We’ve evolved past w, s, a and d for movement.
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
While the investigation is going on, can we look into separating picking up loot and the button to pickup turrets please?
I have my AoE loot bound to “L”. shrug
“L” .. hmm, could you had picked a key more far away from wasd
Sorry, just seemed odd to me 8DL is for Loot like C is for Cookie. I don’t use wasd for movement, anyhow.
What do you use for movement then O.o?
Arrow keys perhaps? I do. There are plenty of other keys on the keyboard to use for movement beside the w, s, a and d keys. Actually, you would probably be surprised by how many gamers use keys other than w, s, a and d for movement in all types of games. Those keys just became the default a long time ago back when games didn’t really even have customizable key bindings or mouse functions, which meant the left hand was really for movement from the left side of the keyboard and the right hand was for other actions on the right side of the keyboard. It is not the dark ages of gaming any longer and we have the ability to use keys other than the ones we were forced to use in the past. We’ve evolved past w, s, a and d for movement.
The reason wasd is used as much as it is, is because the placement. It’s the best place for the sake of your hands health
Arrow keys I can’t imagine beeing very comfortable for me. Since you have to sit with your hands so close to eachother, unless you move your keyboard to the left, but that would be pretty stupid, and limit having many keys, unless you like to move your hands alot.
I have many of times rebound wasd, but only if I had problems with a sticky or broken wasd key
why are these all on the same key anyway?
why can I not bind revive player, talk to npc, and pick up item to different buttons?
I like this idea a lot.
If anything, there should be a separate ‘Loot’ key from other actions. The number of times I’ve tried to loot during a vicious battle and instead grabbed someone’s banner or started to revive someone or talked to a pointless NPC…
why are these all on the same key anyway?
why can I not bind revive player, talk to npc, and pick up item to different buttons?
I like this idea a lot.
If anything, there should be a separate ‘Loot’ key from other actions. The number of times I’ve tried to loot during a vicious battle and instead grabbed someone’s banner or started to revive someone or talked to a pointless NPC…
u can do that already. Have AoE loot enable. Then go to keybind setting and set AoE loot key to some other key. And never have to worry about picking stuffs up again \o/
Incoming Quaggans [iQ]
u can do that already. Have AoE loot enable. Then go to keybind setting and set AoE loot key to some other key. And never have to worry about picking stuffs up again \o/
Just remember to still use [F] on reward chests as those do not support auto-loot.