Plan to deal with culling and thieves in wvw?
I still find the same people playing. Thieves aren’t bad once you understand them. Anet is working on it. take a little time to understand how to different classes work.
I still find the same people playing. Thieves aren’t bad once you understand them. Anet is working on it.
take a little time to understand how to different classes work.
what if they cannot fix the culling bug in wvwvw and thieves continue to get perma stealth without having to spec for it? what do you recommend then?
It’s not like a thief is more vulnerable than others when out of stealth. They still have medium armor and mobility. Elementalists have light armor and can’t stealth through most of the battle.
They are. Lowest hp profession without protection, stability, aegis,blocks or invulnerability. There are shadowsteps, blind, and enhanced evasion.
(edited by ensoriki.5789)
The culling bug was fixed. Is it that hard to do a countdown from 3 and ? dodge ? spam aoe ? We can’t play the game for you.
There is actually a thief system that is quite close to the ideal, where a thief can use his characteristic cheat-y ways and deal damage, and stealth is based on player skill rather than a character skill that makes him invisible and cannot be targeted by single-target attacks.
In Skyrim, there is a field of vision and detection system where if you stay within that field of vision, stealth-related stuffs (backstab, triple-damage, cannot be noticed) will not work and mobs will aggro you. Footsteps can also be muffled to reduce detection. As a consequence, you actually have to sneak around, go behind where people are facing, find hiding spots and ambush enemies.
In GW2, the npc mobs can turn 180 degrees even if you sneak up behind them. There are no true hiding spots when it comes to player vs player because names are shown even if a player is hiding behind a tree, a rock, underwater, etc. The only way to really hide and sneak around is to become invisible.
And complete invisibility, in WHATEVER context, games or not – is an OP skill. No amount of dps and survivability nerfing will ever be able to mitigate this fact.
The culling bug was fixed. Is it that hard to do a countdown from 3 and ? dodge ? spam aoe ? We can’t play the game for you.
It wasn’t fixed. Anet is still working on it. Where exactly should I spam aoe? Mine has a cool down. Dodging? Ok, and if I countdown from 3 and he waits? hmm. out of endurance. no dodge then. WHat to do once he attacks, remains invisible due to culling? do i count some more and dodge? you see, if he’s perma stealthed, your advice is pointless.
An idea to make them transparent and blurry is misguided because we’d have the same problem with even bigger display load (so even more culling).
In a game where most attacks don’t need to be targetted, being able to see but not target is the same as being able to target.
1. No, it wouldn’t be the same problem because once a character is rendered, they don’t vanish again. The problem with stealth is that they get put to the back of the line for rendering each time they come out of it. Transparent + blurry would have the same culling as every other character. The graphical load isn’t related to culling.
2. Not true. Half of my attacks don’t work without a target. And that blur is very hard to see, especially when spell effects are flying around (especially Time Warp). It’s even hard to see yourself when stealthed in the EB jumping puzzle when trying to see where your feet are on a ledge.
Thieves have already been repeatedly nerfed, to the point they’re lower dps than most other profs in pve while being the squishy-est.
Strange, because thief has the same health as elementalist, yet wears medium armor. If you don’t think medium armor helps, you could suggest they swap armor types with elementalists.
Also, Anet has said thieves get the highest single-target DPS. And they can down someone in under 2 seconds. No build of mine can come close.
It’s not like a thief is more vulnerable than others when out of stealth. They still have medium armor and mobility. Elementalists have light armor and can’t stealth through most of the battle.
They are. Lowest hp profession without protection, stability, aegis,blocks or invulnerability. There are shadowsteps, blind, and enhanced evasion.
Lots of blind. Evasion = invulnerability. Also immobilize and knockdowns. As with other classes, these are given at the expense of a utility slot.
And let’s not forget that stealth is total invulnerability to every skill that requires a target.
Even if stealth was taken away, a thief could do fine just building to different strengths and would still take less damage than an ele with equal stats due to medium armor.