Planing my characters

Planing my characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nunda.9732


So I have a fantastic DPS warrior, but now I want to play other roles. So I’m thinking it’s easier to make multiple armor sets and design multiple builds and switch between them on my warrior, then it is to level up new characters.

So I looked up warrior guides to give me an idea on where to start. But the vibe i’m getting from the guides is that the warrior is only really good at melee DPS and what looks like options to make builds other than melee DPS are really just things to give your Melee DPS warrior your own flavor. (You can make a support warrior, but you’ll never be as good as a guardian)

Is this true? Are you settling for less than the best you could be if you make a support, tank, or ranged DPS warrior; or do these people just not know how to spec and are blaming the game?

And if there is a primary focus for each class, could you please lay it out for me? They all seem to be able to do everything to me.

(edited by Nunda.9732)

Planing my characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Orion the Cursed.1206

Orion the Cursed.1206

DPS warriors are good for the majority of the PvE content and farming because most of it is easy. Once you play harder content or PvP, you will need survivability and cc.

Planing my characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nunda.9732


That does not answer my question.

Well the hard PVE and PvP content is why I want top tier builds. and there is debate on whether or not you need cc or more survivability for said content. From my perspective the debate boils down to one side saying “it’s easer if I round out my build” and the other side says “if you focus your build you can do it a lot better.”

I’m in the “Focus your build” camp because once I learn a boss or player I can time my dodges, heals, and CC breaks to not need more survivability or CC.

So my question is can warriors be as good at other focused roles as any other class, or will a good support guardian always outmatch a good support warrior?

Planing my characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

. (You can make a support warrior, but you’ll never be as good as a guardian)

Is this true? Are you settling for less than the best you could be if you make a support, tank, or ranged DPS warrior; or do these people just not know how to spec and are blaming the game?

And if there is a primary focus for each class, could you please lay it out for me? They all seem to be able to do everything to me.

Yes. A guardian is better at support, warrior/ele right behind it.

Each class can do everything – but lots do it better than others…

It depends on what you are trying to spec for. PvE? WvW? sPvP? Tons of different builds and roles you can fill.

My PvE spec for my warrior is playing a thief (giggle) and my WvW spec for my warrior is passive heal, with quick weapon spots with high tough/vit/crit%/crit dmg and multiple stun breaks.

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Planing my characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Nunda.9732


Thank you. So follow up question.

What is the primary focus of each class?

Planing my characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Feed Me Change.6528

Feed Me Change.6528

My fun laughs at your server pride.

Planing my characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: projectcedric.6951


Depends on what you’re playing for. Suffice to say, most of the game content relies heavily on dealing damage, and unfortunately condition damage is not as efficient as attack damage in this regard. So there really isn’t any point in making a necro or an elementalist unless you really just wanna try the classes, which the game doesn’t penalize you for doing – you have 5 free char slots after all.

Utilities are also ridiculously useless currently. CC, heals, buffs and what-nots have such a negligible effect on combat for them to be able to be focused in a viable build.

That leaves you with only 4 efficient professions for different specific purposes:

1.) Thief and Mesmer for WvW – aside from warriors, these two classes thrive in WvW. Mesmers portal exploits have been fixed last time I check, but Thieves are still slippery kittens with low cds on cloak and can take down small groups who have gone astray.

2.) Ranger on MF Gear (for as long as it still remains) – say what you want, but this is my favorite PvE farming build. Given the fact that you only farm group events, the range and aoe capabilities of the ranger make sure that you can deal enough damage to as much targets as possible in the field.

Being range, this means that you don’t need to walk to hit your next target if it is in the opposite direction – walking this distance sometimes results to melee classes to reach the target too late to get a loot especially in big farming zergs *cough*QueensJubilee*cough*.

Furthermore, the MF build makes sure that you get your rares as often as possible. Of course, you’re shooting is really just for show. You’re not really doing any damage. But nobody knows that. This is the kitten build.

3.) Warrior – for everything else. Zerk, Valkyrie, Knight, Soldier whatever. They all still come down to dealing damage on a warrior.

Planing my characters

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zenith.6403


So my question is can warriors be as good at other focused roles as any other class, or will a good support guardian always outmatch a good support warrior?

- What roles are you asking for? Look at the abilities Warrior has and compare them to those of Guardian. Each has its own flavour, but more importantly the classes themselves have certain skills that are must have. The skills define the role and not the other way around.