Player Housing
While I am not convinced Mounts would be a good thing… I have been waiting for the housing concept for a while. I played EQ2 (a long time ago) and their housing system was good. Probably my favorite part was earning trophies to display in your house, by killing mass amounts of an enemy, collecting pieces. Guild Wars 2 already has the collections in place, along with the decorations aspect introduced in Guild Halls. Although, I would like to see the housing be instance based, but possibly some more quest-like stories in obtaining houses. Even if they were similar to the guild hall captures (which are amazing). There are so many great ideas and concepts already in place, just have to apply them to the housing idea. Although, this takes time, and with all that the guild wars team is doing and accomplishing, I can wait until they get around to it.
I do not recall them EVER promising to include player housing. The closest I ever heard was the home instance, and it was never advertised as being akin to player housing really, afaik.
Don’t suppose you can link a post or something where they promised player housing? I’m genuinely curious.
While I am not convinced Mounts would be a good thing… I have been waiting for the housing concept for a while. I played EQ2 (a long time ago) and their housing system was good. Probably my favorite part was earning trophies to display in your house, by killing mass amounts of an enemy, collecting pieces. Guild Wars 2 already has the collections in place, along with the decorations aspect introduced in Guild Halls. Although, I would like to see the housing be instance based, but possibly some more quest-like stories in obtaining houses. Even if they were similar to the guild hall captures (which are amazing). There are so many great ideas and concepts already in place, just have to apply them to the housing idea. Although, this takes time, and with all that the guild wars team is doing and accomplishing, I can wait until they get around to it.
maybe it’ll be the new feature in expac2 to fill the new profession gap? (content wise)
It was Martin K. that stated housing would be implemented (some day) with Guild Halls.
You can probably Google for it.
Or I can, and did:
Good luck.
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
I am both excited that there’s proof it was said and depressed that it still hasn’t happened =(
I wouldn’t call his statement a promise and it’s still not someday.
Here’s what Kerstein actually said:
Posted 29 August 2011 – 04:21 AM
It is helpful to take Eric’s full statement into account.He mentioned that there will be no Guild Halls on release as we want to make Guild Halls a great experience and not just a “place”. We will introduce player housing at some point after launch, and at that time we will also implement guild halls.
That post was made on 29 August 2011, a year before GW2 launched. Accordingly, I can’t imagine it constitutes “proof” of any sort of “promise” made about the actual game. In beta, we were told that we would have to grow our own dyes (a 3 day process during BETA); ANet dropped that because things change — what’s worth planning for today might not be worth implementing tomorrow.
At other times, ANet employees have said they want to do things that encourage players to group together; player housing does the opposite.
I can’t imagine that an MMO company would ever completely abandon the idea of player housing. All the same, I can’t imagine that it’s likely to happen for GW2, at least not anytime soon, let alone soon™.
If one of the main feature of expac2 is building a house, I would start to fear for the health and longevity of the game. It’s a tired idea and it would really have to be something extraordinary and unique to differentiate itself from other games doing it. It would also have to add something that the home instance and the guild hall doesn’t already give to an individual player. What would that be?
I wonder why they haven’t put housing in yet because of the amount of money they could make from gem sales.
When they do housing I pray they do open world housing like Dark Age of Camelot , Vanguard and Archage did it and not like EQ2 did it.
I really don’t understand the appeal of player housing in MMOs.
In single player games, like the Elder Scrolls series, it’s basically a substitute for the bank – somewhere you can store items you want to keep but don’t want in your inventory all the time. With the added bonus that you can place them within the house so they look decorative. Or at least that’s how I always used it.
In this game we have the bank to store items so the only use I can see for housing would be a space you personally can decorate instead of one you have to share with your guild. And to me that suggests that I’d get it, get a bunch of decorations, place them and then….never go back to it until I’ve unlocked a bunch of new decorations.
A bit like the Hall of Monuments in GW1. How often did you go there just to look at what you’d already unlocked? Or visit a friends hall to see their monuments? I’m guessing the answers for most people are rarely or never.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
I wonder why they haven’t put housing in yet because of the amount of money they could make from gem sales.
When they do housing I pray they do open world housing like Dark Age of Camelot , Vanguard and Archage did it and not like EQ2 did it.
I don’t think open world housing would be possible in this game because there aren’t any truly persistent maps. They’re created and destroyed by the servers all the time so they can’t have persistent features that aren’t part of the base map.
Also I’ve not played any of the games you listed but I did play Ultima Online which had open-world housing and it was horrible. It turned the entire game into one endless suburbia – everywhere that was supposed to be wilderness was instead full of houses and it changed the look and feel of the entire game, and made it extremely difficult to find your way to places because routes would be blocked off by someone dumping a house in the middle of it.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
Player housing would serve a purpose: We get a lot of decorations, too many for any guildhall.I would like to be able to add My decorations to my characters home.
That said, it would give A LOT to RP players.
Leave it to A-net to decide whether the suggestion is possible or not.
Wildstar has the best housing. GW 2 should turn your home instance into a customizable house.
I really don’t understand the appeal of player housing in MMOs. … A bit like the Hall of Monuments in GW1. How often did you go there just to look at what you’d already unlocked? Or visit a friends hall to see their monuments? I’m guessing the answers for most people are rarely or never.
It depends on the person. Like, I don’t understand the appeal of Legendaries in GW2 but many other people do. The only reason (literally) why I still log in to RIFT is just to admire the “dimensions” (that’s the name of player housing over there) I’ve built and / or to rebuild some of my old ones just for fun. I also enjoy visiting other people’s dimensions to see their creative ideas. So yeah, it’s definitely something I would really enjoy in GW2.
Here’s what Kerstein actually said:
Posted 29 August 2011 – 04:21 AM
It is helpful to take Eric’s full statement into account.He mentioned that there will be no Guild Halls on release as we want to make Guild Halls a great experience and not just a “place”. We will introduce player housing at some point after launch, and at that time we will also implement guild halls.
That post was made on 29 August 2011, a year before GW2 launched. Accordingly, I can’t imagine it constitutes “proof” of any sort of “promise” made about the actual game. In beta, we were told that we would have to grow our own dyes (a 3 day process during BETA); ANet dropped that because things change — what’s worth planning for today might not be worth implementing tomorrow.
At other times, ANet employees have said they want to do things that encourage players to group together; player housing does the opposite.
I can’t imagine that an MMO company would ever completely abandon the idea of player housing. All the same, I can’t imagine that it’s likely to happen for GW2, at least not anytime soon, let alone soon™.
I’m not too sure if some of your post was directed at me or, but I wanted to clarify my thoughts just in case I was confusing people.
When I said I was happy for proof, I just meant proof that an Anet person said that was something they actually wanted and not just something a player misinterpreted. I realize it isn’t proof we’ll actually get it. I definitely don’t view it as a promise.
That being said, I’m still hopeful. I have fun with housing systems in other games, so I’d like to see how GW2 would include this function. I also think that introducing personal housing could help revitalize crafting by adding new items to craft and making them available to sell on the TP or gift to friends and/or guild mates.
I agree that it would need to be in an instance for the most part. Something similar to the little dimensions in Rift would probably work best in this game too.
We’re not going to get player housing. Anet thinks they have much more on their plate and that it’s not viable resource wise when they can just keep cranking out outfits and LS chapters. They’ve even said that the new quest hubs will be framed on Bloodstone Fen, Ember Bay and Bitter Frost. They’re already set on how the game is going to progress and flow from now on. If we get anything, we’ll be able to decorate our home instance. And I’m betting that will be on a very limited basis.
Anet has this infuriating stubborn streak about them when it comes to adding content. If other games are doing it, they won’t. They don’t want to be seen as just another MMORPG and are willing to settle for the customers they have rather than appeal to newer players by adding things that other companies are putting into their own games. I get the feeling they want to attract people based on what they’ve implemented, rather than copy what others are doing. And while that’s admirable and all, it shortens the life span of a game when what you don’t add causes you to lose players.
Lemme tell you a story about a game called EverQuest…
I wonder why they haven’t put housing in yet because of the amount of money they could make from gem sales.
When they do housing I pray they do open world housing like Dark Age of Camelot , Vanguard and Archage did it and not like EQ2 did it.
I wouldn’t be so quick to assume that player housing translates into some great amount of money they could make from gem sales, considering that house stuff would the linked to your house. Unless your some RPer having a friend over for tea, you probably aren’t playing the game at your house. Frankly, open world housing is lazy and a poorly thought out mechanic.
Odd, I’m sure other games had raids before Guild Wars 2. And wardrobes. And outfits.
I don’t think ArenaNet is afraid to add content seen elsewhere. They may have their own spin on it; could be a great new take on housing. Who knows?
If they do put in housing, building and decorating your house will probably be through scribing with all the costs to level scribing if you haven’t already and then the costs to build things. It will be expensive.
If anything, I think the most likely solution is to somehow make housing a part of guild hall. (Keeps the scribing in line, lets you buy guild deco etc to use for personal use etc).
Don’t know if they would make instances for specific areas/houses in the GH or not, so that multiple people could have same. shrug not a big priority for me. I’d be more interested in a GH that looked like a house/hall. Something like the Guild Initiative HQ building, or the Asura guy’s house in gendarran fields.
“Understanding is a three edged sword: your side, their side, and the truth.”
“The objective is to win. The goal is to have fun.”
I really don’t understand the appeal of player housing in MMOs.
In single player games, like the Elder Scrolls series, it’s basically a substitute for the bank – somewhere you can store items you want to keep but don’t want in your inventory all the time. With the added bonus that you can place them within the house so they look decorative. Or at least that’s how I always used it.
In this game we have the bank to store items so the only use I can see for housing would be a space you personally can decorate instead of one you have to share with your guild. And to me that suggests that I’d get it, get a bunch of decorations, place them and then….never go back to it until I’ve unlocked a bunch of new decorations.
I did the same in the Elder Scrolls…it was just a place to stash stuff I wanted to keep but not drag around. I have the SWTOR equivalent of a house and I put three maybe four decorations up and never set foot in the place again. Only reason I even used the house in Aion was because the the bonus for extra xp regenerated faster by parking a character there instead of leaving out in the world somewhere.
Crystal Desert: 1/13/2017
It was Martin K. that stated housing would be implemented (some day) with Guild Halls.
You can probably Google for it.
Or I can, and did:
Good luck.
Hardly a promise though. Just an answer to a question at the time. If anyone took that as a promise, they should probably give up forums altogether.
There are a ton of items in this game that don’t have a 3D model. All the foods, and pretty much any item in your inventory that’s not a weapon or armor. So housing wouldn’t be as elaborate as elder scrolls, which is fine. The other problem I see is do you get a copy of all the decorations in your guild hall, or do you have to donate to your home specifically to have any decorations.
So I’d love some minor decorations for my home just so I can play with the set up in there. Move a couple things around…
And there all my nodes are right next to the door as the gods intended. Mwahahahahahaha!
Joking aside I would like to have player housing, and I do try and find a solution to my problems.
Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. Someone wanted proof there was a statement about player housing; I provided it.
I neither confirmed nor denied it was a promise. In fact, I didn’t even post the statement, letting others make their own decision on how much weight it carried, should they be interested enough to follow the link. And, since player housing did not happen with Guild Halls, I guess the statement did not hold true. /shrug
(edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234)
Hey, don’t shoot the messenger. Someone wanted proof there was a statement about player housing; I provided it.
I neither confirmed nor denied it was a promise. In fact, I didn’t even post the statement, letting others make their own decision on how much weight it carried, should they be interested enough to follow the link. And, since player housing did not happen with Guild Halls, I guess the statement did not hold true. /shrug
I’m not sure how you took what I’m saying as shooting the message. My comment was aimed at the person who claimed it was a promise. This too is the only mention I ever saw from an Anet employee. It’s not even close to a promise. It’s a casual remark, made on a non-official forum by a community manager before the game even launched about something that might come with guild halls in the first expansion.
Actually I’m even surprised half of that eventuated.
I couldn’t care less about housing. I give a kitten on Guild Halls. It’s just a good place to go to he jungle for free and loot the nodes.
I’d rather see more dungeons and other content than this useless crap.
‘would of been’ —> wrong
I guess it shouldn’t be a lot of work if we could simply use the Guild Hall decorations on the home instance so they do not have to create a new land plot for every character or account. It would be nice to have a new piece of land for the account solely for the housing but that might be a lot more complex than simply allowing GH items on the home instance.
In case Anet is reading this.
IMPORTANT: Make sure to not add too many default models to the player housing so the players can put more objects at one place on their own. Let the players decorate their place not you. Thanks.
I would definitely like a housing system! To be honest I was disappointed our home instance doesn’t have more customization.