Players mass-reporting other players
pretty sure most of the in game reports get sent directly to a virtual paper shredder
pretty sure most of the in game reports get sent directly to a virtual paper shredder
That would be tragic.
If it’s going to get shredded, it should get sent to a real paper shredder, so someone can have the joy of shredding things.
I have reported many bots, with huge majority now either started to switch their status to Invisible, or they were dealt with.
Even my block list is filled with names that I’ve tagged as “botter name.number”, huge number of them offline…
I rarely do PvP or Hard PvE, unless it’s organized.
Hi guys. Ever since I started helping a guildie out with her living story I have noticed something disturbing. There is a trend of players encouraging others to “mass report” other players in order to try and get them banned.
My guildie is relatively new to this game. The level of abuse she got recently really upset her, as did players telling her she was going to be banned because them and their friends were all reporting her. Unfortunately, she didn’t take any screenshots – but another guild member did.
Enclosed is a screenshot showing some players threatening to “mass-report” other players. What I’d like from Anet is a confirmation: can you get banned just because lots of other players report you, even if you’re just playing the game as intended (e.g completing an event that others are trying to exploit?) Or can players be banned for reporting maliciously – that is, using the report function as a weapon because they dislike another player/what that player is doing?
I think someone needs to clear things up because no new player should be made to feel awful just for playing the game as it was intended to be played. And players threatening to get other players banned through mass reporting (getting their friends/guild members/the whole map to report one person) seems like very disturbing behavior.
Here’s the collection of screens:
How does the community feel about this?
Abuse of the reporting system is a ban-able offense. They may not do that for the first offense though. I looked at your screen shot though and the remarks made are worthy of suspension. ANet looks at each report individually and as long as you or your friends did not join in the muck slinging, you guys should be ok. For future reference though, ANet does not like it when the names are visible in the pictures or used in text when describing the incidents. If the names were blurred or blocked out and the rest of it was clearly showing that would be fine. The only exception to showing something that is against the Code of Conduct that they would not want you to show would be exploits and probably anything that would be considered illegal activity.
Inspiration is only as good as it’s interpreter
The people who think that the more reports someone gets the more likely a ban will happen are wrong. ArenaNet suspensions are done by a human viewing the chat logs and stuff.
Also, just like the Queensdale Champ Train & Blix Farm (glad they’re gone for this reason) – you can’t report someone for trying to complete a champion or an event.
You can pwn the champs, but you do not own the champs. (Or events in this case!)
This entire thread strikes me as very suspicious. Especially since I killed a player (and screen shotted the entire conversation), in wvw on Thursday September 25/2014. This person threatened mass reports from THEIR guild.
This person whispered me, telling me that I was “a pro player for killing an uplevel”, generally just being sarcastic, accused me of cheating (after using the beckon emote quite afew times inviting me to a 1v1 – and subsequently I put this person down). Then this person had the audacity to block me (I was very nice, and even apologized because I thought maybe I misunderstood what they wanted). The account name of the player was warduke.1780.
Now, recently some of the “trolls” listed in this thread were kind enough to help me through the coil event, and I commented there as well (and was accused of being friends with the trolls – this forum is incredibly dramatic). With this thread here, I don’t know what to think.
I DO know that warduke.1780 is making inquiries about something that he has ALREADY threatened to do to me. It seems like an information mining expedition to find out how far he can go without getting into trouble. I’m having trouble believing there is any intent to help someone in his guild. This entire thread seems designed to ignite another two sided confrontation. I don’t really think it needs to go any further.
That IS interesting. Even putting aside the <beckon> emote, why would someone get hurt, threaten to mass report, and block you for killing them in WvW? If they didn’t want the risk of being killed they shouldn’t be in WvW…
Sadly mass reporting works. I have been victim of it, but the customer support removed the perm ban relatively fast after contacting them.
Would you mind elaborating on this?
I’d also like to hear Anet’s input. Is this true – do you ban players just because dozens/hundreds of other players report them?
I’m guessing ANet has an automated system, if you get mass reported the system will suspend you just in case you’re in fact doing something wrong.
I thought there was a rule about not posting screen shots with player names visible. Has that changed? I see that Greefa is involved …. again. What a surprise.
Expect mod intervention soon. Although if no one flags the posts mods might overlook it. Also it’s the weekend.
didnt realise name and shame was allowed. must be a dungeon subforum only sorta deal
Jip not allowed. Name and Shame is a bit too easy to abuse…
pretty sure most of the in game reports get sent directly to a virtual paper shredder
In the case of low volume reports I’m guessing they are reviewed by a mod (i.e. a slow and fallible human being) and not automated to any extent, given the massive amount of reports they probably get… well it wouldn’t surprise me if they prioritize reports by quantity. Then again maybe ANet has a small army of mods dedicated exclusively to reviewing reports.
Events are meant to be eon and completed. If someone trying to complete an event is being considered a ‘troll’ or ‘griefer’ nowadays, then this is becoming sad.
Well I’m pretty sure there are people who do it to troll the farmers, so things get rather muddled. Abusive behavior is never justified of course, but I don’t think it’s quite as simple as it looks.
You can see it as trolling, but again, events are made to be completed. As long as it is done legitly, the event should be won. If anything, the farmers would be considered ‘trolls’ for denying the core function of the game. I know most people don’t want to hear that, and I know people want to farm, but when you are going against game design, you are wrong.
It’s a question of intent. Is the player completing the event doing it to. complete the event or doing it to anger the players farming the event? Unfortunately, there is no way to tell the two apart. And enough farmers are quick to assume that the player is doing it to anger them.
If the player names themselves Greefa or The Griefer, I think it’s pretty obvious what the intent is. /
It doesn’t matter what their intent is. They’ll never ban some one for finishing an event.
^ That. Never, ever, feel intimidated or fearful for getting reported just for completing content the way it was meant to be played. ANet will always be on your side.
You MAY, however, also get suspended if you were being rude or abusive back towards other players, so don’t let yourself get baited and always take the higher ground.
Still no word from Anet on this matter?
Looks at OP’s post history is under a week old. All post are complaints of Coiled Watch. Hence, OP stop trolling and then coming on the forums to stir up more trouble. It’s really getting old.
You will not be banned for playing the game as intended, no matter how many people think you should be.
Zarin Mistcloak(THF) Valkyrie Mistblade(WAR) Kossori Mistwalker(REV) Durendal Mistward(GRD)
I used to think (build op, pls nerf) like you, but then I took a nerf to the knee.
I’d also like to hear Anet’s input. Is this true – do you ban players just because dozens/hundreds of other players report them?
Nope. You can rest assured, if 100 players report Fred, but Fred’s not doing anything wrong, he’s going to be just fine. The 100 false reporters? Not so fine, if they start abusing the report system. (And we may not use the exact message as expressed above, but that’s pretty much how it works. )
That bit that someone said in the OP’s screenshot about “1,000 posts and the player is auto-banned” is ridiculously untrue.
What category do you think these people are choosing? Here are the categories:
- Botting
- Inappropriate Character Name
- Spamming
- Verbal Abuse
- Scamming
- Selling Gold
- LFG System Abuse.
I will check with CS to see if there’s a trend of false reporting, and ask them if they may want to increase tracking reporting players to check for signs of abuse.
Thanks for this discussion. It’s good to be able to set the record straight.
EDIT: We’ve removed the hosted image, as it contained the names of players and forum policy prohibits “naming and shaming” in posts or in screenshots.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Its a great shame this goes on in the game by certain people its really like bullying ,
Ive reported people ( gold sellers mainly ) ,I dont mind the ocasional swear word , we all do it , But using bad language at someone playing is clearly wrong .
From seeing that picture, if there are any people at all that deserve it to be banned, then such people that try to convince alot of other players to report someone just because “they” want someone seen to be banned… and also write it directly into the open chat that everyone can read…
Seriously, whats this for a kind of antisocial behavior??? A behaviour, for that I see absolutely no tolerance, nor space for such people in this game.
A person, who wishes deep heartedly that someone else should get banned, for having done nothing wrong in this game and just playing it, as it is intended – what is the most ridiculous thing about all of this here – has forfeited his/her personal rights for me personally to be able to play this game any longer from that moment on.
The only thing which such bad designed/bugging fail event farms generate is just only a huge toxicity and whenever I saw something like that pop up in the game, it causes always only to let the most antisocial people appear out of nowhere in a matter of seconds, which Ive ever seen in a MMO, which is really shocking and astonishing together.
Such people must finally learn, where their borders are!! And that quickly, before it totally goes out of control.
To me, these fail event farms are for me personally abusing exploits, with that people gain a personal advantage over other players, which play the game normal as intended.
So basically everyone who participateds in these bugged fail event farms basically derserves suspensions/bans…. because in brief said, they “cheat” basically and it realyl becomes then problematic even more, if this kind of behaviour leads to the point, that other players can’t progress with their own goals due to this, meaning, when this antisocial player behaviour negatively affects other normal playing gamers – then has to be done somethign about this INSTANTLY without hesitation.
But we all know, that this won’t happen, because then would already Anet lose literally like half of their whole playerbase in an instant, because there are just too many people, which abuse this crap daily and basically don’t get punished for abusing this.
You see day per day people looking for or even taxing via LFG tool to bugged various farms of fail events, until ANet fixes these spots…
But somehow, we just don’t see those people getting banned, which most likely deserve it the absolute most to be removed forever from the game, instead we see them just a few days to weeks later again happily searchign in the Lfg tool for the next spot they can constantly abuse and exploint like there’s no tomorrow and that is the true point, which is really sad about this topic here …
You can rest assured, if 100 players report Fred, but Fred’s not doing anything wrong, he’s going to be just fine. The 100 false reporters? Not so fine, if they start abusing the report system. (And we may not use the exact message as expressed above, but that’s pretty much how it works.
I remember a livestream months ago (maybe half a year or so) where someone did a fake giveaway of a legendary (he did the drawing off camera and a friend of him won) – people got upset and massreported him, around 500 people where watching. On stream you could see 3-4 min after people started to report him he was kicked out of the game, he tried to log in again but he got a error massage, that he was banned – but he did nothing wrong ingame, it was only on twitch.
(Don’t ask who he was, I was only watching it because of the giveaway xD)
I ran into a very similar toxic crowd at the same toxic event – as per OP I was trying to help a guildie through living story. Of course I suspect it is the same toxic guild that the topic owner ran up against as well – they are very well known for being at that event and mistreating people. Fortunately my friend has a history of being on the other side so he made very clever use of farm mentality on 3 occasions (pull champs that we could not kill into zerg and they can’t resist killing it) to get the event completed despite all the threats and rants of reporting and map chat about not completing the event.
The simple fix is that the event needs to be changed so that it rewards completion. Keep it as great loot so that it attracts attendees but put it on a 3.5 hour schedule so that farmers show up to want to get it done (getting all loot bags possible) and that people who need to do it have people to play with that have the same goal – completion of objectives.
The post I started after my bad experience was in the bugs section and is entitled “Coiled Watch way more antisocial now” and was 17 days ago. It has been a toxic spot in the guild wars map for almost 3 weeks now and needs addressing. No I am not related to OP nor am I a serial event troller / complainer – not everyone who posts is one of those – some people like me have just run headlong into the abuse that goes on and have posted to say that was not cool.
(edited by Aku Punksha.1542)
You can rest assured, if 100 players report Fred, but Fred’s not doing anything wrong, he’s going to be just fine. The 100 false reporters? Not so fine, if they start abusing the report system. (And we may not use the exact message as expressed above, but that’s pretty much how it works.
I remember a livestream months ago (maybe half a year or so) where someone did a fake giveaway of a legendary (he did the drawing off camera and a friend of him won) – people got upset and massreported him, around 500 people where watching. On stream you could see 3-4 min after people started to report him he was kicked out of the game, he tried to log in again but he got a error massage, that he was banned – but he did nothing wrong ingame, it was only on twitch.
(Don’t ask who he was, I was only watching it because of the giveaway xD)
Yes, I am not entirely convinced mass reporting does nothing.
You can rest assured, if 100 players report Fred, but Fred’s not doing anything wrong, he’s going to be just fine. The 100 false reporters? Not so fine, if they start abusing the report system. (And we may not use the exact message as expressed above, but that’s pretty much how it works.
I remember a livestream months ago (maybe half a year or so) where someone did a fake giveaway of a legendary (he did the drawing off camera and a friend of him won) – people got upset and massreported him, around 500 people where watching. On stream you could see 3-4 min after people started to report him he was kicked out of the game, he tried to log in again but he got a error massage, that he was banned – but he did nothing wrong ingame, it was only on twitch.
(Don’t ask who he was, I was only watching it because of the giveaway xD)
I would say that situation falls under the Scamming category so maybe the GM looking at it decided there was a scam going on and banned the person?
You can rest assured, if 100 players report Fred, but Fred’s not doing anything wrong, he’s going to be just fine. The 100 false reporters? Not so fine, if they start abusing the report system. (And we may not use the exact message as expressed above, but that’s pretty much how it works.
I remember a livestream months ago (maybe half a year or so) where someone did a fake giveaway of a legendary (he did the drawing off camera and a friend of him won) – people got upset and massreported him, around 500 people where watching. On stream you could see 3-4 min after people started to report him he was kicked out of the game, he tried to log in again but he got a error massage, that he was banned – but he did nothing wrong ingame, it was only on twitch.
(Don’t ask who he was, I was only watching it because of the giveaway xD)Yes, I am not entirely convinced mass reporting does nothing.
I don’t have enough information to answer your claims substantially. Things like exact character name, date, time and time zone, server, etc. Right now, and no offense intended, it’s a rather vague “I saw this thing happen” story and nothing more. Maybe the player was reported and, based on his in-game activities and not the out-of-game prize distribution, he earned himself a suspension or a termination. Maybe this is one of those urban legends, where everyone knows someone who knows someone to whom something happened, but no evidence exists that anything happened at all.
I don’t know about the story.
What I do know is this: There is no numeric bar or magic number after which someone is automatically “banned.” Each report goes into a flowing report system, and every report is reviewed individually. If an agent saw 100 reports of a player in the same hour, s/he would probably review several times, but not each of 100 times. Because after a few reviews it would be pretty clear if there was an actionable offense or if some report abuse was going on. (And you know what? Game logs would confirm a case of requested spam reporting.)
I talked to the lead of the CS team today to ask how we monitor flooded reports, and he’s going to get some data on that. But the outcome of someone reporting 100 players once each, or one player 100 times is the same: The player is reviewed and is actioned only based on his or her breach of the UA or the RoC, and not as a result of crowd request.
Communications Manager
Guild & Fansite Relations; In-Game Events
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
The fact that there are some people who want to play one way and some who want to play another way is definitely an issue in a PvE map. A game company should only put players into conflict in PvP.
However I disagree that numbers should decide the issue. Some individual or small numbers of players may want to experience a part of the content in a different way than the other group. That is perfectly valid. Those who want to “farm” content will experience a break in their farming but they will start the event again anyway so I have no sympathy for them any more than I had sympathy for Champ Train getting to an already-killed champion.
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
What makes them anti social?
The fact that they don’t want to stand around in a ball and spam 1 for hours on end?
That they’d rather finish an event?
Confusing argument is confusing.
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
What makes them anti social?
The fact that they don’t want to stand around in a ball and spam 1 for hours on end?
That they’d rather finish an event?
Confusing argument is confusing.
I have no problems with them finishing the event. I have problems with them finishing the event while openly trolling the rest of the players by naming themselves some variant of “griefer.”
It’s not half as clever as they think it is and it should get them banned.
If the people who agree with you think your actions should get you banned, it’s a pretty good sign you’re doing something wrong. /
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
What makes them anti social?
The fact that they don’t want to stand around in a ball and spam 1 for hours on end?
That they’d rather finish an event?
Confusing argument is confusing.
I have no problems with them finishing the event. I have problems with them finishing the event while openly trolling the rest of the players by naming themselves some variant of “griefer.”
It’s not half as clever as they think it is and it should get them banned.
If the people who agree with you think your actions should get you banned, it’s a pretty good sign you’re doing something wrong.
These “trolls” are merely completing an event. Their names are irrelevant. ALL the abuse I’ve seen has been from the players exploiting the event and trying to make it fail.
I think you’re a farmer yourself, masquerading as an anti-farm player in order to try and get players banned. As has been stated in this thread, that’s not going to happen.
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
What makes them anti social?
The fact that they don’t want to stand around in a ball and spam 1 for hours on end?
That they’d rather finish an event?
Confusing argument is confusing.
I have no problems with them finishing the event. I have problems with them finishing the event while openly trolling the rest of the players by naming themselves some variant of “griefer.”
It’s not half as clever as they think it is and it should get them banned.
If the people who agree with you think your actions should get you banned, it’s a pretty good sign you’re doing something wrong.
These “trolls” are merely completing an event. Their names are irrelevant. ALL the abuse I’ve seen has been from the players exploiting the event and trying to make it fail.
I think you’re a farmer yourself, masquerading as an anti-farm player in order to try and get players banned. As has been stated in this thread, that’s not going to happen.
Definitely not a farmer. You’re welcome to read through my post history to get an idea of who I am as a player.
Their names are relevant. That’s the part of the troll. They appear again and again doing the same thing. They’ve named themselves to match their activity of choice: griefing.
Griefing, if it is not already, should be considered an abuse of the terms of service and these two players should be temporarily, and then permanently, banned. End of story.
What’s funny is that the player in question is so well known at this point, she has to have other people post the screenshots who don’t have her post history. Otherwise you’d be able to see the many, many threads in which she’s done exactly this same thing.
This post itself is merely an attempt to troll. I’m sure Ms. Birthday Girl is laughing her head off. Cheers! /
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
What makes them anti social?
The fact that they don’t want to stand around in a ball and spam 1 for hours on end?
That they’d rather finish an event?
Confusing argument is confusing.
I have no problems with them finishing the event. I have problems with them finishing the event while openly trolling the rest of the players by naming themselves some variant of “griefer.”
It’s not half as clever as they think it is and it should get them banned.
If the people who agree with you think your actions should get you banned, it’s a pretty good sign you’re doing something wrong.
Still doesn’t explain how they’re anti social.
That’s a really odd accusation to make.
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
What makes them anti social?
The fact that they don’t want to stand around in a ball and spam 1 for hours on end?
That they’d rather finish an event?
Confusing argument is confusing.
I have no problems with them finishing the event. I have problems with them finishing the event while openly trolling the rest of the players by naming themselves some variant of “griefer.”
It’s not half as clever as they think it is and it should get them banned.
If the people who agree with you think your actions should get you banned, it’s a pretty good sign you’re doing something wrong.
Still doesn’t explain how they’re anti social.
That’s a really odd accusation to make.
I didn’t make it, so I can’t say. They are mean-spirited people who get excitement out of ruining things for other people. That tells me everything I need to know about them. /
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
What makes them anti social?
The fact that they don’t want to stand around in a ball and spam 1 for hours on end?
That they’d rather finish an event?
Confusing argument is confusing.
I have no problems with them finishing the event. I have problems with them finishing the event while openly trolling the rest of the players by naming themselves some variant of “griefer.”
It’s not half as clever as they think it is and it should get them banned.
If the people who agree with you think your actions should get you banned, it’s a pretty good sign you’re doing something wrong.
These “trolls” are merely completing an event. Their names are irrelevant. ALL the abuse I’ve seen has been from the players exploiting the event and trying to make it fail.
I think you’re a farmer yourself, masquerading as an anti-farm player in order to try and get players banned. As has been stated in this thread, that’s not going to happen.
Definitely not a farmer. You’re welcome to read through my post history to get an idea of who I am as a player.
Their names are relevant. That’s the part of the troll. They appear again and again doing the same thing. They’ve named themselves to match their activity of choice: griefing.
Griefing, if it is not already, should be considered an abuse of the terms of service and these two players should be temporarily, and then permanently, banned. End of story.
What’s funny is that the player in question is so well known at this point, she has to have other people post the screenshots who don’t have her post history. Otherwise you’d be able to see the many, many threads in which she’s done exactly this same thing.
This post itself is merely an attempt to troll. I’m sure Ms. Birthday Girl is laughing her head off. Cheers!
You realize people have ironic names in this game right? Or, you know, made-up names? When you see someone called Count Dracculla running around, do you assume he enjoys drinking blood? Or he just picked a name for his character?
My guild members play the game as the game was intended to be played. In return they deal with some very nasty harassment and abuse, some of which has been highlighted in other threads. For what? For completing an event?
I’ve completed that event myself and I can tell you, it doesn’t matter what character name the person completing the event uses. The end effect is the same: horrible insults (including homophobic and racial insults) threats, harassment and abuse of the report function.
So on one side you have a group of players exploiting the game. They’re intentionally failing an event to get much more loot than they would normally get. They’re intentionally upscaling it to make it very difficult for other players to complete. They intentionally try to get players killed and tell others not to help or resurrect them – and if someone DOES complete the event, these exploiters then react in the manner I outlined above.
On the other side you have people who – for whatever reason – are completing an event that aids people in their achievements and living story completion. These people are NOT being abusive or threatening. They’re NOT harassing people with an endless stream of whispers, and they’re NOT encouraging other players to mass report players.
How on earth can you defend this? Seriously?
Personally I applaud anyone who completes this event on a regular basis, putting up with the awful behavior of the farmers. Good for them. This game needs more “griefers” and less obnoxious, entitled farmers.
I think you’re all wrong. I hope you get banned for griefing them just like I hope they get banned for threatening you.
I just know better than to think you’re innocent. You’re just as wrong as they are. Being diametrically opposed to a wrong does not necessarily make you right.
But please, keep making these posts thinking we’ll forget it is the same handful of trolls every time. /
Don’t forget that this is from the same group of people that were aligned with and defending the “banbot” character impersonating a member of ANet. They apparently revel in stirring up contention.
I told them out right after I completed it concentrating, not speaking, trying not to not to die as they stood back and such trying to let it fail, that I was here to complete it for my story and that I pretty much soloed it on a dead map alone up until the last part of the third event in the chain. I died and failed to get back by being kicked off the dead map into the framer’s map instead.
I was royally kittened off and ready for blood (cause I got kicked from a perfectly good map and it said an hour it will be closed), but kept my cool and did what I had to do which was succeed that event.
They were crying and stuff when I single-handedly (the other people that wanted to succeed couldn’t do much vs the few up-scaled champs and elites) took out all the mobs on the guardian of mine.
They were like, “Please commander come over here let it fail.” “Let it fail please we need it to fail so we can farm.” “QQ and T.T” etc.
Others were a bit less kind but I kinda ignored them all as I was too busy and focused.
A few said, “well might as well let it succeed and help the Story peeps.”
It was too late for them after that was said as I completely killed the 1-2 champs too!
I said after quite confidently,“It doesn’t matter what you want. When I’m here as it will succeed regardless, I soloed it all myself, except the last part with the transformed shamans, on an empty map. I’m probably going to solo this on every one of my toons so you will see more of me.”
I looked like a hero to the genuine players that need it for their living story requirements. I probably stroked a few e-kittens of the anti-fail crowd too, yet I didn’t care about them and their agenda.
Also everyone got their achievements that day.
I will go back if need be on Hikari, my guard and do it again just to help other not to ruin the farmers day.
I do believe if they want to play their way and my way both should be respected. So i’m not here to attack them or try to ruin their farm or “fun”. If people need the event to succeed, I’ll be there to make sure it does however.
This thread is about mass-reporting right? Owell…
It is silly to even think that mass reporting should even work, Anet should need evidence to ban someone so if there is a reason to getting banned sure mass reporting works but if not you should be safe.
In this case compleating an event is not banable, but if you happen to reply to the players who don’t like what you did and maby you openly tell them with words that you greif them or so … well suit yourself in my opinion.
But also in my opinion every darn player who fail the event with purpose for the point of farming should be banned or atleast banned as they exploit the game. So instead of taking advantage of this players should report this as a BUG. I am pretty sure this isn’t inteded and there will be a fix to it soon enough.
Guild Leader of Alpha Sgc [ASGC]
Well rightly or wrongly, the other account of mine – the one that managed to complete the living story 17 days ago is in day 2 of a temp ban. Support ticket went straight in and been waiting to find out what and why.
I am a respecter and a befriender. I wish people well in the game and try to treat them as I would want to be treated. The only run in I have had with anyone was in Coiled Watch 17 days ago and there was no griefing – my friend needed to redo the event to get one of the rewards to make Mawdrey because they rashly decided on first pass they weren’t doing the scavenger hunt. I don’t know what mass reporting does, and I don’t know if the particular guild who we all now but must remain nameless followed through on their threats and it ticked up enough credits amongst other things to get me this temp ban. It may have nothing at all to do with it and I have inadvertently done something for which punishment and chastisement is deserved.
My ticket has had follow up further to the 2 auto entries and the GM said it would need some detailed investigation. I guess I will find the ban expired before I get ticket resolution, but I will be insisting it be followed through. If I am found to be at fault I need to read through their explanation of what happened and strive to be better. If it was mass reporting though then I will expect to hear back on what follow up will be with the responsible parties.
You can rest assured, if 100 players report Fred, but Fred’s not doing anything wrong, he’s going to be just fine. The 100 false reporters? Not so fine, if they start abusing the report system. (And we may not use the exact message as expressed above, but that’s pretty much how it works.
I remember a livestream months ago (maybe half a year or so) where someone did a fake giveaway of a legendary (he did the drawing off camera and a friend of him won) – people got upset and massreported him, around 500 people where watching. On stream you could see 3-4 min after people started to report him he was kicked out of the game, he tried to log in again but he got a error massage, that he was banned – but he did nothing wrong ingame, it was only on twitch.
(Don’t ask who he was, I was only watching it because of the giveaway xD)Yes, I am not entirely convinced mass reporting does nothing.
I don’t have enough information to answer your claims substantially. Things like exact character name, date, time and time zone, server, etc. Right now, and no offense intended, it’s a rather vague “I saw this thing happen” story and nothing more. Maybe the player was reported and, based on his in-game activities and not the out-of-game prize distribution, he earned himself a suspension or a termination. Maybe this is one of those urban legends, where everyone knows someone who knows someone to whom something happened, but no evidence exists that anything happened at all.
I don’t know about the story.
What I do know is this: There is no numeric bar or magic number after which someone is automatically “banned.” Each report goes into a flowing report system, and every report is reviewed individually. If an agent saw 100 reports of a player in the same hour, s/he would probably review several times, but not each of 100 times. Because after a few reviews it would be pretty clear if there was an actionable offense or if some report abuse was going on. (And you know what? Game logs would confirm a case of requested spam reporting.)
I talked to the lead of the CS team today to ask how we monitor flooded reports, and he’s going to get some data on that. But the outcome of someone reporting 100 players once each, or one player 100 times is the same: The player is reviewed and is actioned only based on his or her breach of the UA or the RoC, and not as a result of crowd request.
I think it should be changed to one player only able to report another once for a single matter, in a certain time frame. To reduce load from the reviewer. But if someone has been reported by 100 different players, that should be flagged as higher priority.
If mass reporting worked, we wouldn’t have a problem with siege trolls in WvW. These people have been mass-reported many times and have never been blocked or banned. Believe me, the WvW crowd would be the first to know if mass reporting worked as rumors say it does.
This is still a design issue when one or two antisocial players can ruin the game for an entire map. Obviously if a large group starts reporting you, odds are you’ve done something to warrant it.
What makes them anti social?
The fact that they don’t want to stand around in a ball and spam 1 for hours on end?
That they’d rather finish an event?
Confusing argument is confusing.
I have no problems with them finishing the event. I have problems with them finishing the event while openly trolling the rest of the players by naming themselves some variant of “griefer.”
It’s not half as clever as they think it is and it should get them banned.
If the people who agree with you think your actions should get you banned, it’s a pretty good sign you’re doing something wrong.
These “trolls” are merely completing an event. Their names are irrelevant. ALL the abuse I’ve seen has been from the players exploiting the event and trying to make it fail.
I think you’re a farmer yourself, masquerading as an anti-farm player in order to try and get players banned. As has been stated in this thread, that’s not going to happen.
Definitely not a farmer. You’re welcome to read through my post history to get an idea of who I am as a player.
Their names are relevant. That’s the part of the troll. They appear again and again doing the same thing. They’ve named themselves to match their activity of choice: griefing.
Griefing, if it is not already, should be considered an abuse of the terms of service and these two players should be temporarily, and then permanently, banned. End of story.
What’s funny is that the player in question is so well known at this point, she has to have other people post the screenshots who don’t have her post history. Otherwise you’d be able to see the many, many threads in which she’s done exactly this same thing.
This post itself is merely an attempt to troll. I’m sure Ms. Birthday Girl is laughing her head off. Cheers!
That does unfortunately work both ways.. there are players who have actively gone out of their way to find game exploits in order to circumvent the intended outcome for personal gains.
Posting how they then farmed 8k+ champ bags from Blix and stating they have already found their next exploited event lined up when after Blix was going to be nerfed is a sure fire way to troll those players wanting to run events as they were intended both before and after and when players are found attempting to run them as intended the abuse is hurled in attempt to dissuade them from coming back.
I don’t think for second there aren’t players now trying to retaliate at the event exploit farmers, it happened with Blix and the anti-fail train and it will keep happening everytime these exploits are allowed to be farmed like they are without it being punishable.
So the argument works both ways and both parties are guilty of reportable abuse but the root cause of the issue stems from players seeking to exploit flaws in the game design.. something most other MMO’s would hammer down on the individuals for doing.. ANET seems unwilling to do that therefore making any ToC worthless imo, so as I have said in other threads.. ANET should put a statement out to say its ok to farm the exploits, tough if it interferes with LS or any player wanting to run the events as they were supposed to be run.. that way we all know where we stand, players can avoid paying out for gems to unlock the content that is farm locked and no one needs to feel abused either on side of the fence… cant be more simpler!
(edited by Bloodstealer.5978)
If mass reporting worked, we wouldn’t have a problem with siege trolls in WvW. These people have been mass-reported many times and have never been blocked or banned. Believe me, the WvW crowd would be the first to know if mass reporting worked as rumors say it does.
Not really.. its WvW.. the same players have beenreported over and over since day 1 for varying repeatable offences like abuse, hacks, trolling etc etc and they still exist today doing the exact same things.. hello invisible attackers, hello wall blinkers, hello flybabies… I am not convinced reporting does anything at all unless it affects the gems store (I am looking at you duping exploiters)
Glad to see the event timer has been updated. Wish the griefers would also be “fixed.” /
Glad to see the event timer has been updated. Wish the griefers would also be “fixed.”
Yeah, it’s disappointing that anet doesn’t ban people for finishing events. They should really work on that.
I’ve been taking my guild through fight clubs in wvw (entire 30-50 person groups of duelers wasting queue space) and killing them all. Since the beginning.
They’ve been mass reporting me since the start, crying in map chat and everything. screaming not to res me. too bad i got 50 guildies to do that.
anyway yeah, i’ve never been banned. two years.
anet reads their reports. follow the rules, its all good.
It is a sad state when players are trying to finish living story and get abused by the event farmers. I have not tried that section yet, but will be doing it shortly. I pretty much disregard the chat for that reason. Hopefully this won’t sour other people from enjoying the living story and game in general.
It is a sad state when players are trying to finish living story and get abused by the event farmers. I have not tried that section yet, but will be doing it shortly. I pretty much disregard the chat for that reason. Hopefully this won’t sour other people from enjoying the living story and game in general.
That’s not exactly what’s happened here.
There are a couple players who repeatedly find these farms that they consider “wrong” (they are correct – these farms are bad for the game and economy and should be fixed) and try to “fix” them by completing the events.
They don’t do it to “get the Living Story,” they do it to harass people. They do it repeatedly. They do it on characters with names that let everybody know what they are doing. Then they come to the forums and pretend to be innocent, posting screenshots of the in-game harassment they get (which is wrong and should also lead to bans.)
This is trolling or griefing. I’m fine with either term.
The first time I saw them post, I thought they were innocent too. Then I researched one of the players and realized that she’s done it over. And over. And over. And here they are again.
In another couple weeks, when the next fail-farm is found, watch. You’ll see those same names in chat, along with a “guild member” who was along for the ride. /
It is a sad state when players are trying to finish living story and get abused by the event farmers. I have not tried that section yet, but will be doing it shortly. I pretty much disregard the chat for that reason. Hopefully this won’t sour other people from enjoying the living story and game in general.
That’s not exactly what’s happened here.
There are a couple players who repeatedly find these farms that they consider “wrong” (they are correct – these farms are bad for the game and economy and should be fixed) and try to “fix” them by completing the events.
They don’t do it to “get the Living Story,” they do it to harass people. They do it repeatedly. They do it on characters with names that let everybody know what they are doing. Then they come to the forums and pretend to be innocent, posting screenshots of the in-game harassment they get (which is wrong and should also lead to bans.)
This is trolling or griefing. I’m fine with either term.
The first time I saw them post, I thought they were innocent too. Then I researched one of the players and realized that she’s done it over. And over. And over. And here they are again.
In another couple weeks, when the next fail-farm is found, watch. You’ll see those same names in chat, along with a “guild member” who was along for the ride.
Some people are trying to do the event for the Living Story and some are trying to do it just to do the event. But you see these threads where people say they are doing the event over and over because they enjoy doing them. Ok maybe so. Maybe that’s the only event chain in the game that gives them that special thrill. But when the event is nerfed and the farm moves to another site, those people are not staying behind to do that event. What they do is move with the farm and claim that this event is now the one they need to do.
(edited by Astral Projections.7320)
What’s hilarious is watching them play innocent like it’s not completely obvious what they’re doing. /
Some people are trying to do the event for the Living Story and some are trying to do it just to do the event. But you see these threads where people say they are doing the event over and over because they enjoy doing them. Ok maybe so. Maybe that’s the only event chain in the game that gives them that special thrill. But when the event is nerfed and the farm moves to another site, those people are not staying behind to do that event. What they do is move with the farm and claim that this event is now the one they need to do.
I once finished that event (with help of other players, no idea who they were) against all the curses and namecalling of those farmers. I had absolutely no idea what was going on, I only knew most people were doing nothing and just looking how the few of us just barely managed to finish it (so that we, at least I, could finish my LS). If there were “professional” “farm-breakers” present, I applaud them, because now I could continue the story.
What’s hilarious is watching them play innocent like it’s not completely obvious what they’re doing.
It doesn’t matter what their intent is. They’re finishing events as they are designed. As long as they are not instigating in chat then they are doing nothing wrong according to the code of conduct.
It doesn’t matter how you feel about it. It only matters how anet feels about it and anet is never going to punish some one for “finishing an event and ruinen ma farmz”.
And let’s be perfectly honest. All you need to do to set the fail farmers off is try to finish the event they’re ruining. That’s it and that’s all. It doesn’t take any more instigation then that.
When a group of people feel like they have a right to lock down a piece of content to suit their desire then you know something is wrong and needs to change.
(edited by fellyn.5083)