Guardian-Blueprinted, Warrior- Grizzilli
[JCM] Guild: Ehmry Bay WvW
(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)
This is ridiculous I have been reading reports, and Myself, I have experienced this of new players trying to get into fractals and getting turned down because nobody wants to start at the beginning!?
I Tried for my only 2 hours to play this weekend to get into fractals groups, and I was turned down multiple times because I am stil Fractal level 1, this is absolutely infuriating. What the hell??
I don’t have as much time to play as others, but when I am able to play, WHY the HELL am I spending that time being rejected from dungeon groups because Ihaven’t been able to rotate my life around this game!?
Anet, are you just going to let your players be alienated by elitists? This system you set up does nothing but allow and encourage this type of behavior. kitten tell me right now if you won’t change anything or care about the players that are stuck trying to get into lvl 1 groups, because that way I can at least save my time and money and move onto something else.
Absolutely blown away.
(edited by BlueprintLFE.2358)
Start your own group? I understand a lot of anger about this patch but this is just kinda silly.
Start your own group? I understand a lot of anger about this patch but this is just kinda silly.
And who would join it?
The people who don’t want to start from the beginning already?
Are you seriously trying to pass off that no one else has a toon at the beginning? You’re the only ones in all of Tyria at level 1?
Don’t blame the players the community is shaped by the game mechanics, and Arena Net abandon their own core values and went off the tracks with this one.
Any veteran MMO player could have saw this one coming.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Don’t blame the players the community is shaped by the game mechanics, and Arena Net abandon their own core values and went off the tracks with this one.
Any veteran MMO player could have saw this one coming.
This is absolutely true. Design philosophy and game mechanics assist in creating an in-game culture. Features like DE’s and non-competitive resource nodes make you glad to see other players on the map. In other MMO’s your own faction often turns into your worst enemy as you are grinding content or resources. What you are seeing is less about human nature, that’s a given, than the certain effects of implemented philosophy and design.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Then don’t upscale any player less than level 80 if that’s the scenario, why upscale them and then have them unable to get a group? troll much?
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Do you even know how GW2 is supposed to work? Maybe you would be better served by one of the many other gear-checking games.
This is ridiculous I have been reading reports, and Myself, I have experienced this of new players trying to get into fractals and getting turned down because nobody wants to start at the beginning!?
I Tried for my only 2 hours to play this weekend to get into fractals groups, and I was turned down multiple times because I am still level 1, this is absolutely infuriating. What the hell??
I don’t have as much time to play as others, but when I am able to play, WHY the HELL am I spending that time being rejected from dungeon groups because I haven’t been able to rotate my life around this game!?
Anet, are you just going to let your players be alienated by elitists? This system you set up does nothing but allow and encourage this type of behavior. kitten tell me right now if you won’t change anything or care about the players that are stuck trying to get into lvl 1 groups, because that way I can at least save my time and money and move onto something else.
Absolutely blown away.
Im sorry since when is it considered being an elitist by not wanting to start over again for some random person in a game?
You just complained you wasted 2 hours trying to get in…. yet they are the bad guys because you expect them to waste 2 hours running someone new? lol wow.
Heres an idea start a level 1 group there are plenty out there in your boat. Stop relying on others then being mad about it…. so ignorant.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Then don’t upscale any player less than level 80 if that’s the scenario, why upscale them and then have them unable to get a group? troll much?
Maybe to run with a friends/guilds who won’t care if you are less effective? They said in blog post that you can go with lower level character but it’s designed to be difficult for levels 80.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Yes, MOAR GEAR CHECKS! I know when I want to spend time in a game, what I want is to be told I can’t spend time in that game until I’ve spent more time in that game!
Player skill is meaningless, ALL HAIL THE GEARSCORE! Equalizer of all! Monkeys in Ferrarris! Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Do you even know how GW2 is supposed to work? Maybe you would be better served by one of the many other gear-checking games.
When Anet change their philosophy, nothing is sure. Might as well add gear checks.
I missed all the big events because of life. And I missed the Halloween one, same reason. Yea, it sucks, but kitten calm down. Your comment:
“I don’t have as much time to play as others, but when I am able to play, WHY the HELL am I spending that time being rejected from dungeon groups because I haven’t been able to rotate my life around this game!?”
No one is forcing you to spend this time looking for a group.
They need a better system for finding groups for fotm, because as it is, it’s way too difficult to find a group.
First of all if you’re in Lion’s Arch overflow you’re pretty much kittened.
Then map chat is just “LFG LVL 1” “LFG LVL 5” “LFG LVL 2” and none of those people will find a group. After an hour yesterday I was unable to find more than 1 other person interested in doing level 2.
This idea of levels is decent but with it’s current implementation it’s just awful.
Move the entrance away from lion’s arch. Make it like PvP where you go to a lobby like area to form groups in, and then proceed to the main area.
That way you don’t have to worry about constantly being in overflow and you can find groups easier.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Go back to WoW.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Who said I’m not lvl 80?? I have 2 toons at 80 that I tried to get in. I haven’t been able to be on the last couple of days so I can’t get into the content now because everyone wants you to be at least at tier X.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Go back to WoW.
Great arguments there but you didn’t quite understand what I said. And for the record I have never played WoW or any other popular mmos.
Why the hell is everyone saying its not made for level 80’s in this thread, IM NOT a lowbie. I have 2 80’s I tried to get in.
Why the hell is everyone saying its not made for level 80’s in this thread, IM NOT a lowbie. I have 2 80’s I tried to get in.
“But keep in mind, our aim was to challenge level 80 players. Going in at low levels is not for the faint of heart!” from
If it is affecting playerS, then group with those other players.
If it is only you in all of Tyria that has an issue, well then it sounds like a personal problem – not the game.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
I think there might be a misunderstanding here. I thought the OP meant “Fractal Level 1” which means a first-timer in that dungeon. The player’s character level might be 80 with full exotics. Dunno.
This is ridiculous I have been reading reports, and Myself, I have experienced this of new players trying to get into fractals and getting turned down because nobody wants to start at the beginning!?
I Tried for my only 2 hours to play this weekend to get into fractals groups, and I was turned down multiple times because I am still level 1, this is absolutely infuriating. What the hell??
I don’t have as much time to play as others, but when I am able to play, WHY the HELL am I spending that time being rejected from dungeon groups because I haven’t been able to rotate my life around this game!?
Anet, are you just going to let your players be alienated by elitists? This system you set up does nothing but allow and encourage this type of behavior. kitten tell me right now if you won’t change anything or care about the players that are stuck trying to get into lvl 1 groups, because that way I can at least save my time and money and move onto something else.
Absolutely blown away.
Im sorry since when is it considered being an elitist by not wanting to start over again for some random person in a game?
You just complained you wasted 2 hours trying to get in…. yet they are the bad guys because you expect them to waste 2 hours running someone new? lol wow.
Heres an idea start a level 1 group there are plenty out there in your boat. Stop relying on others then being mad about it…. so ignorant.
Lol mate calling me ignorant?
You think I just stood there spamming LFG fractal level one the whole kitten time?
You are the ignorant one for assuming anything. Of course I tried to start a group. I will continue to try maybe it was bad “timing” but it’s dividing the community already and that’s the problem.
I haven’t been able to be on the last couple of days so I can’t get into the content now because everyone wants you to be at least at tier X.
That’s absolutely not true, there are plenty of players out there that still need to do lvl 1. Just add the level you are looking for to your LFM/LFG message and you find someone within minutes (unless you are searching for lvl 11+, not many are there yet).
You are right that a system like that is divides the community, but that’s nothing new, not even in GW2. I mean, just try to find a group for story mode (expect Arah).
This is very clearly going to become more and more prevalent later on.
It’s simple: ArenaNet can institute a gear-level requirement for difficulties.
That way if someone has full exotics, they can start at Fractal level 10.
Gear is, unless you go in with full vit and no toughness, almost irrelevant in FotM, you can get to lvl 10 in greens and even lvl 11 is doesn’t require exotics. Agony hits hard as hell (drops you to ~10% of your HP within seconds) but the rest of the encounters are still rather easy so you won’t suffer much damage besides that. There are also no DPS checks, you can fight the bosses for as long as you want to, they won’t enrage or just kill you if you take too long.
Therefore a gear-level requirement would kinda stupid and probably only make things even worse.
The lower levels are perfectly doable by people below level 80. I did level 1 with a 39 ele in my group.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
I think there might be a misunderstanding here. I thought the OP meant “Fractal Level 1” which means a first-timer in that dungeon. The player’s character level might be 80 with full exotics. Dunno.
Nah, there aren’t any misunderstanding here, only Hav failed @ reading.
You are right that a system like that is divides the community, but that’s nothing new, not even in GW2. I mean, just try to find a group for story mode (expect Arah).
The difference is u can still do explorable without completing story. OP can’t get into lvl.XX grp as lvl.1 (cough*, difficulty wise, hav) for FotM.
You folks bashing on Blue and should try to read what is being posted.
From what I understand Blue’s tried looking for those wanting to start Tier 1 but no such luck, has then began to form a group but no-one is willing to join Tier 1. So this discussion was formed to understand why such a thing is happening. Seems very logical to me.
This is NOT a personal problem I’ve had many messages and conversations from others about being excluded for reasons of one or the other, many of them being lvl 80 or close.
I have began forming my own initative, where the ideals are to help others. Currently most have not touched Fractuals do to the negativity, this will be transitioned to at a later date but we are WILLING to begin Tier 1 even if we might be on higher Tiers.
Such exclusion should not happen, maybe a little work could be done to progress and get to the Fractuals but not constant and frequent play just to KEEP UP with progression. I sure WoW is a good game but I do not want it to turn into a replicate.
Many of us do not have time to play games all day and everyday, we all have more important priorities other than in-game life. I’m a college student and I don’t have time to play games to keep up with this progression if it continues. I and others in the same boat bought and enjoy this game as we can progress in our own time and pace. That I believe is the reason behind the source of uproar between the community, however there are those wanting things to be more challenging in PvE as most things are relatively easy.
Anet has to strike the balance to create challenging gameplay involving SMART PLAY and resourcefullness not by creating a gear grind.
Note this IS happening on other servers and it is not just isolted to Blue!
(edited by Glitch.6849)
I don’t understand people saying they can’t get into groups because they are at level one. Instead of typing:
/map LFG FoTM
and expecting to be accommodated as if it’s some sort of entitlement, why not type:
/map LFM FoTM lvl 1
and start your own group?
You should have a way to build up levels rather than doing 4 to get to 5, 5 to 6, etc…. That way you still get some progression for doing lower level fractals.
You should also not have the max fractal level be based on the lowest level any one player has achieved…
The two pieces in tandem allow “fresh” players to progress through the levels quickly and allow “veteran” players the ability to help out without running players 10+ whatever times just to be of equivalent level (and still get something out of it that progresses them).
/map LFM FoTM lvl 1
and start your own group?
This ^^^^
Chances of getting a group together is much higher if you start your own. At this time you should have no problem finding a group and even if people have already done it. FOTM is much more fun than any of the other dungeons I’ve been in.
/map LFM FoTM lvl 1
and start your own group?This ^^^^
Chances of getting a group together is much higher if you start your own. At this time you should have no problem finding a group and even if people have already done it. FOTM is much more fun than any of the other dungeons I’ve been in.
And I don’t mean that post to be at all insulting, I’m just saying for the longest time I always joined groups because I was afraid to start them. Once I got up the nerve, it’s really quite simple and you meet a lot of nice people.
Give it a shot.
This is why guild exist, ask around I for one joined my guild when they were at lvl5 and they helped me reach a few levels, it your fault you choose to ignore the guild u were in, it is “guild” wars (could be implemented so much more)
/map LFM FoTM lvl 1
and start your own group?This ^^^^
Chances of getting a group together is much higher if you start your own. At this time you should have no problem finding a group and even if people have already done it. FOTM is much more fun than any of the other dungeons I’ve been in.
And I don’t mean that post to be at all insulting, I’m just saying for the longest time I always joined groups because I was afraid to start them. Once I got up the nerve, it’s really quite simple and you meet a lot of nice people.
Give it a shot.
Yeah I think you hit the nail on the head. Being afraid to join group is probably one of the reasons why some people don’t do dungeons. What starting your own group does is not only guarantee you a spot, it will also give people more confidence to your join group if you are looking for 4 more players, as opposed to 1 more player. At lower levels of fotm, no one is going to judge you for experience, and you might get lucky and score a player who has already done it multiple times.
Me in Lions Arch:
“LFG fractals level 1. Level and armor doesnt matter, brains and ability to type required.”
Had no problem finding a group. Sure, there are elitist, but I honestly dont want to play with them anyway, so it’s no loss if I dont get invited to their party.
Make your own little niche.
This is why guild exist, ask around I for one joined my guild when they were at lvl5 and they helped me reach a few levels, it your fault you choose to ignore the guild u were in, it is “guild” wars (could be implemented so much more)
Ok, well say after a week or so you get a guildie who took a break and now everyone is at level 20 except him…. You have to run that person 20 times just to get the player to the guild’s level. It’d be nice if you could set it to level 20 or maybe 10-15, run the player a few times and essentially “power level” him through to be at, or close to, the guild’s general level.
Same goes for the “LFM” system of finding groups. Hard to find 4 folks of a certain max level depending on what level you are…. and if your timing is off or you take a break, you might end up way behind the curve.
The progression system “as-is” is far too rigid.
Were you expecting different outcome? It’s for levels 80 with full exotics. It’s an elite content, you can’t just wander in with level 2 with no skills unlocked, no traits unlocked, no weapon swap unlocked and most importantly not good enough gear. This game seriously needs gear checks. Less QQ, more pew pew. Get level 80 and appropiate gear first. Then you can enjoy gw2 to its fullest
Is it really that hard to get level 80 full exotic gear? I started playing a little over a month ago, my thief less than that. within 25 days I hit level 80, dual exotic level 80 daggers, and a full set of level 80 exotic precision/toughness/condition damage armor with full superior runes of the centaur. I didn’t do anything special to get it, I just got it. It’s so easy to make gold in this game that I don’t understand why it’s so hard for people to get the gear.
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