Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zakka.2153


I love how these topics always end up the same way, debating about something that really is completely off topic yet some how related.

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Einlanzer.1627


I’m not sure why you think I’m frothing at the mouth about anything in this topic. It’s merely an interesting discussion. Also, it wasn’t “proven wrongful”, it’s just nuanced. A relatively small % of players are female in most MMOs, it just so happens that high fantasy MMOs that are not WoW are the exception.

Anecdotal just seems to be your go to buzz argument is all, even when unfounded.

It was proven wrong. You made a statement without fact, someone disputed it using fact, thus statement had nothing to stand on and was proven wrong. No amount of backtracking can hide that.

Anecdotal wasn’t even mentioned in the quote that you posted. There are two things going on in our specific sub-conversation on this thread:

1. I assumed the ratio of male to female players in GW2 was something like 4:1, when it’s probably more like 2:1. My bad, and I admitted it. But that conclusion was based on prior research, it wasn’t just a baseless assumption, and it holds true in other games, including WoW. So, in reality, this topic is nuanced, and we actually don’t know for sure what the ratio is in GW2.

2.) You argued that women are demonstrably, through scientific evidence, objectively the more attractive sex, which I call BS on. I’ve seen no convincing scientific research corroborating this, and that psychology today article certainly doesn’t cut it. The flaws in any research purporting to support this claim are obvious as beauty is relative, subjective, and the image of beauty changes over time.

If you’re going to continue pointlessly arguing with me to prop up your own ego, try harder.

Not in that specific quote yes, but you should check your post history in this thread alone.

1). Yes you admitted it, in a flip flop fashion, instead of just saying you were wrong due to ignorance, which is the case. Though, that’s about it for that matter.

2). Beauty is relative indeed, but there is a general consensus to follow. Just because morals can be relative, doesn’t mean there isn’t a general consensus on what is okay and what isn’t. In that article itself it has sources to follow, I’m not gonna do all your leg work. On the contrary, I have seen no evidence supporting the fact that there ISN’T a generally accepted gender/sex to be the more attractive.

It isn’t pointless, it’s about exposing your lack of credibility because I feel I have an obligation as someone with insight on this subject to dispel falsities, of which you just happen to provide in copious amounts.

If you want to actually sound intelligent in your arguments, try harder.

There doesn’t need to be evidence suggesting that the sexes are equally attractive. That’s the baseline assumption. The claim is that one is more attractive than they other, so the burden of proof is on you and you alone.

Only inside your head are you doing anything to expose any lack of credibility on my part. We still don’t have any real idea what the actual m:f ratio in GW2 is, and the bit of data we do have didn’t even come from you. There was also no “flip-flop” to my admission. I think that term doesn’t mean what you think it means. Like an intelligent person, I backed off of my argument when a modicum of data presenting other possibilities was provided.

Literally all you’ve contributed to this conversation is a psychology today article referencing a flawed study and some incredibly loose anecdotal evidence to support it. It doesn’t matter; there’s no point in continuing this. It’s absolutely laughable how easy it is to start arguing about nonsense on an online forum. It’s so unhealthy.

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Countess Aire.9410

Countess Aire.9410

I prefer female characters because of choices. Male characters are big and super bulky or super skinny. Not very pleasing to me.

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion



I’m not sure why you think I’m frothing at the mouth about anything in this topic. It’s merely an interesting discussion. Also, it wasn’t “proven wrongful”, it’s just nuanced. A relatively small % of players are female in most MMOs, it just so happens that high fantasy MMOs that are not WoW are the exception.

Anecdotal just seems to be your go to buzz argument is all, even when unfounded.

It was proven wrong. You made a statement without fact, someone disputed it using fact, thus statement had nothing to stand on and was proven wrong. No amount of backtracking can hide that.

wow reading this kitten stuff just wow . smh glad it is noting at all like some people seam to think it is .

Ignorance is not a virtue. Whether you like it or not, science will stay consistent. You will just have to learn to accept it, or be crushed by the torrent of reality.[/quote]

trying to just figure out what that even at all remotely has got to do with ops first post and name of said post at all even .

as that takes it off topic of the topic . but I get the whole deal but yet still what in blue green blazes has that got to do even at all with playing a male or female toon at all ./

I do not see the points at all in your alls post here more so like I said taken this post fully off topic

no new system upgrades coming

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion



I love how these topics always end up the same way, debating about something that really is completely off topic yet some how related.

you said that right . and even tho I know it but yet just shocked the mods not locked this topic for going so far off tracks and back on the tracks and off the tracks yet again .

no new system upgrades coming

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vagrant.7206


I mean, that’s just stereotyping. A deep voice box doesn’t make you stronger/weaker.

I’m not saying it does. But generally speaking, bigger muscles mean a deeper voice. It has to do with how our body’s natural anabolic steroids interact with our vocal folds.

Speak with strong (upper body) female athletes, and you’ll notice their voice has a bit more resonance — it’s obviously still higher pitched than most men, but deeper than most women.

Not fully true. There are scientific studies which DO confirm women are better received in the customer service industry because both men and women would rather be greeted by the female form. This is probably due to our inherent belief (whether that’s natural or society induced) that women are more attractive overall.

You realize those studies are typically conducted in modern, western societies right? You kind of pointed out yourself that this is likely a social construct. Aristotle famously described women as being “deformed men,” and there are many that cultures revere the male form over the female form.

Inner idea of your gender?

Are we back to living in the 60s and 70s? Hahaha.

I have no inner idea of my gender. Like, I dunno about you guys, but my gender or what’s between my legs is not typically something I think about, you know what I mean

I’m engaged to a trans person, and I had difficulty understanding the concept at first myself. It’s easier to explain like this — how do you label yourself? I would describe myself as a liberal atheist, for example. You’ll notice no mention of gender in there — because it’s not a big deal to me. It isn’t a big deal for everybody — just as it isn’t for you or me. But for some people, their gender is a crucial part to their identity.

Also, I want to make the distinction between sex and gender — Gender is a social construct, whereas sex is biological in origin. Gender is a social construct laid on top of the biology, and what is “feminine” or “masculine” changes based on the society. Some people who are trans don’t want a sex-change operation because they associate with the gender in their society, but don’t feel a need to change their genitals to match.

The great god Lagki demands sacrifice.

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Black Frog.9274

Black Frog.9274

i can’t believe so many people fell for your trolling, OP.
edit: also can’t believe ANET left your thread up.

I Like to Run Randomly Around the Map

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Zaltys.7649


I’ve got two male and three female characters.
I haven’t tried every combo, but I tend to like the female voice acting and animations more. Couldn’t imagine having a Norn male as my main, for instance.

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Shouldn’t bother you any if that’s what you want to do. It’s your game. Play as you will.

Anyone “hitting” on you is absolutely kittened and likely lives a very, very sheltered life. Anything they have to say is easily discarded.

Couldn’t imagine having a Norn male as my main, for instance.

VA for norn male is Matt Mercer, same guy who does the voice for McCree in Overwatch. Norn are awesome regardless of gender.

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Anyone “hitting” on you is absolutely kittened and likely lives a very, very sheltered life. Anything they have to say is easily discarded.

Just have fun with it. From my experience, most of the people who hit on female toons aren’t looking for a pixel girlfriend. They’re bored and joking around.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

Playing a toon of the opposite gender?

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: CETheLucid.3964


Anyone “hitting” on you is absolutely kittened and likely lives a very, very sheltered life. Anything they have to say is easily discarded.

Just have fun with it. From my experience, most of the people who hit on female toons aren’t looking for a pixel girlfriend. They’re bored and joking around.

not to mention the countless guys hitting on my toon, only to find out I’m a guy, and calling me well, some unpleasant names to say the least.

I’m addressing that bit from the OP. Shouldn’t let random weirdos on the internet dictate how you play your game.