Playing alts
I find that I need to switch characters frequently. Think it’s the lack of skill progression. I get sick of using the same few skills all the time, with no new ones to look forward to, so my solution has been to play five different characters.
I’m in no hurry to get to 80, so it doesn’t frustrate me, though.
What is it you want advice on how to ‘deal with’? I play like coughninecough different characters as I feel like it, “perhaps even enjoying it”. I’m not in a hurry to get anywhere.
So what’s the problem?
I know what you mean, been there too, it can be kinda frustrating not being able to decide what to play. I have a level 71 and 4 alts between level 7-12, I cant tell you how to handle it exactly, because every person is different.
All i can say is: Play what you feel, you want to be playing.
I was stuck in the same level range is you describe you are, for me it helped taking a break and do something else, one day after I logged on my Guardian and now he’s level 71 and going fast towards 80.
Just take it slow, switch between them, play them all, sooner or later you will figure out how to handle it.
I’d call it altoholism.
I’m the same. I maintain a stable of relatively low level characters and I switch between them every few days. I’ve been working on my Elementalist this weekend, but I have a feeling that tonight will be a Guardian evening.
I can’t explain it. While I’m enjoying myself – and I am – I’m not too bothered. I don’t doubt that the majority of players who are level 80 with their one and only character and have experienced a lot of what this game has to offer have also enjoyed themselves and will probably create one or more other characters with which to sample it all again. I’m just doing the same thing in a slightly different order!
The only drawback I have found is arranging to meet up with friends. I have not been able to participate in any Guild events arranged so far as I don’t have a single character with sufficient experience to participate.
So, in short, I’d say it’s only a problem if you think it is. It doesn’t require “management” unless it is spoiling your enjoyment of the game.
If it is spoiling your enjoyment of the game, ultimately you’ll probably need to decide on a character and see it through. Willpower being the key!
I have 8 characters that I take turns on. Three are human (meant to be three sisters), 2 are norn with different backgrounds, one charr, one sylvari, one asura. Since the male norn is my namesake (Bel Geode), he is the one I am concentrating on leveling to 80 first, and the one I do the most exploration on. The others do not get neglected however… In fact just yesterday I was working on 5 of the others about 2 hours at a time.
I expect the three sisters will be the most repetitive, since their background stories are meant to be similar (only one is on a search for their parents, the other two always wanted to join the circus). The fact that they are different professions (ranger, elementalist, mesmer), allows me enough playstyle difference to make the repeat experience worthwhile.
On my dream list for GW2 is a unique cash shop item that we had in GW1, called mercenary heroes. For those unfamiliar, what that did was allowed you to use your fully leveled characters as companions for your other characters. I have a feeling ANet can do this, since a lot of personal story events, and some dynamic events have NPCs assisting us, and I would love love loooove it if ANet decided to give us the option to run around with our own alts once more….
But I am not holding my breath on this one.
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I played until 60 nearly without touching my alts, and I normally am an altoholic. At that point, my modivation was see new zones, reach new cooking ingredients. If I kept alt swapping, I wouldn’t get to see either as I would be on a bunch of lowbies.
However, at 60, me and my guildie that I usually play the game with decided we wanted to start peeking in on our alts. We did a little work on the classes we felt we had not gotten to much in the beta next, because they were what we had the least playtime with prior to release.
Then we thought about how we like to collect pets, and a third guildie had a ranger alt he was working on, so we decided to work on those a while.
When we started feeling like we wanted to see new zones again, we went back to our 60s, who are now mid-60s.
Basically, we make goals. We say what do we want to do right now, and we go with what will help us accomplish that best. That’d be my best advise for figuring out alting. Failing that, try a rotation system when you figure out what a comfortable ammount of time is for playing one specific toon to you.
Usually in MMOs I have s serious problem with alt-itis. So far though, it hasn’t affected me in GW2. I have one alt at 16, and three more at 2. I’ve just been having so much fun on my warrior that I just haven’t wanted to play anything else.
I’ve been 80 for about a week now, and still have so much I want to do on this character.
Same here, though I have only 3 characters (but I am already thinking about a melee mesmer). Nothing wrong in it, if you have fun. Considering the different mentality behind GW2 (no gear grind “end game”), might as well play as many classes as you like.
There is no rush to get to 80. Just have fun with what you like to play in the moment.
Also, lack of skills? There are loads of skills. This isn’t a game about finding a build and using it forever. I swap weapons constantly in combat and change utility skills between fights. Peeps, get out of the wowclone mindset!
I have five characters. Mesmer, Ele, Necro, Engineer, Ranger.
But I find myself playing my main a Human Mesmer (lvl 48 ish) more and more simply because I enjoy playing her the most.
I feel quite guilty for neglecting my others but I have tentatively decided just to keep on playing with my Mesmer indefinitely- I can see myself still playing her way past the time when she hits 80.
Only thing now- I think I’m going to have to scrap the Necro and make a Guardian.
Also I have 3 humans, one Asura and one Norn but I am kinda in love with the Humans so I might have to scrap them and start over.
I am already thinking I might need a second Mesmer too- since I want to try a different concept……
So OP- I have it really bad and I can’t help you other than saying relax and enjoy your altholism
(edited by Morrigan.2809)
I am having fun that’s for sure.
I feel like I’m still deciding, and before I know it I may end up leveling 4 toons at the same time…or get frustrated like hell.
There is no problem really, just wanted to hear people’s opinions/experiences.
And I see people do experience something similar, which is cool!
I have 5 characters so far and will probably end up with more, especially if they add in new races/professions in expansions. My characters all have different playstyles so I normally end up playing the one I feel like at the time. I’m in no rush to finish the game and don’t mind playing through the same areas multiple times at all, the result is there only being a small difference in the levels of each character.
This is fantastic for crafting as one character alone won’t make use of all their supplies so I end up with massive stockpiles of supplies from each area. I’ve never yet run into the problem of having to go out and purposefully farm for crafting supplies. It also means that each character I have can be more or less fully equipped with fresh gear every 5 levels, which makes levelling that little bit easier.
The only downside to all this is that dyes are not account based, they’re character based. But, I suppose dyes are just a nice bonus to have and don’t really affect my game at all really, so I can deal with it.
I usually played a lot of alts in all the mmorpg i played, even GW1 too and mostly can’t decide which one is my favourite or which one is the “alt” one :P
This time I created my favourites characters but I only levelled my Necromancer to lv 80 and going to work on it. Surely when I’ll get bored about farming for Exo I will play one of my alts :P
I wouldn’t worry about it if you’re enjoying yourself. Heck, I’ve filled all five of my character slots. My main is 47, but the rest of my characters range from level 3-18.
There’s no rush to endgame in Guild Wars 2, so have fun with whatever you happen to be doing.
I wouldn’t worry about it if you’re enjoying yourself. Heck, I’ve filled all five of my character slots. My main is 47, but the rest of my characters range from level 3-18.
There’s no rush to endgame in Guild Wars 2, so have fun with whatever you happen to be doing.
Haha you stopped at 47 on your main too huh?
I wouldn’t worry about it if you’re enjoying yourself. Heck, I’ve filled all five of my character slots. My main is 47, but the rest of my characters range from level 3-18.
There’s no rush to endgame in Guild Wars 2, so have fun with whatever you happen to be doing.
Haha you stopped at 47 on your main too huh?
Nah, that’s just where I’m up to now. I started a main up to 10 or 15, then started alting, rolled all 5 character slots, played each a few levels, then back to the main, and so forth. Currently playing my main (Norn Guardian), and have been for probably 15 or so levels, but might switch back to my Sylvari Elementalist or Human Warrior for a bit. Probably the elementalist, for a change of pace (love the dual dagger gameplay on that class).
I’m thinking of doing an Asura Elementalist and Charr Thief
Already have Main (Norn Guardian) and Gatherer/Prime Alt (Sylvari Engineer) though his facial hair looks like he’s got a cactus for a head lol
I have usually played ranger type classes in other games and started playing GW2 as a ranger. That character is now level 72. I’d played other professions during the BWEs, however, and enjoyed them thoroughly for the brief time that I had access to them.
Ultimately, I decided I was going to play every profession for whatever period of time that I had fun… so I now also have a level 25 elementalist, a level 18 warrior, a level 5 engineer and a level 8 necro. I switch between them as the mood suits me. So far I’m enjoying each of them. I have yet to try mesmer, thief and guardian, and I may find any one of them not to my liking, but that’s ok. At least I won’t have limited my experience.
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Haha. This game has made me a complete altoholic. I’ve purchased 2 additional character slots but still had to delete many characters as I wanted to experience all the races and starting areas. Overall, I’m having fun and enjoying the game. Sometimes it has concerned me that I’m having trouble sticking to one character, lol.
I find that I need to switch characters frequently. Think it’s the lack of skill progression. I get sick of using the same few skills all the time, with no new ones to look forward to, so my solution has been to play five different characters.
I’m in no hurry to get to 80, so it doesn’t frustrate me, though.
i agree with you here. I am really bored of the game while leveling. So I switch a lot. have only a single character past level 10 and I have unlocked enough character slots for each class. My main played in every low level zone leveling up. so they bore me.
I would definately blame it on the lack of skill progression and playstyle customization.
I haven’t been this indecisive on a character in a looong long time. Back when it took a longkitten time to lvl up in MMO’s and you had 0 customization and not a huge variety in skills.
It’s kind of the same here. The same 5 skills (most of the time you only need to auto + maybe 1-2 other skills for more dmg or utility). AS WELL as the fact that most utilities are just down right useless, and boring in PVE as far as leveling up goes. Most utilities are great for pvp and all.
Most of the time you just end up putting signets in just for their passives, or using utilities to get around faster, and SOMETIMES a defensive cooldown just in case. Other times you try and slot a “fun” skill that usually isn’t that useful and end up just replacing it.
Oh and traits as well, IMO they still have a lot of work to do on traits for every class, there are still too many boring traits, and you’re still “cherry picking” essentially. Every single trait should aim to help actually modify abilities and your playstyle, even just a little bit.
Traits like +10% more whatever just isn’t going to cut it. Traits like Torch skills recharge 20% faster and now remove conditions, or applying Blind applies 1s chill, or Whenever you apply cripple you apply 1s immobilize. Traits like that are actually fun, and can change the function for your abilities.
I always felt like traits were kind of inspired by Warhammer and should reflect that, traits there could actually completely change how a skill worked.
(edited by Knote.2904)
Me and a friend have human characters but I also have a Charr, how do I go about joining my friend over in Queeensdale, I know to take the Asura gates but I dont have any of the waypoints in Queensdale on the Charr character, do I have to get them all over again…Since I already have them on my human character?? And would he have to do the same if he came to Charr country?!?!
I appreciate all and any advice.
I found having more than one toon at an early stage too distracting. I deleted my 18 engineer and am focussing on my 30 warrior.
I will start another toon at some point but not yet. I just know I’ll end up with 5 low level alts while all my guild mates are at 80.
In this game for me it does not even make sense to think of one of my characters as an “alt” and another as a “main”. I guess my “main” would be the one I like to play on the most. But given the nature of GWs as compared to other MMOs the distinction has little meaning for me. But then, I am not in any hurry to reach max level.
It’s because you start to get bored of your character, whether it’s the lack of new skills since you get all your skills basically by lvl 30 or spamming the same skills
Me and a friend have human characters but I also have a Charr, how do I go about joining my friend over in Queeensdale, I know to take the Asura gates but I dont have any of the waypoints in Queensdale on the Charr character, do I have to get them all over again…Since I already have them on my human character?? And would he have to do the same if he came to Charr country?!?!
I guess my “main” would be the one I like to play on the most. .
Well that’s basically all it means really lol.
I have a couple of alts, but have a hard time really getting into them. Every time I give my thief or elementalist a go, I’m reminded that I just like playing a guardian a lot more, and I find myself back at the login screen clicking his portrait in less than an hour.
Also, check out Hardcore Adventure Box: World 1, World 2, Lost Sessions
Main Character: Dathius Eventide | Say “hi” to the Tribulation Clouds for me. :)
What is it you want advice on how to ‘deal with’? I play like coughninecough different characters as I feel like it, “perhaps even enjoying it”. I’m not in a hurry to get anywhere.
So what’s the problem?
heeheehee, honestly? Please enlighten me as to why on earth you find the need to play two of the same class, that seems a touch insane to me. Sure I could see the appeal of wanting to at some point have a Charr Engineer and say a Sylvari one (coz I found that a hard choice) but based on the way the primary skills are set in stone and the changeable skills are always easily swapped around there is simply no reason to go through all that effort.
As to OP, I am an altoholic and that does not necessarily mean powering them to 80 one at a time at all, in fact most ppl I know in my boat just have a bunch of low lvl alts and if they can manage to be sensible at least one high level one, lol. This game is NOTORIOUSLY like that by the way, this will turn anyone into an altoholic, above all I always like to try and find unique character builds and I’m not so sure how effective this is in this game at all yet coz all my toons are just going into their traits! lol.
They said try every class to lvl 10 if u have a hard time choosing, I have done 6 so far and its not helping at all, im afraid I have to learn more about traits first