Please Add Raids and Holy Trinity
I’m sure all of the pro-Ascended people will agree. They just want a game that replicates another subscription-based title.
After seeing about 100 topics on this I honestly have to ask. What do you think your complaining brings to the over all conversation of the game? You are not making any real point, you are not making a logical argument, you are just screaming out a stawman argument that holds no baring to the over all situation going on.
Why not invest your time in coming up with real factual logical arguments to make and give to the community to discuss?
If you have a real problem with the new additions to the game then debate them, don’t just make insults and waste peoples time.
I support them adding raids, but I do not want the trinity.
As this has been discussed in numerous other threads in the suggestion sub forum this thread is now closed.