Please BAN the exploiters!
I don’t think anyone will be or should be banned for a patch oversight that Anet is in the process of fixing and has acknowledged it was their own fault.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
I say ban them. They knew they were exploiting, and did it anyway.
I don’t think anyone will be or should be banned for a patch oversight that Anet is in the process of fixing and has acknowledged it was their own fault.
Meaning its ok to keep exploiting and ruining other peoples fun?
I don’t think anyone will be or should be banned for a patch oversight that Anet is in the process of fixing and has acknowledged it was their own fault.
Meaning its ok to keep exploiting and ruining other peoples fun?
They aren’t exploiting any more according to the OP’s post, Anet has disabled them until the fix goes live. It was a patch oversight, read the other threads here if you don’t believe me. It will be fixed, but starting a vendetta against the people who figured this out so that it could come to light so they could fix it solves nothing.
The lesson to be learned here is have a Public Test Realm to test patches, like every patch that is released.
RIP my fair Engi and Ranger, you will be missed.
Please don’t BAN the exploiters! I wasn’t one of them but to say people deserve banning for this is laughable at best.
So their fix for the Dragon Ball game was to disable +HP food regen completely? That is ridiculous. Every time I click on my HP regen food in Orr it says “content temporarily disabled.” C’mon. Really? All for a stinking mini-game that is lame.
Is that what was happening? I was sure I wakittenting this person, and their health just didn’t go down. I do hope that gets fixed.
Nobody should be banned. This event was released unfinished and untested. Quality Assurance is nonexistent in this event.
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Did it or would it unbalance the economy? Did it or would it unbalance PvP or WvW? Did it or would it allow a player taking advantage of this to level their character faster?
If not, no ban.
RIP City of Heroes
Make it easy on everyone, do a full server rollback to the point they released the new content, patch it, then bring the servers back on line.
Than post the names of all the exploiters on the forums so everyone can rage against them for all their lost progress.
Man, I was REALLY looking forward to this event, it looked like a lot of fun, but the more I read, the more I want to just skip the whole thing. Cheaters, RNG, crazy requirements for materials, it’s one thing after the other. Do the devs actually have any real players on staff? I am beginning to doubt it.
At the very least Anet should roll back any achievements they received.
I had no idea mango pie would apply and then I went in… it stayed on… ofcourse I only did one match with it but still… If i got banned for that I would be kitten ed.
Dragon Ball is fun, ShiningSquirrel. I’m sure once they patch it so that ppl can’t use food or any other open world item from inventory that it’ll be a blast to play.
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