Please Boost Dragonite Ore Drops
EOTM= Dragonite, Wxp, Badges of Honor, Empyreal Fragments, Exp, Karma, Gold, Loot.
just don’t try to take my keep i’ll make ya work for that dragonite
I almost thought this thread was sarcasm. dear god arenanet, please don’t. I can build a fort the size of Divinity’s Reach with the amount of bloodstone and dragonite ore I have.
Ummm… no. Not unless they also give those of us that do not need the stuff a way to get rid of it besides destroying it. Over and over and over and…
Ascended gear is meant to be a bit difficult to get. If you don’t want the difficulty in getting mats, buy exotics.
Because omg it’s so tough to delete stuff from your inventory. I end up with multiple stacks of emp shards every single day due to the many dungeon paths I run, but you won’t catch me complaining cause I’m not lazy and I just delete them. And I also realize not everyone else runs as many dungeons as I do so they don’t end up with as much of this material.
At least let me put this kitten in guild bank or something. I don’t have any room to store this kitten and many players probably have much much more this stuff. I would make more ingots, but i am scared that anet give us some sink where to dump all raw stuff.
Well part of your problem is you can only store stacks of 250 mats, you need to upgrade your storage.
Also, you have 92 bag slots. I can’t even imagine playing with less than the 160 available. If I could upgrade that even more with more bag slots and 30 slot bags or something, I would.
Also, how many extra bank slots do you have?
Bunch of hoarders up in this thread.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Bunch of hoarders up in this thread.
Too right, it might be needed in future, so I condense them down into bricks and such to store in the bank for later. I only started deleting them once my bank was full.
Letting players exchange Ascended mats is a bad idea. Anet set it up so that certain content provided certain drops. Players who want to make their Ascended gear, need to go out and seek all the various content that provides the mats they need. By having an exchange, you create an Easy Mode button. It let’s you bypass the intended mechanics, and cheapens the process.
If you want Dragonite, go farm World Bosses.
If you want Empyreals, go farm Dungeons.
If you want Bloodstone, go farm Champ bags.
The thing is the world boss and especially temples have been made much more of a pain to do thanks to megaservers and just aren’t as reliable anymore. In fact, I’ve done a grand total of two temple runs since megaservers and I was happening to do map completion at those times. The things are always open! For Teq, I’m just fortunate enough to have contacts to get them done.
I think that line of logic runs more true for legendaries to have mastered all content. As for what you see as cheapening the process, from my point of view that’s taking it too far; I find the time gated materials are by far the bottleneck in this equation, and wvw/(especially eotm) players can play the way they want because they get tons of all 3 materials by playing their preferred content.
At this point, I consider all 3 materials junk drops and aren’t even worth the time to refine— I just flat out delete them out of my bag. Now with people complaining, I can’t but feel there’s an imbalance. I’d just tell them to play EOTM, but sometimes they get crappy colors and can’t train.
Also, proving cost ineffective alternatives is pretty consistent with the design of this game. For example, if one is unable or unwilling to do guild missions, they can get ascended earrings at a fairly high price of laurels/ectos. Often, there is a workaround to doing the “intended” content, but it comes at a cost and also provides a material sink.
for there you have been and there you will long to return.
(edited by ArchonWing.9480)
Yeah IMO the bolt of damask and deldrimor steel are the real pain to obtain (thankfully of which I have loads, especially lumps of mithrilium since the mithril ore is the most common material) Grinding all those scraps and ores takes long enough time in PvE, and then you come here with your shortsightedness and tell me that I have to, wait for it, EotM train as a red competitor expecting to catch a keep, well I used to solo a keep as a thief, i commanded people during wvw tournament and i’m at a point that i do not give a rat’s kitten about wvw and whatever it stands for. Sleep deprivation for weeks made me hate this mode, I’m literally burned out and you are telling me that the only way to farm this thing is through EotM? Stop being so freaking selfish. Dragonite used to drop from anywhere in PvE, and I’m certain that ANet messed it up/missed it with the rush to introduce the megaserver and all limitations that it poses.
What sense does it make for a fractal tier armor to require you to pvp for weeks to gather that ONE material that you need?
Drops can stay the same, but I would love to see an ascended mats exchange vendor. 5-to-1 ratio should suffice (5 mats of items you don’t want to 1 mat of items you do want.) This is an easy fix. However, I doubt that Anet would do anything like this since the company wants players to play all contents in the game. And this way would only encourage players to focus on one area that they like to play. They may be able to avoid this by creating a higher exchange ratio like 10-to-1 or even 20-to-1 (I actually would be ok with this.) They can even add a gold sink system into this approach, costing a silver or something every time they exchange the mats.
I’d like to hear a dev comment on this topic.
(edited by lnguy.5127)
I am totally with you on this, I think they need to buff dragonite drops for PvE since I have waaay too much of the others (empyreals &bloodstone). Since I do mostly dungeons nowadays I don’t have time to capture a keep etc. in WvW like I used to. And the bolt of damask and deldrimor steel shouldn’t be tht much a problem, if you don’t feel liek crafting them you can always buy them off TP (and it isn’t that much difference, only like 1-2g costlier to buy). I made a similar post about this also:
(edited by nagr.1593)
I guess I just don’t understand the logic behind dragonite drop rate in PvE being so low. ANet clearly knows that there are players that do not enjoy PvP for a millisecond. And I daresay is a huge chunk of the game’s population, and also the fact that there are no open world pvp enabled servers. They know this and they do kitten like this and I don’t get it why. Dragonite ore drop was fine when it released, bloodstone was way too much empyrial fragments were ok and then megaserver dropped and its as if ANet dropped the ball on this one.
I hope some of them are reading this topic and do something about it. Such a silly request spurred a 3-page long topic, there has to be a problem even if I’m wrong….
At least let me put this kitten in guild bank or something. I don’t have any room to store this kitten and many players probably have much much more this stuff. I would make more ingots, but i am scared that anet give us some sink where to dump all raw stuff.
Why would anyone need so many gathering tools? Are you a farmer or something?
I rarely PvE anymore after megaservers, but it used to be that a world boss was up every 15 minutes. Is that no longer the case? Compared to the time it takes to do a temple run, wouldn’t world bosses every 15 minutes be faster than a temple run? Four WB’s in an hour should give you a bit more than a handfull of dragonite. Or it used to when I was doing PvE.
Anyone who has done EOTM will have more than enough stacks of these lol