Please Fix Guild Missions!

Please Fix Guild Missions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DeLys.5380


Please help small guilds and remove the player requirements on the all (PvE, PvP, WvW) missions. They are unnecessary and we should be able to get credit if we can accomplish the mission, regardless of player number. Some players are simply more skilled than others at doing the missions.

If you won’t do this for some reason (and I don’t understand why you won’t considering all we go through just to MAKE a guild now), at least give us a way to obtain favor outside of guild missions. such as a merchant where we can purchase it for gold like used to exist. I do not understand why this was taken out of the game? Please explain to me?

Thank you!

Please Fix Guild Missions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Baconomics.8674


The requirements for pvp and wvw missions are only 3 people, and the only pve ones that have a requirement (afaik) are the puzzles, usually for the reason that you literally need a certain amount of people to complete specific parts

Please Fix Guild Missions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Bellatrixa.3546


You only need 6 people for puzzles. The recommended number is higher to let you have a greater margin of error and so you’re not as hard pressed for time. Even so, I wouldn’t try doing Hard Bounty with only 6 people given the selections for those can be pretty nasty (looking at you, Yanonka) with some of their routes being incredibly long (Diplomat Tarban/Prisoner 1141) and eating up a lot of time. Some people advertise in LFG that they’re about to do guild missions so maybe that’s something to consider if you’re short on numbers? You can always have the people leave the guild when you’re done, as well as making missions more accessible to those who maybe want to remain guildless but want commendations for ascended accessories.

“Even if we find a way to save the world from the
dragons, I sometimes wonder if we’ll ever find a way to save us from ourselves.”

Please Fix Guild Missions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rin of Rivvinda.4971

Rin of Rivvinda.4971

Actually, you only need 6 players repping your guild for CHALLENGES. Despite the text, you can SOLO the puzzles. Just join a guild who is doing them and rep your own guild once you are in the instance, when you finish it, you get your favor for your guild. We have some guests running with us weekly for this reason so they can get favor for their small guilds. You can also team up this way for challanges, but there you only get the guild reward when you have 6 or more players repping your guild at the time the mission completes. (but you can team up with an other guild to make it more easy to finish the challange). using this method and a way to run multiple versions of GW2 (multiple PC’s or multiwars) you could even add some free account alts to your team so you get your 6 players repping your guild.

But i totally agree, just remove these limitations as they serve no purpose. Its not that you can monetize favor anyway. they only make it harder/more annoying for small guilds to get their favor.

Vin Lady Venture, of The Rising Falcons [RiFa]
member of the Fissure of Woe (FoW) community

Please Fix Guild Missions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: BattleRattle.5420


I don’t really see a problem with the missions. Only pvp and puzzle missions have a required number of players, for perfectly fine reasons as other have explained.
Besides the other missions can often be done with very few ppl, heck my guild is very small and we are often only 5 ppl doing missions, we’ve never really had problems, sure we can’t do the puzzles but that’s only one mission we can’t do.

Please Fix Guild Missions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: TheGrimm.5624


Agree please remove player number requirements. Since missions can be re-run on demand it would be helpful if players that have missed runs but can complete missions with less than the required amount be able to still run the mission.

Also on PvP missions please remove the time requirement since a number of the time limit on the mission might be used just by sitting waiting for a match to spawn.


De Mortuis Nil Nisi Bonum.

Please Fix Guild Missions!

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Chameleon Dude.1564

Chameleon Dude.1564

I want in on this.

I just love having to have three players present for each dolyak escort or sentry capture. This can often make the hard versions of the missions impossible for my guild, unless no enemies decide to interfere and the map is exactly how we’d want it. Most of us don’t even like WvW, but as a small guild we really are forced out of a lot of mission types. It’s alright saying that you can tag along with another guild or all five bounties will be waiting at the first waypoint you visit with a zerg ready and waiting to aid you… but it just doesn’t happen in reality.

If one player can earn 50,000 WvW xp in that timer… let them have their reward! And probably investigate their account for suspicious activity.