Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegeta.2563


I hate the fact that a Gemstore item has a cooldown between uses. 3 Seconds to be exact between each use. To consume a full stack of Candy Corn, takes over 4 minutes. While without a cooldown, someone clicking at around 8 times in a second could consume that full stack of candy corn in around 1 minute instead.

I see absolutely no reason to have a cooldown on a gemstore item

Also something should be looked at with the transformation to booster ratio.

Multiple reports of 90% transformation and only 10% booster, when it should be balanced out to 50/50.

This Guild Is Fire [PRUF]

Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Amaimon.7823


I agree its strange that it has a cooldown.. but do you really want anet to waste resources on a minor nuisance like this when they dont even have the time progress halloween between season 3 chapters?

Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vegeta.2563


I agree its strange that it has a cooldown.. but do you really want anet to waste resources on a minor nuisance like this when they dont even have the time progress halloween between season 3 chapters?

Changing a timer from 3 to 0 isn’t really using resources, takes someone not even a minute.

This Guild Is Fire [PRUF]

Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aeon.4127


Without a cooldown you would see people roaming around with perma boosts, theirs a reason to add a cooldown. Either sit afk eating corn all day minimizing your corn availability, or use it as you go taking full advantage of each boost you recieve. Also if their was no cooldown their would be no reason for anet to sell boosters until the corn (liquid gold) to booster (gem) ratio matched eachother in the tp.

Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: DoctorDing.5890


I always assumed you’d get to choose what the gobbler did. Getting a random transformation or boost seems a bit too, um, random to be useful.

Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: ezd.6359


Or increase amount of corn consumed and increase chance for useful boosts in same time. Like x2 or x3 times.

Run pve with inventory opened just to press gobbler every 3 seconds is stupid.

English is not my native language, sorry :<

Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Doggie.3184


All “gobbler” items that devour resources have somekinda annoying limit to them and I don’t understand why; like Mawdrey, Star of Gratitude and Princess’s daily limit. The only limit should be the amount of resources you have left.

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Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Olba.5376


I always assumed you’d get to choose what the gobbler did. Getting a random transformation or boost seems a bit too, um, random to be useful.

The price and availability of Candy Corn makes the Gobbler an excellent source of Experience Booster or Item Booster.

Personally, I bought the Gobbler and am currently running around in WvW getting permanent 150% reward track boosting. This is especially true since I can choose to run the Halloween reward track that gives out Trick or Treat bags, allowing a perpetual cycle. Once that track isn’t available anymore, I’ll have enough bags (and thus candy corn) to last me a long, long time, allowing me to complete other reward tracks for things I really want.

To be on-topic: I use the Candy Corn Gobbler every single day before I start running around in WvW. I don’t think the cooldown should be removed, because that would literally allow me (and everyone else) to buy a kittenton of candy corn and spam it to get days and days of buffs.

(edited by Olba.5376)

Please Remove Cooldown for Candy Corn Gobbler

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Vyrulisse.1246


All “gobbler” items that devour resources have somekinda annoying limit to them and I don’t understand why; like Mawdrey, Star of Gratitude and Princess’s daily limit. The only limit should be the amount of resources you have left.

It never made sense to me either. They are literally just sinks to dump off tons of readily available and sometimes useless stacks of items into. That is the reason they exist so putting limits on them seems weird. Not even actual limits, just annoying ones.