Please clean up tool tips

Please clean up tool tips

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Shiren.9532


I get that you want to add new content to the game, festival events, new content updates, new items and recipes etc but we all know GW2 has a tonne of bugs. A tonne of them. There are still hundreds if not thousands of issues with the vanilla content from launch that remain unfixed, one of the most frequently annoying and confusingly simple problems the game has are the tool tips.

Why does my rune of the pack say: 4): 5% chance to grant nearby allies Might.png Might, Fury.png Fury and Swiftness.png Swiftness when you attack. (Cooldown: 10s) when in practice it clearly only activates when you are hit, not when you attack. I wasted several gold buying them and they don’t work as advertised. I can’t sell them without destroying my armour and now I need to buy new runes in addition to losing the money on an incorrect tool tip. These kinds of “bugs” are very common in the game. The third bonus also says it gives +50 power but it gives +50 healing instead. These kinds of mistakes are incredibly sloppy and make me seriously guess how thorough QA was with important parts of the game.

Compare the Rune of Melandru to the Rune of Hoelbrak. The Rune of Melandru says : -15% Condition Duration; -15% Stun.png Stun Duration while the rune of Hoelbrak says : -20% Condition Duration applied to you. Both runes reduce condition damage applied to you but the former doesn’t detail that (probably to save space but the end result is it doesn’t do what it says it does). Compare that with the Rune of the Mad King which says, : +10% Condition Duration. This is inconsistent with the rune of Hoelbrak which details who the condition damage boosts. This becomes important because it’s possible some players will think they are taking a condition damage vulnerability trade off for the other bonuses of the rune set. There needs to be consistency across the runes and they need to do what they say they do.

Another area which needs better tool tips are the charge sigils. You can only have one charge active at a time, so you can’t use a Sigil of Luck and a Sigil of Bloodlust and build stacks for both. No-where in the game does it tell players that. Players are forced to either research outside of the game what sigils do, or they blow money finding out the effect has hidden details which quite often result in it not acting like it says it will. Another area this becomes a big problem is hidden cooldowns.

I’ve been told that there is a universal cooldown on some sigil/rune effects which are shared with each other, which means if I have a Sigil of Purity which activates to remove a condition from me and I switch to a weapon with a sigil of battle, I won’t get my 3 stacks of my because the purity sigil has activated a shared cool down which prevents the battle sigil from activating. Other people have told me I need two sigils of battle in my main hand and one for my off hand for them to work normally. The truth is, I don’t know which is correct. I have it in my warhorn and I’ve never gotten the buff. I’m not going to buy a second one to test it (nor would I give up two sigil slots for one effect) so I don’t know how a sigil, which I own and use, actually works because I’ve never seen it work.

In addition to this, there is inadequate information in tool tips which are correct. How much damage does the proc from Sigil of Air do? Sigil of Fire? The ranger trait that has a chance to cause bleeds on crits, Sharpened Edges. What is the chance of it causing a bleed? How long is the bleed for? Why don’t the tool tips update for increased condition duration when I have those traits/sigils/runes/food buffs?

There are other bugs such as ranger range tool tips not changing when you use the increased range trait as well as as auto attack not working and the UI indicating that I’m out of range when I am actually in range (common among most classes).

There are so many basic and simple things that are incorrect in this game. Things that simple testing and easy fixes would solve. Please, take a week. Stop developing content for new parts of the game and do a thorough pass through the trait tool tips and sigil/rune tool tips and make sure they all do what they say they do. If they don’t, change their effect to the intended one or change the tool tip to the correct one.

Please, take a week to fix the simple yet persistently annoying and needlessly present broken tool tips that have been broken since launch. The fixes are simple, the problem is wide spread and impacts on players (especially when they can’t afford to buy a second rune set because the first one was bugged/programmed incorrectly). Improve the quality of life for simple and basic things of the existing content before making more content that needs fixing.

Please clean up tool tips

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Kumu Honua.2751

Kumu Honua.2751

I can definitely get behind this initiative to a point.

There are so many things that the tooltips lack. Most notably are changes due to traits.

That being said. I do not agree with the final statement. They can add content all they like. Just make sure that things like this are improved as well. They have more than one dev. Content can be created parallel with fixes such as this.

Sylvari Guardian. – Dragonbrand.

Please clean up tool tips

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Danicco.3568


Rune of the Pack also doesn’t increase your power by 165 as it should, it gives only 115 Power and 50 Healing.

Some skills (Elementalist) don’t benefit from traits that should benefit these skills.
For example the Cantrip type skills, one of them doesn’t benefit from a Trait that says “Reduces the cooldown of Cantrip skills by 20%.”. It should be fixed to “Reduces the cooldown of Cantrip skills except Mist Form by 20%.”.
There’s another one that also should be fixed to “Reduces the recharge time of all Air spells except Ride the Lightning by 20%.

This sorta of thing falls to the bug solving team I guess, but I think they’re on vacation for quite some time now…
Or these are all intended. Could be that too.