Please do not have FOTM on the monthly
Yea, I know that the fractuals are like 7 different dungeons in one, but seriously making people only fractuals for a monthly reward is silly ._.
100 events and 350 salavages(effective gold sink) made so much more sense.
lv80 Necromancer, all professional skills unlocked, working on the final norn elite skills.
Well no Fotm lvl 1 group after trying all my grouping options—- Maybe towards the end of the month
where are your guild members?
I agree with the OP. If ANet wants people to play dungeons, just set it to “dungeons finished” on the monthly, instead of FOTM only. That way you encourage players to get on other dungeons too.
where are your guild members?
I kinda feel it’s irrelevant. He’s not in the fractal for progression. He merely wants the Monthly completion reward.
It’s not a kind thing to put in a monthly IMO. Especially for casual players.
Some of us don’t have the time to grind 3-4 hours a night doing Fractals.
I thought they might only put FotM in November’s since it was new. No such luck.
Not a big deal for me. I’m at the point where monthlies are a dead deal anyway. Until I decide to transfer, I’m on Henge of Denravi, and meeting the Wv3 requirement was meh the first month when the server roflstomped everyone, and was even worse after the main Wv3 alliance went elsewhere and all battles were 5 v 50.
Imo monthlies should not promote the same things month after month. Spread the requirements around. Promote different aspects of the game.
FoM is easier then getting 50 WvWvW kills.
FoM is easier then getting 50 WvWvW kills.
So not true. You have to do 15 runs of Fractals to get credit for monthly. 50 WvW is like an hour or two max. All you have to do is follow the boring zerg.
15 fractals is at least 3 to 4 hours.
Then don’t do it? You guys realize the monthly achievement is entirely optional right? You’re not forced to do it?
Yeah it’s 45000~ karma and 50s, so what. I can’t think of a single reason why you’d need to rely on the karma and silver earned through the monthly. It’s just supposed to be a nice little bonus once a month and that’s all. Key word there being bonus.
15 runs? It’s 2 full runs of fractals. One at an odd level (3 fractals) and one at an even level (4 fractals). Bam. Monthly done. Maybe just over 2 hours. Especially if the group you are in wants to go again for the next level up (which would be even or odd).
7 Fractals completed. That’s it.
Now, I do understand the other side of the conversation, why force the fractals? Personally, I enjoy them, so I can’t really argue that.
I just don’t see where you are getting 15 fractals and it taking 4 hours. I would argue that it is easier than 50 WvW kills, that’s been my experience.
Keyword here is casuals.
You don’t need to wait for 4 other people with the same Fractal Difficulty Scale to participate in this monthly completion.
Casuals are already opting out of most dungeons activity – putting them in is just an inconsiderate move.
Only 45k karma and 50 silver to a seasoned player is a pittance, but it sure is nice for casuals to get a boost once a in a while.
But that’s okay, cause Guild Wars 2 is all about elitism nowadays, with the FDS level being the ‘you must be this tall to come raid with me’ requirement.
That’s too bad isn’t it? Casuals should just go back to Halo 10 instead of playing what they paid for.
Then don’t do it? You guys realize the monthly achievement is entirely optional right? You’re not forced to do it?
Yeah it’s 45000~ karma and 50s, so what. I can’t think of a single reason why you’d need to rely on the karma and silver earned through the monthly. It’s just supposed to be a nice little bonus once a month and that’s all. Key word there being bonus.
Guess what? Playing the game is entirely optional, looking at art is too, listening to music is optional. Entertainment is optional.
So, if every song is terrible, all art is ugly, and no games are fun to play because designers and artists won’t make good ones; we should all just sit down, shut up, and do nothing with our free time?
When something is flawed it needs to be addressed, that is how improvement is made.
Then don’t do it? You guys realize the monthly achievement is entirely optional right? You’re not forced to do it?
Yeah it’s 45000~ karma and 50s, so what. I can’t think of a single reason why you’d need to rely on the karma and silver earned through the monthly. It’s just supposed to be a nice little bonus once a month and that’s all. Key word there being bonus.
Yeah. They should just make everything outside of Queensdale have Agony too. It is all optional anyway.
I would say it’s much better than the salvages
Though I would say it’s a bit weird to have the monthly focus on Fractals.
But who knows, maybe they’re going to update some stuff this month and they want people to check that out.
I’m more worried about how the “monthly” achievements are more like seasonal 2- week achievements in regarding to events and such.
EDIT: If you guys really are unable to find a level one fractal group, then how’d this thread already have several parties full of people looking for that? :P
Regardless, it’s a matter of communication and planning, and maybe ask for “1 lvl 1 fractal runs for monthly” Or something. But it sure isn’t impossible.
Ingame Name: Guardian Erik
(edited by FrizzFreston.5290)
Oh, for multitude of reasons:
1. Posting on this thread takes 5 seconds as compared to 15 mins of finding grp and 1 hour of completing the fractals itself (assuming it goes smoothly, I’ve got an ENTIRE party disconnected on the final boss before… it ain’t pretty.)
2. People live in different time zone, have different real world schedules.
3. Do you really expect players who have no interest in dungeon runs in the first place to do fractals run that are meant for the hardcore ‘raider’ groups?
Are they even interested in the rewards that supposedly enable them to ‘run further, higher level content in the fractals?’
Face it, Lost Shores added nothing for the casuals.
Oh, for multitude of reasons:
1. Posting on this thread takes 5 seconds as compared to 15 mins of finding grp and 1 hour of completing the fractals itself (assuming it goes smoothly, I’ve got an ENTIRE party disconnected on the final boss before… it ain’t pretty.)
2. People live in different time zone, have different real world schedules.
3. Do you really expect players who have no interest in dungeon runs in the first place to do fractals run that are meant for the hardcore ‘raider’ groups?Are they even interested in the rewards that supposedly enable them to ‘run further, higher level content in the fractals?’
Face it, Lost Shores added nothing for the casuals.
1. Agreed. Complaining is by far easier than looking for a solution.
2. I’m pretty sure GW2 has more players than there are timezones in the world. But I might be wrong….
3. Lvl1 fotm is meant for who now?
No, but they might be interested in, say, gold, T6 mats, ectos, exotic gear…
I actually saw 3 lvl 1 groups yesterday in an hour spent in lion’s arch. I’m quite sure you’ll find a party in 30 days.
Things that I don’t want to see in a monthly achievement..
- WvW Kills
- Dungeon Runs
- Fractals of the Mists
Lets keep the monthly and daily achievements as open world content. The world is empty enough as it is now. I see more bots than people.
LA is already the only zone with any significant number of ppl in it having Flavour of the Month on the acievements list is plain silly imo considering the lack of low level groups. Yet another attempt to force us into it. Less people are running standard dungeons now too thanks to FotM I’ve hit both these walls on my alts. I don’t like WvW but at least that’s doable and suprisingly less frustrating than sitting in LA.
Yea, two months in a row with fractals in it. That’s 90k karma I miss out on, thanks Arena Net. Not.
Make the monthly stuff you would just be doing anyway, events, mob kills, salvage – stuff like that. You don’t make the PvP monthly have to do dungeons, even though they could.
As long as I keep getting kicked every 10 to 60 minutes, doing fractals is completely out. So, no monthly for me this month.
Also, those things are absolutely not casual friendly, as you can’t just join for one fractal, you are expected to sit them all out, until the entire party decides to call it quits.
Some of us don’t have the time to grind 3-4 hours a night doing Fractals.
3-4 hours a night??? You need 7 fractals done for the monthly. 7 in total, not per night. A series of 3 fractals is 1 to 1.5 hour total if you’ve never done them. In 3-4 hours, ONCE A MONTH, you can get them done. There are some things in this game that need grinding for. 7 fractals a month ain’t one of them. There are 28 more days to go this month.
If so little effort already feels too much for you all, I wonder why you feel entitled to the ACHIEVEMENT.
The only bad thing about the fractals being included in the monthly is that some people can’t complete any of them because bugs resulting in disconnects or game crashes lock players out from their own party. But don’t start about too much effort or grinding.
Things that I don’t want to see in a monthly achievement..
- WvW Kills
- Dungeon Runs
- Fractals of the Mists
Lets keep the monthly and daily achievements as open world content. The world is empty enough as it is now. I see more bots than people.
I totally agree with this post.
(I don’t know if it does anything when I click the +1 button at the side, so I “plussed” this post this way )
I prefer FotM in the monthly to WvWvW! Especially now that we have a PvP Monthly! If they really want us to kill 50 players in WvWvW they can do it for the Monthly PvP and not the normal Monthly. FotM are at least not a PvP activity! And yes I consider Kill 50 WvWvW intruders a PvP activity since I have to kill players to get it done. I got last months Monthly only because I put my boyfriend in my chair, logged in to my account and had him do it for me. I want my (PvE) Monthly to have exactly the same amount of PvP as the PvP Monthly has PvE content -NONE.
There are other things! What happened to X Exp without dying? X events completed? X salvages? What about Kill at least 1 mob from every enemy type? Kill X mobs? Kill X Veterans? Kill X champs? Defeat all three dragon champions? Gather X amount of resources?
I’d rather run 100 fractals than doing a single PvP related activity -.-
I finished both WvW and fractals for the monthly. I honestly do not like FotM. It’s horridly implemented and anyone with half a brain saw that from the start. For those on higher levels it’s easy to get a group even if you don’t care that much for it anymore. As the higher level you have access to. The more groups you will have access to as well. I spend 3 days trying to get 7 fractals done. This should have only taken a couple of hours max. WvW on the other hand took a day casual play.
The monthly should get people out in the world, not lock even more people up in dungeons.
Then don’t do it? You guys realize the monthly achievement is entirely optional right? You’re not forced to do it?
Yeah it’s 45000~ karma and 50s, so what. I can’t think of a single reason why you’d need to rely on the karma and silver earned through the monthly. It’s just supposed to be a nice little bonus once a month and that’s all. Key word there being bonus.
Guess what? Playing the game is entirely optional, looking at art is too, listening to music is optional. Entertainment is optional.
So, if every song is terrible, all art is ugly, and no games are fun to play because designers and artists won’t make good ones; we should all just sit down, shut up, and do nothing with our free time?
When something is flawed it needs to be addressed, that is how improvement is made.
The problem with your thinking is that you think are entitled to finish the monthly achievement every month. You are not. It’s a bonus, something above and beyond. If you want it you work for it. Fairly simple concept yet really hard to grasp at the same time.
(edited by fellyn.5083)
3 to 4 hours of “grinding” is hard work/too time consuming in the span of a month (31 days)? Poor people -_-’
I join fractals of the mist or what ever its called hater band! Doing dungeons for monthly is ok. 5 of them is not too hard but now monthly has become complete PVE. Totally and utterly screwing pvp/ wvw players. Some people say 45k karma is not much?!? Go to wvw and tell me how fast u get 45k. Ill give u a hint: It will take forever. I like to do some dungeons but this fractal thing for my gaming experience is just lame. I dont like it, I dont play it, I dont want to be forced to play it! All other monthlys could have been done by pvp/wvw or pve players equally. (few paths of AC and 2 others for dungeon and done for pvp player) Please Anet change the monthly! this is far from equal footing of pvp and pve players.
I join fractals of the mist or what ever its called hater band! Doing dungeons for monthly is ok. 5 of them is not too hard but now monthly has become complete PVE. Totally and utterly screwing pvp/ wvw players. Some people say 45k karma is not much?!? Go to wvw and tell me how fast u get 45k. Ill give u a hint: It will take forever. I like to do some dungeons but this fractal thing for my gaming experience is just lame. I dont like it, I dont play it, I dont want to be forced to play it! All other monthlys could have been done by pvp/wvw or pve players equally. (few paths of AC and 2 others for dungeon and done for pvp player) Please Anet change the monthly! this is far from equal footing of pvp and pve players.
Uh. I don’t know what server you are on but with my guild and my server I could probably get 45k karma in 2 or 3 days of wvw playing 2-3 hours a day, if not quicker than that.
I join fractals of the mist or what ever its called hater band! Doing dungeons for monthly is ok. 5 of them is not too hard but now monthly has become complete PVE. Totally and utterly screwing pvp/ wvw players. Some people say 45k karma is not much?!? Go to wvw and tell me how fast u get 45k. Ill give u a hint: It will take forever. I like to do some dungeons but this fractal thing for my gaming experience is just lame. I dont like it, I dont play it, I dont want to be forced to play it! All other monthlys could have been done by pvp/wvw or pve players equally. (few paths of AC and 2 others for dungeon and done for pvp player) Please Anet change the monthly! this is far from equal footing of pvp and pve players.
Uh. I don’t know what server you are on but with my guild and my server I could probably get 45k karma in 2 or 3 days of wvw playing 2-3 hours a day, if not quicker than that.
The question is, do you play to win or to farm karma, because the latter isn’t really helping your server in the long run.
I join fractals of the mist or what ever its called hater band! Doing dungeons for monthly is ok. 5 of them is not too hard but now monthly has become complete PVE. Totally and utterly screwing pvp/ wvw players. Some people say 45k karma is not much?!? Go to wvw and tell me how fast u get 45k. Ill give u a hint: It will take forever. I like to do some dungeons but this fractal thing for my gaming experience is just lame. I dont like it, I dont play it, I dont want to be forced to play it! All other monthlys could have been done by pvp/wvw or pve players equally. (few paths of AC and 2 others for dungeon and done for pvp player) Please Anet change the monthly! this is far from equal footing of pvp and pve players.
There is a PvP Monthly! If you don’t want to do the normal one, do the PvP one! As it is now, BOTH Monthlies have PvP elements in it. It’s not the PvP players that are at the disadvantage, but the PvE players! As a PvE Player I can’t even begin to think that I may have a chance of finishing the PvP monthly in my wildest dreams! I already have a hard time with the 50 kills for WvW
I join fractals of the mist or what ever its called hater band! Doing dungeons for monthly is ok. 5 of them is not too hard but now monthly has become complete PVE. Totally and utterly screwing pvp/ wvw players. Some people say 45k karma is not much?!? Go to wvw and tell me how fast u get 45k. Ill give u a hint: It will take forever. I like to do some dungeons but this fractal thing for my gaming experience is just lame. I dont like it, I dont play it, I dont want to be forced to play it! All other monthlys could have been done by pvp/wvw or pve players equally. (few paths of AC and 2 others for dungeon and done for pvp player) Please Anet change the monthly! this is far from equal footing of pvp and pve players.
Uh. I don’t know what server you are on but with my guild and my server I could probably get 45k karma in 2 or 3 days of wvw playing 2-3 hours a day, if not quicker than that.
The question is, do you play to win or to farm karma, because the latter isn’t really helping your server in the long run.
I don’t go out of my way to farm karma if that’s what you’re asking. I’ve never once gone out of my way to farm karma in nearly 600 hours of play. Besides that there is nothing I need or want that I can buy with karma outside of shards anyways. And I have nearly 800k karma saved up for those as it is now.
So yeah, point is karma isn’t hard to get if you only do w v w.
My point was not that it was grindy- it was that it is hard to find a beginning group— lvl 1— for this dungeon. I tried to find a group I used map chat and I used I could not find a group for level 1 fractals- which is where I am because I was out of town while everyone flew through to higher levels. The lowest I have seen is level 3. So I am hopeful if I can get 1 group then maybe it will be easier the next time since I will be a higher level but as it stands for right now getting a group for FOTM LVl 1 is very very difficult.
Also at least for wvw I can join that and work on kills. As it is right now I cannot even attempt FOTM. I will try through out the month but being so behind the curve sucks.
All I am saying is that a dungeon that is already showing problems for even higher level people to find groups should not be on every monthly imo. If I could get a group I would do it. I am not saying I am refusing to do Fotm- I am saying it is hard to find people at level 1 to even attempt it and it has been on the monthly for 2 months now.
Shocked no one mentioned this:
GO TO, post or find a group that is looking for what you want. Whisper in game —> group.
No joke this is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
I needed FOTM 6, been trying for almost a full week in LA (in various overflows and on server) to get a group together. Usually I would get 1 person, but we’d sit there as a two man group for 30min and no one would bite.
From the forums I discovered and figured I’d try it out.
OMG one of the first postings was for fotm 6, I whispered the person, within 5min I had a group and we were zoned in.
Yea, it is really that awesome. Don’t even waste your time in LA anymore, not worth it, this will give you access to everyone game wide (that is using the site, the more people that know about it the more that will use it)
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
Also works for ALL story mode dungeons, because those are a pain to find too.
It’s a medical condition, they say its terminal….
My point was not that it was grindy- it was that it is hard to find a beginning group— lvl 1— for this dungeon. I tried to find a group I used map chat and I used I could not find a group for level 1 fractals- which is where I am because I was out of town while everyone flew through to higher levels. The lowest I have seen is level 3. So I am hopeful if I can get 1 group then maybe it will be easier the next time since I will be a higher level but as it stands for right now getting a group for FOTM LVl 1 is very very difficult.
Also at least for wvw I can join that and work on kills. As it is right now I cannot even attempt FOTM. I will try through out the month but being so behind the curve sucks.
All I am saying is that a dungeon that is already showing problems for even higher level people to find groups should not be on every monthly imo. If I could get a group I would do it. I am not saying I am refusing to do Fotm- I am saying it is hard to find people at level 1 to even attempt it and it has been on the monthly for 2 months now.
1. Ask in your guild
2. Ask people on your friendlist
3. Ask in the overflow of LA that you are in
4. Change overflow/or go to real LA and ask again
5. Go to 3
Last friday I found a lvl 1 group. Well we looked for a lvl 1 or 2 group since we could have done both and found 3 people looking for lvl 1. We went on Team Speak and did two full runs together. We enjoyed our runs and decided to stick together as a fractal team. And that was last friday.
Last months fractals were done with guildies. But they are hardly ever online so we had to look elsewere. If you have friends who play on a different server or are in a different guild you’re even better off than I was. You can ask them to come with you and to ask people from their guilds and their servers to join up. It can’t be that difficult! It’s not like the German Server are THAT different to the English Servers.
You have 4 weeks. If you log in every few days and ask around you’re bound to find a group. And do an entire run (3 fractals). You get to ‘lvl up’ the difficulty. Your chancer are also higher when you look for a group for an even difficulty level (bonus chest).
And if you’re lucky you find 4 other like-minded people who form a fractal team with you and run the 7 fractals if they reappear in the monthly.
I join fractals of the mist or what ever its called hater band! Doing dungeons for monthly is ok. 5 of them is not too hard but now monthly has become complete PVE. Totally and utterly screwing pvp/ wvw players. Some people say 45k karma is not much?!? Go to wvw and tell me how fast u get 45k. Ill give u a hint: It will take forever.
Let’s see… It took me 2 days of 2-3h WvWvW to get my monthly thing done(because my guild has too many suicidal ninjas in it). In that time my karma went up by 15k(i didn’t do anything that’d give me karma outside wvwvw). So…that means…1 week for 45k? Yeah, sounds about right. Oh, and I generally have no idea what I’m doing there, just following guildies around like a puppy.
I can’t help but wonder…if the local coffee shop runs a promotion “50% off on coffee if you buy a muffin”, do you complain that you’d rather have a cookie instead of a muffin? Smb at ANet decides what the monthly achievement should be. It will never please everybody. Actually, as long as it has wvwvw kills and dungeons in the same place, chances are, nobody will be perfectly happy with it. Most people who get the achievement force themselves into an aspect of the game that isn’t “fun” for them. The good side? You only have to force yourself for a couple hours. 50 kills? 4-5h total(I got a good hint for this from my guildies: hop on the first arrow cart you see in a castle and aoe the beep out of the attackers…guaranteed to get you some kills). 7 fractals? 4-5h max. Can’t find a group? The game is called Guild wars, how did you miss that?!
Shocked no one mentioned this:
GO TO, post or find a group that is looking for what you want. Whisper in game —> group.
I mentioned with my first post and reply that I used it to try to find a group. Got no responses from the website.
I just ignore the monthly. The reward is not motivation to play in a way that I do not like. If you try to make me play in a way I do not prefer, I will simply not play.
Things that I don’t want to see in a monthly achievement..
- WvW Kills
- Dungeon Runs
- Fractals of the Mists
Lets keep the monthly and daily achievements as open world content. The world is empty enough as it is now. I see more bots than people.
I totally agree with this post.
(I don’t know if it does anything when I click the +1 button at the side, so I “plussed” this post this way)
The only reason I think that Monthly achievements should exclude these areas is because I feel that the monthly is there for when you aren’t doing one of the other three or four group related activities. When I don’t feel like WvW or getting a group together for FotM or a Dungeon, I look at my daily and monthly and see what needs to be done. When it shows a group activity I find it incredibly disappointing. There is already enough incentive to do dungeons, fractals and WvW, leave the daily/monthly achievements separate to the group stuff.
This is guild wars 2. it is not supposed to be just another MMO where we are forced to grind our kitten off so we can get things. many people buy this game because anet made a statement that all content can be reach from anywhere in the game, there will be no forcing of anything and you can do whatever the F you want ingame. but now all the promises are broken. we start seeing this pattern that you ‘must’ do this go get something. if you can’t see that and keep being happy while anet keeps making bad decision, then go ahead, be happy and keep defending them blindly. but people are allowed to complain and make suggestion. 2 months without monthly achievement is a lot of loss for some of us.
Just for clarification, is it 7 fractals start -> finish or 7 fractal paths? Cause I’ve only run maybe 4 fractals since the monthly reset and I have this part of the monthly completed (I had it done before my 4th fractal run).
It makes the most sense, from a game design standpoint, to have the monthly incentivise areas of the game that are not currently in fashion.
WvW and FotM are already focus areas for the population. There’s no point to giving extra rewards to things that people are already doing.
It would make more sense to use monthly rewards to give people a reason to do less populated content. As someone said above, monthly rewards should give people a reason to get back out into the open world.
Just for clarification, is it 7 fractals start -> finish or 7 fractal paths? Cause I’ve only run maybe 4 fractals since the monthly reset and I have this part of the monthly completed (I had it done before my 4th fractal run).
7 fractals completed. So one even and one odd difficulty run. If you do all in one go it’ll take you 2-3h. Do it on a saturday and you’re good for the entire month.
This is guild wars 2. it is not supposed to be just another MMO where we are forced to grind our kitten off so we can get things. many people buy this game because anet made a statement that all content can be reach from anywhere in the game, there will be no forcing of anything and you can do whatever the F you want ingame. but now all the promises are broken. we start seeing this pattern that you ‘must’ do this go get something. if you can’t see that and keep being happy while anet keeps making bad decision, then go ahead, be happy and keep defending them blindly. but people are allowed to complain and make suggestion. 2 months without monthly achievement is a lot of loss for some of us.
You AREN’T forced to do anything.
You CAN “do whatever the F you want ingame” without grinding.
You DON’T need monthly rewards to get full exotic gear within 1 day of getting to level 80.
And karma gear’s not better than any other exotic gear.
You can see all dungeons and zones and events with crafted or bought or grinded gear to your level.
So show me where the broken promise is. Go play the game as you want instead of misinterpreting every single promise Arenanet has made. If you want no grind, don’t grind. If you don’t want any feeling of accomplishment, don’t chase achievements. Just don’t spoil it all for the rest because what it basically comes down to is that you’re whining about the fact that there are optional weapon- and armour skins that are too hard to get with your play style. Fine, suck it up, deal with it, get other skins and accept that we don’t all want to be as casual. You simply cannot expect to get all skins without ANY effort.
I love how the carebears defend the pve , awesome as always.
I love how I’m apparently the carebear while I’m the one having a great time in Tyria. I love how you take the effort to post but still contribute nothing. And yeah, I love GW2’s PvE.
I love how the carebears defend the pve , awesome as always.
What does this even mean?
let me fix this for you…
You AREN’T forced to do anything (said the devs)
You CAN “do whatever the F you want ingame” without grinding (said the devs)
You DON’T need monthly rewards to get full exotic gear within 1 day of getting to level 80. (karma is not only for exotic gear)And karma gear’s not better than any other exotic gear ( again, karma is not only for exotic gear)
You can see all dungeons and zones and events with crafted or bought or grinded gear to your level. (?)So show me where the broken promise is. Go play the game as you want instead of misinterpreting every single promise Arenanet has made. If you want no grind, don’t grind. If you don’t want any feeling of accomplishment, don’t chase achievements. Just don’t spoil it all for the rest because what it basically comes down to is that you’re whining about the fact that there are optional weapon- and armour skins that are too hard to get with your play style. (ummm … hello .. FOTM … knock knock) Fine, suck it up, deal with it, get other skins and accept that we don’t all want to be as casual. You simply cannot expect to get all skins without ANY effort.
I think you are missing my point.
Monthly achievement should be accessible to all players. it is there to be done, we all want 45k karma, who doesn’t? but the thing is monthly achievement now only available to certain people that DO dungeons, only, no exception. that is the sad part. you are right people can DO anything they want, it is true and there are things that ALL people can do all the time like farming nodes etc, that is for public, that is accessible even to a Lvl 1 ‘carebear’ (as mentioned by Tumbero.3945) . but now .. we have this pink rings that gives another stat and other bs. what is that? that is a gear grind, that’s the broken promise. we are talking about FOTM ofc. no one cares about other dungeons anymore.
Oh .. btw, i present to you, the earlier GW2 concept right from devs mouth.
carebear? lol really? are we hitting that low point already?