Please make Guild wars 1 - Free to play....
So you want some “free” HoM skins? I can’t see this happening, as the HoM skins are the hook to get people to buy GW1. ANet are a business, they want your money. That’s why the game is heavily restricted in F2P. ANet want those people to buy the game. The same reason we get “free” updates. They want us to keep playing, if we are playing we might buy gems. If we buy gems once the are we would buy them again. As much as I think the people at ANet are good people, it’s still a business, and they want our money. They are not doing things because they are nice people.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
GW1 is in maintenance mode right now — they don’t do any but the barest minimum of work for it. For them to make GW1 free to play, they’d have to invest time and effort into providing the same restrictions we see for F2P in GW2. So in order for this to be worth their while, they’d have to expect to earn money through some other means.
The simplest scenario is that somehow more people would pay to unlock their free GW1 accounts than the number of people buying GW1 today from retail outlets. I can imagine there might be a few more, but not enough to justify the effort above.
tl;dr yes, it’s a great game. Alas, there’s no profit in it for ANet to make it f2p.
I wish they make GW1 free to play as well,i would totally play it
GW1 now, unlike before, lags so much. That is even when doing personal instance HM story missions. Making it F2P will just spread the limited available resources to the point that it will not be playable.
give gw1 to players with gw2 accounts.
/12 chars.
give gw1 to players with gw2 accounts.
+1 for this.Only for those that bought GW2
to be very blunt here. giving how you can now buy the whole gw1 game and all it,s pack,s much more cheaper now . then back when they first came out. . even tho old as it is free to play would be a nice add . but honestly just far better off to spend the $20.00 and get it from amazon. and enjoy that game with all it,s pack,s for what it is . so just spend the $20.00 and enjoy the game and event,s and get your hom done
Honestly for that $20 you can get well over 300 hours of game play (just doing GWAMM/HoM) so it’s well worth the investment.
Yea good idea, then I may attempt to get the HoM skins. I’m not gonna pay for that game, that’s for sure – seems dreadfully boring to me. I just want the skins.
No. Any income GW gets keeps it on life support, and it is a far better game than this “thing” is.
In fact, I wish there were more items to buy there. I would happily put money there over 60 bucks wasted on a maguuma content pack.
Yea good idea, then I may attempt to get the HoM skins. I’m not gonna pay for that game, that’s for sure – seems dreadfully boring to me. I just want the skins.
GW1 does not have skin,s in that game at all . only armor and i have not looked but iam not sure if there is even skins from GW1 in this game even at all. and i can tell you honestly by any means that it is not in fact dreadfully boring as you might think it is . you will have more fun there then a bucket of kittens getting into cat nip for the first time even more so when you do your first in game event . you just might get more hooked on it . like the cat,s with there cat nip :P
Honestly for that $20 you can get well over 300 hours of game play (just doing GWAMM/HoM) so it’s well worth the investment.
agreed and i can honestly say i gotten more then over 300 hours with of fun out of that game. and iam still getting more fun that yet
GW1 does not have skin,s in that game at all . only armor and i have not looked but iam not sure if there is even skins from GW1 in this game even at all. and i can tell you honestly by any means that it is not in fact dreadfully boring as you might think it is . you will have more fun there then a bucket of kittens getting into cat nip for the first time even more so when you do your first in game event . you just might get more hooked on it . like the cat,s with there cat nip :P
I ws talking about the skins you get in GW2 when you complete things in GW1, I heard they’re not too hard to get and they look pretty nifty.
I’m affraid not, the graphics are outdated, I heard you can’t move while casting and you can’t jump, and that it’s not a reall MMO because you only see people in towns? That doesn’t sound fun to me at all, sadly.
GW1 does not have skin,s in that game at all . only armor and i have not looked but iam not sure if there is even skins from GW1 in this game even at all. and i can tell you honestly by any means that it is not in fact dreadfully boring as you might think it is . you will have more fun there then a bucket of kittens getting into cat nip for the first time even more so when you do your first in game event . you just might get more hooked on it . like the cat,s with there cat nip :P
I ws talking about the skins you get in GW2 when you complete things in GW1, I heard they’re not too hard to get and they look pretty nifty.
I’m affraid not, the graphics are outdated, I heard you can’t move while casting and you can’t jump, and that it’s not a reall MMO because you only see people in towns? That doesn’t sound fun to me at all, sadly.
ok i see and i get it now. and yeah i think you can get the skin,s in GW2 from GW1 maybe . but this is the part where i have to be blunt and honest with you . it was them things that made the game the most fun and enjoyable . not only that but when they came out with the heroes henchmen for the game . that really added a 10000000000% more fun to the game and the fact you could make your heroes use the skills sets you need to use to win . and make it more fun to do a dungeon or even normal content more easier to do . even more so with hard content as well . and you can jump in that game . just not like you can jump in this game tho . but yet it is still more fun then a bunch of kittens getting there very first tastes of cat nip for the very first time :P
The HoM skins will never be for free.
They have a value cause it requires you to play that game. the first few skins are relative easy, but soon it packs up a pace and requires you to play it a lot. You make it sound as if you just need to install GW1 to get them.
They where never a reward for owning GW1, but a reward for playing GW1. As that has nothing to do with the price of the game, I think GW1 going for free would be a positive thing.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
The HoM skins will never be for free.
They have a value cause it requires you to play that game. the first few skins are relative easy, but soon it packs up a pace and requires you to play it a lot. You make it sound as if you just need to install GW1 to get them.
They where never a reward for owning GW1, but a reward for playing GW1. As that has nothing to do with the price of the game, I think GW1 going for free would be a positive thing.
skins are far too over rated and it does if you want to get the hom skin,s and it has a lot to do with the price of the game . back when it and all the pack,s came out they was $60.00 to a $100.00 a pack depending on what version you wanted to get. and now it,s only $20.00 for the whole thing all together . i think i just made my points very clear. and it would be nice to see it go free to play. but honestly do not think that will ever happen at all . giving how that was made by NC soft and Anet . and now with GW2 Anet is the only ones that made this game GW2 and NC soft did not have a thing to do with GW2 at all .
So you want some “free” HoM skins? I can’t see this happening, as the HoM skins are the hook to get people to buy GW1. ANet are a business, they want your money. That’s why the game is heavily restricted in F2P. ANet want those people to buy the game. The same reason we get “free” updates. They want us to keep playing, if we are playing we might buy gems. If we buy gems once the are we would buy them again. As much as I think the people at ANet are good people, it’s still a business, and they want our money. They are not doing things because they are nice people.
Wait u can get something for owning Guild wars 1 and the expansions?
I own them all but i never knew i could get something with that? what do they unlock and where to i enter the GW1 serial keys to unlock them?
They have a bundle for everything except EOTN on steam.
So you want some “free” HoM skins? I can’t see this happening, as the HoM skins are the hook to get people to buy GW1. ANet are a business, they want your money. That’s why the game is heavily restricted in F2P. ANet want those people to buy the game. The same reason we get “free” updates. They want us to keep playing, if we are playing we might buy gems. If we buy gems once the are we would buy them again. As much as I think the people at ANet are good people, it’s still a business, and they want our money. They are not doing things because they are nice people.
Wait u can get something for owning Guild wars 1 and the expansions?
I own them all but i never knew i could get something with that? what do they unlock and where to i enter the GW1 serial keys to unlock them?
yup you can and i will tell you how to do it.. only little problem with it right now tho is the hom in GW2 is not working. they got that disabled till they can get it fixed . but you can still do it . and how you do it is you link your GW1 account with your GW2 account . and once you do that and Anet fixes GW2 hom and turns it back on you get your rewards . and right now just waiting for them to fix the GW2 hom some time just not sure when it will be tho
NO!!!!! You want GW1 content then go buy the games they are cheap enough. Anet has been catering to newcomers and people that QQ long enough. GW2 going F2P is more than enough. Go buy the rest and earn your HOM or whatever. I hope they NEVER make old GW’s F2P. GAME ON
They have a bundle for everything except EOTN on steam.
It’s come this far without being f2p (though there are trial accounts iirc), so I doubt that anything would change now. The ~$20 or so for everything is worth it if you’re looking for 50/50 HoM. The time it takes to get it all done would definitely cover the money you pay for it. Just be aware that it plays drastically differently to gw2. Going back to it – for me at least – is extremely difficult.
Also I seriously doubt that asking for gw1 to be made free in a gw2 forum would do anything.
So you want some “free” HoM skins? I can’t see this happening, as the HoM skins are the hook to get people to buy GW1. ANet are a business, they want your money. That’s why the game is heavily restricted in F2P. ANet want those people to buy the game. The same reason we get “free” updates. They want us to keep playing, if we are playing we might buy gems. If we buy gems once the are we would buy them again. As much as I think the people at ANet are good people, it’s still a business, and they want our money. They are not doing things because they are nice people.
Wait u can get something for owning Guild wars 1 and the expansions?
I own them all but i never knew i could get something with that? what do they unlock and where to i enter the GW1 serial keys to unlock them?yup you can and i will tell you how to do it.. only little problem with it right now tho is the hom in GW2 is not working. they got that disabled till they can get it fixed . but you can still do it . and how you do it is you link your GW1 account with your GW2 account . and once you do that and Anet fixes GW2 hom and turns it back on you get your rewards .
and right now just waiting for them to fix the GW2 hom some time just not sure when it will be tho
HoM was fixed last week.
I wish they would add a gem store or something similar to GW1. The way they have their store now it’s impossible to buy anything without a credit card.
So you want some “free” HoM skins? I can’t see this happening, as the HoM skins are the hook to get people to buy GW1. ANet are a business, they want your money. That’s why the game is heavily restricted in F2P. ANet want those people to buy the game. The same reason we get “free” updates. They want us to keep playing, if we are playing we might buy gems. If we buy gems once the are we would buy them again. As much as I think the people at ANet are good people, it’s still a business, and they want our money. They are not doing things because they are nice people.
Wait u can get something for owning Guild wars 1 and the expansions?
I own them all but i never knew i could get something with that? what do they unlock and where to i enter the GW1 serial keys to unlock them?yup you can and i will tell you how to do it.. only little problem with it right now tho is the hom in GW2 is not working. they got that disabled till they can get it fixed . but you can still do it . and how you do it is you link your GW1 account with your GW2 account . and once you do that and Anet fixes GW2 hom and turns it back on you get your rewards .
and right now just waiting for them to fix the GW2 hom some time just not sure when it will be tho
HoM was fixed last week.
well now i got to say that is most welcomed news . i clearly missed that with all the other stuff going on . and thanks for the info !!!:)
So you want some “free” HoM skins? I can’t see this happening, as the HoM skins are the hook to get people to buy GW1. ANet are a business, they want your money. That’s why the game is heavily restricted in F2P. ANet want those people to buy the game. The same reason we get “free” updates. They want us to keep playing, if we are playing we might buy gems. If we buy gems once the are we would buy them again. As much as I think the people at ANet are good people, it’s still a business, and they want our money. They are not doing things because they are nice people.
Wait u can get something for owning Guild wars 1 and the expansions?
I own them all but i never knew i could get something with that? what do they unlock and where to i enter the GW1 serial keys to unlock them?
go to your account, and link your GW1 and 2 accounts . then when in GW2 go to the eye of the north by using the portal stone. you get it from a vendor in LA, in the scritt cave. use it , talk to the historian by the pool, and you’ll get your rewards. you might have to log in to GW1 first thought, to “wake” your account up.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
Lets not taint Guild Wars. It is a solid game that has gotten much cheaper over the years but it is still a solid game.
Unfortunately I await the day they close up the servers for it. It will make me very sad.
neither should be free to play…
Since Gw2 Base became f2p now why not do the same to Gw1? I would assume the sales from Gw1 are very insignificant by now and it would serve as another source of advertising.
I bought both games myself (Gw1 even 6 or 7 times) so it’s not something i would profit from directly. But as the far newer product which made more revenue is kinda f2p now i think making Gw1 f2p would be another step towards a bigger audience in general.
Obviously i don’t know if there are any restrictions to marketing GW1 (possibly resistance from Ncsoft?) but i would like to start a discussion about this since to me it only makes sense.
Similar restrictions than in Gw2 could be placed on those account in order to prevent overbearing botting.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
i guess you are one of those people that dislike Gw2 being f2p in general?
i will ignore any naysayers that don’t actually bother to post any arguments. This will spare everyone the same discussion that is going on in every single thread in this forum.
If there’s a reason for Gw1 not to become f2p i would request another point than “i don’t like it, i paid for it 20 years ago and i feel entitled to compensation QQ”.
I think it would be too much effort on Anets part to make GW1 free to play…it’s unfortunate but true.
50/50 GWAMM x3
I quit how I want
i guess you are one of those people that dislike Gw2 being f2p in general?
i will ignore any naysayers that don’t actually bother to post any arguments. This will spare everyone the same discussion that is going on in every single thread in this forum.
If there’s a reason for Gw1 not to become f2p i would request another point than “i don’t like it, i paid for it 20 years ago and i feel entitled to compensation QQ”.
No, if you had read the thread, it’s simple. GW1 is not being worked on at all. to make it go F2P they would have to do something to it. That would cost time and money, something that GW1 would most likely not make back, thus be no financial sense. So, no it will not happen. My no was a simple and quick reply to your question.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
It would compete with gw2 w/o problem.
I think it would be too much effort on Anets part to make GW1 free to play…it’s unfortunate but true.
i fear the same. they wouldn’t want to bother to deal with it. although they recently even introduced some new stuff (balthasar weapons and an event).
making gw1 free to play would require two people working for about a day i would guess. that doesn’t sound like much but i’m not sure anet would be willing to shell out this time and workforce.
So you want some “free” HoM skins? I can’t see this happening, as the HoM skins are the hook to get people to buy GW1. ANet are a business, they want your money. That’s why the game is heavily restricted in F2P. ANet want those people to buy the game. The same reason we get “free” updates. They want us to keep playing, if we are playing we might buy gems. If we buy gems once the are we would buy them again. As much as I think the people at ANet are good people, it’s still a business, and they want our money. They are not doing things because they are nice people.
Wait u can get something for owning Guild wars 1 and the expansions?
I own them all but i never knew i could get something with that? what do they unlock and where to i enter the GW1 serial keys to unlock them?
You need to own atleast one GW1 campaign (there are three) and the eye of the north expansion.
You don’t enter GW1 serial keys, but you link the two accounts. This is done on this website (under “my account” on the top right corner). Keep in mind that ones linked you login to both games with the same password.
You can allready see the amount of rewards you have unlocked:
Go here and enter a charactername on your GW1 account.
Keep in mind that the rewards are based on what you got on display in the hall of monuments in GW1. So you might be able to unlock a lot more just by going into GW1 and putting them on display (specially cause you might have a ton of miniatures from birthday presents)
Once linked you can get your GW1 rewards in the hall of monuments. but the skins are also added automatically to your wardrobe and require no transmutation charge (so you only need to go to the actual hall in GW2 for nostalgic reasons or to unlock the ranger pets.
Arise, opressed of Tyria!
Definitely a no. For God’s sake, you can get the entire bundle of the three games for peanuts these days.
Definitely a no. For God’s sake, you can get the entire bundle of the three games for peanuts these days.
No kidding, they want money for nothin and chicks for free basically.
Cough up the dough
No, in fact I’d pay another $60 for new content in GW1.