Please stop DR

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


From wikipedia:

Collective punishment is the punishment of a group of people as a result of the behavior of one or more other individuals or groups. The punished group may often have no direct association with the other individuals or groups, or direct control over their actions. In times of war and armed conflict, collective punishment has resulted in atrocities, and is a violation of the laws of war and the Geneva Conventions.

We legitimate players are being denied the capacity to be self-sufficient and get our own materials by DR in this game because ANet has decided to punish US for the actions of botters over which we have no control.

The DR mechanics flag false-positive on wide swaths of legitimate players, causing them to fall behind even on basic waypoint fees, while those who were around before DR or have exploited are sitting on enough gold to control the in-game economy.

Since the 11/15 patch, this has been turned up to an absurd level. A full 30% of post volume on this subforum pertains to this. It’s killing the fun of the game when you look in despair and see that zap has risen 30G in 24 hours while you count your porous bones.

I’d rather have every continent FILLED with botters than be denied the capacity to gain my own loot legitimately.

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Narkosys.5173


I agree with you but I think it continue to fall on deaf ears. They decided to reduce the drops to the point where you are forced to play the TP for 99% of the game just to make enough gold to get ahead.
I would prefer to play the game and have fun not spend all my time spreadsheeting and trying to make margin just so I can waypoint.

This squeezing is to force people to use RLMoney to get gems and convert to gold and boost revenue. I dont think it has had anything to do with the botters whatsoever and that was simply the reason they used to introduce the mechanic to the game.Something we would swallow without putting up a fight.

I also think it has run a muck because some people get all the great loot drops and some get nothing (me).It seems like there is something tagged to your account or something and nothing can shake it off. Leave for a week and return it is still there, changes zones – nope still bad loot.

At this point I say this: I GIVE UP
Anet tell me how you want me to play your game in order to obtain some loot. It seems my way of doing things and having fun nets me 0 income. So please tell me how you want me to play.

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barbarka.9362


The drop rates where redic before. I am glad the items that I do get are worth something now. This also stops the grind. as there is not point in grinding. Just play the game and over time with no effort you collect the matts, or exchange them for what you want.

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Aarioch.9650


I only started playing around 11/27 this year… and I must have really missed out on some fantastic drop rates… ‘cause I don’t see the issue. I only have a couple level 26s and so far I feel pretty good about the drops and coin return.

Maybe this will change for me down the leveling spiral… but honestly most of what I keep reading in these DR related posts are people that seem to think legendary effort equals about a week…. and like you; wealth should be applied by rights not by time and effort.

Maybe it’s just me though….

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Rustypipes.6238


If the economy was destroyed because of the botting, would you still feel the same?

I agree the players who are legitimately trying to make themselves better by farming for materials to do so are taking the brunt of this choice by the devs. But, to sit and claim that they added DR specifically to force players to spend money is absurd, very narrow minded and dare I say ignorant approach to the problem of botting.

Bots can kill a game’s economy and when you have the potential to exploit real money is can devastate the game completely.

The best course of action as a player is to report the bots as you witness them and perhaps give some valid ideas on how to combat them. Think of it as crime in your neighborhood, report it, help the police take care of the problem.

The worst thing you can do is give up. If you enjoy the game, help make it better, don’t quit on it.

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


I only started playing around 11/27 this year… and I must have really missed out on some fantastic drop rates… ‘cause I don’t see the issue. I only have a couple level 26s and so far I feel pretty good about the drops and coin return.

Maybe this will change for me down the leveling spiral… but honestly most of what I keep reading in these DR related posts are people that seem to think legendary effort equals about a week…. and like you; wealth should be applied by rights not by time and effort.

Maybe it’s just me though….

It is seriously just you.

As was indicated, there are half the playerbase that get tagged ‘false-positive’ with DR and get hammered for no loot.

The other half get 5 ectos a dynamic event and call the rest of us “crazy”.

it’s ludicrous.

I’m about ready to go demand a refund.

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: pencapchew.5432


Here is something I wrote in the suggestions forums. This may not pertain to leveling, but it does pertain to level cap mostly:

“Due to the fact that the risk vs reward is lacking in dungeons, veteran mobs, and Orr players will stop playing. This is not a good thing.

“Well its a b2p game so who cares?” That"s wrong because A net just lost potential gem store customers.

Up the variety of drops from Orr temple bosses, Vet Mobs, Dragons and Dungeons and the players will stick around. Add weapon skins to the mix, along with rares, mats and exotics. Leave the DR for low level area’s and regular mobs.

What it boils down to is if a player is going to go through the trouble of playing the “harder” content we should be rewarded, and if we are we will stick around and happily pay a little money to the Gem store to buy town clothes, dyes or minis. Or even to exchange the Gems into gold. There just needs to be a balance between the store and the game. Most players might be able to afford 10-20 dollars a month on the store, that should be the sweet spot that A net needs to concentrate on. With that amount of money a month there is no way some one could afford to buy their exotics, weapons and sigils from the TP along with any thing a player may want from the gem store.
This will lead to playing the “harder” content for the gear that there 10-20 bucks converted into gold cannot cover. If Anet ups the drops like i said earlier you have a perfect circle happening.

Keep the players playing the game, the gem store will fall into place naturally."

(edited by pencapchew.5432)

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: plasmacutter.2709


If the economy was destroyed because of the botting, would you still feel the same?

I agree the players who are legitimately trying to make themselves better by farming for materials to do so are taking the brunt of this choice by the devs. But, to sit and claim that they added DR specifically to force players to spend money is absurd, very narrow minded and dare I say ignorant approach to the problem of botting.

Bots can kill a game’s economy and when you have the potential to exploit real money is can devastate the game completely.

The best course of action as a player is to report the bots as you witness them and perhaps give some valid ideas on how to combat them. Think of it as crime in your neighborhood, report it, help the police take care of the problem.

The worst thing you can do is give up. If you enjoy the game, help make it better, don’t quit on it.

No, I would not feel the same, because I could still farm up what I need myself if I didn’t like how the TP was working. I was not FORCED to use the ah in wow when they had bots everywhere during burning crusade. I was not FORCED to use the shop in D3 either, and neither were my friends.

Thanks to DR, i’m FORCED to use the tp if I want anything of value in the game because i can’t get it myself

I want my money back, I want my time back.

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Barbarka.9362


Stop farming play the game. Exchange stuff that you get dropped for what you want. It isn’t that hard. I am honestly happy that farming doesn’t pay.

Please stop DR

in Guild Wars 2 Discussion

Posted by: Moderator.6837



There is already several threads about this subject in this forum, therefore this one is now locked.

Please remember to use the search feature before creating new threads.

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