PoF Character/Level Questions
I do believe that all the expansions for GW2 will be level 80 content, much like all the LS maps that have been added.
Pof same as hot is only level 80 zones
I should have stated that all of my Characters are low level. With that said, should I use the level 80 boost now, and then use the other boost that comes with PoF later? Thoughts and help greatly appreciated
I should have stated that all of my Characters are low level. With that said, should I use the level 80 boost now, and then use the other boost that comes with PoF later? Thoughts and help greatly appreciated
Honestly its up to you. If you dont have a single level 80, maybe level a character or two normally first that way you learn the class. I dont know if you PVP or not, so you may already know them fairly well.
I would for sure if you care about story at all, play through it in order though.
I would boost one of your characters to 80 and play the hell out of HoT right now. Sounds like a good time.
Ok, thanks for the help and info guys. If I do use a level 80 boost, how/where do I start the HoT content?
If you havent finished HoT story, I would say- start there, if you are of course into lore and stuff like that. But doing so it’s a great way to learn HoT and keeping up with the story which will make sense if you play it in order.
If you are only into PvEing, try start in the first HoT-zone, Verdant Brink. Run around and do events, join other for Meta-events and kill map-bosses.
If you havent finished HoT story, I would say- start there, if you are of course into lore and stuff like that. But doing so it’s a great way to learn HoT and keeping up with the story which will make sense if you play it in order.
If you are only into PvEing, try start in the first HoT-zone, Verdant Brink. Run around and do events, join other for Meta-events and kill map-bosses.
Ok, thanks so much for info! How do I get to Verdant Brink?
If you havent finished HoT story, I would say- start there, if you are of course into lore and stuff like that. But doing so it’s a great way to learn HoT and keeping up with the story which will make sense if you play it in order.
If you are only into PvEing, try start in the first HoT-zone, Verdant Brink. Run around and do events, join other for Meta-events and kill map-bosses.Ok, thanks so much for info! How do I get to Verdant Brink?
If you start the HoT storyline (you can start it by going to the Story Journal tab on the Hero Panel and choosing Heart of Thorns and starting the first chapter), it’ll lead you right to Verdant Brink after finishing the intro story chapter.
It’s worth doing it via the story step method, because that unlocks masteries for you and lets you train gliding. But another way in is to go to a Lost Precipice guild hall (you must be in a guild that owns it) and run up the stairs to the south most waypoint and step out through the portal. You’ll be in the nw corner of the map; the Shipwreck WP to the far east will be unlocked so you can wp over to the zone start (without gliding, you have no other way to leave the guild hall ledge).
Or you can use a teleport to a friend who is in VB.
But, again, you really ought to do that story step. You’re going to need gliding, along with bouncing mushrooms and preferably gliding 2 (updrafts) to properly navigate the VB map.
while the choice is fully up to you on the level 80 boost goes . I would keep right on as your doing but like I said that is your choice to make .
and you can start any place you like really and pretty sure the levels in the new pack will all be level 80 areas
here again it is your choice and call to make . but I can say honestly I think it is worth it .and you get a lot of updates and so forth with the game .
and you get to keep going on the trip your taken in this game . far as what pack to get tho that is your own call to make and hope you enjoy the game
My youngest daughter had a similar problem with HoT. She only plays around casually and didn’t have any character even close to max level, but was dying to be able to glide. We decided on a class she could best play at level 80 without going to much into it, which turned out to be the necromancer (your choice may vary depending on how deep into the combat mechanics of this game you’d like to dive). She boosted her newly created necromancer to level 80, played the introductory story steps, and unlocked the mastery system and the gliding mastery before going back to her lower level characters. Occasionally she pulls out her level 80 to play another story step, but mostly just enjoys gliding on her lower level toons. She’s already planning to unlock the raptor once PoF hits (she’s played the demo where she unlocked the raptor in the first story instance), so her low levels will be able to ride, too .
My youngest daughter had a similar problem with HoT. She only plays around casually and didn’t have any character even close to max level, but was dying to be able to glide. We decided on a class she could best play at level 80 without going to much into it, which turned out to be the necromancer (your choice may vary depending on how deep into the combat mechanics of this game you’d like to dive). She boosted her newly created necromancer to level 80, played the introductory story steps, and unlocked the mastery system and the gliding mastery before going back to her lower level characters. Occasionally she pulls out her level 80 to play another story step, but mostly just enjoys gliding on her lower level toons. She’s already planning to unlock the raptor once PoF hits (she’s played the demo where she unlocked the raptor in the first story instance), so her low levels will be able to ride, too
Sounds like a good way to enjoy the content.
To the OP : My view on the matter is “play the story from vanilla personal story to LW3 – EP6/end of HoT (depends of what you have unlocked) once normaly. It’s worth it. Then skip it if you want.” Knowing the context, the characters involved, etc. will make PoF more enjoyable.
If you don’t care about the story… Ignore this and rush to the kind of content that interest you. This is a game, you should do what you consider to be fun.
She’s already planning to unlock the raptor once PoF hits (she’s played the demo where she unlocked the raptor in the first story instance), so her low levels will be able to ride, too
Mounts in core Tyria might not be implemented at launch of PoF, but added later.
(With HoT, Gliding in core Tyria was added later.)
She’s already planning to unlock the raptor once PoF hits (she’s played the demo where she unlocked the raptor in the first story instance), so her low levels will be able to ride, too
Mounts in core Tyria might not be implemented at launch of PoF, but added later.
(With HoT, Gliding in core Tyria was added later.)
Didn’t people already bring their mounts out of the PoF maps and into Core Tyria during the demo weekend?
But regardless, even if it’s not available in Core Tyria right away, she’ll just hop onto her necromancer and do the raptor race every once in a while. It was hands down her favourite content during the demo .
Here is what I am thinking of doing: I was going to use the 80 boost I have now and try some of the HoT stuff, then use boost that comes with PoF on another Character. I recently created and played a Human Necromancer a bit and am at level 6 right now. So far, I like the Necro. Thing is, I usually play MMO’s solo. Is GW2 mostly do-able solo play? If I want to play mostly solo, what is a good race and class for that? Thoughts and help on all of this greatly appreciated
Here is what I am thinking of doing: I was going to use the 80 boost I have now and try some of the HoT stuff, then use boost that comes with PoF on another Character. I recently created and played a Human Necromancer a bit and am at level 6 right now. So far, I like the Necro. Thing is, I usually play MMO’s solo. Is GW2 mostly do-able solo play? If I want to play mostly solo, what is a good race and class for that? Thoughts and help on all of this greatly appreciated
Race doesnt matter so much. Personally pretty much play Charr only. They are however a bit harder to do JPs on because of their size.
I think pretty much any class is decent solo, i own them all actually and the only one i didnt really like solo was thief, and to a much lesser extent Ele. I Love my ranger solo and its probably my heaviest hitter as well, though i tend to neglect my other characters.
Ok, thanks for the help and info guys. I do have a Ranger that is low level (About level 5 or 6). Anyway, for a Ranger, how do I get a pet? Right now, I have a River Drake pet, but really don’t remember how I got it.
Also, when I was in Divinity’s Reach, I found a Portal to Lion’s Arch. Was wondering what level I should be at for Lion’s Arch and surrounding areas.
Help on all of this greatly appreciated
(edited by Shane.4023)
Ok, thanks for the help and info guys. I do have a Ranger that is low level (About level 5 or 6). Anyway, for a Ranger, how do I get a pet? Right now, I have a River Drake pet, but really don’t remember how I got it.
Also, when I was in Divinity’s Reach, I found a Portal to Lion’s Arch. Was wondering what level I should be at for Lion’s Arch and surrounding areas.
Help on all of this greatly appreciated
Lion’s Arch is just a city, so you’re good to go there whenever you’re ready. The surrounding explorable maps are Gendarran Fields (25-35), Lornar’s Pass (25-40), and Bloodtide Coast (45-55).
As for pets, you choose a pet when you create your character. That pet is your starter pet. So, you probably chose the river drake when you made the character. To get other pets, you just go up to Juvenile versions of creatures in the game and Tame them (a special interaction will pop up when you stand next to one of the Juvenile creatures, letting you tame it).
So far, I like the Necro. Thing is, I usually play MMO’s solo. Is GW2 mostly do-able solo play? If I want to play mostly solo, what is a good race and class for that? Thoughts and help on all of this greatly appreciated
If you’re still choosing what class to play, you can go into Heart of the Mists (PvP lobby) by clicking on crossed daggers at the top left. You character will temporary become lvl 80, and you could test your abilities (don’t forget to buy other weapons) on a golem there and see what you like. But could feel overwhelming at first, if you didn’t have a high lvl character before.
Reaper – necromancer elite specialization is great for soloing, but it’ll be a while until you get all hero points to fully unlock it. But if you like a baseline necro, it won’t be a problem.
When you want to start HoT, you actually start in Silverwastes where the lv 80 booster takes you. The story actually starts in Silverwastes where Season 2 of the Living World left off and HoT begins.
So start there and begin the first part at Red Fort.
Hi guys. Yesterday, I purchased the PoF expansion and now I have 2 level 80 boosts. Should I use them? I want to be able to do the HoT content (Haven’t done any yet), and also go through PoF content. Thoughts and help greatly appreciated
Note: My 2 best characters are a level 9 Necro and level 6-8 Hunter.