Piken Square
[PoF Elite Demo] No Access to PvE Zones?
Piken Square
In order to effectively gather data on the elites, it makes more sense to have players confined to the competitive modes. Pve just doesn’t provide the right sort of information for them since pretty much everything is effective.
This seems like a sensible decision from a developer point of view.
Full access is 4 weeks away, so it wont be long before we can go into pve with them and hopefully better polished as a result of this.
Quite disappointed, as well. I’m not a PVP/WvW player at all and the PVP/WvW builds don’t necessarily work for PVE content as well.
I was really hoping for a PVE test, like there was for HoT. It was interesting to go to cursed shore and kick around some champ giants to see how effective classes were with makeshift builds and to hype myself up more for unlocking them in the expansion
I haven’t played the game too much recently for, well, reasons I won’t go into here. Was really hoping the elite spec beta would get me excited about the game all over again. I love the game, I really do. And I want to get back into it, but dang.
Just wanted to test the skills in peace, like IDK the raid training golem?
Pve just doesn’t provide the right sort of information for them since pretty much everything is effective.
you realize when people talk about PvE they actually mean “Raids and challenge mode fractals”, not open world, right?
if only we had some sort of solo instance where we could beat on a golem with more HP, without randoms “helping”, preferably one where we could simulate party buffs and conditions, heck, perhaps even with a DPS meter in the chat.
sadly, that sort of thing clearly doesn’t exist, otherwise I’m sure the devs would have given us access to it so we could actually reliably test during this beta weekend….
(edited by Calcifire.1864)
In order to effectively gather data on the elites, it makes more sense to have players confined to the competitive modes. Pve just doesn’t provide the right sort of information for them since pretty much everything is effective.
This seems like a sensible decision from a developer point of view.
Full access is 4 weeks away, so it wont be long before we can go into pve with them and hopefully better polished as a result of this.
Well this reply is all over the place. It will be better polished? So they will take feedback from pvp perspective to polish it for pve?
Also, everything is effective in pve? Yeah, so? Might as well give us only autoattack then and nothing else. You know, who needs fun, right? As long as you can kill and progress, screw fun and variety.
And gathering data? I can’t even test anything. There are like 10 enemy mobs and hundred players in pvp area. I attack a mob and some super nice guy comes along to help me and wrecks my test. Thanks bro!
For some people this acts as a demo to try and decide if they like it and if they’ll buy expansion. Didn’t convince me so far, I’m afraid.
Yeah, that was the topic of my thread as well.
I really would have loved to test the elite specs out in a PvE area, but even without that if there was a private area in heart of the mists to test builds without the congestion that would at least be a step in the right direction.
Pve just doesn’t provide the right sort of information for them since pretty much everything is effective.
you realize when people talk about PvE they actually mean “Raids and challenge mode fractals”, not open world, right?
That is not true, people talk about it as either. The OP specified running around Elona which is Open World and that was the context I used.
So we should only allow Demos/Betas to be in a pve setting as if the PvP and WvW player base doesn’t matter? All of the hot demo’s and beta was pve style, last weekends demo was pve style. I am sure they all suffered as much as PvE players are this weekend in their realms.
Its ok, I recommend going to the red boarderland (WvW) typically has less people on it (not always). Find a friend kill hyena’s and random things, run the other way from the other colors that are not your color. Its only 3 days guys.
Simply put…as a PVE player this weekend’s demo is a bust for me.
I will just skip it.
Same. I don’t PvP and see no point in punching a passive, invincible golem with three to ten other people also spamming their new shinies on the poor thing, so there’s no point to this for me. Wish I could just give the new elites a go in the open world, the way I normally play.
I was also very disappointed today when I saw that I could only try the elite specializations in PvP. I don’t PvP, I actually can’t because it is so stressful it makes me sick to my stomach. So I am unable to participate in the demo.
Quite disappointed, as well. I’m not a PVP/WvW player at all and the PVP/WvW builds don’t necessarily work for PVE content as well.
I was really hoping for a PVE test, like there was for HoT. It was interesting to go to cursed shore and kick around some champ giants to see how effective classes were with makeshift builds and to hype myself up more for unlocking them in the expansion
I haven’t played the game too much recently for, well, reasons I won’t go into here. Was really hoping the elite spec beta would get me excited about the game all over again. I love the game, I really do. And I want to get back into it, but dang.
This would be the perfect time to do random crap in PvP/WvW with no consequences to your main account. PvP doesn’t have a refit cost, but WvW uses your PvE gear…. which the Beta characters can switch on a whim.
If the issue is fighting Champs…. WvW has several in each map, majority of which are outside the normal travel paths of players. They’re also considerably harder, making them a better test bed for build limits.
If you’re goal is to “hype yourself up”… then I’d honestly say not doing yourself any favors. A lot of aspects of Especs in HOT where immediately were written off because they weren’t aiding DPS…. and it wouldn’t be until raids for those aspects to start making sense. Tyrian content wasn’t designed to stress players they way later content would. So despite being gratifying that you face rolled a mob that was never designed to fight tactics employed by Especs, it doesn’t teach you anything meaningful about what the builds are really capable of.
In fact… a lot of DPS builds that looked good in HoT Beta preview got their kitten handed to them in later sections of HoT. Yet today, we’re well familiar with the strategy needed. And many raid builds, which are intentionally lacking in certain areas, can be compensated for just by playing smarter.
The choice to keep the beta players focused in a small area intentionally forces them to interact, and generate useful data as a side effect. In Open World, they’d be too spread out, and not taking on big challenges that would highlight aspects of the game play to make adjustments for. Crystal Oasis was more of a content demo then anything else (especially since we lacked especs). But this weekend you’re asked to be a contributing member of a zero-effort test group…… at least try to pretend you care enough to tolerate PvP play with other players.
The game seriously need less people to hold up in their little corners, and start interacting in friendly and encouraging manner. And if theres one thing WvW needs right now, its people to put down their ego for a couple of hours, and join in the chaos. Its like my uncle used to say….. “Riots are always more fun with more people”.
Sorry, not interested in either PvP or WvW. Not going to spend my time bothering with it. I’ll find something in the real world to do that’s more useful.
Its ok, most are garbage, the guard one is just horrible. I couldn’t even make it thought a match. it was just so bad.
|Seasonic S12G 650W|Win10 Pro X64| Corsair Spec 03 Case|
I played for 30 mins or so on each profession and got bored shooting at a target. I don’t do PvP even when I know the character and have the build I’m used to. Why would I want to fumble around with trying to experiment with one I’m not used to?
There are many ways to collect data and we, the players, cannot dictate how it is gathered.
I guess I’ll wait a month before I have my fun.
(edited by Game of Bones.8975)
Quite disappointed, as well. I’m not a PVP/WvW player at all and the PVP/WvW builds don’t necessarily work for PVE content as well.
I was really hoping for a PVE test, like there was for HoT. It was interesting to go to cursed shore and kick around some champ giants to see how effective classes were with makeshift builds and to hype myself up more for unlocking them in the expansion
I haven’t played the game too much recently for, well, reasons I won’t go into here. Was really hoping the elite spec beta would get me excited about the game all over again. I love the game, I really do. And I want to get back into it, but dang.
This would be the perfect time to do random crap in PvP/WvW with no consequences to your main account. PvP doesn’t have a refit cost, but WvW uses your PvE gear…. which the Beta characters can switch on a whim.
If the issue is fighting Champs…. WvW has several in each map, majority of which are outside the normal travel paths of players. They’re also considerably harder, making them a better test bed for build limits.
If you’re goal is to “hype yourself up”… then I’d honestly say not doing yourself any favors. A lot of aspects of Especs in HOT where immediately were written off because they weren’t aiding DPS…. and it wouldn’t be until raids for those aspects to start making sense. Tyrian content wasn’t designed to stress players they way later content would. So despite being gratifying that you face rolled a mob that was never designed to fight tactics employed by Especs, it doesn’t teach you anything meaningful about what the builds are really capable of.
In fact… a lot of DPS builds that looked good in HoT Beta preview got their kitten handed to them in later sections of HoT. Yet today, we’re well familiar with the strategy needed. And many raid builds, which are intentionally lacking in certain areas, can be compensated for just by playing smarter.
The choice to keep the beta players focused in a small area intentionally forces them to interact, and generate useful data as a side effect. In Open World, they’d be too spread out, and not taking on big challenges that would highlight aspects of the game play to make adjustments for. Crystal Oasis was more of a content demo then anything else (especially since we lacked especs). But this weekend you’re asked to be a contributing member of a zero-effort test group…… at least try to pretend you care enough to tolerate PvP play with other players.
The game seriously need less people to hold up in their little corners, and start interacting in friendly and encouraging manner. And if theres one thing WvW needs right now, its people to put down their ego for a couple of hours, and join in the chaos. Its like my uncle used to say….. “Riots are always more fun with more people”.
HoT’s classes hyped me because they weren’t all necessarily DPS. and when it comes to testing classes on golems with other people, it’s hard to judge how well I’m doing as an individual, or in a controlled environment with a couple friends.
Druid was what got me most excited for HoT. I love more support/healer focused builds in games and having one finally be viable in GW2 was super exciting to me. I like group content, I like to help people.
I don’t like being around random groups because of how elitist a lot of the community gets about DPS. I like to try new things, experiment, and that doesn’t really fly with a lot of randoms, ESPECIALLY usually in pvp. I’ve seen so much toxicity and hostility in competitive modes in the past that I really want no part in it. PVE is, generally, less toxic. There’s still some people that are going to ruin it for more relaxed players, but not as many.
I used to try to be friendly and interact, but a lot og the community drained me of that and I just want to hole myself up in “my own little corner” where I can actually enjoy myself with a few friends. It’s too tiring to put up with negativity al lthe time
PvE open world matters just as much as any PvE content, you don’t want a spec to be completely useless in PvE just because it’s balanced around PvP.
Quite disappointed, as well. I’m not a PVP/WvW player at all and the PVP/WvW builds don’t necessarily work for PVE content as well.
I was really hoping for a PVE test, like there was for HoT. It was interesting to go to cursed shore and kick around some champ giants to see how effective classes were with makeshift builds and to hype myself up more for unlocking them in the expansion
I haven’t played the game too much recently for, well, reasons I won’t go into here. Was really hoping the elite spec beta would get me excited about the game all over again. I love the game, I really do. And I want to get back into it, but dang.
This would be the perfect time to do random crap in PvP/WvW with no consequences to your main account. PvP doesn’t have a refit cost, but WvW uses your PvE gear…. which the Beta characters can switch on a whim.
If the issue is fighting Champs…. WvW has several in each map, majority of which are outside the normal travel paths of players. They’re also considerably harder, making them a better test bed for build limits.
If you’re goal is to “hype yourself up”… then I’d honestly say not doing yourself any favors. A lot of aspects of Especs in HOT where immediately were written off because they weren’t aiding DPS…. and it wouldn’t be until raids for those aspects to start making sense. Tyrian content wasn’t designed to stress players they way later content would. So despite being gratifying that you face rolled a mob that was never designed to fight tactics employed by Especs, it doesn’t teach you anything meaningful about what the builds are really capable of.
In fact… a lot of DPS builds that looked good in HoT Beta preview got their kitten handed to them in later sections of HoT. Yet today, we’re well familiar with the strategy needed. And many raid builds, which are intentionally lacking in certain areas, can be compensated for just by playing smarter.
The choice to keep the beta players focused in a small area intentionally forces them to interact, and generate useful data as a side effect. In Open World, they’d be too spread out, and not taking on big challenges that would highlight aspects of the game play to make adjustments for. Crystal Oasis was more of a content demo then anything else (especially since we lacked especs). But this weekend you’re asked to be a contributing member of a zero-effort test group…… at least try to pretend you care enough to tolerate PvP play with other players.
The game seriously need less people to hold up in their little corners, and start interacting in friendly and encouraging manner. And if theres one thing WvW needs right now, its people to put down their ego for a couple of hours, and join in the chaos. Its like my uncle used to say….. “Riots are always more fun with more people”.
A few quick replies:
1. It could be a good time to pvp, but if I don’t like pvp then why would I want to take advantage of this good time?
2. These weekends are advertised as demo’s, not beta’s. In other words, they’re marketed for users testing out the expansion prior to purchase, not for gaining balancing data.
3. Some people want to test out the elite specs and see how fun they feel in an open world setting, but are less interested in finding out what the meta is 1 month prior to release. For example, If I knew that Mirage was fun as heck to play, I’d be focusing getting Hero Points on my Mesmer, rather than my Guardian (which I am currently working on).
2. These weekends are advertised as demo’s, not beta’s. In other words, they’re marketed for users testing out the expansion prior to purchase, not for gaining balancing data.
not advertised as but still used as a beta, they can slap a demo sticker on a pig and call it a warthog but it’s still a pig.
last weekends demo was pve style.
Because it was about showing off the new Crystal Desert map and mounts, both are PvE only content. So it made sense for that demo to focus on PvE only.
This demo however is about Elite Specs, which are not limited to any game mode, so neither should the demo.
~Sincerely, Scissors
(edited by Windu The Forbidden One.6045)
last weekends demo was pve style.
Because it was about showing off the new Crystal Desert map and mounts, both are PvE only content. So it made sense for that demo to focus on PvE only.
This demo however is about Elite Specs, which are not limited to any game mode, so neither should the demo.
I agree. I am sorely disappointed that I won’t get to check the new elite lines since I don’t PvP or WvW and sounds like trying them out on whatever mobs are there or the golems is a bust. Now I have no way to prepare for the expansion, even though I pre-ordered. Doesn’t sit well with me.
Nikal, give it a try. I also don’t PvP or WvW (though I have in the past, it’s just not my cup of tea) but I found it quite fun to carefully go through all the skills and traits and figure out how they worked together, select stats I liked (want all Viper? Whee! It’s just a few right clicks away!), and go test rotations and such while in a fight that couldn’t hurt me against foes that couldn’t die (golem cluster near big boss golem, very handy) so I had plenty of time to read what my skills did while using them before trotting up the hill to attack sample NPC professions.
Other players were being very nice about taking turns attacking the NPCs, too, letting people solo them to get a feel for the elites.
It’s very worth doing. Will you fully learn the elites? No, but you might figure out which ones interest you the most so you can focus on getting HP on those alts before Sept 22.
Only makes sense if that was the primary motivation for the creation of the elites, after trying them, that was pretty clear. Every skill set i could find was specific to both PvP and every 2nd critical set was for raiding, none of which i do so I’ll wait until the expansion pops.
While I would have liked to work with the elite specs in PvE, I feel that maybe Anet limited them to pvp and wvw intentionally to gather data on how well they fare there. To perhaps do some additional skill and trait tweaking before the final release into the wild. Its just a thought. I’m super tired today so I could be totally off too.
I don’t see myself a using a few of the newly added weapons use on the elite specs. I was downed quickly on the few NPC’s that did fight back rather quickly which was both medium and light armor class except the necro. But then hard to tell how it will be in surviving a group of enemies in PvE because your always fighting more then one. But I guess that feed back will come when game launches. But I do get a feeling that specs are more geared towards PvP.
So to answer a few of the points that have been raised …
I don’t particularly enjoy SPvP at the best of times with builds I’m familiar with, the notion of going into a match in order to learn how to play seems ridiculous, and a terrible idea. Also HotM is so overcrowded at the moment there is no way to learn on the NPC opponents.
As for WvW, that’s another environment which is lousy for learning a new spec … and frankly, I don’t want to be a liability to my server (any more than I normally am).
The open world PvE environment gives an opportunity to learn, to figure out what I do or don’t like about a given spec … to decide which new specs I enjoy playing. At the moment I have only ANet’s hype to go on which, frankly, isn’t very useful. Who knows I might enjoy Holosmith rather than the HoT elite Engineer spec (I am not now, nor am I ever going to use that bullkitten name as anything other than an insult) but unless I get access to an environment where I can concentrate on learning, I guess I won’t know so it’ll be developed last … if at all.
Piken Square
For me, the new Elite Specialisations have always been the most important in the upcoming expansions.
I preordered HoT and really enjoyed the beta weekend they had for it. I got to test the then new Elite Specs anywhere I wanted and progress was carried forward to the 2nd Beta weekend too! The link below shows it:
I preordered PoF too, but this last beta weekend was utterly disappointing, considering the one we had for HoT!! I really hope they have a PvE Beta weekend soon so that all PvE players get to test out the new Elite Specs.