Points of Interest, Does it Interest You?
Ok, so I just had an idea for what could make Points of Interest better for me, a Q&A portion of the show every show, during the live feed people are constantly chatting but why not have players submit questions through chat via the live feed or have a way to submit them in a forum thread prior to the live show and then the devs answer some of our questions? I for one would really like to see that happen.
For me personaly the name “Points of interest” is totaly missleading! All that chattering seems to be just time-filling to say “woah, look at us! we uploaded a video of abaout half an hour! We rock!”
I’ve got from those vids like what, 3-5 things that really interested me? To me this is just a “look at us communicating with you guys”- thing…
Wlaadas Frost – Warrior (Charr) Torlic Frost – Guardian (Norn)
Ok, so I just had an idea for what could make Points of Interest better for me, a Q&A portion of the show every show, during the live feed people are constantly chatting but why not have players submit questions through chat via the live feed or have a way to submit them in a forum thread prior to the live show and then the devs answer some of our questions? I for one would really like to see that happen.
They’ve done a bit of that Q&A in previous episodes. Problem is, they really can’t answer the questions people like to ask. Like “is this it?” type stuff.
I agree though, the series isn’t all that interesting, partially due to the personalities of the host, no offense to Rubi, the other part due to what they can actually expose during them. I think most folks want more info than they get and hoped PoI, would provide that.
Ok, so I just had an idea for what could make Points of Interest better for me, a Q&A portion of the show every show, during the live feed people are constantly chatting but why not have players submit questions through chat via the live feed or have a way to submit them in a forum thread prior to the live show and then the devs answer some of our questions? I for one would really like to see that happen.
They have taken questions (and provided answers) from time to time. The format seems different since the change in host(esse)s. I think Rubi is pretty amenable to suggestions, so it may be worth giving some feedback on what you’d like to see showcased in upcoming episodes. Just remember, the Devs aren’t really prone to speak about anything upcoming. There have, however, been some interesting lore episodes with the writers, and some great information given on how some content is designed and implemented. =)
Watched it a couple of times but that is about it. Nothing else to say about it really.