[Poll] Would you buy the Bunny Ears?
Shut up and take my money!
No, not my style for this game. Or any other game probably.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
It depends on the price.
Sadly, GW2 has one of the most ridiculously high priced cash shop on the market, so I would probably not buy them because of that.
I probably would, if they were the same price they were originally.
I didn’t get them when they were first available because I wasn’t buying town clothes at the time, and they weren’t a “must have” for my character. Now they can be worn with armour and I have many more characters so it’d be a better purchase.
(I’d also like cat ears, but there’s probably less demand for them, I just want them because they’d enable me to recreate an old character I never thought I’d be able to make in a game.)
Edit: I also have 2 friends who don’t visit the forums who really, really want the bunny ears and will buy them as soon as they’re made available.
“Life’s a journey, not a destination.”
(edited by Danikat.8537)
god no
Not my kind of thing. None of my characters would be able to pull it off.
Knowing Anet they’ll probably be some stupid price like 400 gems.
Yes I would buy them.
Eeesh, no, not in a million years, not the right style for this game in my opinion
or for myself.
Already have ‘m so: no. Cause I’m lucky didn’t overwrite them and have’m unlocked in my wardrobe…..
Been There, Done That & Will do it again…except maybe world completion.
No, not my thing.
Only if they come bundled with a tutu and pink butterfly wings/glider.
On second thought, no.
Only if they come bundled with with a visible mouse cursor.
Thinking even better, no.
It is too late.
How much were they again?
Levi Ironhart, Cassandra Irehart, Lucio Trothart
Discord Gearhart, Naevius Soulhart, Frisk Softhart
Only, and I repeat only, if they were pink and came with the rest of Aunt Clara’s outfit.
Even if it does make us look like a deranged Easter bunny.
Playing almost exclusively charrs, I don’t see a lot of point in a 3rd pair of long ears, so I wouldn’t buy.
I voted no because I already have them. Your poll could use more options. :p
~quickly hops away~
Yes but anet doesn’t want free money.
Yes but anet doesn’t want free money.
I do so send it to me.
Would you like some hard cheeze with your sad whine?
I’d buy them for my light female classes, make a playboy bunny.
….. And Elementalist.
Nah already have em and luckily all S1 event and gem store items, but if others want the ears then go for it.