Possibility of 2 Orr's in future?
I doubt it would be an instant change. There would still be a lot of undead to destroy even if their master was gone, and the landscape would take a long time to change. I’m happy how it is, but I would like to hear npcs acknowledge Zhaitan’s death now he’s gone.
Perhaps that’s how it should start, small and sutle changes. The current maps anew but slightly changed. Npc’s would say different things, new events to help clear up pockets of remaining risen. All the meanwhile grass slowly growing back, flowers etc, normal animals making their return.
Perhaps this could also continue to change through a future living Story such as we have the Flame/Frost one now. To me it would be the perfect way to tie that type of living world content together with the end of the story. Right now the story seems unfinished. I know thats party because we still have dragons left to slay, yet the Orr area should be done and starting to change slowy to reflect on what we have done there.
Great ideas OP. Who knows what lies in store.
Thing is, Orr is a risen island from the ocean. It’s not that likely to return to a lush wilderness with too many animals, etc. grass and plant life, sure, but it will not likely become a tropical paradise by any means.
Last I checked, Orr was still a barren wasteland, ravaged by 2 end-of-the-world scale events (drowned by Abaddon, raised by Zhaitan), I don’t see it coming back to anything close to livable lands any time soon. Spiting populations between 2 alternative Orrs seems pointless and counter intuitive to MMO design. Making changes to the area to reflect the Story makes no sense for players who did not complete the story.
Or, in other words, this is not a Single Player game where you can do drastic scenery changes over the progression of the plot. Now, areas that do not have any “storyline” plot to them and being prepped for addition of new areas are a different story, but even they will probably reach a “final” point that will be pre-defeat of respective Dragon and stay there.
Definitely Option 2.
Pls don’t change the current Orr into some sunshine and happiness-crap. I like Orr the way it is now. Anet have invested a lot of development-time to create the current orr-maps and events, would be a waste to brush it over.
I wouldn’t mind it changing in the future, perhaps when we have a new expansion and storyline to complete. Anet have already started making changes to maps, so there is a precedent. However i don’t see it working currently as it is a major part of the story.
Last I checked, Orr was still a barren wasteland, ravaged by 2 end-of-the-world scale events (drowned by Abaddon, raised by Zhaitan), I don’t see it coming back to anything close to livable lands any time soon. Spiting populations between 2 alternative Orrs seems pointless and counter intuitive to MMO design. Making changes to the area to reflect the Story makes no sense for players who did not complete the story.
Or, in other words, this is not a Single Player game where you can do drastic scenery changes over the progression of the plot. Now, areas that do not have any “storyline” plot to them and being prepped for addition of new areas are a different story, but even they will probably reach a “final” point that will be pre-defeat of respective Dragon and stay there.
Well the thing is there would be 2 different versions of the Orr maps depending on if you have beaten the game or not. Also I guess there could be a way to go back and see the “old Orr” again weather that be by choosing which map to go to by going to the area or partying with a friend who has not beaten the game yet I would leave that up to ANET.
The point is, the game (story line) points at the area changing. I have seen many people here on the forums ridiculing Anet for the storyline pointing in this direcetion yet it not being done. Imagine if you will for the end of our story instead of seeing ourselves actually beating Zhaitan down instead we got a text record of it. I’m sure you might feel short changed too. For some players (the ones complaining on the forums) perhaps this is what they mean.
Also in gw1 there was a similar situation with searing and presearing. Basically after you started playing the game part way through you would not be able to go back to the nice beautiful map because it was destroyed by storyline. Thus some players NEVER furthered their story just so they could stay in the nice part of that world. If they did continue on the map becomes a barren wasteland and really not nice to visit. They have the opportunity here to reverse what they did in gw1.
Anyone else with comments?
I suspect we’ll see most of these changes in Guild Wars 3. From orbit, because that one will take place in space.
Could be, I only hope that for gw2 we get a complete “globe” of a world this time and not just 1 or 2 continents. We can dream can’t we? :p
Nobody else wants this story/area improved on in future? Ideas people, we need ieas!
Makes no sense. The soil is completely salted from being under the sea for 250 years. It would take decades before anything could grow there again.
Delayed content is eventually good. Rushed content is eternally bad. ~ Shigeru Miyamoto
Makes no sense. The soil is completely salted from being under the sea for 250 years. It would take decades before anything could grow there again.
Yet the game points to it happening. Besides that a lot of “no sense” things are added into games for immersion and fun. Think of dragons, magic etc etc for example. Do they make sense? You could say yes because this is a fantasy game with which I would reply well then the soil has been magically corrected or enhanced. See how that works now?
This is the kind of thing that makes me think anet really messed up with the story in general. I mean, we know the VO work and cutscenes can be out of whack but it goes a little deeper still.
Because the personal story has been tied to the world lore more than your own character and because the living story has come in too late, things like what your suggesting are pretty much out of the question. Phasing and instancing players seperating new and vets is never a good idea when the open world pve experience is this good.
You also create massive conflicts with option 2, as a newer player entering the new orr areas before completeing the appropriate steps in the personal story will have the story spoilt a little.
I hope so. It needs to change back into a lush region especially if we ever go to Elona in an expansion. Another “undead” region would bum me out. I am actually kinda hoping we go to a wholly new continent and skip Nightfall.
That was one of the strong points of GW1, changing things. When you beat War in Kryta, no more WIK mobs. Cleanse Zen Daijun, no more afflicted. Many examples of this.
There was a flexibility that no open world game has.
And I don’t want to see Nightfall. More freeking zombies, Sunspears corrupted and working for Joko, no thanks. NF was and is my favorite Anet game.
As it is, parts of this game are “too much” for me. I don’t like being pals with the Charr. I won’t go to catacombs and have to see and murder all of my Pre Searing trainers. If Charr have trouble with Ascalon Ghosts, they can deal with em.. they made em.
This is a big game, and I’ve managed to avoid Orr and the Charr lands without it bothering me at all.
Wow there are a few various opinions on this so far and not what I expected. Thanks for all your input guys, both for and against I appreciate it. I would like to know Anet’s stance on this subject, that would be great.