Possibility of Valentine's Day Themed Event?
Valentine’s Day? What about the Canthan Lunar Festival?
That would assume that I’m a GW1 player and know what it is; unfortunately, I am not, so I have no idea what it is.
I would like replies to remain open to the fact that not every GW2 player played GW1.
Cantha is the orient of the GW universe, and Canthans always celebrate the Lunar Festival on the first day of the lunar new year. It occurs around the same time as Valentine’s Day. There isn’t a Canthan community in GW2 at the moment, save for the Tengu, but they walled up so I don’t know if their festival will be celebrated outside of their city. Perhaps this year, Valentine’s Day will take the spotlight.
Valentine’s day is a hallmark holiday so I would hope not. If Valentine’s Day gets one I want one for Beer Can Appreication Day. (it’s real, google it)
If they put Cupid wings in this game my rage level will go plaid.
It is a meaningless “spend money” retailers holiday anyhow, no need to have it here.